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I’ve recently been going through the “Wound of Adam” material as part of a work project. (And yes, it’s my new favorite message from Adamus… again.) The story of Adam and Isis – where they came from, how they got here, what they’ve experienced and what they’re longing for – is beyond remarkable. It has played out through eons of time on Earth and beyond, and now the nuances of both the separation and long-awaited reunion are manifesting within humans, particularly in Shaumbra.

Very briefly, in Wound of Adam, we learn the history of the masculine and feminine energies. Adam is the supportive strength for Isis, who is the expressive creator. At some point, Isis felt she failed Spirit and all of creation, handed her responsibilities over to Adam, and went deep into hiding. Desperate to reconnect with her, Adam took a deep, deep dive and finally they met once again in physical form. Adam now is determined to win Isis back by creating a safe space where she can finally experience love for him, like he discovered for her. But it’s not enough. Even though she comes to feel love for him, Isis now wants to find it for herself, and this rocks Adam’s world, sending him into deep despair. He is not enough for her, and it seems all his effort has been for naught. He wants nothing more than to win her back, but his struggles have become distorted and frantic. He feels betrayed by her desire for herself, yet eventually Isis will return and awaken Adam to even greater wonders.

There is far, far more to this beautiful parable, and ultimately it is about the energies of Adam and Isis within each individual. I had already heard it several times during the production process a few years ago. But now, experiencing it once again has helped me understand some things about myself, as well as a lot of other humans. Here’s what I mean…

As I’ve shared here recently, the latest big house project has been redoing my office. A dear friend helped get it started, but after he left, the rest was up to me. Working nights and weekends on it for two and a half months, plus trying to focus on my job at the temporary workstation in my living room, there were times when I regretted ever starting the project. While it was gratifying to see the old going out the door and the new slowly coming in, I got sooooo tired. My whole body hurt, and towards the end I wasn’t sure if I could really get it done. (At one point I even asked for a bid from someone else to finish the ceiling work, but it was so expensive I realized my “sweat equity” was worth quite a lot!) But even with the weariness, every single evening there was a surge of energy and determination that welled up from somewhere deep inside, propelling me back into the mess and dust, and getting a little more done. And then one day, it happened.

The night before the carpet arrived, I stood in the middle of the room and said out loud, “Oh my god, it’s actually done!” And what a thing to celebrate! Ceiling torn out, trussed, and rewired. Old wall paneling and mountains of trim torn out. New drywall installed on walls and ceiling, plus three coats of mud & texture, scraped and sanded twice, primed and finally painted. Steps widened and refinished. Old windows torn out, the spaces enlarged, reframed and new ones put in. New trim boards measured, cut, painted and installed. Three new cabinets built and installed. Stone tiles cut, glued, grouted, scrubbed and caulked. Old door removed, reframed, and new one installed. Chimney and vent covers painted and installed. Ceiling fan, lights, electrical outlets, switches and plates installed. Hundreds of countless little details finally done. (Oops, I think Adam is bragging!) When the carpet guys were done installing – oh happy day! – I could finally start moving back in!! The room had been completely transformed from harsh and ugly to soft and beautiful.

And then, diving back into work in my new space, I started noticing something. Personal projects that had been pending for months, even years, were getting done; loose ends were getting tied up; little tasks of all kinds were being tackled and even completed. What was happening? How was I getting past the inertia of the previous months? In kind of a “head smack” moment, I realized there is now a clarity here that I could not feel before – energetically as well as physically – and it was making a remarkable difference. Obviously, the next question was why hadn’t I done it years ago?! Diving into into The Wound of Adam, I found a clue.

My Adam – weary, for sure, but also strong and very determined – simply refused to stop until he had completed this beautiful space for my Isis. No matter how tired he got, he knew this was exactly what she needed, so he just kept going. That realization – feeling the deep love and devotion from one part of my Self to another – simply took my breath away.

In my office there is now clear, flowing and nurturing energy. And, interestingly, the feeling of this space is quite different from the rest of the house. It’s as if Adam modified his usual cool, modern-feeling tones in favor of warmth and softness in order to create a place for Isis to finally thrive. And oh, she is! The vast majority of my time is spent in the office, it’s where creativity happens, and now, it is where I feel most loved by my own Self. I have felt that love before (otherwise this couldn’t have even happened), but never so clear, never like this. As if something inside has been waiting for a place where she can really settle in and open.

This doesn’t mean, of course, that one’s surroundings delay or accelerate the reunion. Rather, it becomes a way of actualizing and manifesting the love that is already there, longing to be experienced. It is a way of experiencing the eternal dance of Adam and Isis, as they find each other at last where it all began – deep within.

Can you feel them within you? Perhaps Adam is the strength that just keeps going, no matter the challenges. Perhaps Isis is the gentleness that receives and flows and creates and feels. I don’t usually differentiate these parts of myself, but going through The Wound of Adam has helped me see them with crystal clarity.

I can see my Adam still hard at work in other areas. He makes sure the house is tidy, the garden is cleared, the trash is taken out. He’s keeping his “nose to the grindstone” and watching the budget in order to get it all paid off. He keeps tinkering with little projects, for he does like to stay busy, but he’s happy that this huge labor of love is complete.

And Isis, I feel her too. She’s stirring, waking up, wanting simply to bask in her love. She delights in the space created just for her, where simply being is enough.

They both live here, of course. Will Adam relax sometimes and allow the softness of Isis to emerge? Will he push her to be busy and productive, or will he trust her flow? Will she manifest her love, and come to share it with him? What a dance this is… tentative and hesitant, but also deep and determined.

Adam and Isis cannot remain apart forever. Through the eons of love, misunderstanding, disappointment and longing, have they yet grown wise? Will Adam finally rest and allow the deepest love? Will Isis finally rise and realize she never failed?

These energies play out in so many different ways; how do they show up in your life? Is your Adam still wounded and defensive, trying to right the wrongs and resist the oppressors? Is your Isis passive and asleep, not yet unleashing her creativity? Does your Adam offer his strength, nurturing and support to your Isis? Does she trust him yet? Is she ready to receive forgiveness and allow the gift of life?

Perhaps your Isis simply wants to lounge and play and dream. By all means, allow her. But grant your Adam full permission to work and earn and build as well. Perhaps he still resents authority and rules, lashing out in rebellious attempts to protect his tender Isis curled within. His frustration is deeply understood, but Isis doesn’t need protection any longer, only Adam’s support.

When they are finally back in balance, the safest space is born, and your truest dreams unfold. Let them dance toward each other, rediscovering the love, mending the broken trust, and finally uniting. Then comes the blessed birth of true New Energy and magic.

The Wound of Adam is a Crimson Circle Cloud Class. Click here for more information.

To see before and after photos of Jean's office, check the May 2019 Shaumbra Magazine PDF

5 comments on "Living with Adam and Isis"

  • Lee Yu Gyeong on January 5, 2020 5:11 AM said:
    고마워요 진, Thank u Jean 당신의 기사, 지혜가 내 가슴에 깊은 감동을 남겼습니다. Your article, your wisdom was touched my heart.. 예전에 나는 이 기사를 접했지만, 오늘은 또 다른 지혜가 느껴지네요..:-) I saw this article few month ago, but today it was different feeling to me. 그래서 나는 당신에게 감사의 인사를 남기고 싶었어요. So, I just want to give my heart, leave my heart. Thank you🥰
  • tiny hendrix on June 3, 2019 8:00 AM said:
    Dank je wel Jean, dit kwam op het goede moment. het raakte me diep. Dank je wel voor alles wat je doet. knuffel
  • Catrinel on May 18, 2019 11:27 PM said:
    What a beautiful story and reminder for myself to allow the blending of both energies in their true original and highest qualities to dance together. I can feel their dynamic within myself and brings a smile and lots of love in my eyes watching them parcticing their new marrital magic. Thank you!
  • Sheri Reece on May 16, 2019 10:36 AM said:
    Dear Jean, Your article touched me at such a deep level. Funny how I happened to miss it in the CC magazine this month. The timing was perfect, as I allow and experience the Isis energy and the merging between Adam/Isis. Thank you for all you do. Much love & big hug, Sheri
  • Bogusława Zapotoczna on May 11, 2019 12:13 AM said:
    Dear Jean, great article. Thank you ♥️

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