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A unique opportunity to expand the Crimson Circle Connection Center (also know as the CC Studio) has come to us. For some “interesting” reason our next-door neighbors decided to relocate to the far end of the building, freeing up the space adjacent to our studio!

I have to admit that I’ve coveted their space ever since we opened the CC Studio a few years ago. While the CC Studio is a state-of-the-art technical facility, we’ve always needed more space for Shaumbra gatherings, monthly webcasts, meetings, workshops, storage and restrooms. We’re often tripping over ourselves due to the limited space in our current suite. Plus, we don’t want a noisy tenant to move in next door now that the space is available!


All this has happened when we were just about to start negotiating to renew our current lease. The timing is perfect. As Tobias used to say, “Release and Expand.” But in this case it’s Re-Lease (a new 5-year lease with better rates) and Expand (nearly doubling the size of the CC Studio). This would be a dream-come-true, with a facility that serves all of our needs while providing the space to grow.

It’s expensive of course, because commercial construction in Colorado is pricey these days. The total cost of the build-out and new equipment will be about $200,000 (two hundred thousand dollars), not including the actual monthly lease payments. It’s the same dilemma we faced when we were looking at creating a broadcast studio 2-1/2 years ago. We thought about getting a “lesser” space and almost no audience seating, but decided it would be well worthwhile to do it right, rather than cheap. Shaumbra from around the world nearly brought us to tears when they came forward with over $250,000 in financial support to build the CC Studio. We’ve put it to good use ever since.

Thanks to the support of Shaumbra, the CC Studio has proven to be one of the best things to happen to the Crimson Circle. We’ve been able offer more to Shaumbra than ever, and we don’t have to set up and break down the technical equipment every time we do a webcast, like the old days at the Coal Creek Community Center. Our video productions and webcasts are more professional and have a much higher degree of consciousness and energy than ever before.

In order to expand the CC Studio we are once again asking for financial support from Shaumbra. We’re introducing a PLEDGE TO EXPAND fund-raising drive that will determine whether or not we are able to go forward with the expansion project. We can’t do it without you!


1. We’re launching the Pledge Drive on March 31 and run it through April 30. If we receive enough pledges during that time we’ll go forward with the studio expansion.
2. If you’d like to participate, just pledge the amount you’d like to contribute. You can pledge $44, $99, or any other amount.
3. Any pledge payment of $250 or more will qualify you as a Crimson Circle Angel for one year. Click here to see the benefits of being a CC Angel.
4. Any pledge payment of $250 or more will also qualify you to be entered into a raffle for a personal one-hour channeled session with Adamus Saint-Germain. One person will be selected as the winner of the raffle. The private session will be conducted over Skype, and you’ll be able to ask any questions you like.
5. Your pledge won’t be due for actual payment until after April 30, and ONLY if we receive enough pledges to go forward with the project. If you have pledged and we are able to go forward, we’ll send you a link to make the actual payment. We’ll ask that you send the payment by May 31. No payments will be due if we do not receive enough pledges to expand.
6. If you’d like to make a pledge, just click on the “Pledge to Expand” link below. Remember, no payment is due now, just your pledge.


On the Pledge to Expand page on the CC website we’ll update the pledge amount every few days so you can see the progress. We’ll also list your name as a Shaumbra Pledger (unless you choose to remain anonymous). If we raise more than the $200,000 amount needed for the build-out, we’ll apply the extra funds to paying the monthly rent. In other words, 100% of the funds will be used for the studio expansion or the monthly rent. None of the Pledge funds will be used for regular CC operating costs.


Linda and I are very excited about this potential. In fact, we feel so strongly about it that we’d like to be the first to make a pledge. Our personal pledge to start the program has already been entered at $1000.

Crimson Circle Connection CenterBENEFITS OF THE EXPANDED STUDIO

What will the new space do for Shaumbra and Crimson Circle? Here are just a few benefits:

• Space for workshops
• A new area for meetings
• Room for breaks between Shouds and events
• Storage space! (Right now we don’t have any storage area at the studio.)
• More restrooms! (There’s only one woman’s room and one men’s room in the current Studio. We’ll be able to double the capacity.)
• We’ll be able to keep the technical area clear of people because they can gather in the new space instead of being crowded into the studio and technical areas.)
• A private break area for Linda and myself. Right now we have to use the kitchen when we take breaks.
• A separate area for food service and refreshments. Right now people eat in the studio and technical area which can sometimes be problematic.


We’re all expanding in one way or the other, and now we have the unique opportunity to expand the Crimson Circle Studio. We can do it if Shaumbra from around the world step up to support the project. Your Pledge (which means promise or commitment) to contribute $44, $99, $250 or any amount you’re comfortable with, will help make it possible. Make your Pledge now, and if we raise enough money to make it happen you’ll have until May 31 to make the payment. Let’s see how far we can expand together!

I’ll resume my regular article next month. I felt this Pledge to Expand project is so important to Crimson Circle that it needed to be the focus of my article this month.

Help us expand the Crimson Circle Connection Center! Click here to make your Pledge.

Click here to check the progress of our Pledges.

No payment needed now; if we have enough Pledges you’ll have until May 31 to make your payment.

Thank YOU!

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