Official Crimson Circle
日本語 (Japanese)
Webhost: Satoshi Ito

* Note: this link will change your language.

Other Crimson Circle Websites
Webhost: Shun

* Note: this link will take you off the Crimson Circle website.


  • Journey of the Angels
  • ProGnost 2023 Update
  • ProGnost 2023 - Quantum Weirdness
  • ProGnost 2019 - The Dragon Enters
  • ProGnost 2020 Update - Adamonomics
  • ProGnost 2022 Update - Meta Realities
  • The Master’s Life – Part 11: Living Energy
  • Magic of the Masters
  • ProGnost 2020 - Planetary Awakening
  • ProGnost 2022 - Metaphysics for Masters
  • The Master’s Life – Part 10: Way Out
  • The Simple Master – Allowing & And
  • The Master's Life – Part 9: Realusion
  • ProGnost 2019 Update - For the Dreamers
  • Sensuality Clinic
  • The Master’s Life – Part 8: Nova Vita (Your New Life)
  • The Master's Life - Part 4: Sensuality
  • The Master’s Life – Part 7: I Am Creation
  • ProGnost 2018 - Last Era of the Mind
  • Love 2.0
  • The Master’s Life – Part 5: Ahmyo
  • The Master’s Life – Part 6: No More!
  • Ancestral Freedom
  • ProGnost 2016 Update
  • Heaven’s Cross – Part 2: The Apocalypse
  • ProGnost Update - July 2017
  • Heaven’s Cross – Part 1: Preparing for the Opening
  • Dream of the Merlin
  • ProGnost 2017 - Bridge to Theos
  • The Master’s Life – Part 15: Across the River
  • Making Light Body
  • The Master's Life – Part 3: Embodiment
  • The Master's Life - Part 1: Transfiguration
  • The Master’s Life – Part 12: Pathways to Realization
  • The Wound of Adam

日本語訳 (また - 変容)