This is the chart cast for an event at 9:00 am, Hawaii Standard Time, at the Villa on the Big Island of Hawaii. Heavens Cross is a cosmic event, so the location is not so crucial, but the channel announcing it takes place at this day and time, so it is a convenient starting point. Also, this is meant to be the beginning of an event that will be unfolding as time goes on.

Astrology charts of an ongoing process often give a context for what an event is for and characteristics about it throughout its existence—a similar reasoning for looking at someone’s chart at the moment of their birth.

Looking at the chart for Heaven's Cross, even those who know little about astrology cannot help noticing how most of the planets are bunched together. This creates a lot of conjunctions—planetary configurations when two planets are close together. Astrology does a lot with angles between planets to demonstrate dynamics of characteristics, but of all the angle configurations, the conjunction is considered the strongest. It is a fusion of two energies that act together as one. This configuration with its multiple conjunctions portrays an event with a lot of strength behind it with most of the intention in one direction—think of a crowded room where everyone is pushing to open the same set of doors.

The next thing I noticed are the signs of the conjunction—mainly Aries and Taurus. While Aries can be single minded, it loves an outing and loves playmates, so the more the merrier to come along. Taurus is much more selective with a distinct value system—indicating a pickiness about what this event is for. These things seem opposite at first glance, but I think it is stating that this event is available to anyone but not for everyone. Only those who value and appreciate what it is for (Taurus, especially Venus in Taurus) will get value out of it.

Mars in the second house (in this configuration) backs this up, but it is in Gemini, indicating an emphasis on communication—which fits with what Heaven's Cross is about in that one is communicating with the other parts of themselves and other potentials of themselves more easily.

The North Node in Taurus seems to indicate building a new structure from our own values instead of at the mercy of other people’s feelings (South Node in Scorpio)—I would liken this to getting away from mass consciousness.

Mars trine Saturn seems to indicate a methodical unfolding of these energies over time—which fits as this is the beginning of a process.

One interesting note is that Pluto is at the very end of Capricorn—by computer it goes into Aquarius 17.5 hours later. Considering it was in Capricorn for about 14 years, and Adamus was very selective about the date, it is interesting, for if Heaven's Cross opening was just one day later, Pluto would have been in Aquarius—a placement I would have picked which would symbolize moving into the future. With such a slow moving planet, perhaps it is just a computer rounding error, or maybe Adamus wanted to have the channel just before we are ushered into this (2:24 am Hawaii time is when Pluto goes into Aquarius—not a convenient time for a channel). At this time, the planetary relations to each other are about the same, but maybe this channel was like the gathering before some big planetary event—we get there a little early. Adamus himself was vacillating between March 22 and March 23, 2023. But perhaps with Pluto in the very last signs of Capricorn, this symbolizes bringing the old parts of ourselves forward.

I have not made too many housing interpretations as these vary according to where you are on the Earth, but the channel event is heavily weighted toward the 11th and 12th house consistent with the collective nature of the event.

Dr. Douglas Davies has been part of Crimson Circle since the beginning and currently sits on the CC Board of Directors. He is a practicing neurologist in Beverly Hill, CA, and a highly intuitive astrologer. 

31 comments on "The Astrology of Heaven's Cross"

  • Matthias Münchhagen on March 25, 2023 3:34 AM said:
    Dear Douglas, I am so happy to listen and read your informations, every time. It is so "grand" to know You. Matthias Münchhagen
  • Karin on March 22, 2023 5:25 PM said:
    Thank you very much, for the information and messages, i am very happy to be here as a human and as a master...🌌💞🌻
  • Christos AaRa-Merlin GoldenHeart on March 22, 2023 6:36 AM said:
    Thank You Astro Doc 💛 Many Blessings for all you bring to CC🙏🏼 aend Now onto the Elysian Fields 💜 Namaste & Aloha
  • Karin on March 22, 2023 2:30 AM said:
    Thank you very much, for the information and messages, i am very happy to be here as a human and as a master...🌌💞🌻
  • Rosy Bautista on March 21, 2023 4:23 PM said:
    Hola, soy mexicana, y estoy feliz de haber encontrado a Adamus y sentirlo tan cerca. Ahora, estoy emocionada por Heavens Cross, y de todo el evento planetario que se da a raíz de ello. Besos y abrazos para Adamus St Germain, Linda y Geoff.
  • Lutz-Dieter Grossek on March 20, 2023 3:01 PM said:
    Very appriciate Dr. Doug's explanations. Just want to add my personal perspective. We coded the energies during the times of Ti-En to reach eventually this event that Adamus called Heavens Cross. In my perception, the planets did align to our energies showing this unprecedented constellation. This is my view on the root-cause and its planetary results of this event.
  • Karri Teshima on March 18, 2023 3:18 PM said:
    I came into this information recently and am soo happy. I live in Kona and look forward to meeting Geoff and Linda. Anticipating Heaven cross in full love and light I’m aware of many past lives and always questioned my purpose,I believe I’ve found it💖💫💫thank you!✨✨much love,much Aloha Karri
  • Behjat on February 28, 2023 8:04 PM said:
    I am so happy and honored to have found this site. I just listened to Adams's podcast. I feel like I have entered a brand new world. Reading about the Heavens Cross is very fascinating. Thank you so much and I'm happy that I'm here. Definitely learning a lot and it was meant to be. Ultimate love and gratitude:)
  • on February 21, 2023 3:58 PM said:
    I just wanted to add the importance of trans-Neptunian and Kuiper belt object Varda that is conjunct the galactic centre at the Pluto ingress into Aquarius. Varda in mythology is the LIGHT creator and bearer and the galactic centre is the centre of our galaxy (the milky way). Fitting for shaumbra, isn't it? See the chart in this link:
  • Elizabeth Dimmock on January 28, 2023 12:18 AM said:
    Thanks Dr Doug,so pleased I’m getting a look in Taurus don’t usually.XX💜💜
  • Guilherme Amoroso Romão on January 27, 2023 11:51 AM said:
    Thank you, Dr Doug! All the best from Portugal ;) Gui
  • Trilby Johnson on January 20, 2023 2:30 PM said:
    Thank you Dr. Doug. Most interesting. And living in New Zealand, we've got it covered ;-) It will be 23.03.23 at 8am! As an Aquarian on the cusp of Capricorn as well, I'm super excited. I'm loving how the planets are playing along. All is well in all of Creation.
  • Steve Benyo on January 16, 2023 7:28 PM said:
    It’s interesting to note that 3/23/23 and 3/22/23 are both “palindrome days”, wherein the numerology is the same backwards and forwards. I’ve been told that such arrangements have powerful potentials for change because of the inherent balance of their configuration.
  • Onya on January 15, 2023 12:54 PM said:
    Thank you. I appreciate your distilled, Shaumbra relevant, interpretation.
  • Mariann Marthinussen on January 10, 2023 3:57 PM said:
    Thank you so much Doug, that was interesting, and to me not an astrologer, it looks similar to my own horoscope. I guess I will find out what that means :) Thanks for all you great summaries in Keahak - really enjoy them - grounding it all.
  • Darrell Jacobson on January 4, 2023 8:10 PM said:
    Hay Doc, thank you for taking the time and effort to enlighten us on the astrological events surrounding the opening of this auspicious event. Also, much appreciated are the humorous and insightful metaphors you come up with to help better grasp some of the mind blowing material Adamas drops on us on a regular basis in Keahak. Very down to earth and playful, from my perspective, someone who it would be fun to rub shoulders with in everyday life.
  • Gertrud Waldis on January 4, 2023 12:21 PM said:
    Thank you Douglas, for this helpful astrological data. I just would like to ad that on the evening befor heaven's cross, march 21st, at 17.24 European Time, is New Moon, as far as I know, supporting every new start. I consider heaven's cross as some new beginning. So we get all the possible blessings from the stars and the moon for this launch into what ever..... Love Gertrud
  • Anca Apostol on January 4, 2023 5:12 AM said:
    Thank You Dr. Doug.This is very interesting. Have a magnificent New Year!
  • Reich Beate on January 4, 2023 1:16 AM said:
    Thank you so much! Blessings from Austria☺
  • Vincent Adika on January 3, 2023 11:29 PM said:
    What a time to live on this Planet Earth. Deep resonance. Thanks to all at CC.
  • Emma Fuego on January 3, 2023 8:48 PM said:
    Wow! Just at the eve of Pluto entering Aquarius… so interesting. I know we’re beyond Astrology and yet it’s still such a great tool to play with.
  • Fay Hassall on January 3, 2023 2:55 PM said:
    Thanks Doctor Doug. What a lovely interpretation. When my friend Pablo shared with me about Heaven's Cross I knew that it would coincide with Pluto moving signs after being so long in Capricorn. My real transformation began in 2011 when I became aware of the Pluto Uranus squares and they really turned my life upside down for many years and so this planet moving out of my birth sign feels wonderfully positive :-)
  • Natalia Soloveva on December 26, 2022 2:11 PM said:
    Thank you very mach from Florida Happy Holidays
  • kathy A Ness on December 23, 2022 3:44 PM said:
    Blessings dear Doc, thank you so very much for your overview. Magical times. And as always I appreciate your summaries both here AND in Keahak.
  • Daniel Cantarell Rodríguez on December 23, 2022 8:12 AM said:
    Muchas gracias por compartir tan bello mensaje y sabiduría saludos y bendiciones
  • Paula on December 21, 2022 12:20 PM said:
    Thank you Dr. Doug. This is very insightful. I also very much enjoy the Living in Keahak sessions.
  • Helene Kace on December 19, 2022 12:33 PM said:
    Thank you Doug for this astrological summary. It's very interesting and the alignments and your interpretation seem to fit this grand event very well.
  • David O'Quinn on December 18, 2022 2:32 PM said:
    Dr. Doug. Thank you for doing this. My personal feeling was that Heaven's Cross was the 23rd., even before seeing your chart. Thanks for doing Living in Keahak with Linda. Your humor and your take on Adamus's poetic metaphors are very appreciated.
  • AKR on December 17, 2022 5:04 PM said:
    Thank you so much for doing this for us, Doug! Really helps to paint the bigger picture!
  • Nina Spitzer on December 17, 2022 2:06 PM said:
    Dr.Doug, Thank You! And Merry Christmas.
  • Anne Maribo Andersen on December 17, 2022 10:50 AM said:
    Thank you for sharing this. It is really interesting what happens on the astrological scale at this event. Wow!

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