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There’s something we don’t talk about very often. Not that it’s a big secret. Not that it’s not important. We don’t talk about it a lot because it’s one of those quiet, sacred things that doesn’t need a lot of discussion. It’s the CC Angel program, and we only talk about it once a year to make sure everyone knows how important it is to Crimson Circle.

The Angels are the backbone of Crimson Circle. They provide essential financial and energy support that enable us to offer a wide range of free, high quality products throughout the year, employ a staff of 15 full-time and a dozen part-time people, keep up with the latest technologies, offer translations in over 20 languages, and build a world-class library of information about the journey from awakening to Realization.

The CC Angel program started in late 2009, when numerous Shaumbra came to us asking how they could help financially support Crimson Circle. They said “We get so much from the materials, and we’d like to give something back as an energy exchange.” We set up the CC Angels program so Shaumbra could make monthly donations of $22, $44 or $99. Today, there are over 1,000 CC Angels from every corner of the world. Their financial support is significant, but the energy behind that is what supports us on a daily basis. They require no rewards for their important service, giving from their hearts to simply be part of the Crimson Circle family in a meaningful way.

In the very early years of Crimson Circle (1999 – 2004), Linda and I provided a lot of financial support for Crimson Circle out of our own pockets. We had done well in the business world prior to starting Crimson Circle, so it didn’t create a big hardship for us. Eventually the Crimson Circle grew in size. We hired full-time staff members, set up an office, created a big website, and traveled around the world. The expenses grew beyond what Linda and I could support, and right about that time people started making donations without us even having to ask. The donations, along with paid workshops, are what kept us going in the first 10 years. Eventually we added a variety of physical and digital products, and more recently we’ve added the paid Cloud Classes. But the CC Angel donations are still an essential part of being able to offer so many free products and services.

Now we enter the next phase for Crimson Circle, based on Adamus’ admonition to “get your house in order.” (See my lead article for more information.) We recently hired four new computer software developers and programmers. Under the leadership of Jorge Merino, our Senior Director of Technology, we now have an in-house team of five experts to take us into the Time of Machines with the appropriate technology. This makes the CC Angel program more important than ever. We’re now dealing with multi-million-dollar budgets, substantial monthly expenses, and Adamus pushing us to new limits. The CC Angels help to make this all possible.

Back in February 2020, when COVID-19 was spreading, I woke up in the middle of the night filled with dread. I felt into where COVID was going, and knew that we’d have to cancel many if not all live workshops for the year. In my state of anxiety, I wondered if we’d have to lay off any staff members or cut back on services for Shaumbra. In that bleak “3-in-the-morning” moment, I remembered the loving financial and energetic support of the CC Angels, and how it had gotten us through tough situations in the past. Just feeling into the CC Angels helped me to release my anxiety, and imagine the other potentials for the year. As it turns out, 2020 was a very good year for Crimson Circle in just about every possible way. This is just one example of how the CC Angels are truly the backbone and energy support for our organization.

This is our once-a-year talk about the CC Angel program. You don’t hear us asking for donations, we don’t have fund-raising drives, and we certainly don’t require tithing. If you’re interested in becoming a CC Angel just click the link below for more information. If you’re already a CC Angel, we are filled with gratitude for your love and support. You make all of this possible.


1 comments on "Crimson Circle Angels"

  • Mariann on January 27, 2021 12:00 PM said:
    Your work has been extraordinary for over two decades. I am impressed, in awe and grateful for all the so professional work you put into this. It takes a lot of faith and courage to keep going. This material has been a lifesaver over and over again. Thank you Geoff, Linda and the whole team for making this possible for all of us <3

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