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This month’s article was inspired by a tabloid newspaper. I was standing in the check-out line at a grocery store the other day and got to reading one of the tabloids. Wow! There’s a lot of news I could have never imagined! I didn’t know that five U.S. Senators are actually space aliens and are plotting an invasion! Or that a woman in Oregon (U.S.) recently gave birth to Big Foot’s baby! I also learned that a missing airplane from 1944 was recently found on the dark side of the moon! And Einstein’s brain was preserved in 1955 and has now come to life! I have to start reading more tabloids just to keep up on this amazing news.

So I decided to share some little known and/or never revealed facts of my own. It might not be quite as exciting as the tabloid news, but at least all of this is 100% real and true.

 • I actually met St. Germain several months before I encountered Tobias. It was a weird meeting with the Ascended Master, more like a fuzzy imagination or lucid dream. I don’t remember the date, although it happened just as I was falling asleep. I was in an ancient stone building, maybe a castle. Candles on the walls provided the only light so everything was dim. The room seemed very familiar but I didn’t know why. A door opened and a gentleman dressed in a long purple cape walked toward me as if he were floating. He appeared to be in his late 40’s, slightly gray beard and longish hair. He was handsome but not pretty, in a Sean Connery kind of manly way. He talked to me for a moment but for the life of me I don’t remember what he said, other than at the end of this brief encounter he said, “I won’t see you for a long time but I will return.” Then he disappeared. He didn’t walk back through the doorway, he just *poofed* into thin air. I felt sad and slightly confused afterwards, like a good friend just said goodbye. I would later learn this was a visit from St. Germain, about 4 months before I met Tobias.

 • Linda and I got married in the courthouse on May 19, 1977, the day the first Star Wars was released. We have no photos of our wedding or reception because the photographer didn’t load the film cartridge correctly. The next day we went on our honeymoon to Jamaica, with my grandparents. It’s complicated.

 • Linda and I met in 4th grade (about 9 years old). We were in the same Catholic school class for the first half of the year. We worked at the same department store in high school, and went on our first date in May of our senior year. We’ve been married longer than any of our siblings or parents. Many family members lost money on bets about how long our marriage would last.

 • Adamus’ Act of Consciousness book is ranked #6 in the Best Consciousness Books of All Time at He comes in ahead of Deepak Chopra (#11), Dalai Lama (#13) and Carl Sagan (#19), and right behind Ram Dass (#5) and don Miguel Ruiz (#3). Adamus is almost certainly strutted around the Ascended Masters Club over that news.

 • Linda majored in Nursing her first year in college, but then changed her major to Art History when she realized she didn’t like the sight of blood. She taught Art in public schools in Wisconsin and Texas for 7 years before becoming the Fashion Manager for a large U.S. retailer with over 900 stores. She traveled to exotic places like India, Nepal and Hong Kong so she was an experienced traveler even before we started globe-trotting for Crimson Circle.

 • Dr. Doug Davies did an astrology chart for Crimson Circle when we officially incorporated in 2006. The first part of the chart was a little “rough,” but then it was filled with huge potentials and opportunities. Indeed, the period between 2006-2009 had its share of chaos and issues, both internal and external. We got past all of that and it’s been like an amazing dream ever since. 2009 was also the year Adamus came in.

 • Linda and I don’t do private channels for ourselves with Adamus. We used to do it once in a while with Tobias, but the few private channeled sessions we’ve done with Adamus are less than fulfilling. We ask a question and Adamus’ answer is always the same: “Figure it out for yourselves. I’ll let you know if you’re right or wrong.”

 • I have two U.S. patents and one international patent in the field of telecommunications. One of the patents is titled “Multi-Dimensional Communications” because it is based on the re-use of radio frequencies in different polarizations, or dimensions. What I did back then and what I do now are totally different, but I like the wink from the angelic realms about the patent in Multi-Dimensional Communications.

 • Tobias used to hang around Linda and me all the time. Hardly a day went by when we didn’t feel or hear from Tobias. He was like the third wheel in our relationship. Adamus doesn’t come around much unless we’re preparing for a Shoud or workshop. When he does, it’s usually 2:00 in the morning. I used to wonder, “Why 2:00 in the morning?” until Adamus told me that the Ascended Masters Club is on European time, so it’s 10:00 in the morning for him. He likes chatting while he’s having his morning coffee. (I don’t buy it, not one bit. I think he likes waking me up in the middle of the night.)

But the real Crimson Circle news is so outlandish that even the tabloids would be challenged to run our stories. The headlines would look something like this:

“Thousands of Atlanteans prepare for enlightenment”

“Paranormal researchers discover people who claim energy works for them without cost or effort”

“Group members turn into Merlins after eating chocolate and drinking wine”

“Ascended Master declares that humans are the most sacred species in the universe”

“Gaia bids farewell to Earth, says it’s time for humans to care for the planet”

“Members of spiritual group choose to stay on earth to counteract robot invasion”

“Scientists discover new human species called Homo Christos”

“All is Well in All of Creation”

I had fun reading the tabloid headlines the other day, but what we are doing as Shaumbra tops any story a tabloid could cook up. Last lifetime on the planet? Embodied Realization is already a done deal? Energy is just communication and it actually serves you? You can make yourself invisible? We’re here to bring consciousness to the planet at the Time of Machines? Our light will illuminate potentials at this most-critical time on the planet?

I am in awe of Shaumbra. It goes further than admiration or respect. It is a deep sense of amazement and wonder. Just look at what we’re doing, in our own quiet and unassuming way. Even a tabloid magazine couldn’t top our story.

16 comments on "Alien Invasion"

  • Paul Lukowiak on December 26, 2019 1:05 PM said:
    I've been here since before the Harmonic Convergence and I too am amazed at our progression. I think cell phones are a last gasp effort to distract us from our natural spiritual evolution. The machines will fail. To quote Pete Seeger: "God bless the grass that grows through the cracks. The pavers pave it over but it grows right back." Happy evolution to all throughout our next roaring twenties!
  • Jimbo on December 5, 2019 5:50 PM said:
    Hello shambra, it's me, jimbo the eternal MISFIT. Just wanted to connect with you all, I've been around since 2001 and feel like part of the group, almost.
  • Annette Amaterasu on November 30, 2019 3:47 AM said:
    This was a fun article. I discovered CC just recently (Nov 2019) from Geoffrey's and Adamus' interview on that Kevin Moore show. I live in South Australia and am getting a lot out of your library, thank you!
  • Edda Michelsen on November 6, 2019 11:00 AM said:
  • Adriana Ramello on October 16, 2019 8:37 AM said:
    Hahaha ... I had fun reading your article ... as always deep love and honor for Shaumbra .. in my story around 2005/6 long before I met the Crimson Circle I knew that later I would work with this Saint Germain .. and The first thing that comes to me from the CC was one of the first Shauds with Adamus in 2009 ... from Tobias, I knew, years later ... Greetings from Argentina!
  • KAREN MONTGOMERY on October 10, 2019 7:54 PM said:
    He said to me, “You are different from the rest.” To which I replied, “No everyone else is just like me.” He said, “No that isn’t true. You have the quality of”…..and I can’t remember what he said. Whatever this quality is I knew he was right. I knew that I had that quality as well but was perplexed as to why the others didn’t….because I see myself no different than anyone else. END OF DREAM
  • KAREN MONTGOMERY on October 10, 2019 7:53 PM said:
    Then I was walking with this man down the right side of the room. He had on a plum/purplish robe. It was not extravagant or flashy in any way…but no one else in the room dressed like he was dressed now. When the event began, he was dressed in normal looking clothes…not this robe.
  • KAREN MONTGOMERY on October 10, 2019 7:52 PM said:
    And then I intuitively knew…..Will was a stepping stone which gained another nod from the man. Next scene was all of us in the room lined up walking around the periphery of the room. We were chatting and talking and we were all in one accord. None of the other people seemed to know much more about what this teaching session was about either. We all shared interest in whatever the teaching session had for us.
  • KAREN MONTGOMERY on October 10, 2019 7:52 PM said:
    I was so impressed with his desire to serve us and with such joy at that. It was work that was not beneath him and his service was a pure expression of who he was. At one point he was talking personally with me. I realized that he was to be my teacher now and I said, “But I love Will so much and have learned so much from him.” The man nodded his head and agreed with me but said not a word.
  • KAREN MONTGOMERY on October 10, 2019 7:51 PM said:
    Then things shifted and we were being served the most amazing lavish meal. There were servers bringing us plates of food and off to my left here comes this man carrying a tray of some lavish dessert. He was thoroughly enjoying himself serving these desserts. I knew instinctively that this man had means that expanded past my imagination and could easily afford to host this meeting and hire all of the work done.
  • KAREN MONTGOMERY on October 10, 2019 7:50 PM said:
    Now there were people in the room. From the size of the room I would say there were no more than 50 people in that room…..maybe less. A man with dark hair appeared in front of the room. He moved around kind of like Will does. He was putting on a seminar…a teaching session.
  • KAREN MONTGOMERY on October 10, 2019 7:49 PM said:
    Here is the dream in two parts so that I can post it: 1 30 15 DREAM I slept in until around 10:30am. I had a dream just before I woke up. Les and I attended a meeting at some rustic resort. We were in a room with wood topped tables. We were to pick out which table we wanted. At that point we were the only ones there.
  • KAREN MONTGOMERY on October 10, 2019 7:47 PM said:
    In Jan 2015 I had a dream. At that time I didn't know anything about CC.
  • Sharon Poe on October 9, 2019 5:46 AM said:
    Love it, thank you for sharing❣
  • Susan Norman on October 8, 2019 8:38 PM said:
    Love it! :D
  • Adori Gonzalez Izarra on October 8, 2019 2:20 PM said:
    Hola Geoff; La mayor "VERDAD" contenida en un tabloide. El viaje más asombroso de toda la CREACION, protagonizado por los valientes, osados y mágicos Shaumbras, HOMO CRISTOS, fELICIDADES a todos

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