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Linda and I got married on May 19, 1977. It was the same day the first Star Wars movie premiered in theatres around the United States. My relationship with Star Wars (and Linda) has continued ever since.

Linda was a big science fiction fan. She was a geek for Gene Roddenberry’s Star Trek television series, and loved shows like The Twilight Zone and The Outer Limits. I wasn’t into sci-fi; I’m a bit embarrassed to admit that I’m a romantic-comedy-movie type of guy. (I can hear your chuckles, but mind you that chick-flicks always have happy endings and no blood is shed.)

At the young age of 22 years, we sat in the theatre as the now-iconic Stars Wars music score started the movie, and the opening crawl – the text that scrolls up and away into the vanishing point of the vast universe – rolled up the screen. “A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away….?” I thought this was supposed to be a science fiction? What? I was sure someone had made a mistake. How can you have space ships and alien beings a long time ago? A long time ago there were primitive, nomadic tribes fighting against dinosaurs, not spacemen zooming around in starships. I wished we had gone to see Woody Allen’s Annie Hall movie instead. It was the bittersweet, cerebral romantic comedy of the decade, and here I was watching some hokey sci-fi movie that didn’t know the difference between the past and future.

It didn’t take long for me to get deeply drawn into the movie. After about 30 minutes I realized this was a very different kind of flick. It wasn’t just about a galactic battle. It was about light versus dark, good versus evil. They talked about “The Force” instead of God and Satan. The Jedi Masters were more like monks than warriors. They had magical powers and used light sabers instead of guns. They could travel from one planet to the other as easily as I could drive from my home to the office. While this might seem blasé today, it was radical 40 years ago.

I remember walking out of the theatre in a daze, my jaw open and my head filled with new thoughts. George Lucas, the writer and director, had managed to present new concepts and perspectives in this brilliant cinematic creation. It touched an inner knowingness that there was more to the nature of reality than I’d learned in school or church. The movie seemed more real than everyday life. Maybe, just maybe, Star Wars managed to capture a true story of our past?

I saw the next two episodes – Star Wars V in 1980 and Star Wars VI in 1983 – but they didn’t have the same impact as the original episode. I didn’t see the next trilogy (Episodes I – III) because I felt the saga had now become a commercial franchise without the depth of Episodes IV – VI.

Recently Linda and I bought the entire six-episode Star Wars saga in preparation for going to the theatre to watch the newest release, Star Wars VII: The Force Awakens. (Even the title sounds so… Shaumbra.) We’re going to see this new episode in a few weeks with the Crimson Circle staff, so the energy should be extra high. Over the long Christmas weekend Linda and I lit a fire in the fireplace, threw extra pillows on the sofa, opened a bottle of good wine and cozied in for a Star Wars movie marathon – six episodes in four days.

It had been almost 30 years since I had watched a Star Wars movie. I have to admit that it made me feel a bit ancient, but then I remembered that I was nearly a child when the first episode came out, AND….. age doesn’t matter any more. (Yeah, right.) The movies blew me away, not because of the cinematic or acting qualities, but rather because of the storyline. The creative concepts behind the movies have a strong parallel to so much of what Tobias and Adamus have talked about. I wondered if Adamus had a hand in writing Star Wars but as of this writing he has neither confirmed nor denied this hypothesis.

Here are some of the many correlations between Star Wars and Shaumbra teachings that I gleaned during the movie marathon:

MastersStar Wars makes extensive use of the word Master. I was never aware of this before. In Star Wars there is no shame in calling someone a Master or being referred to as a Master. Adamus talks about Shaumbra as embodied Masters even though some have challenged him about his word choice. He won’t budge from it: A Master is a Master, period.

The Force – This is the underlying theme in Star Wars. “May the Force Be With You” is now one of the most familiar pop phrases on the planet. Obi-Wan Kenobi says, “The Force is… an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us, and penetrates us. It binds the galaxy together.” Is this what Adamus refers to as Bon, the life-force fabric created by consciousness? Roman Kroitor, the cinematographer who invented IMAX, noted that “Many people feel that in the contemplation of nature and in communication with other living things, they become aware of some kind of force, or something, behind this apparent mask which we see in front of us, and they call it God.” Lucas apparently used Kroitor’s comment when developing the Star Wars script.

The Dark Side – Human religions talk about God and his adversary, Satan. But in Star Wars, they talk only about the Force. Both the Dark and Light use the same Force, albeit for different purposes. For as long as Tobias and Adamus have been working with us, they’ve said not to be biased to the dark or the light. They call the imbalance to the light as Anost (pronounced uh-nahst). “The imbalance to the light is a denial of the dark. It is a denial of half of yourself, if not more.” ~ Tobias

The Empire vs the Rebels – This sounds eerily like the old Angelic Family Wars talked about by Tobias in Journey of the Angels. These wars, fought between the 144,000 angelic families as a way to gain energy and power, resulted in the entire cosmos coming to a near standstill because neither side could possibly win. We came to Earth to find resolution to the impasse.

Feel – Notice how often the word “feel” is used in Star Wars, especially when the Jedi Masters are training the initiates. They tell the students to “feel” rather than think. There are dozens of references to this throughout the saga. This is the very thing that Adamus has been encouraging us to do. He uses the terms feel and sense when talking about going beyond linear thought. Tobias used to say that true feelings are not your emotions, but rather your intuition and gnost.

Human Senses – Obi-Wan Kenobi tells Luke Skywalker to pull down the blast shield on his helmet as part of his training. “Your eyes can deceive you; don‘t trust them,” says Obi-Wan. Adamus says that our physical senses and especially our eyes keep us from perceiving the other realities around us. “You don’t realize the other dimensions around you because you insist on perceiving through your mind and five physical senses. I am standing right in front of you; you have to feel and sense me, not see me,” Adamus once told a workshop attendee. And in Interdimensional Living he said, “Sight is the big deceiver because you expect to see things in the other realms the same way you see with your physical eyes.”

Anti-Gravity – Adamus says the key to free, non-polluting energy is gravity. Once we understand anti-gravity we’ll understand how to make gravitational energy work for us.

Midi-Chlorians – Midi-chlorians are microscopic organisms which allow Jedi and other Force-sensitive beings to connect to the Force. It sounds very similar to what Tobias and Adamus have talked about with the physical body’s anayatron. They say it’s the communication network that all energy particles use to communicate with all other energy particles, particularly within the Body of Consciousness.

The similarities go on and on. I wonder if George Lucas channeled the story of the Angelic Family Wars, similar to how Linda thinks Gene Roddenberry channeled much of the Star Trek series? Or maybe Lucas has some sort of energetic connection with Shaumbra? He calls himself a Buddhist Methodist but his awareness seems to go far beyond either of these disciplines. Or I wonder if somehow Shaumbra around the world helped to energetically create this story as a reminder to ourselves and other humans about our origins, and our potential future? No matter what, Star Wars has the ability to awaken the magic, fantasy, mystery and Force within all of us. Perhaps we’re in the process of energetically writing the saga that comes after Star Wars, to be called something like Star Force: The Masters Among Us.

1 comments on "Star Wars - Our Wars?"

  • Mihaela on June 21, 2020 2:38 PM said:
    And... Obi-Wan sounds like Oh-Be-Ahn. That was the first I've noticed in Tobias material. I am not native English speaker and in a sudden it sounds me exactly as I pronounced Obi-Wan :) It was even before I've become familiar with Journey of the Angels

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