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It’s hard to imagine that we’ll end the Walk On Series at the July 2 Shoud in just a few days. Doesn’t it seem like we started the Series just a few months ago? For me, it’s been one of the most intense and personal of all of the Shoud series over the past 16 years. Yikes… 16 years! How time flies when you’re channeling and traveling and meeting Shaumbra.

The other day at the Keahak V finale in Colorado, Adamus alluded to the name of the new Shoud series: The Transhuman Series. It’s a daunting title. I just googled (I guess “google” is now a verb?) transhumanism to see if there was any related information. The definition in Wikipedia sounds similar to what Adamus was talking about, but there are some significant differences between the Adamus version and the Wikipedia version. Wikipedia says: Transhumanism is an international and intellectual movement that aims to transform the human condition by developing and creating widely available sophisticated technologies to greatly enhance human intellectual, physical, and psychological capacities. Transhumanist thinkers study the potential benefits and dangers of emerging technologies that could overcome fundamental human limitations, as well as the ethics of using such technologies. The most common transhumanist thesis is that human beings may eventually be able to transform themselves into different beings with abilities so greatly expanded from the natural condition as to merit the label of posthuman beings.

Wow. It sounds a lot like our Shaumbra journey. And (no buts here), and, I don’t think we’re an intellectual movement. I mean that in the very best way. We’re “allowing” (a new Shaumbra verb) ourselves to go beyond the mind. We already know there’s so much more out there; the last thing we need to do is to think about it! We’re raring to experience it, and we’re not doing it by using technology, unless you consider our spirit and gnost to be an advanced technology.

The Wiki definition also states that the “intellectual” transhumanists may eventually be able to transform themselves into different beings with greatly expanded capabilities. Here’s another difference. We’re not trying to become just “enhanced humans.” Adamus is very clear that we’re transitioning from our limited human focus into a broader perspective as multi-sensory Masters. Adamus has cautioned that we are not negating or denying our humanness; we are simply and naturally expanding beyond our current limitations. We’re opening ourselves to new worlds, so to speak, and by the very nature of expansion we develop an entirely different perspective and appreciation of the Zoo.

Adamus set the stage for the Transhuman title in ProGnost 2016 back in January. He talked at length about how emerging technologies will change the nature of life on this planet in the next few decades. The speed of computing is accelerating at such a rapid rate that nothing will stay the same. He talked about it in the Walk On Series Shoud 7 when he said that “everything goes new.” In the next few weeks we’ll film the ProGnost 2016 Mid-Year Update. Based on some of the chattering in my ear by Adamus, he’s going to go into a lot more detail about how emerging technologies, including artificial intelligence, will change the nature of our reality in the years to come.

You might be wondering what the heck technology has to do with our work as Embodied Masters. The simple answer is… everything. Look at how the world has changed in the past three decades as a result of technology, and we’ve only just begun to experience the effect that technology will have on our lives. Think in terms of nanotechnology, biotechnology, robots, sensors and artificial intelligence. Significant new technology raises huge questions about ethics, abuse, power and corruption. Just like the advent of nuclear power brought up similar issues 70 years ago, we’ll be faced with moral, political, financial and spiritual dilemmas as new technologies come into our lives.

Adamus said recently that, “advanced technology without advanced consciousness is a recipe for global disaster.” He also reminded me that many Shaumbra could have ascended a lifetime or two ago, but chose to wait until this lifetime to become Embodied Masters. Connect the dots. We chose to wait until now because we knew that consciousness would be vital at this time. We knew that our consciousness needed to be present here – not somewhere off in the Ascended Masters Club – at this epic time on Earth when “everything goes new.” Again, connect the dots with what Adamus has been talking about the past few years. It only takes a little bit of allowing to start seeing the big picture. No wonder over 1500 Ascended Masters, including Tobias, chose to come back at this time. No wonder each and every one of us are here at this time.

We heard the “Call to Consciousness” at the time of the historic convergence of technology. With the element of embodied consciousness on the planet, humans can find ways to use these amazing new technologies to evolve the human condition, and meld the old Earth and new Earth. Without consciousness, these technologies can cause the final split between old Earth and new Earth.

It’s no coincidence that the new Transhuman series will begin right at the time when we open the new Masters Club at the Crimson Circle Connection Center. When we first started contemplating the Masters Club, I thought we’d be ready by April or May. There were delays with the landlord, delays with the architectural and permitting processes, and a number of other small things. As it turns out, the best energetic resonance was to have the new Masters Club ready as we kick off the new Transhuman Series, because the Masters Club is truly about embodied consciousness. And that’s the very reason we’re here.

I propose that Wikipedia creates an alternative definition of transhumanism, based on thousands of Shaumbra around the world. It would read something like this:

Transhumanism is a global consciousness phenomenon for the transformation of the antediluvian human condition. A group calling themselves Shaumbra do this through a natural and free technique known simply as “Allowing.” Allowing opens the human self to a wider and more fulfilling range of sensory perceptions, usually transcending the limited human senses of sight, sound, taste, smell, touch, emotions and thought. Transhumanists don’t think about or study the potentials of Allowing, rather they already possess the knowingness that they will go beyond fundamental human limitations of physical, intellectual and emotional realities. The most common transhumanist thesis is that Shaumbra will transform themselves into highly sensory beings, with abilities so greatly expanded from the old human condition as to merit the label Free Beings. The transhumanism movement does not strive to recruit members, but rather relies on the knowingness that the right people will “come to” the group. Those who achieve the Free Being status will become “Standards,” or examples to other humans, who are looking for more in life after a long series of repetitive lifetimes.

P.S. While having a glass of wine with Keahakers the other night, we got to talking about how to explain Crimson Circle to other people. We all told our stories of how we’ve tried to explain what we do, nearly always ending up in mild frustration because, well, it’s hard to explain all of “this.” We finally got out of our heads and came up with the perfect thing to say when asked about the Crimson Circle: “You know what it’s like… when you just know there’s more to life, but you don’t know what it is? That’s what we’re all about.” Amen.

8 comments on "Walkin' On"

  • Валентина on September 2, 2016 6:16 AM said:
    Благодарю Джефф за свет, который ты несешь нам. Благодарю Адамуса. С радостью жду "Трансчеловек " серию.
  • Julya Belyaeva on July 17, 2016 11:57 PM said:
    Dear friends, I so dearly now treat myself. I came softness and gratitude to my existence. I'm here. I Am. It's all. My blessings. Thank you.
  • Patricia Carina on July 15, 2016 4:42 PM said:
    I am completely speechless... First time here and exactly How i feel and could not explain....another sign to Have receiven a gift ...THANK you
  • Olga on July 13, 2016 12:38 AM said:
    Thank you, Jeff, for this article, bringing more clarity to the understanding of what is happening with us.
  • Jenifer on July 8, 2016 5:03 PM said:
    Getting excited about the Transhuman series! I like your definition, Geoff, and the explanation of what the CC is all about.
  • Neusa Ribeiro on July 2, 2016 8:32 AM said:
    Amei. Adoro o Círculo Carmesim e Adamus. Sou grata Amo os shouds. Sou Shaumbra. Atingir o estado livre de ser. Lindo isso!
  • Melanee on June 29, 2016 5:04 PM said:
    Thank you for writing this and for all you do. I truly appreciate you putting yourself out there like you do. What a life you have!
  • Lara Wall on June 29, 2016 12:01 PM said:
    Beautiful and new! Love that. Thank you ♡

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