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Adamus has been chatting with me recently about “Our Stories.” He’s going to talk about it at the January 7 Shoud but I’m going to get the jump on him in this article.

Our lives are a collection of stories; we all have them. They are very real in the physical and psychological sense, yet they are just stories. Even Tobias, Kuthumi and St. Germain have their stories.

Tobias, the pious Jew who played by the religious rules, only to be punished by God by losing his eyesight, and then eventually having his property taken from him. Tobias died in a prison cell but not before a bird came to his jailhouse window and inspired his Realization.

There’s Kuthumi, with his story about going through a mental breakdown and lying in bed for two years, during which time he conversed with his soul Ah-Kir-Rah until he allowed his Realization. His story continued as he walked from village to village for the next 20 years.

And then St. Germain. I saved him for last because naturally his story is bigger. One of his (highly theatrical) stories is about his 100,000 years trapped in a crystal prison. Then his life as St. Germain, where he was raised by the Rákóczi family in Romania, sent with empty pockets out on his own at age 20, and eventually becoming one of the wealthiest and most influential figures in 18th century Europe. (mic drop)

It’s challenging to look at our stories as “just stories” when we’re in the midst of scripting and living them. We get blinded by the details, entangled in the dramas and at times overwhelmed with anxiety about how the story ends. We have the tendency to look at the ugly under-belly of the story rather than the sacred overview. And so often we think it’s more a matter of cruel destiny rather than a very creative and fluid story.

As Shaumbra, I think we tend to interject a lot of suffering into our stories so that someday we can tell the New Ones (and ourselves) about the hell we went through in order to be among the first to come to Realization in the Time of Machines era. After all, the elements of suffering, drama, and hardship make for good stories, or so we have believed.

We all have stories, and we all have the free will to look at our stories however we want, from any angle or direction. From the perspective of full consciousness, we are able to see every part of our story, from the good to the ugly. But with a more limited spectrum of consciousness, we tend to look at our stories from more emotionally-charged perspectives. Some people have almost no perspective, meaning that they are barely aware of their story. We can look at our stories from the perspective of the Dramatic, the Loveless, the Victim, the Hopeless Wanderer, the Righteous Warrior (Cause Worker), the Pathetic, the Clueless, or perhaps the Anointed One. We can look at our stories from the perspective of our Soul’s eyes, where the Soul is like the spiritual parent watching her child fall off the bike time and time again but not being able to interfere with the experience of learning to ride the bike, no matter how many scrapes and bruises happen along the way.

Your stories are a series of human and divine experiences, and how you perceive the story is entirely up to you. No matter how you view your stories, you will eventually arrive at the same final chapter where you come to Realization and live joyfully on the planet. I can almost see it…. Sitting on my favorite park bench with a big smile on my face while reading “My Stories: The Life and Times of a Once Struggling Human, Now a Wise Master.” I see myself reading that book over and over, crying at the appropriate places, in suspense at certain turning points, haunted by doubt and uncertainty, but with an angel as a secondary character that comes in at moment of greatest need and desperation. The angel never says anything; just the presence alone brings comfort and solace to me in my stories. In the last chapter of my Life Book I ask my Soul “Who was that angel that dropped in during my darkest hours?” My Soul laughs and tells me it was my Self from the future coming to assure me that it all works out. My Future Self jumps from the final chapter into the earlier chapters to make sure I write and experience the final chapter.

You can look at your story any way you want. That’s actually the thrill of being the author, editor, main character and publisher of your Book of Life. For example, I could perceive my own life in many ways and still get to the final chapter:

Poor Geoffrey: I was born into a large, dysfunctional family where I received little guidance or attention from my parents. I was tasked with taking care of my younger siblings, leaving no time to enjoy my boyhood. My parents couldn’t afford to send me to college so instead I joined the Army at age 17. In the ensuing years, I had to crawl and scrape for everything in my life. People took advantage of my naïveté and because I was working so hard all of the time, I never got to enjoy the pleasures of life. Blah, blah, blah. Boo-hoo. And then in the darkest moment of my life, an angel by the name of Tobias appeared to me one night and said, “I am here to work with you.” What? More work? Poor me.

Wise Geoffrey: I was born into a large dysfunctional family, but the good news is that I learned a lot about human nature. My parents were busy fueling their craziness so I was able to do what I wanted without much interference or micro-management. I left home at age 17 to see the world, and that I certainly did. My career took me on several paths, but everything was designed to hone skills I would use later in life with the Crimson Circle. As a Public Information Specialist in the Army, I learned how to take highly technical aerospace documents and turn them into magazine articles and press releases that could be understood by the average reader. During my 20 years in marketing, I learned how to develop communications for my clients and their products. I also learned the importance of concise and focused communications. In my years with the aviation telecommunications company I helped to create, I learned how to take a rough concept drawn on a paper napkin into a full-blown company traded on the NASDAQ stock market. I learned how to overcome seemingly insurmountable challenges, how to run a tight business, and how to know when it’s time to move on. And then at one of the busiest times of my life, an angel by the name of Tobias appeared to me one night and said, “I am here to work with you.” I had always had a passion for my human work, but now my true lifetime passion was upon me. A few years later the Crimson Circle was founded, I was fired from my aviation company (thank goodness), and Linda and I began traveling to every corner of the world to meet Shaumbra. I was living the dream life.

The fact is, we usually see our stories from many different perspectives. In the past I would often see my story from the Poor Geoffrey viewpoint because in that story I had a huge cross to bear, and for some strange reason I thought cross-bearing was my destiny. Ha! Now I realize that I was mistaking the Cross of Burdens for Heaven’s Cross. Duh! They’re both crosses, but with very different perspectives.

What’s your story? How do you want to see your story? Are you quite ready to look at it with bright clear eyes rather than old dreary eyes? I know some Shaumbra who have designed incredibly brilliant lives that were focused on their Realization, even at the expense of enjoying normal muggle experiences, but because they were so deep into their story they couldn’t see the brilliance of the life path that would eventually lead them to embodied realization and beyond.

One last point before Adamus stops me for stealing his thunder: The stories of our lives and past lives are very much alive. They continue playing out on Earth and in the other realms. Every sad story of mine that I have revisited was ready to be turned into a wise story. The past is not finalized. It is simply waiting to be rewritten in accordance with your new wisdom and perspective.

6 comments on "Our Stories"

  • Mark on February 21, 2023 10:15 AM said:
    Inspiring article! One little correction, the Rákóczi family was a powerful hungarian noble family with properties in Transylvania (after 1919 Part of Romania) and in Upper Hungary. In this hungarian family St.Germain was born.
  • Eun Hee Choi on February 13, 2023 2:06 AM said:
    Hugggg Uk!!! I was also mistaking the Cross of Burdens for Heaven’s Cross !
  • Оксана on January 22, 2023 2:17 AM said:
    Огромное спасибо, дорогой Джеффри!!!
  • Mary on January 11, 2023 5:01 PM said:
    I love your article Geoff! How you show us the contrast between wisdomized and unwisdomized stories——a clear road map for all those it speaks to now and in the future!
  • Cagri on January 11, 2023 3:30 PM said:
    Wonderful, Thank you Geoff.
  • Luis Germán on January 9, 2023 10:41 PM said:
    Mis respetos maestro Geoffrey .Gran articulo que nos devela de manera clara la historia que debemos crear de nosotros este año. Su ejemplo es muy inspirador y nos ayuda a darle la vuelta a cualquier situación -Un abrazo--

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