Welcome to Dear Master, an area designed to help you find answers to some of those deep questions that come up in your journey from awakening to Realization. Here you will find many topics in a “Question & Answer” format, as if you’re having a conversation with an Ascended Master. Each answer is an excerpt from a Shoud in the free Channel Library, with a link at the end of the article if you wish to read the full channel.


Have you ever felt that you have forgotten everything you’ve heard from Adamus (or Kuthumi, or Tobias) as soon as you finish reading or listening? With all we have heard, you would think that all answers should be there, easy to find in our memory, right? So, what’s going on? Who has hijacked all that information and left us in the dark?

Yes, Adamus has repeatedly said that the information is within us. But when the mind fog finally lifts and there’s a deep, important question that needs a down-to-earth and easy-to-find answer, how can we find it?

The answer is there somewhere, most likely in a Shoud, but where? There’s so much valuable information, but often and not enough time (or patience) to search through it all.

So, we’ve created a new section on the Crimson Circle website call Dear Master, where we will travel through time and go through the Shoud library in search of those hidden wisdom treasures. This new section will be in “Question & Answer” format, and we’ll publish two questions per month with answers taken directly from the Shouds.

As Adamus once said back in 2014: “You come here saying, ‘What’s new? What’s the latest? What’s next?’ No. There’s nothing new. It’s all been said before. There’s nothing new because you’re already there. You’re already there. Just experiencing what it was like to get there.”

4 comments on "Welcome to "Dear Master""

  • Beate Reich on October 28, 2022 12:11 AM said:
    This is wonderfull! Thank you so much😊 Love and Blessings Beate from Austria
  • Leena Tolonen on September 19, 2022 1:25 AM said:
    Voi, kiitos tosi paljon! Olen juuri miettinyt miten kertaisin tärkeitä opetuksia. Olen lukenut/kuunnellut kaikki shoudit aikanaan, mutta kiireisen elämän aiheuttama aivosumu on ehkä himmentänyt jotain. Tämä on kallisarvoinen lahja, otan tämän vastaan ilolla! Tervehdin kiitollisuudella, Leena
  • Barbara on September 5, 2022 6:09 PM said:
    Thank you for this....it is really lovely being able to re-zone in again and re-member! Hugs!
  • Patricia Kazantzis on September 4, 2022 11:16 AM said:
    Such a brilliant idea !! And VERY helpful ! Thank you very much ! warm greeting Patricia

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