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(A tongue-in-cheek article1)

How many questions do you ask in a given day? This includes questions you ask others and questions you ask yourself. “What will the weather be like today?”, “What are we having for lunch?”, “How long will it take for me to become a realized Master?”, “How am I going to pay the rent this month?”, and “What should I do with my life?”

I estimate that roughly 33% percent of our daily activity is related to questions. I wonder if that’s an accurate number or perhaps something I’m making up? Ooops. There I go, adding another question to the long list of questions I’ve already asked today.

Questions are a necessity in everyday life. A question is a sentence worded or expressed so as to elicit information. “What’s your name?”, “What time is dinner tonight?”, “Who drank all of the wine?”, “Where is the toilet?” These are all relevant questions, but perhaps we’ve gone overboard with all of our questions? I wonder if that last sentence should have been a question or a statement?? Do you see how questions can get you all confused in the brain?

I contend that the proliferation of questions in modern society causes a high degree of mind pollution and ultimately contributes to depression and anxiety. While questions were originally designed as a simple communication tool in the Lemurian days for the sake of survival (“Did anyone see a man-eating dinosaur roaming around today?”), it seems that questions are now used in place of good, clear thinking, and they have certainly suffocated the use of our intuition.

There are external questions – the ones we ask of other people. This is what questions were originally intended to do. Ask a question, get an answer. “Will you pick up some milk from the store?”, “How are you doing?”, “What time does the meeting start?” But there are now so many other types of questions to the point that the basic question has lost its impact. Do you know what I mean? Just too many questions.

Have you ever heard of a rhetorical question?  A rhetorical question is a figure of speech in the form of a question that is asked to make a point rather than to elicit an answer. Though a rhetorical question does not require a direct answer, in many cases it may be intended to start a discussion or at least draw an acknowledgement that the listener understands the intended message. Your parents may have asked you rhetorical questions such as, “Can’t you do anything right?” or “You call this a good job of cleaning your room?” and “Do you think you’re going to go to college with those grades?” Their questions were intended not to ask about your ability, but rather to insinuate your lack of ability. Although sometimes amusing and even humorous, rhetorical questions are rarely meant for pure, comedic effect. Are you finally getting my point about the excessive use of questions?

The questions that concern me the most are the questions we ask ourselves. Self-questions and self-questioning. They are the step-children of Doubt; most of them are needless and useless. “Is this article good enough?” I might ask myself while banging away at the keyboard. “Does it matter?” In other words, “Where does that self-question get me?” It’s not going to make me a better writer. It’s not going to get more people to read my article. It’s just mind-fuzz, right up there with belly-button lint. It just doesn’t serve a purpose.

Tobias made reference to the Question of Questions many years ago. He said that every time you ask a question a “probe” is sent out into the universe until the answer is found. Sometimes the answers come quickly (“We’ll have dinner at 7:00 PM tonight”), while other times the questions have been probing around the universe in search of an answer for many lifetimes (“What is the meaning of life?”). In Journey of the Angels, Tobias talked about our original sin – errr – our original question after we went through the Wall of Fire: “Who am I?” That single, simple question launched us until an endless series of experiences and lifetimes, all in search of the answer to that question. (Note: The answer to that question is “I Am That I Am.” You can stop your searching now.)

Sure, a lot of questions get answered along the way but can you imagine how many questions are still out there searching for answers? The search goes into your dreams at night, with these “probes” exploring the past and future for meaning. In your waking state, the unanswered questions are seeking resolution as you go about your day. They are a type of Aspect, programmed to search and search and search until they find the answer. Can you imagine how this affects your clarity, not to mention a good night’s sleep?

Questions have become so ingrained in our lives that we don’t realize that we don’t need questions to realize the answers. Confused? Let’s use this common Shaumbra question for an example: “What do I need to do to become an embodied Master?” As this inner question is asked, a probe goes out in search of an answer. It searches in your memory banks, and, failing to find the answer, it goes out to the universe. Of course, the universe doesn’t have the answer so it goes out into the cosmos. The cosmos is really big, so it’s still out there searching. You, the creator of the question, have an unsettled feeling because the question is still bouncing around the cosmos. It’s a feeling of being “incomplete.” Combine that with millions and millions of other unanswered questions and pretty soon you’re in overwhelm. Do you realize this can lead to exhaustion, anxiety and depression?

What to do?? Simple. Don’t ask the #$@%& question! Instead of asking what you need to do to become an embodied Master, simply BE the Master. No question is needed because the answer is already within. The moment you asked the question a probe went outward to find the answer. But indeed, there was no need for a question because you are already a Master… you’ve always been a Master. Nobody else has the answer, not even the universe. It’s the Act of Consciousness that Adamus talks about: Act like a Master instead of asking what it’s like to be a Master. Don’t ask the question; simply allow yourself to realize. It’s a little tricky at first because we’ve become so accustomed to asking questions. Your mind will nearly insist on framing a question but take a deep breath and just “become” the Master. Your mind will question the legitimacy of “realizing” rather than “questioning” because, well, the mind likes questioning everything. Did you know that questions are the passion of the brain?

Not all questions are bad. I just asked Linda want she wants for her birthday (March 1). She smiled sweetly and replied, “Just you.” But I already knew the answer before I asked the question (I’ve already decided what to get her), so I guess it really wasn’t a question. I contend that we can drastically reduce the number of questions we ask each day, especially the inner questions like “Where is my enlightenment?” When the question is not asked, and the realization is allowed, we suddenly become the Master. The searching ceases. Then Master comes forth out of the shadows of the I Am.

So what I am going to get Linda for her birthday, you ask? Hopefully, you’ll have the answer soon via a Facebook photo and you can bring that question-probe back home.

1) Tongue-in-cheek is an American figure of speech used to imply that a statement or other production is humorously or otherwise not seriously intended, and it should not be taken at face value. The phrase was originally meant to express contempt by thrusting one’s tongue into their cheek and directing the gesture towards an offensive person. By 1842, however, the phrase had acquired its contemporary meaning, indicating that a statement was not meant to be taken seriously.

2 comments on "Questioning Questions"

  • Amber Marzipan on March 9, 2017 12:26 AM said:
    I remember the Tobias shoud concerning the topic well, and I feel the appropriateness of the timing of your article in light of 'the hungry planet' references in Prognost 2017. I experience more clearly, or "deeper", now that the questions really are the minds way of eating.. The gravity it has created, and is creating, has indeed reached the point where it's all just to dense and totally meaningless. Much love and gratitude.
  • Julia Belyaeva on March 2, 2017 11:57 PM said:
    Thank you, Geoffrey, for the reminder. We have all the answers and questions will disappear. Congratulations Linda on her birthday. I wish you love for yourself and for each other. With love and blessings !!!

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