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After a year without in-person Shaumbra gatherings, we were finally able to have a small workshop here at Villa Ahmyo in Kona, Hawaii!

One year of no Shaumbra hugs. One year of no audience banter with Adamus. One year of empty seats at the CC Connection Center in Colorado, and at the Shaumbra Pavilion in Kona. I’ll always remember it as the year of being away from Shaumbra family, and the Year of Suffocating Facemasks.

When the COVID epidemic broke out last February, we were just about to start a workshop with a wonderful group of Shaumbra from Korea. We thought about cancelling, but we knew many were already on the island getting prepared for the gathering. The workshop went off without incident, but we knew we’d have to cancel the next six months of live Shaumbra events. Six months turned into one year. It seemed like the longest year ever.

I think everyone assumed COVID would be gone by the end of 2020 (including Adamus), but by early autumn it appeared that it would be around for a while longer. The vaccines won’t be widely available for several more months, and it will take a long time to distribute the shots around the world. We dreaded having to cancel the early 2021 workshops in Kona. So, after careful consideration and daily monitoring of the news about COVID, we decided to go ahead with the events. In order to abide by the State of Hawaii guidelines, we limited the group size for the February and March events to just 20 people so we could do the proper social distancing.

We had to make some other adjustments as well. Everyone would have to wear a facemask, which no one likes to do for long hours on end. We changed the usual opening night Welcome Dinner to an Aloha Welcome Reception. All food items had to be individually wrapped. Linda and I searched the aisles at Costco to find anything and everything we could with individual packaging, right down to the small containers of coffee creamer.

The workshop attendees went through their share of hassles to get to the Big Island. Many flights were cancelled, even at the last minute. Hawaii requires a COVID test 72 hours prior to landing, so every attendee had the pleasure of getting a swab jammed up their nostrils. Upon arrival at the Kona International Airport, everyone was subjected to yet another nose-intrusion as part of a secondary test. And of course, everyone had to wear their face masks the entire time on the long flight to the island. These are all part of the Inconvenient Truths about COVID, an era we’ll never forget.

On the day of the Aloha Welcome Reception, the crew cleaned and scrubbed and disinfected everything in sight. Instead of cotton hand towels in the restrooms, we put out paper hand napkins. Large bottles of disinfectant were placed strategically around the property so you were never more than a few steps from a good hand cleaning.

The first guests started showing up promptly at 5:00 PM. It took everything not to hug them, but instead to use a fist or elbow bump. Talk about weird! Within a short time, everyone arrived and treated themselves to a glass of wine or other beverage, as well as individually wrapped cheese, crackers, chips, and nuts; in other words, what I usually call “road trip food.” The good news is that, even though we’d been getting rain almost every afternoon, on this day the sky was relatively clear, so we all got to enjoy a beautiful Hawaiian sunset. Attendees stayed much longer than usual for the Welcome Reception because it was such a joy to be with people – and especially Shaumbra – after a year of social isolation.

The next morning the crew put out individually wrapped treats once again, and coffee and tea were served by the staff rather than each person getting their own. The chimes rang at 9:30 AM for everyone to come down to the pavilion to begin the Energy Works workshop. I remember sitting on my barstool getting ready to channel Adamus and looking out at the strange sight – an unusually small group, lots of space between the chairs, and everyone’s faces covered by masks. It is, and was, the COVID era.

“I Am That I AM, Adamus of Sovereign Domain!” boomed Adamus as he came in. I could feel that he was more delighted than usual to come into our space. He had gone a full year without the intimacy of an in-person gathering. One of his favorite things about any live gathering is interacting directly with Shaumbra. He connects with anyone viewing a video or Cloud Class, but he loves the live, personal exchange with Shoud and workshop attendees.

It wasn’t long before he was asking his trademark rapid-fire questions to the audience, having attendees stand up to give their answers, admonishing them for not speaking loudly enough, telling jokes, and keeping everyone distracted and off-kilter. I haven’t seen him prance around the stage like this for a year. He was definitely in his element – ol’ Adamus was back in town!

For the next four days, we laughed and cried and merabhed together. The rain stayed away, Belle was ever-present, and everyone seemed genuinely happy to be back with their Shaumbra friends. At the pizza party on the last night, we watched a beautiful sunset while sipping Prosecco and eating gourmet pizza, individually served by the staff of course.

Through all of this, I came to realize how Adamus – the self-appointed president of the Ascended Masters Club – truly loves being with Shaumbra. He’s not sitting on a lofty perch somewhere in the cosmos, preaching “down” to humans. He’s not confined to a Mother Ship hovering above the planet, telling humans how they are an inferior race needing to be saved by the Galactic Command. He wants to be right here on the ground, walking amongst the chairs, and in your face (literally and figuratively). He loves making us laugh and grimace and contemplate and even shed a few tears. He doesn’t tell us what rules to follow, but rather reminds us that everything, everything, everything is already within. As he said in the recent Energy Works gathering, “You are God Also. God is your energy, your energy is your soul, and therein is every potential for anything you desire. Allow yourself to remember this, and then you will understand true freedom.”

There’s nothing like watching and channeling an Ascended Master at work, and there is no Ascended Master like Adamus Saint-Germain. After a year without live audiences, I felt his true love and compassion for Shaumbra like never before. Thank you dear Adamus, for your patience and understanding. Thank you for being here with us at the Time of Machines on Planet Earth.

5 comments on "One Year Later..."

  • Josef Gabriel on April 28, 2021 12:15 AM said:
    A Letter to Shaumbra
  • Sandra on March 23, 2021 6:41 PM said:
    Que bom que retornaram! Meu amor, muitas bençãos e gratidão a todos vcs.
  • Cindy Stokhorst on March 15, 2021 2:31 PM said:
    I hope COVID has done its thing, before we all are coming to Bled in September! Looking forward to meet again :-))
  • Mabel Russo on March 14, 2021 5:41 PM said:
    Maravilloso!!! muchas gracias por describir todo esto. Bendiciones
  • Adoración González Izarra on March 5, 2021 10:56 AM said:
    ¡¡¡Ah,ah,ah !!! Nuestro Amado, Genial y genuino Adamus, mil gracias por su Amor, aceptado y compartido infinitamente y a tí magnífico Geoff, por tu regalo de canalizarlo y dedicación de vida para nosotros, Mi corazón baila de gozo

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