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Love ‘em or hate ‘em, rules and laws are a big part of human life. There are so many U.S. federal laws that nobody really knows how many are in the countless volumes of legal books. According to some reports, the average person breaks about 12 laws a day without even knowing it, because they don’t know there’s a law relating to what they’re doing.

One thing is for certain: Shaumbra is allergic to laws and rules. The closer one gets to Realization, the more rule-averse they seem to become. Not to say that Shaumbra are lawless, but they see the absurdity of many regulations. Rules and laws are the fabric of mass consciousnesses, and Shaumbra have learned to untangle themselves from these weavings. Laws and rules were originally enacted as cooperative agreements between people to maintain communal order. An early law from the Code of Ur-Nammu (Mesopotamia circa 2100 BC) states, “If you sever the nose of another man with a copper knife, you must pay two-thirds of a mina of silver.” It makes me wonder what the penalty was for using a steel sword?

As time progressed and religions came into being, a whole new set of rules-to-please-God came about. For instance, according to Deuteronomy 25:11-12, if two men were engaged in fisticuffs, one of their wives couldn’t come to their rescue by grabbing and twisting the other man’s private parts. If she did, her hand would have to be cut off. Ouch!

In addition to social and religious regulations, humans develop a long list of personal rules for themselves. Don’t eat meat. Take a shower every morning. Throw your dirty undies in the laundry basket instead of on the floor. Don’t order stuff on Amazon in the middle of the night (one of my personal rules that I rarely abide by).

I wonder how many rules and laws dictate our everyday lives? Do we have as many laws as we have senses (over 200,000)? Or are there so many laws – millions and millions – that we simply can’t comprehend them? In Alabama, it’s illegal to drive blindfolded (duh!). In Arizona, it’s illegal for a donkey to sleep in a bathtub (but what about the hot tub?). In Hawaii, it’s illegal to place a coin in your ear (just in case you thought your head was a slot machine). In Kentucky, a woman cannot marry the same man more than three times (assuming she couldn’t figure that out for herself). In Missouri, it’s illegal to wrestle a bear. In Oregon, it’s illegal to go hunting in a cemetery because you might disturb the dead. In France, you’ll get thrown in the bastille if you name your pig Napoleon. You can’t flush your toilet after 10 PM if you live in Switzerland (oh crap!). Peeing in a canal in The Netherlands will land you in jail. Canadian radio stations must play songs by Canadian artists (thank goodness they can fall back on Justin Bieber). The informal Jante Law in Scandinavia forbids perceiving yourself as more special, or better than others. In parts of France, it’s against the law to die without a pre-purchased burial plot (wonder what the punishment is for that?). In China, it’s illegal for Buddhist monks to reincarnate without government permission. Who knew?

Something Adamus noted in one of his first workshops, DreamWalker Ascension, still deeply resonates with Shaumbra: The Law is Not Yours. One of the workshop attendees actually set off the fire alarm in the hotel to prove the point. All of the guests had to evacuate the hotel while the fire department rushed over in their big red trucks to check for a potential fire. It brings up the question: If the law is not yours, should you violate the law of others? If the speed limit on the highway is 100 kph, is it OK for you to drive 150 kph? (The way I look at it, I can drive 150 kph if there are no other cars on the road, but if anyone else is around it would be a safety hazard.)

In Tobias’ last lifetime, he strictly abided by the oral tradition of the Torah, a long list of “God’s Laws.” Tobias figured that by following the Torah to the letter, God would show him mercy and favor. At great risk to his own life, he broke Babylonian law and buried the bodies of Jews that had been killed by soldiers and left in the streets for all to see, because the Torah said that the dead should be buried as soon as possible, ideally before sundown. Although Tobias adhered to the Torah with reverence, in his last lifetime he found himself imprisoned due a land dispute with his neighbor. Feeling that God had forsaken him, Tobias finally rejected all of God’s Laws and when he did, he freed himself for his ultimate enlightenment just days before his death. Even though he died in prison, he was free in spirit, because he realized that the laws were not his. He also realized that God has no laws.

So how do you run an organization like Crimson Circle without rules? The way I see it, we have inside rules and outside rules. As a U.S. corporation, we have to abide by tons of rules. We have taxes that need to be paid, laws that have to be adhered to, bills that have to be taken care of, human resource rules to be followed, contracts for Internet services, a lease on the studio with 12 pages of rules, and the list goes on ad infinitum. As “rule-bellious” as we might be, we still have to follow the external rules and laws in order to keep the shingle over the door (i.e. stay in business).

There aren’t a lot of internal rules for the 15 members of the Crimson Circle staff, although we had to create a Human Resources manual for legal and insurance reasons. I don’t think anyone has ever read it, or even knows where it is. Our simple internal rules are:

   1. Send an email to the staff if you’re away from your desk for more than an hour, just so we know you’re out.

   2. Raise your hand if you get in over your head. In other words, let us know if you need a hand. Don’t try to burden a heavy workload or problem on your own shoulders.

   3. Take time off if you’re in overwhelm. Our work is very intense most of the time, and it’s important to take care of yourself.

   4. Honor and respect Shaumbra in everything we do, whether it’s customer service, a webcast or Cloud Class, graphics and emails, etc. Everything we do that touches Shaumbra should be filled with the energy of honor and respect.

And now, let’s talk about Rules for Shaumbra. Considering that there are over 30,000 active Shaumbra around the world (and many more casual participants), surprisingly we don’t have many rules. There is no membership, no dues, no tithing, no levels to attain, no required courses*, and no funny handshakes or cult-couture. About 80% of the content is free of charge. Outsiders have a hard time understanding how we can possibly operate the organization without some or all of these things. But somehow, it all works out. We have a few simple rules:

   1. You have to take the Sexual Energies School (SES) if you want to participate in live workshops hosted by Linda and me, or Threshold Online. It was actually the workshop attendees who nearly insisted on the SES prerequisite. The workshops are deep and intense, and SES grads felt that the non-SES folks distracted from the workshop energy. Over the years we’ve found this to be very true, so if you want to attend most live events you need to take SES beforehand. For Threshold Online, nearly everyone agrees that it would be overwhelming if you haven’t taken SES.

   2. You can’t use Crimson Circle intellectual property without permission. We’ve trademarked certain terms like Circle Circle®, Adamus® and Aspectology® and others in order to protect them. We formally copyright all of the channels and classes. If we don’t have trademarks and copyrights, someone else could claim ownership of the words or content, potentially preventing Shaumbra as a whole from enjoying them. We’re required by law to enforce the trademarks and copyrights, otherwise we could lose them. Trademarking and copyrighting is a tedious and expensive process, but it’s something we have to do if we’re going to offer the materials for generations to come.

   3. And now the big one. This rule has caused more anxiety and arguments than anything else for the past 20 years: If you want to post a meme, video link or graphic on the official Crimson Circle Facebook page, you have to include a 25+ word description to explain the relevancy. Seriously, this has become a huge issue. The staff and I have been called power-mongers, control freaks and Freedom Thieves because of this simple requirement.

We implemented the 25-word rule about 18 months ago because we wanted to make the Facebook page a safe space where members could openly share their experiences and wisdom. We have over 8,000 members, so monitoring and managing the page is no small task. Some members were flooding the page with irrelevant posts that had little or nothing to do with our journey into mastery, including but not limited to: cute cat pictures, ads and self-promotions, clips from Europe’s Got Talent, pornographic images, memes that had nothing to do with anything, music video clips that didn’t pertain to anything we’re doing, pictures of pretty rocks, etc. Our rationale was that you can find these things anywhere on the Internet, so they don’t need to be posted on the Shaumbra Facebook page. Plus, there are numerous other unofficial Shaumbra pages where you can post whatever you want, without the 25-word rule requirement.

I sit back and shake my head about this simple rule. There are posts after posts about the merits or evils of the 25-word rule. They’ve been debating about it for 18 months. Some people become obsessed about it and admit to having melt-downs. We recently did a survey within the CC Facebook page about the 25-word rule: 61% of the respondents were in favor of the rule, 28% said they were neutral, and 11% said they didn’t like it. It’s pretty obvious it’s working, and membership has grown once we made the page private and instituted the 25-word rule. Again, the rule only applies if you’re posting a meme, video link or graphic from somewhere else. The group was getting flooded with irrelevant posts, and this one rule has gone a long way in clearing up the distractions.

As we come into our embodied mastery, we’re still going to have to deal with the myriad of humanity’s rules and laws. I dare say this is going to be one of our biggest challenges. The CC Facebook 25-word rule is just a microcosm of how we balance our freedom in a law-filled world. To this end, I’ve arranged an interview with the Master for my article in the November Shaumbra Magazine. I’ve had the pleasure of channeling many of Adamus’ Stories of the Master, so now it’s time to pay him a visit to get his take on The Master’s Rule-bellion. The Master’s assistants have already agreed that I can do the interview, but the date and location are yet to be decided. One thing they made very clear: The Master is a busy man, so the interview time is limited to 30 minutes. Apparently, even the Master has rules.

To be continued…

2 comments on ""Rule-bellious" Masters"

  • Markus Hofer on October 15, 2020 12:37 PM said:
    Dear Geoffrey, living in Switzerland i can assure you, that we are allowed to flush the toilet after 22 pm. What you wrote here is only an urban legend. Especially Chinese people living in Switzerland often believe that. With a smile from Switzerland...
  • Francis on October 12, 2020 10:21 PM said:
    Thank you Geoffrey for your time and patience. Yes the material on the page should be relevant to the journey we are taking and 25 words is not a big ask. For me, the short wall is looking really good:) Bless you all at CC for your great work (over the last 19yrs since I’ve been with you!) You are all amazing 💗

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