Check this page often for the latest news items and information.

  • ProGnost 2024 Update - The Speed of Change
    Posted July 1, 2024

    Adamus talks about the perception of acceleration and the urgent need for Shaumbra to let go of suffering.

    Just $30 through August 31.


  • Ask Tobias: The Evolution of Gaia - RE-RELEASE!
    Posted July 1, 2024

    This important session with Tobias is now available in preparation for new messages from Adamah - Gaia herself! 

    Just $20!


  • Shaumbra Magazine June 2024
    Posted June 1, 2024

    The June 2024 issue of Shaumbra Magazine is now available!

    For more Information, click here

  • The Art of Light – Part 1: Imagination - available now!
    Posted May 29, 2024

    Unleashing Your Creative Potential

    Delve into the profound ability of imagination to literally create reality. An important tool of the Master in this Time of Machines, Adamus notes that imagination is not a function of the mind and brain. Instead, it’s an angelic sense that allows you to access potentials far beyond mental limitations. Remember how to tap into this natural ability, a vital tool for bringing in your dreams from the other realms and shaping your human reality. Discover the metaphysics of creation, as Adamus explains how imagination manifests human desires using energy, light, and gravity to form the atomic structures of this physical realm. As Adamus states, this potent tool of imagination is the very light of creation Yeshua (Jesus) talked about.

    For more information- click here

  • Adamus talks with Michael Sandler!
    Posted May 28, 2024

    Listen and participate in the world premiere of this intense and dynamic interview.

    May 30 at 6:00 PM (Denver time) on YOUTUBE.

    Or copy and paste this link: 

  • Metaphysics of the Merlin Online- Available now!
    Posted May 28, 2024

    Metaphysics of the Merlin ONLINE • September 7 - 8, 2024


    The 10th annual Merlin celebration is on the calendar! A wonderful lineup of entities and the online connection with Shaumbra worldwide will make this event memorable in the Merlin gathering tradition!

    Entity Lineup:

     • Merlin Ambrosius
     • Adamus Saint-Germain
     • Beloved St. Germain
     • Kuthumi lal Singh
     • Yeshua ben Joseph
     • Mystery guest

    The Merlin gatherings are always filled with profound information, incredible insights, and cosmic humor. The past few Merlin events have been groundbreaking.

    For more Information - click here

  • 3 New in person events in hawaii!
    Posted May 4, 2024

    Exploring the New Light • Kona, Hawaii • October 13-17, 2024

    Join us in Kona, Hawaii, to celebrate EXPLORING THE NEW LIGHT  workshop at Villa Ahmyo! 

    Shortly after Heaven’s Cross on March 22, 2023 Adamus Saint-Germain made the first mention of “The New Light.” The physics are simple: As a result of Heaven’s Cross, there is a new level of divinity and consciousness with many humans around the world. The “light” from the soul’s energy that provides the personal life-force in this 3D realm refracts in a different way when it lands on a highly conscious or Realized person.

    For more information - click here   

    Metaphysics of The Mind • Kona, Hawaii • November 6 - 10, 2024

    “What was I thinking??”

    You might have asked yourself this question a few times, especially after doing something odd or unusual. It's a great question, especially when you consider what’s really going on in your mind.  What makes you think certain things? What is happening inside that brain of yours that makes you think the way you think, act the way you act, and feel the way you feel? In this new and groundbreaking course from Adamus Saint-Germain, we’ll take a look at what’s happening in the mind from the metaphysical perspective rather than the traditional psychological viewpoint.

    For more information - click here

    Masters Circle • Kona, Hawaii • November 17-21, 2024

    Join us in Kona, Hawaii, to celebrate the new MASTERS CIRCLE workshop at Villa Ahmyo! 

    More a gathering than a workshop, each Masters Circle will be tailored to the specific group of Shaumbra in attendance rather than a structured workshop format. Adamus will talk about the issues of importance to the group, with plenty of interaction between group members and Adamus. Come prepared for open and intense discussions, deep merabhs and good times on the island with other Shaumbra Masters from around the world.

    For more information - click here

  • Dreamwalk into Aerotheon
    Posted April 29, 2024

    Experiencing Full Spectrum Gravity

    When discussing the metaphysics of creation, Adamus describes “Full Spectrum Gravity” as a dualistic force that holds things together but can also bring expansion. He calls this aerotheon, a part of our natural state of being. Gravity is caused by consciousness and desire activating energy into light. It is light coming to life in answer to the human’s desire for experience. “Inbound gravity” is the glue that holds reality together, keeping atomic and electromagnetic structures in place to build our playground for experience. In aerotheon, we can now open up to “outbound gravity,” which changes how the body, mind, thoughts and emotions operate and brings tremendous freedom. It’s an act of consciousness and it’s all natural.

    Fore more information - click here

  • The Threshold Online • August 9 - 11, 2024- available now!
    Posted March 2, 2024

    According to Adamus, what one experiences in the Threshold workshop is something every single Ascended Master has gone through. It is the final step before Realization.

    This profound material has been Crimson Circle’s premier in-person workshop since 2014. And now, at Adamus’ request, the Threshold is offered as an online class, with easy access for Shaumbra around the world. 

    For more information - click here

  • In Honor of John Kuderka
    Posted October 3, 2017

    John Kuderka made his transition late Tuesday afternoon. John helped make the Crimson Circle what it is today with his technical expertise and passion for Shaumbra. Please take a moment and join with thousands of Shaumbra and angelic entities to greet and honor John as he comes to the other side. This is not a DreamWalk, but rather a Procession of Honor for a dear, sweet and amazing man. THANK YOU John, we love and admire you!

    Posted April 25, 2016
    A brand new venue for selling and sharing your creations with other Shaumbra. Check it out! 
    Posted March 30, 2016
    We have recently added a Crimson Site Map, that will give you an immediate view of the entire website.  The site map can be found on the footer of every page. All headings in the site map are clickable.   Click here to view.