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LOUISVILLE, COLORADO USA, EARTH – MAY 2016 • Distinguished members of the Ascended Masters Club (AMC) were impressed and delighted at news that Shaumbra around the world pledged over $200,000 to expand the Crimson Circle Connection Center on Earth. The goal was reached just 25 days into the pledge drive, proving that Shaumbra are Masters in their own right.

“I never doubted Shaumbra,” clucked St. Germain. Under the nom de plume of Adamus Saint-Germain, he took over the role of Head Master of the Crimson Circle after Tobias resigned in 2009. “It was an experience of ‘letting it come to you.’ First, the Crimson Circle let the pledges come to them, and now everyone who participated will find out how easily everything comes to them.”

According to a Crimson Circle spokesperson, the office space next to the existing Crimson Circle Connection Center suddenly became available a few months ago. “It was really strange,” said the spokesperson. “The health club next to us decided to move two doors down, to the same size space and everything. Who moves just two doors down, to the same size space?”

Shaumbra, attending a monthly Shoud in late 2015, noticed the space was available and immediately imagined that the Crimson Circle would expand into it. “You don’t need to be an Ascended Master to realize the space was meant to be ours,” said a Shaumbra from nearby Boulder. According to a Crimson Circle staff member, it all happened very fast. “The subject was brought up at a staff meeting. Everything just started coming together easily and naturally. The energies were synchronous.”

Ascended Masters Atarkara-Rah and Bob react to the news about Crimson Circle’s Pledge to Expand fund drive. Company management negotiated a good lease agreement, and then began working with the architect and general contractor. Finally, it came to the issue of money. “Where are we going to get the money?” asked one of the staff members. “Our company is solid but this is too big for us to fund. It’ll cost $200,000 just to build it, not including the rent.”

One of the staff members asked the others, “What would Jesus do?” She noted that the room went silent for a moment until someone said, “Yeah, Jesus or El Morya or Gautama Buddha. What would an Ascended Master do? They’d let it come to them, without force or power or worry.’”

In late March, the announcement of a Pledge to Expand fund drive went out to Shaumbra around the world. By the end of the first day, over $30,000 was pledged, and by the end of the first week over $120,000 in commitments poured in from around the world. The $200,000 pledge goal was reached in just 25 days. Now, the pledge drive is over and Shaumbra are sending in the money to fund the studio expansion. The Crimson Circle has asked for payments to be sent in by May 8 if possible.

Back at the Ascended Masters Club, Lord Tobias was asked for his opinion about the expansion. “My pledge is that someday Sam will personally visit the Crimson Circle Connection Center. He’ll come to see Adamus and Shaumbra, and he’ll certainly stay for a glass of wine afterwards,” said Tobias.

The Ascended Masters Club has over 9600 members. Lord Kuthumi was particularly excited about the studio expansion. “Maybe they’ll build a stage big enough for Master Adamus and me. Adamus has never even invited me on stage at the Connection Center. What…. am I cow dung? Shaumbra, tell Adamus you want your Kuthumi back!”

Lord Yeshua was found holding an adorable lamb at the back of the Ascended Masters Club, his long golden hair flowing over his pure white robe. When asked about the Pledge to Expand fund drive, he said in a serene voice, “The wicked borrows and do not pay back; but the righteous is generous and gives. Honor the Lord with your wealth, then your barns will be filled with plenty and your vats will be bursting with wine. For where your treasure is, there will be your heart also. Do not charge a fellow Israelite interest, whether on money or food. The Lord sends poverty and wealth; he humbles and he…..”

At that moment, all of the other members of the Ascended Masters Club turned to Yeshua and yelled, “Set a guard, oh Lord, over thy mouth!!” Yeshua responded by creating a small flood in the club. As he walked out the back door he exclaimed, “You rock, dear Shaumbra, because you are the Family of the Rock. You rock!”

4 comments on "Ascended Masters React"

  • TesfIto on September 19, 2023 9:37 PM said:
    I LOVE it : BE Life Omnipresent Omnipotent Omniscient Vibrational Eternal Energy I would love be invited . So be it
  • Greg on March 25, 2023 2:06 PM said:
    Sorry but Jesus never asked his followers for money.
  • Maria Lennartz on May 10, 2016 12:39 PM said:
    I like to see Sam....... Kuthumi and Adamus together on stage, what a appealing idea, (laughing smiley) leave Jesuah at home, he might surprise with a lot of lambs hilarious..........
  • Angela Chanto Lobo on May 7, 2016 8:43 AM said:
    Real y simple!!! gracias por compartir.

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