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SHAUMBRA MAGAZINE: How and when did you find Crimson Circle?

DAVE: I actually met Geoff and Linda at a party in Coal Creek Canyon before they started Crimson Circle. I was talking with Geoff – it must have been just after the first gathering in the teepee – and he told me about his work with Tobias. I was connected with another channeler at that time who I’d been working with for several years, so I already had some understanding of the channeling process.

I attended some of the early meetings around the time my wife Suzy started working with Geoff and Linda. I was already familiar with some of the information Tobias shared, because of my other sources at the time, so I wasn’t yet fully engaged. Back then I think Jean was taking some pictures of the events, and I brought my camera in once or twice. Geoff asked me about taking photos on a regular basis in 2006 and I joined the staff as the Crimson Circle photographer. I did the monthly meetings, along with my first major event, which was the Quantum Leap in Taos, New Mexico in 2007. Following that, there were a lot of other excellent events in places like Sedona, Santa Fe, Breckenridge and so on. I distinctly remember the event in Santa Fe when Adamus first had Geoff open his eyes and walk around the room. I’m taking pictures of that and I’m like, “Whoa!”

That was pretty amazing, and that’s when I really started to get engaged with the material. Adamus likes science and I like science too. I remember asking questions when Tobias was around and he didn’t really want to go there, but with Adamus it was, “Okay, I like this!” That made a big difference, and it still does, because there’s no limit to what he’s interested in or what he can talk about. “Adamus physics” – wow! It’s definitely out there, and there are always a lot of layers that appeal to many different people.

SM: Anything else you do for Crimson Circle?

DAVE: I help Suzy sometimes, and also help out with watching Geoff and Linda’s house, making sure their vehicles stay charged up during their extended trips, that kind of thing.

SM: What’s your favorite part of the job?

DAVE: My favorite part is the monthly meetings, to be able to do the photography and then hang out with Shaumbra and share stories and even share some of my photography. We went to Kauai four times with Crimson Circle, so that was really a lot of fun. I even did a helicopter tour the last time we were there, with the doors off especially for photographers. That was a thrill and then some!

SH: What are you passionate about in your life, and what would you like Shaumbra to know about you?

DAVE: Of course, I love doing the photography. It’s a way of telling stories, and I’ve been told that I’m a messenger, so it helps with that. The storytelling also ties in with the photojournalism I’ve done in the past, particularly with the Highlander Monthly here in the canyon when I covered various stories. I wasn’t getting paid, but I had press credentials, which helped me gain access into some very special events. I’ve been able to meet a lot of special people, including President Obama at his last campaign event in Boulder before the 2012 election.

The biggest political event I photographed was in 2008 when Obama spoke at Civic Center Park in Denver. There were over 100,000 people there and I got some really cool shots of him. I was already doing most of the photography for the Boulder County Democratic Party and Brandon Shaffer was the president of the Colorado State Senate at that time. I shared some of my photos of that event, and he liked one so much he asked me to make a 3’x 5’ enlargement, and it was actually on display in his office in the capitol building in Denver for a couple of years. Sometimes I would see it on TV; they’d be interviewing him and there was my photo in the background! They still have it on the wall at the Boulder County Democratic Party Headquarters.

I photographed the Denver Grand Prix for several years and got to meet Paul Newman in 2005. He and Carl Haas had a racing team and I had taken a picture of them with their winning drivers in 2004. I called up the team, Newman/Haas Racing, and said “I’ve got this photo I’d like to give to Paul.” They said, “When he comes into the racing paddock area, let him get his food and just approach him,” so I did. It was an amazing experience! He really liked the team photo! I thanked him for his wonderful charity work via Newman’s Own foods and the Hole-in-the-Wall Gang camps for seriously ill kids. He was the one that actually got salads into McDonald’s because he wanted them to use his salad dressings. I also covered the Indy 500, the greatest spectacle in racing in 2006. There were over 300,000 people in attendance and it was a great race! I was able to meet and photograph a number of the drivers including Danica Patrick.

All of that has been fun, but I think the best thing is just the opportunity to share photos, stories and information, like I do on Facebook. That’s what I enjoy the most.

SM: We have to ask, why does Adamus call you “Crash?”

DAVE: It was at the Shoud in January 2012 and most of the audience was dressed in costumes. I was wearing a pilot’s costume and when Adamus walked by he said, “Hello, Crash.” The name has stuck ever since!

After earning a degree in psychology at CU in Boulder in 1971, Dave worked for the State of Colorado for 25 years as a youth counselor and juvenile parole officer. His photo of Comet Hale-Bopp in 1997 and subsequent creation of a greeting card launched his career as a professional photographer. That photo and his Moon & Mars Composite were accepted into the digital archive of the Denver Museum of Nature and Science.

His other interests include golf, music, motor sports, politics, astronomy, metaphysics and universal spirituality. Dave has also trained and worked as a massage therapist and specialized in subtle etheric energy work.

Dave’s favorite quote: “We are the ones we have been waiting for.” Hopi Prayer

He can be contacted on Facebook.

3 comments on "Meet the Staff - Dave Schemel"

  • Ieda T. Alves on March 3, 2022 1:35 PM said:
    Olá Dave Schemel Agradeço por seu belo trabalho, junto a esse maravilhoso grupo, Crimson Circle. Grande abraço!
  • Mercedes Serrano on July 12, 2020 9:09 AM said:
    Hello Dave, a big hug and thanks for those wonderful photos.
  • Amaz on May 16, 2020 4:31 AM said:
    Hello Dave. Gracias por traernos esas imágenes de los shaumbras, siempre divertidas. Y gracias por tu gran aporte al crecimiento y permanencia del crimson circle. 🙋😘💞💞

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