
Kharisma Series

August 2014 - August 2015

SERIES OVERVIEW – Kharisma, your inner grace, transcends charisma, attracting energy and opportunities. It unveils your true Self beyond personality. Spiritual puberty involves releasing your limited self. It is driven by Kaikho, an inner passion that can be a cool flame of transmutation if allowed, but can burn intensely if manipulated. Love was unknown to Spirit until humans experienced it. Avoid fixed identities and relax into enlightenment, experiencing feelings without attachment. Recognize your makyo – deceptions and limitations. Enlightenment comes in waves, freeing you. Increased sensitivity is part of awakening. Reconnect with your vision and let go of goals and self-doubt. Enlightenment is being present across realms. The human-to-divine transformation happens only once; don't rush it. Just five enlightened Masters will inspire others. True freedom requires responsibility. Embrace the God algorithm, allow your full Self, release expectations, and deal with your suppressed aspects. IMPORTANT NOTE: This information is probably not for you unless you take full responsibility for your life and creations.

Kharisma Series / 1

Spiritual Puberty and Grace

August 02, 2014

Kharisma is the grace within you that’s ready to come forth. Adamus says that many Shaumbra are experiencing “spiritual puberty” as they release the dense personality of many lifetimes. There will be a 21-day period where you will face the deception of the personality, revealing your true self. Kaikho, the inner passion, strips away meaningless details and emotions, allowing soul to distill the wisdom.

Kharisma Series / 2

Relax Into Your Enlightenment

October 04, 2014

Upon awakening, transformation begins in every part of you. Enlightenment sounds appealing, but it is brutal and unforgiving, relentlessly revealing what holds you back and cleansing all accumulated junk from your life. You will resist, your limited identity clinging to the hope of a better human life. Enlightenment doesn't come because you asked or begged for it, but because it is your true nature.

Kharisma Series / 3

From Studying to Timeless Enlightenment

November 01, 2014

Adamus explores the "And." Life is multilayered and you don't need to handle everything at once. Whether you believe in the Big Bang or in evolution from green pond scum, the common element is consciousness. It creates everything and is the key ingredient for experiencing different realities simultaneously. Increased sensitivity is part of your journey; your body and mind will adjust naturally.

Kharisma Series / 4

Stop Surviving and Start Living

December 06, 2014

You're here with a deep commitment to enlightenment. Reconnect with your vision; it's about awareness, not details. No need to work on it; it's already fulfilled. Allow energies to serve you without doubting or playing games. Open your precious vision like a Christmas present. Feel how it’s alive. This time of the year is magical; living your vision is easier than you think.

Kharisma Series / 5

Farewell to the Old

December 31, 2014

Adamus encourages you to release the particles of limited consciousness from the past, which is not what you remember it to be. Your past deserves as much consciousness and kharisma as your present and future. Let go of the fight. “I Exist. I Am that I Am. I Know that I Know.” There’s nothing to fight and nothing to fear. There are no goals. It’s only about the joy of life now.

Kharisma Series / 6

Beyond the God Ceiling

February 07, 2015

Adamus invites Shaumbra to be in the safe space, cleanse energy residues, and let your inner light and kharisma shine brightly. With imagination and creativity, you can break free from old, repetitive patterns. Then the energies “spiral” up to your divinity and back down to your human self, meeting repeatedly until they eventually stay continuously connected, in full awareness of each other.

Kharisma Series / 7

Logic, Truth, and Applied Consciousness

March 07, 2015

Adamus notes the tendency to feel isolated on the journey. Realization is a one-piece puzzle that often feels like a labyrinth. Instead of self-testing and proving your worthiness, place your consciousness in Realization and allow it to manifest. Magnificent worlds of sensual, creative experiences surround, but fears keep you trapped. There is no door to the cave, just step out and see the sunrise.

Kharisma Series / 8

Kyeper – Spirit's Gift of Creativity

April 04, 2015

Going into mastery includes a loss of identity and balance. Allow the "I Exist" to emerge, and recognize Kyeper, your innate creativity, the consciousness that gives life and existence. Intense energies are currently affecting mood, energy levels, the sense of balance, and relationships. The mind is susceptible to external influences and hypnosis, so discernment is crucial for true freedom.

Kharisma Series / 9

Harvesting the Christ Seed that You Planted

May 02, 2015

It’s a joy for Adamus to walk with Shaumbra every step of the way. Life is whatever you imagine and choose it to be with the creativity of Kyeper. Everything is an act; believing you are a limited human keeps you from realizing your true Self. The kharisma of five enlightened Masters, embodied and walking the Earth, will inspire others. The last thing a human does before enlightenment is stop trying.

Kharisma Series / 10

The God Algorithm of Manifestation

July 04, 2015

Adamus notes current beliefs equate God with power. The true God is pure consciousness – simple awareness without form or power. The biggest change for humanity will be releasing these outdated concepts. People fear death not just for physical pain but for the unknown power dynamics in the afterlife. Once you understand the God algorithm, you live the experience rather than perceiving it as a mystery.

Kharisma Series / 11

God Tipping, Contradictions, and Multiple Realities

August 01, 2015

Adamus explains "God tipping": toppling outdated beliefs about God. God is simply an experience, pure consciousness. Embrace contradictions and multiple realities, let go of linear thinking and control. Allowing means opening up to your true Self, being aware of changes, and trusting your God algorithm. Past, present, and future dissolve, as everything occurs in the Now, so take a deep breath and relax.