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The house is unusually quiet, the birds are chirping outside and I’m enjoying a cup of 100% Kona coffee (said to be the most expensive in the world) on this tranquil Sunday morning at Villa Ahmyo in Hawaii. I just checked my security cameras back home in Colorado. Perhaps I shouldn’t have; it’s about 20 F (-6 C) with snow on the ground. We’re heading back to Denver tomorrow night…. Guess we better brace for a little “weather shock.”

Sunday mornings are always a good time for relaxation and reflection. Linda is still sleeping, so in the quiet of the early morning I have some time to absorb the energies of the past three weeks. We just conducted our first workshops here at Villa Ahmyo. I still feel deeply connected with each and every Shaumbra who was here for the Ahmyo Retreat and The Threshold, as if their energies are still quietly lingering here. The house and property are delighted to have served so many people over the past three weeks. We felt the villa actually come to life this month, in joy of being in service to Shaumbra who came here from all corners of the world.

Adamus said that Villa Ahmyo is much more than a property. It’s a place to ground the Ahmyo energies on earth. Whether or not you ever come here, you can access the Ahmyo energies now that we’ve brought “The Master’s life, the good life” from the other realms to this planet, from being a concept to being a reality.

We put a tremendous amount of work into getting the villa ready for Shaumbra. Concrete sidewalks were poured, the entire inside of the villa was painted, parking areas were created, the grounds were groomed, new furniture and kitchen supplies were brought in, and everything cleaned and scrubbed. We bought 75 chairs for workshop seating and put 5 huge umbrellas on the pool terrace to provide protection from the sun and light rain. New audio systems were installed for both indoor and outdoor sessions. We literally made dozens of trips to town for supplies, filling up the entire minivan each time.

After months of preparation it was finally the moment of truth. The first two workshops were held in February. Linda and I were excited, anxious and nervous all at the same time. To add to our tasks, we had an opening dinner, pizza party, and coffee and snacks at each break, for each event. Handling the workshop logistics is one thing, but doing dinner and food service for 30+ people adds another level of complexity. As we’ve found over the years, Shaumbra likes to eat during the workshops, and the food and wine needs to be of “master quality.”

It was fun to watch the guests as they arrived at the villa for the first time. Most had come a long way because Hawaii is in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, with Europe on the other side of the world. After their long trips to get here, they would walk into the villa and just stand for a moment in awe. First, they could feel the nurturing energy of the villa, then they noticed the panoramic view of the ocean, then the beauty of the home design and layout. After taking in the beauty of the house they would stroll around the grounds, in wonder of the variety of tropical trees and plants. And finally, most would stand on the lanai to once again absorb the magnificence of the ocean view that seems to stretch out into infinity.

Now came the first day of the first workshop at Villa Ahmyo. The weather was good so we popped open the huge umbrellas on the terrace. The air was gentle, the birds were chirping, and everyone settled into their chairs to listen to Adamus. I immediately noticed the difference in the energies. There’s just something so natural and easy about channeling outdoors, in our own safe space, versus in a hotel meeting room with its air conditioning and limited windows. It felt so free to be outside, not just for Linda, Adamus and me but also for the attendees. We had terrific help from our new House Host, Patty Thomas. She’s been on the Big Island for 25 of her 30 years, and even though she wasn’t Shaumbra she fit in right away. Patty takes care of the house while we’re away and helps with the events while we’re here. She is the definition of a Master being in service.

It’s no coincidence what we ended up on the Big Island for Crimson Circle’s home away from home. It’s the most isolated populated island in the world, about 2400 miles from California and 3800 miles from Japan. The isolation means that it’s also a long way from the energy noise of mass consciousness. You can definitely feel the difference when you’re here on the island. The Hawaiian Islands also have the highest percentage of plant and animal species that exist nowhere else in the world, a uniqueness that can also be felt. Mauna Kea is the second tallest island peak in the world, rising from sea level to 13,802 feet (4207 meters). It actually snowed on Mauna Kea while we were here, even though temperatures around the coastline are always about 75 – 85 F degrees (23 – 30 C). The Big Island has the largest array of telescopes and observatories in the world due to the low air and light pollution, and it’s the only U.S. state that grows coffee. And yes, Kona coffee is exquisite.

Another important feature of the island is Kilauea, the active volcano about 90 miles from the villa. It’s breathtaking to see the smoking caldera or to hike into the area where you can see the fiery lava flows. There’s something about doing a workshop on an island in the middle of nowhere with an active volcano whose name means “spewing, releasing, letting go” in the Hawaiian language. The Hawaiian goddess Pele is also said to take residence on the island. As the goddess of fire, lighting, wind and volcanos, Pele has an interesting way of moving stuck energy even in the midst of the otherwise gentle island energies.

The Ahmyo Retreat went off in perfect Ahmyo style. The weather was excellent, the sunsets were like something from a postcard, the Adamus channels were deep and moving, and the villa was beaming with joy to be in service to the 30 Shaumbra attendees. In an email back to the CC staff the next day I reported: “There were a lot of tears yesterday afternoon when the workshop ended. They were the good kind of tears because people didn’t want to leave, and because of how the channels impacted them. The word I’ll use to describe the event is “remarkable.” We have a small list of things we want to change or adjust, but everything worked out surprisingly well. We’re looking forward to doing many, many more Ahmyo Retreats and other events here at Villa Ahmyo.” 

Then we had a few days to prepare for The Threshold event. It was a little cloudy the day of the opening dinner, with reports of possible rain, so we decided to have the dinner indoors. Fortunately, the villa is large enough to accommodate up to 30 people inside. The guests began to arrive promptly at 5 PM, and again like the first group they stood in awe of the villa and the view. We were just about to serve dinner when the weather suddenly changed. The winds howled at over 50 mph, driving rain in through the screen doors and blowing the lids off the chaffing dishes. We grabbed the huge food trays and moved them into the kitchen. The power flickered as the storm raged for over 30 minutes, bringing about 5 inches (13 cm) of rain in this short time. The attendees were very impressed to have created such a show of nature at the beginning of their Threshold event! Standing on the lanai the next morning I marveled at the clear view of the ocean after the storm. Then I noticed something was missing on the skyline: A half-dead 40-foot (13 m) tree near the bottom of the property had been blown down during the storm. It landed in a such a way as to not block our driveway, or land on the neighbors shed or coffee plants. It was the perfect fall, and now we have an even clearer view of the ocean.

The next three days of Threshold were picture perfect, with outstanding weather, great channels and a lot of shifts of consciousness. We had a little rain on the last day so we moved indoors. This actually provided a cozy but yet uncrowded setting for the merabhs and Adamus stories on the last day.

The next day we reported back to the CC staff: “All is well, and all is Ahmyo, in all of our new creation.” From the time Linda and I came to Hawaii in July to look at properties, to making the purchase in September, then a lot of work getting the villa ready, and now to the first two workshops, everything worked out better than what we could have expected, with amazing synchronicities along the way. This is the Ahmyo way, the life of the Master.

Before I close out this article I’d like to share some of the attendee comments so that it’s not just my own flowery thoughts about Villa Ahmyo. Here’s a sample of what they had to say:

“Beautiful, beautiful Villa. They couldn’t have found anything better! Will definitely be back!”

“My experience of Villa Ahmyo was such a nurturing one, soft, sweet and sensual. I couldn’t have imagined the essence of this place prior to being there in person, because it is something to experience for yourself. Something to gift yourself with. I am so glad that I did.”

“My overall experience was life changing.”

“Best 4 days of my life!”

“Beautiful place that you succeeded in letting me feel like more than a simple guest. It’s not my house, but it’s a place where I feel I will always be welcome.”

“You can’t improve on perfection. I felt at home. I felt like I was treated as a dignitary. The Villa is beautiful & decorated with exquisite taste. When I walked around the grounds I felt as though I was being hugged by the energies of the plants & minerals. Villa Ahmyo feels like Theos on Earth! Life doesn’t get any better than sitting outside with Adamus at a retreat by the pool.”

“I can’t even put into words what transpired at the retreat except that we did this “small” thing and went beyond mass consciousness. I truly rose on my wings, allowing energies to serve my human, master and I am, all in sync. Just heartblowingly beautiful - all done with an ease I’ve never felt in an event before.”

“I haven’t had an experience that comes close to the Ahmyo retreat in this lifetime & I have enjoyed many adventures. I sat there day after day & didn’t want it to stop. Leaving was the only experience I didn’t want. We were surrounded by beauty, nature, incredible people & all of the amenities we could ever imagine.”

“I am in awe of the retreat. This was like nothing else I have done in my life. Part of me asks what the hell happened? It was good. I sat on every word. I loved the class, the environment & the people. I watched as life unfolded in a manner it never has before.”

“To anyone who ponders whether or not to attend because they already listened to the Master’s life Ahmyo sessions: go, if you feel the call. The Master’s Life was more like an introduction and the retreat is a very personal experience with new unfoldings. I can’t recommend it enough. It was one of the best gifts I’ve given to myself (like all the other CC events I’ve attended, but this was the cherry on top). Of course you don’t “need” it but if you want to celebrate life very consciously in harmony as the master, the human and the I am and go through the glass ceilings of energy, then this is for you.”

“The retreat truly went sooooo beyond. It’s even hard to put into words but I felt this lightness, ease and grace that I have never felt in an event before. Just like arising on my wings - and where could you enjoy it more than in a place dedicated to just that, Villa Ahmyo in Hawai’i.”

“Thank you so much for creating such a beautiful space to hold workshops and for Shaumbra to stay! I don’t think there is anywhere in the world that compares to Villa Ahmyo!” 

To see upcoming events at the villa, please click here.

For more information on renting the villa for your own use, please click here.

3 comments on "Ahmyo, Aloha and Adamus"

  • Carla Costa on April 27, 2018 10:29 PM said:
    Dear Geoffrey, Adamus and Linda, what a amazing creation the Villa Amhyo! The retreat Amhyo was a life changing! Allowing the new energy with the song of the birds: extraordinary experience!!!
  • Julya Belyaeva on March 19, 2018 6:37 AM said:
    Dear Geoffrey, Linda, Adamus, how nice it is to feel you and our new place. It's great! It's transmitted through words, your description. I really want to visit it. Let it come true! Thank you for the wonderful creation!!!
  • Diana on March 18, 2018 7:19 AM said:
    Very nice! Wonder how many Shaumbra"s can still travel in a collective box that is with a bus-airplanes-trains-boot, to reach there! With all the opening off senses, it is for my impossible! with gratitude Diana

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