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I love Keahak. This article isn’t about what Keahak will do for you, but rather about what it’s done for me personally over the past seven years since Adamus first introduced this year-long program.

Indeed, I relish the monthly Shouds because they’re a running history of Shaumbra, and our coming to Realization. It’s my monthly touch-point with tens of thousands of Shaumbra around the world as Adamus summarizes what we’ve been experiencing since our last gathering. The funny thing is that we already know the insights he’s talking about because we’ve been living them, but he has a way of putting it into words and expressions that bring it into greater clarity.

I treasure the in-person workshops because this is the time for me to be in the physical presence of Shaumbra. We get to hug, look each other in the eye, share a good meal and a glass of wine, and laugh and cry together. The energy in the meeting room is palpable and undeniable; it can be sensed and felt on many different levels. Adamus is very personal and interactive in the workshops and, regardless of the title of the workshop, he tailors everything to the Shaumbra in the room rather than Shaumbra in general.

I love Keahak. Twice a month, Linda and I sit down for the Keahak session, along with Keahak Advisors Alain Bolea and Dr. Doug Davies, and hundreds of Keahakers from all corners of the world. Sometimes we do the sessions from the comfort of our living room in the Colorado Rocky Mountains. Other times we do it from a hotel room when we’re traveling. We’ve done sessions in the shadows of the Great Pyramid in Egypt, near Iguacu Falls, Brasil, overlooking the ocean in Australia and the Mediterranean Sea in the South of France, and from Adamus’ old stomping grounds in Transylvania. Keahak embraces a very global energy.

I can feel Adamus make his entrance exactly 15 minutes before we start each Keahak session. It’s a slightly different facet of Adamus than what shows up for the monthly Shouds or workshops. He feels like he’s come in to lecture a small, intense group of students rather than a large auditorium of students like at a monthly meeting. His notes are well prepared and he knows the specific subject matter for the day. While the Shouds recap what’s been happening in the past month, the Keahak sessions are new material and experiences that often push the boundaries of my comfort levels.

The Shouds and workshops can be very entertaining at times. I find myself laughing within while I attempt to stay focused on channeling Adamus. There’s a lot of personal interaction during these events, which often leads to us laughing at ourselves or at Adamus. I’ve always thought that we should do a Shaumbra Comedy video reel with the funniest moments during the Shouds over the years because there have been a lot of humorous if not outrageous moments (e.g. the “Drive to China” exchange during the April 1 Shoud).

Keahak is different. There is very little if any joking around. Adamus welcomes the listeners into the sacred House of Keahak and then launches into his discussion of the day. It’s actually more St. Germain than Adamus; his cadence is very smooth, his tone is firm yet gentle, and his message unfolds in a very deliberate, purposeful manner. I can feel Adamus standing beside each and every Keahaker. Sometimes it’s distracting because I can “see” their rooms and feel their reactions while trying to channel Adamus.

I benefit immensely from Keahak on a personal level. The information is so new to me that it’s sometimes hard to channel. The concepts come flowing in from Adamus and I have to quickly put into words what I don’t necessarily understand on a human level. Oftentimes, I want to take a few moments to absorb what he’s saying (and sometimes I do have to pause for a few extra moments) but my job is to keep translating Adamus’ teachings and not get caught up in my own needs. There is always time for that later.

I know I attended the Mystery Schools in lifetimes past. It’s actually where I learned to channel. For me, Keahak is the modern-day Mystery School. We don’t go there for counseling or nurturing or group discussions. We come to Keahak to sit with an Ascended Master and learn about consciousness, energy and creation. We come to learn about non-Earth physics. We come to learn how to go beyond the mind without over-taxing our brains. We learn about the illusions of life, the fallacies of mass consciousness beliefs, and the great gift of the “I Exist.” The information can be challenging at times and a relief at other times, but it’s always unique. In fact, it is unlike anything I have ever heard or read in my lifetimes of spiritual studies. At times, I try to fit the material into my current framework of consciousness, and sometimes it simply doesn’t work so I have to dismantle the mental structures and start anew.

After every Keahak session, I find that I’m disoriented and spacey, much more so than after a Shoud or workshop. I’m so “out there” that I avoid driving a vehicle for at least 2-3 hours. It would be hard to get picked up by a police officer and have to explain that I was “DUI” – Driving Under the Influence – not of alcohol but rather from channeling a very intense entity. I actually love the feeling because it’s so expansive, but it’s very hard to do mental work like replying to emails, writing an article or having a logical discussion. I tend to be very hungry right after a Keahak session so Linda and I usually find a nearby restaurant to get grounded with food. For some reason, that’s when a cheeseburger and fries tastes like a gourmet meal.

I love Keahak. It combines the very best of what we do at the Crimson Circle, and I find it to be my favorite “class” for my own personal embodied enlightenment.

Keahak VII registration is open through June 15, and kicks off on July 2. There are two sessions per month with Adamus. You can listen to the sessions live, and/or listen to the recordings at any time in the House of Keahak. You can subscribe to Keahak VII even if you haven’t participated in previous Keahak programs; it’s different and unique every year.


2 comments on "Keahak: A Modern-Day Mystery School"

  • Rosalba Lozada on May 12, 2017 8:52 PM said:
    Thanks Geoffrey, this is going to be my first year. I am so exited that can't wait to start. Love
  • Ingrid Aldendorff on May 12, 2017 8:24 AM said:
    Thank you Geoff for putting your passion for keahak into words. I am in the program since the beginning and I love it, too. I knew from the beginning, I had to be there and it was my ascension gift for me. I too feel very spacy afterwards , so much, that every time, I listen to the last channel again, it feels brand new, every time I get something else, so funny. And there are many feeling portions. And I always know, it is keahak time, very precious for me

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