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Fațetele înțelepciunii

    Înțelepciune de la Shaumbra din întreaga lume.

   Informațiile despre cum să participați în acest proiect  sunt incluse în Fațetele înțelepciunii.

• When you are not sure if you want to stay here on earth, just choose life and see if it will unfold here or there. / Când nu ești sigur dacă vrei să rămâi aici, pe Pământ, doar alege viața și vezi dacă înflorește aici sau acolo.

• When you're in AND, chaos becomes fun. / Când ești în ȘI haosul devine amuzant/distractiv.

• Life doesn`t make any sense. Stop pondering. Start living. / Viața nu are niciun sens. Încetează cântărirea. Începe să trăiești.

• The moment I let go of power, there is joy. / În momentul în care eliberez puterea, acolo este bucurie.

• When you stop following your thoughts, consciousness will appear. / Când încetezi să-ți urmezi gândurile tale, conștiința va apărea.

• Questions will move the universe to bring its answers. / Întrebările vor mișca universul pentru a a duce răspunsurile. 

• Bon your life. / (Făceți-vă) Bun(ă) viața voastră.

• Even if you dislike another person, you can still respect them. / Chiar dacă nu-ți place o persoană, încă o poți respecta.

• Don't delay. Either do it or let it go. / Nu întârziați. Fie o faceți, fie o eliberați.

• To distill just a part of your experience doesn't work. / A distila doar o parte din experiență nu funcționează.

• Love. / Iubirea.

• Listen when you're talking. / Ascultă atunci când vorbești.

• Have compassion with yourself. / Ai compasiune pentru tine însuți.

• Trying to fix means you don't realize its perfection. Fixing is telling the universe it failed. / A încerca să repari înseamnă că nu realizezi că este perfecțiune. A repara îi spune universului că acesta a dat greș.

• There is nothing unknown out there. / Nu este nimic necunoscut acolo (în afară).

• Quantum allowing makes the story disappear. / Permiterea cuantică face ca povestea să dispară.

• The Now moment is not a tiny snatch between past and future. It is a whole landscape that includes all time. / Momentul Acum nu este o mică perioadă între trecut și viitor. Este un întreg peisaj acre include întregul timp. 

• My mind is On Demand. / Mintea mea este La cerere. 

• Don’t try to love yourself mentally. Just allow the love that is already there to flow into you. / Nu încerca să te iubești pe tine însuți mental. Doar permite iubirea care este deja acolo să curgă prin tine. 

• Live life to the fullest or leave. Absolutely live it to the fullest. / Trăiește viața la maxim sau pleacă. Trăiește-o absolut la maxim.

• It’s time for all of us to live a Graceful life, simply by allowing all energy to serve us.

• Consciousness meeting knowingness bring realizations. 

• It is all about the freedom of wisdom and the wisdom of freedom.

• Magic means multiple, many things occurring at the same time.

• Know the truest, most genuine part of yourself without questioning, doubting or holding back.

• Master, sip your rose hip tea, relax and receive. No need to fight or chase, it all comes to you with ease and grace.

• Knowing is effortless, because there is no power in Knowingness.

• Sovereignty = Enlightenment = Freedom

• You, Master, fell in love with yourself.

• If you're at a loss about what to do, simply enjoy life.
(Deutsch: Wenn du gerade nicht weißt, was du tun sollst, genieße einfach das Leben.)

• What is grace? Grace is receiving. Period.

• Why? Because I CAN! 

• Enjoy life!

• We are all actors on the stage of life.

• Create the wave, catch it and ride it; enjoying every moment.

• Go with the flow.

• I didn’t know I could laugh about that!

• You are God always.

• To Be you needn't act, but to act you need to Be.

• Breaking the limitations should not be a synonym to breaking a law.

• Look and feel. The more you feel, the more you see.

• Plenty does not mean just enough. It means that it’s always there whenever you need it.

• Want to know where you are in life? Watch your manifestations.

• The first one who said that life is a journey was the first travel agent.

• I’m never bored because I Exist.

• The magnitude of individual experience is proportional to the magnitude of individual consciousness.

• Do you know what real freedom is? No? Neither do I. Let's just Be.

• Enlightenment is not about a destination, it’s about a journey.

• Nobody can take anything from you.

• Your 'I Am' is your safe space.

• Be yourself, everyone else is taken.

• Don't water yourself down because people can't handle you at 100% proof.

• Don't turn down your own light just because you shine too bright for others.

• What other people think of you is none of your business.

• If you get to a conclusion that makes you feel less worthy, change the premises.

• Living fully is like riding your bicycle - only when you catch speed, do you find your balance.

• Anything and everything you could ever desire to experience is always there. It is always available for you in your I Am.

• Anchor yourself in thyself.

• Be honest and kind and healthy.

• Say Yes to every experience your body has.

• I created the mirror in which I watched the image of myself that I also created.

• Come, and breathe with your Soul, the greatest love affair you’ll ever know.

• Caterpillar, you are butterfly, too, but nobody can unfold your wings for you.

• Normal is not natural.

• Allowing, receiving from thyself, the absolute perfect, appropriate thing coming to you.

• In allowing there is no force, no power.

• It was not an error. I was not enlightened enough in that moment.

• To honor every experience is You taking full responsibility that You are a Creator.

• Why are all experiences based upon Self love? Because you are who you are right now.

• You cannot not love yourself. Everything that’s led you here is based upon Self love.

• Acceptance means allowing without any judgment.

• If you are in judgment then you are subject to false perceptions.

• True experience of Self comes through allowing.

• Our perceptions are the foundation for judgments. If you just allow, the judgment will disappear.

• I Am the Many.

• There is nothing else to do but be yourself.

• To love yourself is only thing that matters – everything else follows from that.

• You are a beautiful diamond with many different facets.

• The Art of The Wink...Helping Humans Real-Eyes The I

• If stuck energy is just “chi debris” then take a good deep breath and give yourself a “Freedom Flush.”

• There is a last time for everything

• To be realized or not, that is realization.

• Experience is creation in realization.

• Time lives within the timeless.

• First I searched for God outside then I searched for God inside. Inside appeared to be outside; I stopped searching. I Am God also

• No person, no partner, no child or anybody else belongs to me.

• It's not my task/job/duty to make anybody happy. And it's not the job of others to make ME happy.

• I do not really know what’s “the best” for anybody.

• Death is for the living. Those who have died/passed on are doing just fine.

• No belief, no judgment; no judgment, no problem.

• You are the writer, director and star of the screenplay of your life. Don’t get upset when someone isn’t following your script, because they are starring in their own screenplay. The secret is to realize this.

• Just because someone doesn’t agree with how you see things, that doesn’t make them wrong. 

• After so many years of fighting it, I realized that my body is my best friend. The more I acknowledge it, the wiser I become.

• Allow life.

• Do nothing, be everything.


Words NOT spoken...
Actions NOT taken...
Feelings NOT expressed...
These are a life NOT lived, and in turn, A Creator NOT Realized

• I Am Alive

• There is a gift in each of my experiences and situations

• Recognizing and allowing my resistance is like opening a water tap so that the energy can flow again.

• True freedom is found in letting go.

• What is the worst that can happen? You die!

• Your realizations are already there, simply waiting for you to see them in a consciousness which recognizes them. 

• Instead of judging, forgive yourself.

• Acknowledge thyself and others.

• Awakening was for freedom!

• I exist within my creation.

• You are the creator of 100 % of your reality.

• There is no wrong turn.

• In the ‘AND’ the Master is there.

• Enlightenment is the realization of your Holistic Self, your holistic state of being.

• Everything is already there. Let it come to you.

• Mastery is truly conscious life.

• You, the Master, are already enlightened in the Now moment.

• I AM consciousness network!

• Consciousness has to exist for anything else to exist.

• What you are really doing here is changing consciousness on the planet. That’s really what you came here to do.

• I AM that I AM. And by any name a sovereign being.

• I exist, therefore I AM - pure consciousness, expressing myself into this creation to experience.

• Trust the I AM autopilot. There's always the happy ending to the movie of life!

• Relax into your enlightenment.

• Everything is about my enlightenment.

• Yo soy el Punto. I Am the Point of Consciousness.

• I AM in my Safe Space

• I stand in peace in the midst of chaos and observe: it's not about me!

• The only thing that is yours is what you choose - let everything else go.

• Choose it and it will become so.

• Simply BE, just be in your radiance, that makes the biggest difference.

• When darkness comes around, be still and breathe with compassion, be with it. Connect with the spark of light that is still inside of it.

• Darkness is your Divinity.

• It doesn't matter.

• Shut up, mind, I'm enjoying life!

• Trust, let go and allow.

• Take a deep breath of receiving.

• All is well in all of creation.

Pain is nothing but love that has been refused by me.
You are God always.
It’s not about power, it’s about CONSCIOUSNESS.
Time lives within the timeless.

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