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Note: My schedule is especially busy right now. We just finished an Energy Works workshop here in Kona last night, and my magazine article is due today. I’m going to “let energy serve me” by sharing a touching story Adamus told in the recent workshop, instead of writing an original article. I’ll be back next month with my regular column.

Adamus: Speaking of grand, I was at the Ascended Masters Club the other night, sitting in my favorite chair by the fireplace, reading the Shaumbra Magazine and listening to some of my music.

Suddenly, I felt the presence of another Ascended Master, Sebastian. He was hovering somewhere close behind my chair and I could sense he had an issue with me. In a slightly annoyed voice I said, “What is it, Sebastian? What is it?”

Sebastian replied, “Well, St. Germain, these humans on Earth, your little Shaumbra group, they have it so easy.” I put down my magazine and asked him to explain.

Sebastian raised his voice so others who were lingering nearby could hear. “Indeed, all of us Ascended Masters had it much more difficult. Your Shaumbra group, they have it so easy.”

My eyebrows raised high in a questioning way. “Really? Easy?” I asked sharply. About this time, a few of the other Ascended Masters came closer. One by the name of Ahliv said, “You know, they really do. When it’s time for a gathering, they hop on a jet and they’re there, from anywhere in the world.” Sebastian nodded and added, “We had to ride on camels, or walk for months without shoes, through six feet of snow.”

About this time Bob, an Ascended Master from Canada, jumped in, “And then they have this thing, the Internet, where they have instant access to everything. Back in our time, we were lucky just to have a papyrus scroll, eh?”

By now, more and more Ascended Masters had gathered around. Zelbaz piped in with a comment about food, of all things. “Everything is so convenient. They have all this prepackaged food. Back in my time, we had to hunt it, skin it and cook it, and now what do they do? They shove a little tray into a microwave, push a button and it comes out hot a minute later. This group of Shaumbra, they have it so easy!”

I just wanted to spit, but they continued on and on, one thing after the other. Raywah spoke up and said, “We had to figure out So-See-Hoon (from The Threshold) for ourselves. We had to go through very traumatic personal experiences with the dragon, and now you’re teaching this stuff to thousands of people. By all that’s holy, they should have to figure it out for themselves like we had to!”

This went on and on for at least 10 earth minutes. A banker from Switzerland – the one Ascended Master banker – said, “Back in my time, there was a price on everything. When we came to your Mystery Schools back in the 1500s, we had to pay precious gold coins just to get in the front door. And then, we had to work at the Mystery School just to stay! We labored in the fields and kitchens. We scrubbed the stone floors. We even cleaned your clothes! Look at Shaumbra now. Most everything they get from you is free, and what they do have to pay for is an incredible bargain worth 100 times the amount they pay. They get this wisdom at the mere push of a button on the Internet.”

The Ascended Master Hulia jumped into the fray. “When there’s a gathering, they get audio recordings and text transcripts so they can listen or read later. You’re spoon feeding them, St. Germain! You’re turning them into softies.”

By now I was getting agitated. They were talking about my people, my Shaumbra. I stood up from my chair and looked them straight in the eyes. “Damn it! Just a moment, fellow Masters! Yes, they do have some conveniences, and thank goodness they do. It makes it a little bit easier to go through the most difficult thing they’ll ever go through in all their lifetimes. So what if they have frozen dinners or can drive through McDonald’s or get on the Internet? The question is, could you handle being back on Earth right now, the way it is? Everything is moving so fast. Humans can hardly keep up with the minute-by-minute changes. Not just technology, but the crazy pace of humanity and one thing happening followed immediately by the next and the next. There’s hardly any time to breathe. The pressure is 10-fold more intense than what it was back in your day.

“And, yes, they have the Internet. It’s convenient, but there’s also something called Inter-junk. It’s all the crap that’s on the Internet and they’ve got to make their way through it. There’s so much junk on there, it’s like the holding tank for all the junk from mass consciousness. It’s convenient on one hand, but it’s also full of a lot of garbage.

“And conspiracy theories! Because news goes so fast, there’s more conspiracy theories, more fear, more drama, than ever. Yeah, they have it easy in some ways, but I want to tell all of you something very important. Every one of you Ascended Masters here, being critical of my Shaumbra, I want you to hear this:

“They’re staying on the planet as embodied Masters, and you didn’t. That’s the difference. They’re entitled to every one of those conveniences because they’re staying on the planet.

“You left! You, Raywah – What happened after your Realization? You had a grand Realization, and then you croaked. I mean, like right away! You didn’t stick around. The rest of you, how many of you stayed more than a month after your Realization?” Only a few hands went up in the whole entire room.

“You left. Nothing wrong with that. Nothing at all. You completed your journey, but my dear Shaumbra, they are not only completing their journey, but they’re staying. They’re staying on this planet, this crazy, crazy, crazy planet with its fast pace and its ups and downs and its attacks and assaults and energy feeding and low consciousness. They’re staying so they can be the real Masters, shining their light at the most important time Earth has ever seen.

“You back there – Begonia – you left, and it wasn’t a very important time. It was like, what, about 400 A.D.? Nothing was happening! It was boring. There was a little bit of this Christian movement taking hold, but things weren’t really happening back then. There were a couple of little wars here and there, but it was one of the most boring times in the world. Oof! I wasn’t there. I didn’t choose to incarnate back then, because it was so boring.

“My Shaumbra are staying at the Time of Machines, and now there’s even a whole new species of human emerging on the planet. How can you be critical of Shaumbra, saying they have it easy when indeed they have re-enlisted for service to humanity? How dare you!”

The room went silent. I did everything I could not to smirk. I had to keep a stern face, but I was so damn proud of my defense of Shaumbra. Then, from the back of the room, there was the sound of one Ascended Master clapping. And then a dozen. Pretty soon hundreds were clapping, and in the end, there were 10,000 Ascended Masters clapping because they realized what I already knew. You, Shaumbra, may have some conveniences, but those benefits are nothing compared to what you’re really doing. Being able to take a jet airplane, big deal. Like that’s fun? There are days I’d rather take a camel than a jet. And sure, you have Internet and you have some other conveniences, but you’re staying and that’s the whole point.

You are choosing to be embodied Masters on the planet, the first group ever, and you’re not just planning to stay a year or two. We’re talking decades or more. You’re planning to stay around – to enjoy your own life, of course – but also to bring something very important to the planet right now: Consciousness, light, new potentials, and ultimately New Energy.

Take a moment, dear Shaumbra, to receive this applause from 10,000 Ascended Masters.

20 comments on "One Stormy Night at the Ascended Masters Club"

  • norma on March 1, 2023 12:38 PM said:
    Loved this story! Yep, we are staying. So much joy & experience coming with great blessing to the earth & her children😍
  • Antonio Augusto de Oliveira on November 1, 2021 5:14 AM said:
    Sentir os aplauso de 10.000 Mestre Ascendidos e conseguir ler até o final essa linda mensagem é só lagrimas de alegria. gratidaõ a todos.
  • Despoina on October 25, 2021 6:31 AM said:
    I felt it !!! deep inside. with a smile in my heart. honor and respect dear Geoff and Linda and Adamus .
  • MANON on October 13, 2021 7:15 AM said:
    Merci pour ce beau partage, ca m'a vraiment beaucoup touché. C'est comme si j'y étais, comme si c'était moi qui partageait avec ces belles âmes. bonne journée
  • 金沢陽子 on October 2, 2021 5:09 PM said:
    When I first received this praise, my heart just warmed up, and the second time I was relaxed and tears of joy permeated my cheeks. I'm really grateful to you for walking with us so far💖Thank you so much.
  • Vicky on September 28, 2021 6:50 PM said:
    I needed so much to hear these words right now. Thank you Adamus, thank you Geoffrey. Love you so much 💖💖💖💖
  • Anni Pretorius on September 15, 2021 9:01 AM said:
    Thank You Adamus... Love Always
  • LOUISE Korsten Van Gassel on September 4, 2021 2:17 AM said:
    lieve help, ik lees mijn eigen woorden . ja in het Nederlands . ja sinds 2000 heb ik nog steeds moeite met Engels. contact met de Shaumbra wereld is dan ook niet echt mogelijk. eder woord dat ik heb geschreven is waar. maar gisteren was ik op stap , na corona weer onder de mensen. ik genoot als een blij kind en voelde dat ik straalde en maakte contact met veel mensen . het was geweldig.
  • Rosana Guimarãeães on August 5, 2021 4:12 PM said:
    Meus olhos se encheram de lágrimas e meu coração, nossa, senti ele crescer de mim, como se fosse sair. Foi um momento de incrível emoção! Obrigada Adamus pelo carinho!
  • LOUISE KORSTEN VAN GASSEL on June 23, 2021 3:37 AM said:
    dank je Adamus, tranen komen in mijn ogen. ten minste een persoon die weet hoe verschrikkelijk moeilijk dit leven is. ik ben vaak verbaasd dat ik dit echt wil en zelfs weet waarom IK WIL BLIJVEN. en in feite al 78 jaar dit volhou. eigenlijk te idioot voor woorden.
  • Aula Shawki on May 7, 2021 2:55 PM said:
    Tears falling while reading there heart touching words... I felt them in my bones. So greatful to you Adamus and the 10k ascended masters 💚
  • Daniela on May 7, 2021 12:03 AM said:
    Chills and Love. Looovveee. Yeah! Yes, decades. Shin in & then Shine on.
  • Sebs on May 6, 2021 4:21 PM said:
  • mery on May 6, 2021 10:25 AM said:
  • Veena Shiggavankar on May 6, 2021 12:27 AM said:
    My beloved dear Adamus I truly speechless after listening this. Your love towards your Shaumbras and your teachings to us which made us stand top of this Earth. My tears filled love gratitude for supporting us in many different ways and in most difficult situations dear Adamus. YES, WE (my inner family) DID IT FINALLY. Much love and hugs my sweet Adamus.❤️😘🌹❣️🙏
  • jenni on May 5, 2021 9:33 PM said:
    YES and thankyou ASG for shinning that light . My favourite saying about myself since iWas in my 20's (1990's) is that I'm Tonka tough , just like the toy trucks- you can knock us around but we'll still keep going and be fun to be with .
  • David on May 5, 2021 8:10 PM said:
    Heart touching indeed.
  • Anne Papas on May 5, 2021 5:21 PM said:
    Just love Adamus and so grateful for all his teachings over the years - thank you ❤️
  • Sirkku Visuri on May 1, 2021 1:38 AM said:
    That was so touching and supportive. I shared it to my workgroup doing light work. They have cryed, whatever age they where. And me , "the river was abundant"! Thank you dear brother Adamus Saint Germain. Forever yours, Sirkku From Finland
  • Adoracion on April 30, 2021 1:04 PM said:
    Infinitas gracias Adamus por tu incondicional y amorosa "defensa" de los shaumbras. Tú sabes mejor que nadie porque estás con nosotros a cada paso del camino, y sí, hay algunas ventajas, pero también como describes, trampas y dificultades muy nuevas y persistentes. Y sí, un gran regalo para nosotros y toda la humanidad, quedarnos para disfrutar la Maestria Encarnada, en el momento más mágico, enorme y transformador de nuestro amado Planeta y Humanidad. Gracias

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