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You’ve probably heard the old adage, “Don’t sweat the small stuff… and it’s all small stuff.” Another version is, “The small stuff takes care itself.” I generally agree with these sayings. It’s easy to “miss the forest for the trees” when you get caught up in the minutia and details. I’ve worked with some obsessive micro-managers in my time. About the only things they manage to accomplish are to irritate and annoy everyone within reach of their highly-polished microscopes.

I have my own version of these sayings: “Have the wisdom to know the difference between small stuff and big stuff.”

Sometimes it’s hard to tell what’s important and what’s not. Brushing my teeth is small stuff but if I don’t brush daily, it will turn into big and painful stuff. Whether you brush up-and-down or side-to-side is probably small stuff, unless you’re a dentist. Hanging the roll of toilet paper with the streamer next to the wall or away from the wall is probably small stuff but a lot of people worry about it. I’m going to petition the makers of toilet paper to put clear directions on the packaging so people can get on with their lives. After all, common sense says that the paper stream should be away from the wall. Geez. Putting it close to the wall means that your hands might touch the wall and get it dirty. Do we even need to talk about these things?

Changing the batteries in your home smoke detector seems like small stuff – something that easily lends itself to procrastination – until it starts chirping at 2:00 AM. I read somewhere that smoke detectors are programmed to run out of battery power at 2:00 AM. First, you try to ignore it by putting the pillow over your head. You finally crawl out of bed in the middle of the night and try to find the beeping culprit. Of course, it’s on the ceiling far out of human reach. Now, nearly fully-awake, you try to find a step ladder, then realize you lent it to your neighbor two months ago. You’ve been meaning to get it back, but alas, it was just another task on your procrastination list. Now, desperate and frustrated, you go to the closet to get out your shotgun in order to put an end to the incessant beeping. Then you realize you never bought a shotgun as you had vowed to do after the last smoke-detector-in-the-middle-of-the-night incident. (BTW, I think they make a special shotgun just for silencing smoke detectors. You’ll thank me the next time yours goes off at 2:00 AM.)

Don’t sweat the small stuff, but know what is small and what is big. What may appear not-so-important may have a huge energy impact, kind of like the smoke detector shotgun. You never know when you’ll need it, but when you do you really do.

Take, for example, the cover of every Shaumbra Magazine. It’s just one of a gadzillion details the CC staff has to attend to, what some would consider to be small stuff. Jean Tinder, Marc Ritter and I spend a lot of time collecting potential graphics. Then each month we scour through the files and select about 10 candidates for that month’s cover. We finally vote on our favorites, sometimes taking several rounds of voting to settle on a winner. It has to be timely, relate to the Shaumbra journey, and be thought-provoking. We don’t run a title or offer an explanation of the graphic because we want readers to feel into it for themselves. Oh, and just one more small-but-important detail: It has to include a person. It can’t be just a beautiful landscape (even if it’s an Ansel Adams nature photograph), and it can’t be just a cat unless there’s a person holding the cat. The magazine is about the human journey; therefore, we insist on featuring one or more people on the cover. It might seem like a small detail, but consider the number of people that see the magazine around the world every month. The cover makes a huge energy impact. It sets the energy for everything else inside the publication.

I have a habit (some would call it a neurosis) of touching and adjusting every chair in the meeting room prior to a workshop. It’s easy to do here at Villa Ahmyo because we only have 40 chairs. It used to take more time when we did large workshops around the world with hundreds of Shaumbra. I got into a big kerfuffle with the hotel ballroom staff a few years back in Hungary. The workers are supposed to set the chairs, not the client. That’s what they’re paid for, and it’s considered a little slovenly for the client to do the work. They didn’t speak English, therefore didn’t understand when I tried to tell them I was only touching each chair in order to energetically connect with every attendee prior to the start of the workshop. I did it to add an energetic “welcome” imprint to every chair. The Hungarian staff was very indignant, following right behind me and pretending to move the chairs back to their original position as an act of defiance.

It was pretty comical until the hotel manager was called in to bring peace and order. I pointed out why I was touching – and not adjusting – the chairs. I thought he was going to burst out laughing at me – this flakey American – “touching” every chair to add “energy.” He wiped the condescending smirk from his face when I pointed out that the toilet paper in the men’s room was improperly installed. “Don’t let it fall on the wall,” I scolded him. Now I was the one with the smirk.

The bottom line is that some people would consider my chair-touching to be a small detail, but it helps set the energy for the workshop, and connects me with every attendee the day before the event. Over the years, many Shaumbra have commented on how comfortable the chairs were, not knowing that I am a Touch Master.

Then there’s the pre-Adamus music video. We go through quite an ordeal every month to find and select the perfect track. After coming back from the break, Linda leads the breathing as we prepare for Adamus. After the breathing, we play the professional music video (or the one we made for the chosen song like we’re doing for the November Shoud). It may seem like a small detail, but it’s actually rather big. Quite selfishly, I have to like the music because I use it as a final preparation for channeling. I start to go “out” when Linda does the breathing, then do the final deep dive when the music is playing. It’s also the time when Adamus downloads the entire essence of the channel to me, sans details. Jean Tinder and I constantly look for appropriate music. It has to be soulful. The lyrics must be in harmony with the Shaumbra journey. It has to have a deeply personal feeling. Sometimes we’ll preview a hundred tracks or more before narrowing it down to the “one.” This month’s song, By Way of Sorrow by the Wailin’ Jennys, is a good example. In fact, I think the lyrics should be the Shaumbra anthem. We created our own video because the ones we found didn’t quite fit. Here’s a sample of the lyrics:

All the nights that joy has slept
Will awake to days of laughter
All the tears that you have wept
Will dance in freedom ever after

You have come by way of sorrow
You have come by way of tears
But you’ll reach your destiny
Meant to find you all these years
Meant to find you all these years

Some would say the music video is just a small thing, just an entertainment element. No, Grasshopper, it is big. It is the portal we use to enter into the channel. It sets the energy. (BTW, thank you to everyone that has sent in suggestions over the years. Jean and I review every submission.)

These are just a few examples of the CC staff’s attention to important details designed to make your time with the Crimson Circle a fulfilling experience. We do it to honor each and every Shaumbra that comes to our website, contacts Customer Service, attends an online workshop, listens to a Keahak session or downloads a free product. It is a deliberate energy design meant to make you feel at home, let you know that you are acknowledged, and offer our gratitude for the work that you are doing.

Some would say it is just small, unimportant stuff. Why waste the time? I say it sets the energy and standard for everything else. I actually don’t spend any time worrying about how the toilet paper is hung, but a lot of time with the staff tending to details that ultimately make a big difference in your experience with Crimson Circle. I hope you can feel the attention and joy in everything we prepare for you.

Now, go check to see how your toilet paper is hanging. Remember, don’t let it fall on the wall.

2 comments on "Sweating the Small Stuff"

  • Helen on November 10, 2022 7:47 AM said:
    Technically you are correct on the TP advice unless you have a cat. Think about it :) They love it when you hang it the right way, so easy to unroll with one fell swoop.
  • BeatrixChristine on November 9, 2022 4:08 PM said:
    ....von ganzem Herzen danke ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜an Alle....herzlichst BeatrixChristine

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