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I ended my previous Shaumbra Magazine article with the words: The life of Shaumbra is a life of changes. The journey to realization isn’t always easy, although even that changes after a tremendous amount of releasing, clearing and allowing. It starts with a huge change that occurs at the time of awakening, oftentimes involving your job and relationships. The job or career changes because, in so many cases, it’s only been a way of earning a “just enough” living rather than a life of passion and joy. The relationships change because so often they are based on old karma rather than true love and honoring.

The changes continue and go even deeper as we move into our mastery, and eventually our embodied enlightenment. They come in the form of how we perceive both ourselves and the world around us. Our beliefs change (often not replaced with new beliefs but rather “free space”), our bodies change as we release ancestral biology, and certainly our levels of sensitivity and awareness change. The changes can be overwhelming to the human aspect, but the Master already knows the changes have occurred, and that “all is well.”

We asked for change in this lifetime – actually, we demanded change – because we weren’t going to tolerate another lifetime of the same-old, same-old. The old way of life just had to change, and not changing simply wasn’t an option. Ultimately, the changes are all about how we bring energy into our life and use it for freedom of expression, and about the wisdom of the soul. As Shaumbra, we have come to love the changes for what they bring, as much as we curse them for their disruption. The life of Shaumbra is a life of changes… and disruption.

Life within Crimson Circle is a life of changes too. As an organization, we have gone through many changes over the years. I think about this as we celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Quantum Leap event in Taos, New Mexico back in September 2007. Nearly 700 Shaumbra from 30+ countries gathered in northern New Mexico to herald in a quantum leap of consciousness on the planet. It was one of the most memorable Crimson Circle events ever. (Note: You can download and view the hour-long 2007 Quantum Leap recap video free of charge through the end of September by clicking here. You can also read or listen to the Quantum Leap channels free in the Library.)

Crimson Circle has changed in obvious ways, such as moving the Shouds from the teepee to our living room, then to the Coal Creek Community Center, and eventually to the beautiful studio and Masters Club. We’ve gone from a total volunteer staff (originally with Michele MacHale, John Kuderka, Joe Collins and Sandra Harris) to a team of 10 full-time and 5 part-time members. We’ve gone from a single website with 12 pages back in 2001 to three enterprise-level websites with thousands of pages in 2017.

In 2009 we went through an unprecedented change when Tobias left, after 10 years of working with Shaumbra, and Adamus took his place. The channels and messages changed, and this led to a change among a lot of Shaumbra. Some who had been very close to us just weren’t comfortable with Adamus’ style, which is something I actually understand, because it took me at least 6 months to feel at ease with the way Adamus works with us. While Tobias had a gentle and grandfatherly demeanor, Adamus is provocative and has the personality of a hard-driving, eccentric college professor. He’s definitely not for everyone.

Now, moving into late 2017, we’re in the midst of yet another change. I can already hear some of you groaning, but hold on just a second. I think you’ll like this change. Let me offer a little background before getting into the details.

At the beginning of the year, we had a few meetings to discuss changing the stage design at the studio. The “trees and shrubs” background had been there for a while and we decided it was time to update the set. There were some good ideas from the staff, but nothing seemed to click. Then one day Adamus popped in and reminded me about a beautiful purple amethyst crystal tree we had seen in Brasil. My first thoughts were that it was too expensive to buy, and too big and delicate to ship. I could feel Adamus rolling his eyes, so I humored him by contacting Conrado Justus Machado in Iguacu Falls, Brasil to check out the price. It was indeed way too expensive, but a few days later Conrado emailed back to say he had negotiated a much more favorable price, which included shipping. Needless to say, less than a month later the Sensuality Tree was on the stage at the studio, and Adamus was happy.

Then Adamus shared his motive with me: It was time for another change for Crimson Circle and Shaumbra. We would be moving into the era of the Master’s life… the good life. After years (lifetimes?) of struggling and searching, it was now time to live in sensuality, ease and grace. We had moved past the times of processing and releasing, and now come to the time of Allowing, and Adamus noted that the beautiful (and somewhat expensive) Sensuality Tree on the Crimson Circle stage represented just that. It would be seen during our Shouds, Cloud Classes and nearly every event at the studio, radiating a message for all viewers that it was time for Ahmyo.

In early August we recorded the 5th installment of the Master’s Life series, and it’s no wonder that Adamus chose Ahmyo as the subject. He went so far as to say he wanted it to be more affordable than the previous Master’s Life installments, because he wants all Shaumbra to experience it. We therefore reduced the usual price from $195 to $95 through October 31. (More Info here) Ahmyo is when the human and the Master live together in harmony, everything just comes to you, and you realize that time and space really are moving through you, rather than the other way around. Ahmyo is when you allow energy to serve you, rather than you struggling for enough energy to get through the day. Ahmyo is all about relaxing into your enlightenment. As we have been reminded so often, the human is not responsible for their enlightenment. It is only for the human to allow the natural evolution into realization, and finally, after so many lifetimes of struggles, to enjoy all this planet has to offer.

Now, just 10 years after the Quantum Leap celebration, we’re ready for the Ahmyo life. It’s time to live the good life as the Master and the human come into co-existence. Say goodbye to all of the old emotional issues. Honor and release the ancestral lineage of the body and mind. Let go of lack, and let abundance come to you. No matter how many years are on your body’s odometer, let pain and disease dissolve away. Drop the old conflicts, no matter if you’ve been carrying the banner of feminine vs masculine, light vs dark, or even human vs divine. The battles are over. We have a job to do – a job we have planned and prepared for for many lifetimes now – and that is to enjoy life. The Ahmyo life.

The life of Shaumbra is a life of changes. Ahmyo is the change we’ve dreamt about since the times of Atlantis, and now it’s here. Are you ready to allow it? I’m sure that Adamus will be reminding us over and over and over that it’s finally time to enjoy life… the Ahmyo life.

9 comments on "A Life of Changes"

  • Renato Padilla on September 5, 2017 7:52 AM said:
    You are absolutely right. It is time for the Ahmyo life. All of of as a Shaunbra are ready and we all just simply allow.
  • dganit partush on September 4, 2017 11:20 PM said:
    "Then one day Adamus popped in and reminded me about a beautiful purple amethyst crystal tree we had seen in Brasil. My first thoughts were that it was too expensive to buy, and too big a..." A life of changes???
  • Adoracion on September 3, 2017 5:59 AM said:
    " Sueño cumplido ", momento increíble y maravilloso
  • TINA Joy on September 2, 2017 2:11 PM said:
    Thank You Geoffrey. ..very interesting article to me.
  • Shivaya on September 2, 2017 10:57 AM said:
    Excelente, como siempre. ¿Por qué es tan difícil convencernos de simplemente ser felices...? Saludos desde Quito-Ecuador.
  • Master Onya on September 2, 2017 6:15 AM said:
    Excellent article, Geoffe! I really appreciate all you and Linda and staff have done...and most recently what you have been writing and doing to recap and preserve the history of our journey. Blessings.
  • RB on September 2, 2017 2:50 AM said:
    <3 <3 <3
  • Eliana on September 1, 2017 3:16 PM said:
    Ole! :D
  • Tana Archer on September 1, 2017 2:20 PM said:
    Thank you so much Geoffrey ... reasonated with me deeply. So Be That

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