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Linda and I are sitting on an airplane headed from Frankfurt, Germany to Billund, Denmark. We’re not quite at the half-way point of our European tour, which started in Norway and ends in a few weeks with the big Masters in Munich celebration. Today is our 40th wedding anniversary so it’s very fitting that we’re enjoying the day together on an airplane. It’s been the way of our life for the past 16 years when we started traveling around the world to meet with Shaumbra. We’ll do our actual anniversary celebration in Denmark this weekend with a nice intimate dinner and an exceptionally good bottle of French wine.

On our anniversary celebration, we’d like to share some news with you. We were a little hesitant about mentioning it; it’s a personal matter yet it affects nearly all Shaumbra. It has to do with the future of the Crimson Circle, and all of the work we’ve done over the years, so we feel it’s to best to share it. Plus, it might help you to understand some of the other things we’re doing at CC Headquarters back in Colorado.

Linda and I recently created the Crimson Circle Foundation. It’s a non-profit foundation with the charter to continue the work of the Crimson Circle long after we’re gone from the planet. Of course, we don’t have plans to leave any time soon, but we wanted to preserve and protect all of the Crimson Circle work well into the future.

To this end, all of our personal assets will go into the non-profit Crimson Circle Foundation, after we leave the physical realms. This includes our physical property, retirement accounts, stocks and bonds, cash, artwork, vehicles and everything else we own. It also includes all of our Crimson Circle stock, copyrights and trademarks; every piece of written, audio and video channeling since we started in 1999. It will all go into the Foundation for the express purpose of continuing the work long after we’re gone.

In plain words, the Crimson Circle Foundation will have funds to continue offering the materials for many years and decades to come. It will also have the legal ownership of the material in order to keep it pure, in its original state, without others distorting or commercializing it.

The Crimson Circle materials are the history of the Shaumbra journey in this lifetime. It’s the diary of our coming to Realization. Linda and I have had the honor of being part of the creation of this work with you at the Shouds, workshops, Cloud Classes and Keahak. We have served as the custodians of the materials, and along with the staff making sure it is properly distributed and archived. We feel a strong duty toward the legal and financial viability of the Crimson Circle, as well as the protection of the copyrights for Shaumbra, now and in the future.

Linda and I were in the business world prior to starting our full-time work with the Crimson Circle in 2002. We went through ups and downs in our careers, and we were involved in several start-up companies including one that became quite successful. We both worked since we were 16 years old and by our late 40’s, prior to the Crimson Circle, had made a very comfortable living for ourselves. Then the Crimson Circle was born, and it became our life’s passion, the very reason for being here on the planet. We were blessed that we didn’t have to do the work of the Crimson Circle for the money, but could rather focus on building it for the benefit of Shaumbra.

Linda and I don’t have any children. It wasn’t a conscious choice but rather what was “in the cards.” By the time we were in our mid-30’s we accepted this, as painful as it was at times, and moved on with our lives. Looking back now, we would have never started the Crimson Circle, along with all of the traveling and long hours involved, if we had a family because the attention would have gone to our children rather than our work. It was a sacrifice, but perhaps a small personal sacrifice in light of what has come of the Crimson Circle.

We have no children to leave our inheritance to. Our brothers and sisters (14 in total) are all mature adults with homes and security, and while we still love them dearly, the longevity of the Crimson Circle materials is our priority. More good will come from leaving our inheritance to the Crimson Circle and Shaumbra than if it went to our biological relatives. And, when we thought about leaving something to charities, we could think of no better cause for humanity than the Crimson Circle itself.

Many people have asked us what will become of the Crimson Circle when we retire or cross over. We’ll probably never retire because we love what we’re doing. I’m sure we’ll slow down at some point, but as long as there are humans going from awakening into mastery, and as long as Adamus continues to work with us, we’ll continue to do what we’re doing. Even after we’re gone, there will be many, many people who seek guidance and reassurance in their journey to Realization. We want them to have access to the library of wisdom and knowledge that has come from Tobias, Kuthumi, Adamus and Shaumbra since 1999.

It was a strange process to go through, talking with the Foundation attorney and discussing what happens when we… well, depart. We had to write a list of all our assets, everything we own, everything we’ve worked hard at for these past 40 years. On the other hand, it was a true joy to know that it will all eventually go into the Crimson Circle Foundation. There was a deep sense of fulfillment when we signed the final documents to create the Crimson Circle Foundation.

These have been the best years of our lives. We’ve traveled nearly 1.5 million miles to 32 countries, and have met an estimated 10,000 Shaumbra in person. I hope we’ve touched your hearts and souls as much as you’ve touched ours. When Adamus says “In all of Creation, there are no greater Beings than Human Beings” we know exactly what he means. We have come to know some of the finest humans on this planet, ones who call themselves Shaumbra.

49 comments on "The Crimson Circle Foundation"

  • Tanya on March 5, 2018 12:14 AM said:
    This brought me to tears. I have been wondering if you had children. My daughter is a Golden Child that I connected with years before her birth, during pregnancy and Now. I would not have been able to birth her if not for you, Crimson Circle and all that I AM and WE ARE. As you know our children are your children and the legacy you leave is beyond words (((((((LOVE))))))))
  • Fatima santos on October 12, 2017 6:32 PM said:
    I honor both Of you! And i am honored to be part of the shaumbra family. Without CC i would be lost. I make 50 years old today and i’m Happy and Living the amhyo life. I send love and gratitude from my heart!
  • Sujin Kim on October 5, 2017 6:41 AM said:
    Truly appreciate and honor on you. CC and what you've done were superb light on this way. Sending love and gratitude from heart.
  • Edward Gallego Restrepo on July 23, 2017 9:13 PM said:
    Muchas gracias por esta maravillosa labor. Es tan hermoso todo lo que han hecho y que seguirá en el futuro que reconforta mi corazón el poder hacer parte de esta maravillosa travesía al despertar. Saludos.
  • ROSANA VEIGA GUIMARAES on July 21, 2017 6:35 AM said:
    Thank you!
  • Tina Ruby on June 10, 2017 2:50 PM said:
    Well .....Thank you so much for your dedication and precious work you are doing....All of You..... This idea of a CC FOUNDATION is in my mind since 2010.and still is... Hope to C U SOON. .. BLESSINGS
  • Camilo Herrera on June 7, 2017 3:36 PM said:
    Way to go Linda and Geoff. The wealth of information of the CC must be preserved and made available for those seeking enlightenment in the future. Congratulations and Happy Anniversary
  • Melodu on June 5, 2017 1:44 AM said:
    Congratulations! Your love spills over and makes my heart happy. Thanks for all you do.
  • emilia ferreira on June 4, 2017 11:31 AM said:
    I've follow you since the begining...The shouds sometines are like letters i wrote to myself. I don't know many things now, because it appears that "és de hierro tu destino , no habrá nunca uma puerta..." and i'm very tired. But i tkank you because you are Home to me !
  • Yongyi Li on June 3, 2017 6:55 AM said:
    Your couple are wonderful! Much appreciated for Adamus guidance and your work! All shouds touched my heart and great companion with my journey! I am grateful for it!
  • Carol Walczak on June 3, 2017 2:57 AM said:
    Wow, 17 years later the CC is still going, still expanding, and we are getting O-L-D. Kind of sad to have to think of "the end" already. Thank you Geoff and Linda for all you have done.
  • Fatima dantos on June 2, 2017 10:34 PM said:
    Congratulations!!! Thank you sooooo...much! I love you!!!
  • Tiffany on June 2, 2017 8:58 PM said:
    In awestruck, loving witness to you both, and all that you've created! Here's to another 40 years!! ❤️
  • Nancy on June 2, 2017 7:52 PM said:
    Thanks a lot, you are wonderful and your work has been Very importante for me.....rediscover Saint Germain through Crimson Circle and his messages, was a very happy moments for me....again Thanks a lot and congratulation for your anniversary...Your history is wonderfull.... kisses for you...
  • Angela Fiebelkorn on June 2, 2017 9:25 AM said:
    Wonderful! Congratulations! It's good to know others will be able to find the world of Shaumbra when they are ready.
  • Tiny Hendrix on June 2, 2017 7:30 AM said:
    You're so beautiful, much love to you both
  • Людмила Н (Нужная) on June 2, 2017 3:56 AM said:
    Линда и Джеффри, дарю Вам свою любовь и восхищение!!! Мои сердечные поздравления с 40-летием Вашей свадьбы! Прекрасная просветленная жизнь продолжается! Процветания Crimson Circle и Шаумбра! = Linda and Jeffrey, I give you my love and admiration !!! My warmest congratulations on the 40th anniversary of your wedding! A beautiful enlightened life continues! Prosperity Crimson Circle and Shaumbra!
  • Barry on June 2, 2017 3:52 AM said:
    Thank you Geoff &Linda for your dedication to the "great work". May your lives be blessed and may your light shine throughout shaumbra and all humanity forever. I look forward to meeting you in person when you visit "Down under" (Australia) soon. Barry
  • Vasanta Henryka on June 2, 2017 2:50 AM said:
    I greet you with the love of my heart. The tears twisted in my eyes when I read. You are wonderful and thankful for all your work. Thanks shoud understand what happens to me and how to live. Your foundation is THE WORK OF THE UNIVERSITY. CONGRATULATIONS. Thank you I love you very much and I greet you. Vasanta Henia from Poland.
  • Shaumbra on June 2, 2017 1:26 AM said:
    T H A N K Y O U ❣️
  • Lee-Anne on June 2, 2017 1:15 AM said:
    Happy Anniversary you two! Thank you for all that you do . 💜
  • Sagy Cohen on June 2, 2017 12:45 AM said:
    Love you guys. Thanks for every little thing.
  • Claudia Elisa Ronchin on June 2, 2017 12:03 AM said:
    Congratulations for your anniversery, I think that the decision to leave all your inheritance to the Crimson Circle foundation which is to consider "your creature" is a wonderful choice. I hope to meet you someday here in Italy.
  • Julya Belyaeva on June 1, 2017 11:50 PM said:
    Dear, beautiful Geoffrey and Linda! I wholeheartedly congratulate you on the 40th anniversary of your life together! You are a wonderful example of a loving couple, you are made for each other. I am very grateful to you. Adamus has chosen you so well to convey his information, he knows you for a long time and feels your purity, clarity, depth, devotion. You are Masters with a capital letter. Your creations are very beautiful. Live long! With great love and blessings to you!!!
  • Denise Van Why on June 1, 2017 10:45 PM said:
    Wow. Another creative solution in the creation that continues to give.
  • Trilby Johnson on June 1, 2017 10:02 PM said:
    Dear Linda and Geoff, congratulations on your wedding anniversary. Hope you have a wonderful celebration and voyage. Thank you so much for all you have done and all you will continue to do. Finding CC back in 2010 saved my sanity and I have followed the monthly shoud ever since. I am so happy for you and the path you have chosen to continue to contribute to so many through CC, even once you are on the other side. You are both amazing and such an inspiration in so many way. THANK YOU and Blessings.
  • Artur Wilkomir on June 1, 2017 9:33 PM said:
    Thank You for all what You have sacrificed and achieved‼️ Thank You for Your Great Hearts‼️ Thank You for this Awesome Adventure You have taken Us Shaumbra with You‼️ Thank You‼️
  • Janice Boudreau on June 1, 2017 9:08 PM said:
    Thank you dear Geoff and Linda for the gift of carrying on Crimson Circle after you leave your physical bodies. Many blessings to both of you!
  • Lynda Jaye on June 1, 2017 8:27 PM said:
    Wow! There are no words to express my love 💖and gratitude🙏 at finding and becoming a part an amazing group that has received so much from two wonderful Souls. Geoff and Linda, tears of gratitude fill my eyes and love floods my heart as I read your words. Thank you, thank you for sticking with your Soul Plan so we could all find our way home. 💞💕
  • Wanderley Paiva on June 1, 2017 7:44 PM said:
    Parabéns ao casal lindo, sinto orgulho de estarmos juntos nessa caminhada​ Shaumbra-iluminado, como combinamos a mais de 2.000 anos, isso que vcs fazem é tudo por amor e compaixão por todos os seres que estão despertando e a todos que virão, parabéns, beijos em seus corações💕! Shaumbraços
  • Janet on June 1, 2017 6:41 PM said:
    What a beautiful gift❤️ My heart is gilled with your selfless generosity. Feels like i received an inheritance of the richest kind. Thank you Geoff and Linda. You're on your way to higher planes of spiritual evolution and celebrate you. Light and love.
  • Smone Gouveia on June 1, 2017 5:04 PM said:
    Now that makes for a grand creation that keeps in flow with on going expansion and realization. I honor you both for your gift that keeps on giving. Gratitude and blessings💜
  • Karen Montgomery on June 1, 2017 4:14 PM said:
    WOW!!! Thank you so much for what you are doing. And yes, the need will become greater as more begin to awaken from their earthly slumber. Your integrity is amazing and the love you have for this work, if you can call it work, oozes out all over the place. Thank you seems to be a simple expression, but my heart explodes and magnifies the expression. It feels good to know that this body of work will always be available to assist us and to assist all those coming after us.
  • Tana Archer on June 1, 2017 4:13 PM said:
    Wow - I Am deeply touched .... what an incredible gift .... you both are such beautiful Souls. Thank you for all that are and all that you offer to our beautiful world & beyond . I Am indeed grateful .... much Love to you both
  • Helen Anderson on June 1, 2017 3:51 PM said:
    I know and feel the deep love and pure intent behind each of your words and as a family member knowing our energy with all intent will blossom for future generations l am truly grateful and very proud for knowing you both and am looking forward to catching up with you guys when we come visit Colorado and you know we always have a spare room ❤️
  • Tiffany on June 1, 2017 3:20 PM said:
    In awestruck, loving witness to you both, and all that you've created! Here's to another 40 years!! ❤️
  • Sola on June 1, 2017 3:18 PM said:
    Dear Linda and Geoffrey, Thank you from the depths of my heart and soul! Words are inadequate but I send my deepest love! Sola
  • Becky on June 1, 2017 2:26 PM said:
    Happy Anniversary Geoff and Linda. It is truly an amazing legacy, Thank-you.
  • Marilyn Hughes on June 1, 2017 1:36 PM said:
    Happy 40th anniversary, I hope you have a wonderful celebration. You are both amazing selfless people and the Crimson Circle Foundation is an amazing idea. Thank you both for all you do you have changed my life. Marilyn
  • Patrick on June 1, 2017 12:59 PM said:
    Thank you. Congratulations!
  • Teresa on June 1, 2017 12:55 PM said:
    Geoff, Linda, you have certainly touched my heart and soul during all these years, since 2010 when I learned about CC and become a Shaumbra. Thanks for the Love and dedication, you have put in the CC, for the good of so many Shaumbras who are part of the CC ever since 1999, and for the many that will come. My Love and Respect to both of you, and thanks from the soul for the CC Foundation. Teresa
  • Patrick on June 1, 2017 12:47 PM said:
    Thank you. Congratulations!
  • Sharon Lyn Shepard on June 1, 2017 12:41 PM said:
    Linda and Geoffrey Hoppe, Gratitude is not a big enough word for the Joyous Heartfelt Commitment you have made to all of Shambra and those that follow in our shining footsteps as Embodied Masters.
  • Gila on June 1, 2017 12:28 PM said:
    Amazing Grace ! Blessings ... Love allways win! 💜☄🎶🎵
  • Adrienne Brock on June 1, 2017 12:06 PM said:
    Yes, you touch my hart and soul and I feel so greatfull for all you are doing and sharing with us. Love, blessings and a long beautiful life I wish to both of you
  • Patrick on June 1, 2017 11:42 AM said:
    Thank you. Congratulations!
  • Annette Coykendall on June 1, 2017 11:40 AM said:
    You two are truly amazing. I sensed a sort of birth announcement when I first read the title, and I was correct! What a legacy and gift you have created for us and the world. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart. Your work has buoyed me up innumerable times and though I've never met you, I have been immeasurably blessed by you! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
  • Francel Castillo on June 1, 2017 11:22 AM said:
    My deepest admiration. As I finished reading my whole body was feeling those gosebumps feeling what you guys transmitted. Cheers for many years of Shaumbra Legacy. Big warm hug from Cancun, Geof & Linda.
  • shyam on June 1, 2017 10:56 AM said:
    looking fwd to rocking it with you in the Light Realms. ..... actually I'm counting on be-coming Light, occuring while still in hu-man form ! Perhaps we'll meet 'in the flesh',....perhaps the Light we are may dance together in the Rainbow! thank you for Be-ing, oooohhhhh the wonder and magic of it all! from Sheila , in bc, canada

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