
Explore many years of deep and transformative wisdom from Embodied and Ascended Masters.

Remember your Self. It is the fundamental call of every angel and Master to every human who is ready. From humble beginnings in a mountain teepee to worldwide gatherings, these core messages are delivered via free monthly webcasts. This vast library of life changing wisdom contains everything needed to understand your earthy journey AND your divine origins.

Intertwined in a beautiful spiral of stories, insights, and humor, these Shouds chronicle how the consciousness pioneers and spiritual pirates called Shaumbra allowed new levels of embodied consciousness and discovered new dimensions of creation.

It doesn’t matter where you dive into this extensive library. Whether you start at the beginning, middle or most recent, it will be the perfect place for you. That’s the way it works for a Master.

Illumination Series

October 2023 - August 2024

CURRENT OVERVIEW – Adamus introduces Khamsa, urging you to accept your worthiness, receive joy, and let energy illuminate your life. He describes the Middle East conflict as an ancient family dispute and emphasizes the importance of personal empowerment and balance in the face of rapid AI advancement. The Khamsa gesture symbolizes the flow of life—palm out for light and palm in for the wisdom of darkness. The 21 Shaumbra Realizations represent wisdom from 24 years of work, highlighting the need for your radiance to transform planetary changes and embrace Love 2.0. Trust your divinity, let go of control, and recognize your light's impact as a new human species emerges, fueled by technology, light, and consciousness. IMPORTANT NOTE: This information is probably not for you unless you take full responsibility for your life and creations.

Illumination Series / 1

Khamsa – Your Light, Darkness and Flow

October 07, 2023

Adamus introduces Khamsa. You are here for two things: to illuminate and to enjoy life. Accept your light and the wisdom of your darkness, which includes things you don’t love about yourself and areas that haven’t yet received your light. The New Light you’re bringing since Heaven’s Cross is critical as technology and AI advance. It is also calling up old issues and ancient conflicts for resolution.

Illumination Series / 2

Your Wisdom in 21 Shaumbra Realizations

November 04, 2023

The 21 Shaumbra Realizations are the culmination of 24 years of work, acknowledging the deep, sometimes painful and very rewarding journey to Realization. Adamus talks about expansional gravity and its ability to transform your thoughts, emotions, and physical reality. Above all, he reminds you to relax, allow your energy to serve naturally, and shine your light without agenda.

Illumination Series / 3

Drop the Shaumbra Curse and Shine Your Light!

December 16, 2023

Adamus reminds that you are here to shine your light and enjoy life. Planetary changes will occur, and your radiance is helping to make Earth a planet of love, wisdom, and light. Get over the Shaumbra Curse – unnecessary suffering, compromise, hesitation, and burdens. Embrace Love 2.0 and receive light and love from the Ascended Masters in the Circle of Light, a Christmas present from them to you.

Illumination Series / 4

The Year of the Dragon, AI & Aerotheon

January 06, 2024

Adamus reflects on his book "Time of Machines," where he traveled from the 18th century to 2020, observing the reliance on smartphones, or "looking glasses." He notes the profound impact and potential dangers of technology, stressing that AI must be balanced with consciousness to prevent disaster. He urges listeners to transcend gravity, manifest your divinity, and remember why you chose to be here now.

Illumination Series / 5

Breaking Through with Love, Gratitude and Magic

February 03, 2024

Imagine being trapped underwater, desperate for air, feeling stuck, struggling and yearning for freedom. This journey, recorded by Shaumbra, serves as a guide toward freedom for future generations. It's time to go beyond the old focus, frustrations, and worries about what will happen. It's all or nothing. Don't compromise; release the illusionary drowning scenario and set yourself free.

Illumination Series / 6

Love 2.0 – A Turning Point

March 02, 2024

Adamus notes that love was first experienced on Earth about 5,000 years ago. Spirit didn’t know love until humans, the experiential part of the soul, felt it, just as Spirit now knows of sunsets and the taste of coffee through the human experience. Love as an angelic sense has spread to souled beings in other realms. Love 2.0 is about receiving the pure, wise, and deep love from your I Am, soul, and Master.

Illumination Series / 7

Light is Imagination

April 06, 2024

After Heaven's Cross, assimilating this brighter and fresher light is causing discomfort in your body and emotions, and shifting your perception of self. More light creates cracks in old systems, allowing the light to enter and transform them. The solar eclipse of April 8, 2024, marks the beginning of consciously working with light as, symbolically, the old light is blocked and reemerges as New Light.

Illumination Series / 8

What Really Matters?

May 04, 2024

Adamus asks, “What matters?” and says that the best answer is “I matter to me.” After so many lifetimes, your self-love and inner peace matter, and not much else. Words like ‘abundance’ and ‘health’ go out of your vocabulary as you start seeing the beauty in all of life. Human maturity, which eventually becomes part of the Master, brings you to your personal Apocalypse, a well-deserved revelation.

Illumination Series / 9

New Levels of Sensitivity

June 01, 2024

Allowing means trusting your own divinity and letting go of control, planning, and balancing. Recognize what is yours amidst the overwhelming energies; your heightened sensitivity can be a strength. The light you bring is disrupting old systems, paving the way for a new era of high consciousness, love, and true Realization. Trust the process, stay flexible, and know that everything is in divine order.

Illumination Series / 10

No Greater Being in All of Creation

July 06, 2024

"I Am. I Exist. Therefore, it is." This is the new way of the Master. The Realm Workers ensured that forces against the planet can no longer interfere, opening a safe passageway between realms. A new human species is emerging, fueled by technology, light, and consciousness, moving forward since the Quantum Leap. Despite the illusion of god-like beings and ETs, there is no being greater than the human being in all of creation.

Illumination Series / 11

The Grandness of Being Human

August 03, 2024

No place in the other realms have the tenderness, sensitivity, endurance, and dedication that humans have. Nowhere else has music, art, nature, or love. It’s not wars, politics, charity, or prayer that transforms this planet. Transformation happens when you realize, “There is no greater being than myself.” This planet has been hopeless, but your light changes everything with the acceptance of your grandness.