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“Do you think I should take Keahak, or not?” I’m asked this question a lot this time of the year, when registration for the new Keahak year is underway. There’s also some discussion about it on social media.

Keahak 12 registration closes on June 15, and the K12 Introduction Session is July 3. Then we’re off and running on July 9 with two sessions each month in the House of Keahak with Shaumbra from over 60 countries, and translations into 10 languages. Keahak has become Crimson Circle’s single biggest program other than the monthly Shouds, especially since live workshops have been limited due to COVID and travel restrictions.

It’s ultimately a personal choice, but I’ll offer some genuine considerations in case you’re undecided. It’s also a good idea to talk to some Keahakers on the Crimson Circle on Facebook page. Just make sure to differentiate between those who have actually taken Keahak and those who haven’t.

Keahak is not an instant cure or magic remedy. Adamus pushes the envelope in Keahak, so if your life is in turmoil right now it’s probably best to wait until things settle down for you. The sessions are often intense as we break through new levels of consciousness. It takes me longer to recover from channeling a Keahak session than channeling a workshop or Shoud. Linda knows all too well that I have to have a lot of quiet private time after Keahak. I usually go work in the yard for the rest of the day just to get rebalanced. I strongly discourage anyone who is taking prescribed anti-depressant medications from taking Keahak. It will be a waste of money because the medications will keep you from feeling the depth of energies.

Keahak requires personal commitment. We do two sessions per month, and the sessions build on each other. In other words, you need to experience every session in sequence rather than bounce around or skip some sessions. You’ll have full access to the recordings so you can go back and listen to any session at any time, but you’ll want to tune in to the most recent session before going to the next. Keahak is not for someone that wants to get a little taste here and a little taste there. You can do that with the Shouds, but you’ll be wasting your time and money if you do it with Keahak.

Keahak has more of a “Saint-Germain” flavor than the Shouds or workshops. Whereas Adamus is known for his antics, distractions and entertainment in the Shouds, especially with live audiences, in Keahak he starts with a short summary of the previous session to set the energy, then launches into the new material like a serious but compassionate college professor. The sessions typically run 60 – 70 minutes without breaks or distractions. Once in a while Adamus calls for a music merabh near the end of the session, and once or twice a year he takes audience questions, but most of the time it’s pure, unadulterated Adamus Saint-Germain. If you’re looking for entertainment and laughs, Keahak probably isn’t for you. It’s serious stuff.

Adamus reads the energy of the group and delivers the messages accordingly. Keahakers tend to be much more committed to their journey, so the messages and energy in Keahak can go deeper and faster. Keahak is also the venue for Adamus to bring out new information for Shaumbra. Eventually, Adamus brings a large portion of the Keahak material to the Shouds but usually not as deep as during the Keahak session. In other words, the Keahak material isn’t exclusive to Keahakers. If you decide not to participate in Keahak, know that much of the material will eventually come out in a Shoud.

Shaumbra is a diverse global group. Some like going fast, some prefer a more casual pace. Some like being at the leading edge, others like coming in the second wave because the energies tend to be more settled. Keahak is generally for those wanting to dive head first into the experience even if the energies get crazy at times. It’s for those desiring to explore new frontiers of consciousness right now, and not just hear about it later. Keahak is not for those who are looking for counseling, healing or therapy. It’s for those who have generally put those things behind them and are now ready for graduate level metaphysics.

Once in a while I hear the comment that Keahak is for the “elite.” Well, it’s actually for anyone ready to make a commitment to themselves for a year. Not all Shaumbra are ready, due to situations or circumstances in their lives. Keahak is open to everyone. There are no previous requirements, not even the Sexual Energies School. You don’t have to take Keahak 11 before you take Keahak 12. You can jump in at any time while registration is open. Just know that it will be an intense year of personal commitment.

Keahak is not cheap. Registration is $900 for anyone that has taken any previous Keahak program, and $1200 for first-timers. That works out to around $50 per session for first-timers and $37.50 for previous Keahakers. It’s right in line with Crimson Circle’s pricing model, but Keahak is 24 sessions over one year, rather than a single session or a typical multi-session Cloud Class. The price causes people to really think about their level of commitment for the year. If you can’t afford Keahak, please don’t run up your credit card debt thinking it’s something you have to do. When you’re ready, the funds will be there, and so will Keahak.

To Keahak, or not to Keahak? Take a look at your life. Can you make the one-year commitment or would it just add to the current chaos? Are you ready for something new, or do you need the time and space to integrate the information from the Shouds, Cloud Classes and free products? Are you balanced enough to dive into advanced metaphysics or should you perhaps sit this one out, and even wait for the information to appear in a later Shoud? Are you ready for Adamus to be with you for a year, or do you need time just to be with yourself?

No matter what you choose, you are Shaumbra. You are honored for your journey, and you’re always a part of this sacred Family of the Rock.


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