Seria Omului Divin: August 2002 - Iulie 2003

Seria Omului Divin a fost prezentată şi înregistrată la întâlnirile lunare ale Cercului Crimson. Primul channel al acestei serii a fost prezentat pe 3 august 2002 şi s-a încheiat cu Shoud 12 pe 19 iulie 2003. De aici puteţi accesa versiunea text a fiecărui Channel şi sesiune Q&A sau puteţi asculta sau descărca fişierul audio al fiecărui channel. Lista este în ordine cronologică. Why "Shoud" Has Replaced "Lesson" In the first channel of the Divine Human Series, Tobias said, "It is no longer appropriate to go through lessons with you. The lessons in the past series were to help you stay on course, to stay on path. There is no reason for it anymore. So, we choose that you do not call these lessons in this new Divine Human series." Instead, Tobias asked that the channel be a direct interchange between ourselves. In doing so, the channel becomes something more than a message from Tobias -- it becomes a chorus of human vibrations speaking in one voice. Tobias said: "On this side of the veil, we call this process "Shoud," "Shoud." Not shout - we do not shout! (audience laughter) Shoud is the vibration of "shou-doe-wah." This is the vibrational pronunciation that we use here. In a sense, it is a derivative of your human word "shadow," or "reflection." That is what you are doing. "In Shoud the human channels a group of humans. One human brings together the vibration of all. While it is coming out of one human - in this case, Cauldre - it is the chorus of all of your vibrations. It is like when a group of humans sing. You hear essentially one voice. But, when you listen, you can tell there are many individual voices singing the same word."

Shoud 12: "The Seven Seals" - July 19-20, 2003 - Given at "Midsummer New Energy Conference" in Breckenridge Colorado

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Tobias Channel and Shoud

July 19, 2003

Tobias Closing Comments

July 20, 2003
