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We chose to come into this lifetime for this little ol’ thing called Embodied Realization. Surprise! It’s turned out to be a bit more challenging than we anticipated. I think we were spirit-drunk as we were getting ready for this lifetime while still on the other side, making statements like, “Nothing can stop me” or “I’m a tough warrior…. I can handle anything” or “What could possibly be worse than my other previous lifetimes.”

Welcome to the road to Mastery…. The Camino de los Maestros Shaumbra. I’ve heard that some spiritual seekers intentionally do a long walk on the Camino de Santiago in Spain, the pathways for pilgrims making their way to the shrine of apostle St. James the Great in Galicia, Spain. Depending on which route you take along the Camino de Santiago, the hike is about 780 km (500 miles). An estimated 280,000 people walk the El Camino each year, or about 800 people a day arriving in Galicia after their long trek. But you could walk it 1000 times and still not come close to the challenges of embodied enlightenment.

El Camino de los Maestros Shaumbra (Pathway of the Shaumbra Masters) is different than the Camino de Santiago because it’s not a physical road, and, more notably, it’s a lonely road. There aren’t hundreds of others walking beside you each day, sharing restaurants and inns and conversations. The loneliness on the Shaumbra Camino de las Maestros is perhaps one of the hardest challenges of our journey. It’s hard to share your thoughts and feelings with family members and friends. Most of us have endured strange looks, ridicule and cynical comments about this being nothing more than a passing fad, or the latest weird tangent from the “persona loca” of the family (you). Yet we continue to follow our knowingness along the path.

When Linda and I meet Shaumbra around the world, the issue of loneliness is always in the top 5 challenges of the journey. Even though most Shaumbra are surrounded by other humans in their families, workplaces or communities, there is still a deep and real sense of loneliness because we have few if any people we can really talk with. I can actually be surrounded by hundreds of people (non-Shaumbra) and still feeling lonely if I don’t feel safe being myself, or if I simply don’t relate to the other people.     

They forgot to tell us about how lonely this lifetime was going to be. Many Shaumbra are no longer in relationships, and a surprising number of Shaumbra don’t have children. Friends? For many, their social circles dissolved away shortly after awakening. Pets have become closest living beings in the lives of many Shaumbra. The recent holiday season was a quiet time for many of us, simply because we couldn’t resonate with family or public activities. 

But when the cloud of loneliness comes over you, stop for a moment. Take a look behind you on the Camino de los Maestros. You’ll realize there are many more entities in your life than you could have imagined.

For starters, we are incredibly fortunate to have the entire Crimson Council working on our behalf. A long time ago Tobias said that the Crimson Council was the angelic order that excels in teaching around all the realms in the universe. The color crimson is part of the vibrational color spectrum of those who teach about consciousness, and. The Crimson Circle, of course, is the earthly counterpart to this angelic group. I remember Tobias telling me that there were over 4000 angelic beings in the Council. 

And let’s not forget about the 9700+ Ascended Masters. Adamus tells us that they are very aware of what we’re doing… Allowing our enlightenment while remaining in the physical body. He’s invited more than 100 Ascended Masters at a time into some of our workshops. 

Look behind you on the Camino and you’ll see some amazing entities who have been right beside us since 1999. We had Tobias to remind us that we’re not crazy, Kuthumi to make us laugh, Madame Blavatsky to make us cringe, Kuntar to guide us to the Bridge of Flowers in DreamWalker® Death, and of course dear Adamus Saint-Germain. This highly specialized, finely-tuned aspect of St. Germain is here with us “every step of the way.” I get the chills and a little verklempt just typing these words. Dang, I think I have tears in my eyes. Where the heck is the tissue box when you need one?

Take another look behind you and you’ll see a lot of commotion and activity. That’s the Crimson Circle staff. The team includes 10 full-time members, most who have been part of the Crimson Circle in one form or another for the past 10 – 18 years. The team Includes Vili Aguirre (Advanced Studies), Alain Bolea (Advisor, Board Member), Bonnie Capelle (Customer Service), Seissa Cuartes (Events), Peter Orlando (Studio and Technical), Michelle MacHale (Internet), Steve Salins (Finance), Jean Tinder (Content), and Linda (of Eesa) and me (mouthpiece). Our regular part-time staff includes Joe Collins (facilities), Dr. Doug Davies (Board Member, Keahak Advisor), Sandra Harris (Masters Club), Gail Neube (transcripts), Marc Ritter (Shaumbra Magazine), Dave Schemel (photography), Suzy Schemel (sanity) and Gaelon Tinder (camera). Plus, we have great help in the Masters Club during Shouds and gatherings from JoAnne Brennan and Kerry Gallant. Behind this crew is a team of outside professional accountants, web site consultants, attorneys (we have a really good law firm that actually likes the work we do) and technical consultants. You might never interact with these people but they’re part of the overall Crimson Circle energy. They’re right behind you on the Camino de los Maestros. 

I can’t say enough good about all of the international website hosts! There are 22 international versions of the Crimson Circle website and store including: Bulgarian, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Latvian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Brasil Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Spanish and Turkish. Special mention goes to Birgit Junker, setting the standard with the German website. She is an Inspire Consciousness award recipient for all of the work she’s done for German-speaking Shaumbra. The web hosts are a dedicated and amazing team.

Then there are dozens of language translators. They work tirelessly to translate the monthly Shouds, Cloud Classes and other Adamus messages from English to over 20 languages. They do this on a totally volunteer basis, just because they want Shaumbra, in their native language, to have access to the wisdom in the content. 

You probably don’t know much about this next group of beings behind you, because we rarely talk about them. They consistently and quietly do their work of supporting the Crimson Circle, energetically and financially. They’re the Crimson Circle Angels, an elite group of 989 Shaumbra around the world. We do two special webcasts and channels for them each year, because Linda and I want to keep telling them how much we appreciate their support. We simple couldn’t do this – energetically or financially – without them. Period. 

So, just when the road seems empty, when you think you’re alone on the journey, look behind you. There are thousands and thousands of angelic and human beings who know you and honor you, every step of the way. Happy Ahmyo Year!

7 comments on "Look Behind You"

  • Nora on March 24, 2021 4:36 AM said:
    It is not literally looking behind you. that is not what Geoff or Adamus mean. A while ago I was lying in my bed in the evening and suddenly the top of my crown got lifted and I was in pure Sunlight. I then saw a small group of 'people' standing near my bed watching me with very kind and curious faces. Then the top of the head went back on hahaha. awesome!
  • ROSANA VEIGA GUIMARAES on February 21, 2018 11:16 AM said:
    Thank you ! Thank you! Thank you! I have tears in my eyes!
  • Diana van Doorn on February 8, 2018 11:48 PM said:
    If one keeps looking behind one get a stiff neck. "The path is a virgin pathway and one has to go all alone". The moments of void and nothingness are the worst. with Gratitude to all that face times of deep loneliness.
  • Zoya Sergey on February 4, 2018 7:07 AM said:
    Thank you SOOO much.Jeff!! Yes, really i am not alone. I am verklempt! And love you all 👍
  • Beth Reinfjord on January 23, 2018 2:07 PM said:
    Thank you so much for this wonderful article, its spot on, have felt so lonley for many years, so this was very helpful! :) <3
  • Adori Gonzalez Izarra on January 20, 2018 4:50 AM said:
    Sí, sí, a veces olvidamos que "no ver" a la gente, no significa que no estamos ahí. Yo doy gracias infinitas a todos los que amorosamente hacen posible que todo nos llegue para compartir y seguir avanzando , no estamos solos porque nos une la energía del corazón ,y de la elección que juntos estamos experimentando- Gracias a todoooos, un abrazo Shaumbra , y a tí Geoff en particular, eres el portavoz de algo grande, grande
  • Cinara Oliveira Machado on January 10, 2018 10:27 PM said:
    ~☆♡ ♤ ♡☆~

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