The Discovery Series
SHOUD 8: “Discovery 8” –
Featuring ADAMUS, channeled by Geoffrey Hoppe
Presented to the Crimson Circle
April 5, 2014
I Am that I Am, Adamus of
Sovereign Domain.
Welcome, dear Shaumbra. I am
Adamus, just passing through. Hm. Just passing through this gathering of human
Masters, taking a few hours once a month to gather, ahh, to be in the safe
Ah, I know what you do when you’re
here at my gathering. Hmm. I know what you do each month when you tune into
this Shoud.
You take a deep breath. You relax.
You let go of all that makyo. And then in the weeks that come to pass, you pick
up some more. You doubt yourself. You think about it. And then you come back
and we release and let go once again, because you do have this inner
knowingness. No matter what that mind of you tells you, you do have that inner
knowingness, and that’s what guides you. It’s what brings you here and is what
makes you a true Master.
But me, I’m just passing through.
Just passing through on my way to a, oh, maybe another gathering in the
Ascended Masters Club. We picked up another one last week. (a few Ohs! and Ooohs
from the audience). You’re jealous? (Adamus chuckles) “Oooh,” they say right
away. Do you hear that guys (looking up) and ladies? Thank you. There’s
actually more former ladies in the Ascended Masters Club than there are men.
Yeah, it’s about the same ratio of what you have here – about 70 percent women
Masters, 30 percent men. So men, man up! (laughter) Master up.
But me, I’m just passing through
on my way to another dimension, on my way to another experience. No lessons for
me. I got done with those a long time ago. I’m just passing through, because I
can. I’m just passing through because, ah, it’s sensual, it’s beautiful, it’s
damn amusing … (Adamus chuckles) Kerri.
KERRI: You’re amusing.
ADAMUS: Yes. Yes. I’m just passing
through on my way out in the hitherlands, on my way as I meet one Master to
another. “Oh-be-Ahn,” I say to the few time travelers, to the few conscious time travelers that are out
there. Oh-be-Ahn. Oh-Be-Ahn. Finally we got this camera. (Adamus chuckles)
I’m just passing through. Nothing
holds me back. Nothing sticks me in place. Nothing makes me forget who I am.
And my dear Master friends, it
should be that same way for you, that consciousness of just passing through.
That’s all you’re doing. You’re just passing through this experience on this
planet Earth; just passing through, going through a beautiful experience. Just
passing through. Whereas most humans have the perception of, they live and like,
“This is it,” and then they … oh, Sandra, a little café. Cream, please.
SANDRA: We are out of creamer, but
we do have goat’s milk.
ADAMUS: Goats milk is fine. (some
chuckles) Freshly milked. (Adamus chuckles) Ohh, like said, I’m just passing
out … eh, passing through. (more laughter)
Just passing through, and that’s
the consciousness of a Master. Would you write that down, Linda? A Master is
always just passing through. You’re not living this lifetime just to die and go
off to heaven or purgatory, hell, wherever. That’s what the consciousness of
humanity thinks. Far weighted to that. It’s like you have this lesson-laden
life here on this planet and then you die, and that’s kind of it. And then you
go to this place or no place at all.
A Master is free of that. The
Master is always just passing through.
I’m going to come back to this
later in our discussion today. I want you to just feel into the essence of
that. You’re just passing through.
There’s been this whole illusion
that this is it, that somehow you’re stuck here. Somehow you’re lost in this
dimension. You’ll discover, hopefully by the end of the day but definitely by
our next gathering, that you’re just passing through. That gives such freedom.
Such freedom.
And the freer freedom is that you
can just pass through any time you want, like I do, like some of the other
Masters do. Careful there. (to Sandra as she brings his coffee) Careful.
SANDRA: And there is also chai.
ADAMUS: Chai. Save that for
Kuthumi. (laughter) Ahh! Where is Kuthumi? Kuthumi is actually in the room, but
I don’t let him speak so much. He always takes the spotlight. Kuthumi –
working with each and every one of you. Kuthumi shows up at all the gatherings,
and he’s saying now that he’s the funny one. (a few chuckles)
Kuthumi works with me and some of
the others to work with you, and our biggest challenge and the thing actually
Kuthumi is one of the best at is getting you out of your mind. It’s my biggest
challenge and your biggest challenge. It’s the most difficult thing to do – get
out of this mind – because the mind doesn’t believe you’re just passing
through. It believes that this is it. The mind believes its thoughts, and the
thoughts are not real.
The mind believes in its beliefs,
and the beliefs are not real. Getting out of the mind into the true
knowingness, into the essence, is perhaps the most difficult thing for any
human going into their mastery. And the most difficult part of that is when you
are right in between, when you’re still thought oriented.
And I’m not speaking so much about
the mind here. The mind actually serves a purpose. It allows you to do things
in this dimension. It’s kind of like your dimensional hard drive, and it
doesn’t work when you go into the other dimensions. The mind allows you to have
a biology and have it all coordinated. It helps you to maneuver within the time
and space. It’s the thoughts that are the problem.
And I would say that thoughts
generally do not come from the mind. No. No. The mind does a wonderful job. It
allows you to see with your eyes and hear with your ears and understand things.
The mind gets polluted with thoughts, and we’ll talk about that today. It’s
kind of the theme.
But for now, let’s start with a
merabh, and we’ll end with one also. But let’s start with a merabh, the merabh
of just passing through.
Merabh, of course, is a time when
you just don’t have to do anything, including thinking. It’s when you take a
deep breath and just allow. Just allow. But in this merabh, I’d like you to
really feel into how you are just passing through.
Just Passing Through
(music begins)
It doesn’t mean you can’t
experience. As a matter of fact, it enhances the experience.
It doesn’t mean that there is no
sense of ownership in your experiences. No, there is total ownership, but in a
very free and liberating way. We can get the lights down a little bit.
Take a good deep breath as we go
into this opening merabh.
I am just passing through.
The experience on this planet was
a choice, and there was always the knowingness that the day of gathering, the
day of coming together was going to be here. As Kuthumi would say, “Silly,
silly human for worrying so much that it wouldn’t happen. Silly, silly human
that you got so caught up in your thoughts, so caught up in the limitations
that you forgot you’re just passing through.”
As you pass through, you can enjoy
the beauty. You can enjoy, actually, what’s turned out to be limitations. You
can enjoy a new way of understanding the I Am.
You’re just passing through.
You’re like one passing through a
beautiful forest. You can take a moment to enjoy the smells and the sights and
the sounds. You can take a moment to interact with the trees, the beautiful
flowers, the nature devas.
But you’re just passing through.
This isn’t home. This isn’t a prison. It’s certainly not a test. You’re not
racing against anyone else.
You’re passing through, just for
the sake of passing through, just because you can.
You’re passing through for the
glory of the soul so it may see itself and know itself in new ways.
There’s no test you have to pass
to continue passing through. There’s no stages or steps. There are actually no
dimensions. There are no secrets. There are no gurus or saviors. You’re just
passing through.
You can dance through as you pass
through. You can dance. You can even float. You can hurry through if you want,
but there’s no need to. You can take your time as well. Take as long as you
want. Sooner or later you’ll realize that you’re just passing through.
Yes, it may be many, many
lifetimes that you’ve lived in passing through. There may be many loves that
you’ve had, many tears that you’ve cried. It wasn’t designed as some sort of
test. It certainly wasn’t something that was determined by any other being or
council of beings or federation of beings, nor any angels. Just you passing
It wasn’t designed to see how
strong you were. You don’t have to be strong to experience joy. You don’t have
to be strong to experience sensuality and light and dark. No. It has nothing to
do with strength or determination. As a matter of fact, the Master discovers
that it’s all about just allowing.
In passing through, experience
gets so deep, so rich that sometimes – well, actually most of the time – you’ve
forgotten that you were just passing through.
At times [you] thought it was an
eternity here – an eternity to your happiness, an eternity to fulfillment,
to integration. It’s not. It’s an illusion. Interesting illusion you’re just
passing through.
In passing through you met a lot
of other people. You got very connected with other people. Shackled, in a way.
Interwoven to the point where you felt you’re no longer free to just pass
through. You had obligations and responsibilities to everyone, unfulfilled
commitments, the need to take care of others.
Take a deep breath. You’re just
passing through and so are they.
As you pass through this place
called Earth, you can choose to experience it how you want. Oh, I know, I know
it seems at times like everything’s working against you or beyond you. But it’s
not. It just seems that way, one of those other illusions.
You’re just passing through this
place. Why wouldn’t you choose to do it the way you want to, just passing
As you pass through this place, there’s
never a judgment about how you did it. None of the 9,000 and some Ascended
Masters are ever going to judge how fast or how slow, how dark or how light.
There’s no judgment from any God or any angels whatsoever, whatsoever. They
realize that you’re just passing through what is probably one of the most
difficult and beautiful, challenging and insightful experiences that a souled
being will ever have. They realize you were just passing through. They realized
that there are identities that you assumed that weren’t really yours, thoughts
that you had that really truly weren’t yours, things that happened that really
weren’t consciously chosen by you.
There’s no judgment of how you
pass through. Just the fact that you did it is cause for celebration.
I, Adamus, along with Kuthumi and
all of the others who are here with you today, with you Masters, we ask you to
take a moment to feel into that knowingness – out of your mind, beyond the mind
– that you’re just passing through. Dance if you will. Sing if you will. Enjoy
all that life has to offer, if you will. But you’re just passing through.
You, your soul, your aspects –
just passing through.
If there’s one word that we have
for you, it’s simply to live. To live.
As long as you’re passing through,
live. You know exactly what I mean by that and how it applies to you.
It’s one of the things that’s been
coming up lately – coming up from the emotional self, almost kind of colliding
with the inner knowingness. Coming up from that part of you that is indeed the
Master and wrestling with the part of you that still has thoughts of
Ah! Feel into that, into the
essence of that “live.” It sounds so beautiful. Oh! Just to live as a being
just passing through, living passionately, openly, unabashed and unashamed.
But then that other part of this “live.”
You’ve been living small. You’ve been living limited. You’ve been living in
fear, limitation, so you have these two dynamics – the “Live!” and then the “Live?”
The “live!”
You can feel it. I know you can feel it. I know you can
imagine it. I, oh, spend so much time with you in the evenings, sometimes in
the middle of the night. I can feel that. I can feel that desire to live. But then
I can feel those thoughts come in – “But what if? Maybe I can’t. Maybe I
shouldn’t.” But yet that passion comes back around – “Live! Live!” Then
thoughts come in, “What does that mean? How do I do it? When should I start?
How much should I work on it?” Ah! And you see that is perhaps one of the core
things that’s going on right now. You can feel it – the “Live!” You can feel
But then you can also feel that “Live?”
or die. You can feel that “Maybe I should just live small.” You can’t anymore.
You can’t. You could try. Oh, you are trying
– you’re trying really well. You get an “A” for trying. But you can’t live
small anymore.
Take a good deep breath. Let’s
have the lights back on, the music down
You can’t. It’s a real dilemma.
It’s a real dilemma. And, you see, that’s what’s happening. We’re going to talk
a little bit today about the energies and all the rest of that. But really the
core, you’ve got this part that’s saying “Live!” And the other part that’s
questioning it, the other part that’s actually gotten a little comfortable
living small, living isolated. You can’t anymore.
You’re going to try. You’re going
to work at it. You’re going to say, “Well, live, but maybe if I just cut back
on living,” you know. You know what that is. We’ve talked about it before right
in this very room. It’s negotiating. Negotiating.
You know, it’s one thing to
negotiate with others, and that’s bad enough, but to negotiate with yourself?
Who’s the winner there? Nobody! Thank you. Nobody. Nobody.
It’s one of those things that –
it’s amusing almost; almost amusing – that a human would try to negotiate
with themselves. There’s no winners. There’s two losers. (a few chuckles)
Three, if you count me. (more chuckles)
So you negotiate living, and it’s
not going to work anymore, because you have a taste of what living is. And
living isn’t about whether you drive your car fast, Linda. (laughter) That’s
maybe an expression of it. Living isn’t about partying late into the night,
Edith. (lots of laughter) Those are perhaps expressions.
But living is an essence. It’s a
feeling. It’s a feeling, and we touched on it just a little bit in the merabh. Live! Open up! Open up the feelings.
Live! Live. But when I say that, when I ask you to imagine yourself for a
moment really living, what happens? You
can – I can feel it. Suddenly,
it’s like, “Oh living!” And then, “Whoaa, but what if?” (a few chuckles) “What
And (to Linda) you might want to
write this down for future reference for the archives. But you can no longer
negotiate living with yourself. You can’t. And you’re going to try, like I
said, and it’s going to hurt, and then you’re finally going to just allow.
You’re just going to allow yourself to live.
You’re just passing through this
amazing dimension and planet.
LINDA: “No longer” what?
ADAMUS: I forgot. Anybody
remember? (some chuckles)
LINDA: “You can no longer
negotiate” with who? (audience is saying “Yourself”)
ADAMUS: Living. You can no longer
negotiate living yourself, with yourself, whatever. You can’t negotiate that
This is a real dilemma and you’ll
see in a few minutes how you take all the energies that are around right now in
the world anyway and what’s going on within you and brrfff! You’ve got this collision that’s happening. And the good
news is that you’re just passing through, you know. (someone says “Thank god”) Yeah,
thank god. Yeah, or somebody. Yeah.
I actually … that’s a strange
expression – “Thank God.” I think you’d want to be pissed at God. (a few chuckles)
Eh, the … the front row is laughing! (more chuckles) Well, actually two in the
front row. (Adamus chuckles) Yeah, “Thank God” – for what? For this crap?!
For this lack of abundance? For an unhealthy body? Oh! Yeah, strange
expression. “Thank God I got my little morsel today.” (some chuckles) Thank
yourself. Didn’t Tobias say that years ago? “Give thanks to yourself.” Thank
God – this god.
So God is a very strange thing. I
think I would like to do a workshop on “God, Damn You.” (Linda gasps and some
laughter and a few claps) Eh, and just a … and we have this new studio. It
would be a great one to put out over the Internet for the whole world!
LINDA: Yeah! Let’s do it all over
ADAMUS: Yeah, yeah, yeah.
LINDA: Yeah, yeah! And the BBC.
ADAMUS: And you know, the funny
thing is …
LINDA: Yeah!
ADAMUS: You know what, if we – if
we … I say we. (Adamus chuckles) ‘We’ are going to do this. If we did this and
it’s like “God, Damn It” and really took a look at the consciousness of God,
honestly and openly, without fear. You know, sometimes you talk about you can’t
say bad things about Jesus. You can’t talk about Jesus masturbating. (a few
giggles) But we … we did! Right here in this room! Right here in this very
room! (Linda splashes water on Adamus, more laughter)
You know, the amazing thing about
that, I’m not going to react. (more chuckles) And now, for years to come, she’s
going to be wondering when the payback is. (laughter) And actually the longer
the payback is stretched out, actually the more fun it is, because it could be
years and years before the payback, so she’s going to be worrying about it.
When is Adamus going to get you back? I’ll let all of you know when it happens.
It might be ten years from now, but it will occur. (more chuckles) And now it
looks like Cauldre wet his pants!
So where were we? God.
EDITH: Where’s my party?
ADAMUS: Where is the party? At
your house tonight, Edith. You and I. Did you forget? (laughter) All right, I’m
just passing through. I’ll just – hello Edith. You know.
So where were we? God. No,
seriously, we should do a workshop, a transmission about God and really be
frank and honest about it without having this fear that something bad going’s
to happen other than all the religious fanatics coming after us.
But most people – no, I’ll
rephrase that – a few people would actually understand if we talked about this
energy of God. (he pauses, annoyed at his wet clothes) Excuse me. I have to go
change my wardrobe. Linda, do some breathing or something. (some chuckles)
Seriously. (Adamus walks to the back room)
LINDA: This is some sort of payback
hell already. (more laughter) I think it’s better that we laugh and scream.
Yeah. I really regret.
ADAMUS: (from the back) Ehhhh …
LINDA: I regret doing that
already, and … (laughter)
ADAMUS: (from the back) Lindaaaa.
LINDA: Truly know that the payback
will be hell. (more chuckles) God only knows what it’s going to look like. Only
God knows … and Adamus. So.
ADAMUS: Lindaaa. Lindaaa … (he
comes back with a large mirror and Cauldre’s coat)
LINDA: Oh no!
LINDA: It’s going to get ugly.
ADAMUS: Look here then.
LINDA: Ahh!! I knew it was coming!
I knew it was coming!
ADAMUS: We’ll use this later. (he
sets the mirror aside) So where were we? God.
There’s such an interesting
consciousness about God. (he takes off the wet jacket and hands it to Linda) To
the dry cleaner please. Yes. There is such a … (he puts on the coat) this is
more elegant. Oh yes, yes! Yes.
So where were we – God. Most
humans would agree this God thing, you know, this God thing is so old, so
limited, so frightening, so … well, when you think of God, you don’t think of
“Live!” You think of “Stay off God’s radar. Stay small.”
LINDA: Yeah.
ADAMUS: So, yes, let’s do that.
Let’s schedule when your new studio opens, we’ll do “God, Damn It.” (Linda
gasps again and some chuckles) Ah, yes. What? We’re Masters. What do we have to
fear? We’re living.
You see, now that’s a negotiation.
We all know it. We all know that the human perception of God (a) is false; (b)
is old; (c) is really bad. It doesn’t serve anybody anymore. And so let’s break
that para- … let’s have some fun with it. You ready? (audience responds “Yes!”)
Good, good, good. Linda? (she makes a face) Ohhh! Get the shot of that. Ohhh.
Oh no, this will be wonderful.
You know, some of the craziest
things that you’ve done in these past years, the things that just caused you
indigestion and headaches and anxiety, but you just did them. You almost felt
like you were being pushed to do it – you were (some giggles) – have
proven to be the best. Saying you’re going to take this amazing trip. You knew
that it was appropriate, but then the thoughts came in. “Maybe I shouldn’t.
Maybe this is too much money. Maybe, maybe.” But you did it, and aren’t you
glad you didn’t totally negotiate it out? Aren’t you glad that you just did it,
whether it was quitting your job, whether it was changing something in your
life? It’s so easy to get in that quagmire of thoughts and negotiations.
The true Master is just passing
through, and therefore lives, celebrates. And don’t worry about are you going
to do it wrong or hurt someone. Yeah you’re going to hurt someone, because you
just … it’s going to happen. They have expectations of you that you shouldn’t
have for yourself, so it’s going to hurt them a little bit. But in the end,
it’ll help them. Yeah. (Adamus chuckles) Wasn’t that your parents talking?
So let’s talk a little bit about
the energy. So no longer negotiate with yourself, and remember you’re just
passing through.
Current Energies
So Masters, here we are, barely a
little over three months into this new year. Barely. Doesn’t it seem like it’s
the end of the year? (audience agrees) Some of you have thought, “Oh, this must
be November because …” (Adamus chuckles)
No, it’s early April.
So I would like to ask you to
define the energies that are going on right now. How would you say … what’s
with the energies, let’s say on a global, on a bigger basis? Linda with the
microphone, what is it with the energies? And Vili would you write some of
What’s going on with the energies
PETE: I can’t speak for the world,
but I know what’s happening to me.
ADAMUS: Good. What’s happening?
PETE: I’m being compressed and
it’s forcing me inside of myself more.
ADAMUS: Compressed.
PETE: Compressed.
ADAMUS: Yeah. How do you feel? Do
you feel it in your body? Does your body hurt?
PETE: Well, I’m more centered
within myself now.
PETE: It broke loose a lot of
aspects or addictions. I became really aware of how much I live in them. Okay.
And to get rid of that low energy, they call it now. Not bad energy or anything
like that, but low energy.
ADAMUS: Right, right. So you’re
being smashed into yourself.
PETE: Yes.
ADAMUS: That’s a very good way of
putting it.
PETE: Yeah.
ADAMUS: Yeah, yeah. Good. Good.
And how does that feel?
PETE: Oh, wonderful.
ADAMUS: Oh really? (some laughter)
PETE: Yeah. No, seriously, because
it awakens me to who I really am – the Source – and thankfulness, gratefulness
for being created.
ADAMUS: Yeah. The disadvantage of
having that compression is that you’ve got to kind of look at yourself in the
PETE: Correct. (Adamus brings the
mirror over to him) Yeah.
ADAMUS: Because it’s just you.
Yeah, yeah.
PETE: There I am.
PETE: Yeah.
ADAMUS: You’re smiling! Oh, that’s
good. That’s good.
PETE: Love it!
ADAMUS: Great! Good, good. Thank
you. Excellent.
Next. What’s going on with these
energies? This is important to really understand the energies both internal and
external, because there is a lot
going on right now. I think Linda mentioned the other day on your radio program
– what was that about what was said about the energies?
LINDA: Are you talking about the
Bob Scheiffer thing? Oh. There is a very, very … a show on TV called Face the Nation
and a host named Bob Scheiffer who has been on there for decades – I mean, I
can’t believe he’s still alive – and he opened his show last Sunday
literally saying he could not ever remember opening his show, in all the
history that he’d done it, with there being so many major events going on –
significant events – going on in the world right now.
ADAMUS: True, and there are. And
we on the other side don’t look at it in terms of headlines and the literal
events. We just look at the energy factor and the energy movement. In other
words, how much overall energy is there and how fast is it moving.
There have been times on the
planet where there’s a lot of energy, but it’s really not moving. But this is
unprecedented, the amount of energy – and that’s how we see things. We don’t
see you as the physical beings that you see yourself as. We just see like balls
of energy. We look at this planet as an energy whole. Within it are a variety of,
you could say, colors, levels, nuances. But we see it as just kind of the
wholeness of energy and the activity. And it’s both right now.
So a lot of you may be feeling it
in your bones literally, I mean, because there is a lot. Good. Next. Yes.
LINDA: Right here.
ADAMUS: Yes. Energy. What’s going
on with it?
JIN: It’s ripping my life. (he
ADAMUS: Yeah. How?
JIN: Inside out.
ADAMUS: Ripping your life inside
out. How?
JIN: Well, getting rid of the crap
that’s within me.
ADAMUS: Yeah. Good. Are you
fighting it? Are you fighting back?
JIN: Yeah. I’ve been doing that
for a little bit, but I sort of gave up.
ADAMUS: Yeah, yeah.
JIN: And it’s good like this.
ADAMUS: Yeah, good. Good. The
energies – thank you – as intense as they are, they are – we’ve
said it before – but they could just like pulverize you if you’re resisting.
And these energies – I’m not talking about belonging to anyone or anything. It’s
just the energy that’s been called to this planet for right now. And you will
feel it in parts of you just like it’s grinding down. And even what used to be
kind of an escape – going to sleep at night – isn’t an escape any
more. Matter of fact, it’s questionable which is more challenging, stressful –
your waking state or your sleeping state? In other words, not a whole lot of
escape. It’s right there.
However, you’re going to feel it
compressing you. It could come to the point of just feeling like it’s smashing
you, and that’s appropriate actually, that overall feeling. It’s only when you
start fighting it or negotiating it or anything else is when it’s going to
hurt. So what do you do? (someone says “Allow”) You breathe and allow. You
really do. Breathe and allow. Absolutely.
Good. A few more, dear Linda. Yes.
Energies right now.
SHAUMBRA 1 (woman): Accessible.
ADAMUS: Good. How is that working?
SHAUMBRA 1: Personally, for me I
have embarked on allowing things to occur in my life and I’m getting ready to
go to Peru.
ADAMUS: Good. Excellent.
SHAUMBRA 1: As a nurse.
ADAMUS: Yes. Excellent. Good. Very accessible, matter of fact almost
shockingly accessible. And, again, you see that there’s this convergence, all
these energies coming together and with it tremendous opportunities.
Opportunities that you probably couldn’t have imagined, or better way of saying
it, you wouldn’t let yourself imagine before. In other words, you’re rather
linear in what you were letting yourself imagine.
So suddenly, here’s all of this
energy that’s coming in, and you could say that it’s like a beautiful energy
blanket or cloud around this planet. And it’s all there, where it used to be
kind of off somewhere else. And particularly for those who are aware of it,
it’s right here. It’s right here.
A lot of humans are just kind of
walking right past it, oblivious to the fact that it’s there. They’re just
feeling crazier in the brain than ever. But for those who are aware of it, it’s
so accessible that suddenly, instead of just kind of a nice stair-step effect
of things happening for you, it’s all happening together. There is no stairs.
It’s just all there.
It could lead one to getting a
little overwhelmed right now. A little like a great big tidal wave (tsunami) coming
in all at once. But it’s not going to …
LINDA: You mean like crazy with
the water?
ADAMUS: Pardon?
LINDA: Like crazy with the water?
ADAMUS: Yes, crazy with the …
yeah. No, that’s a different affliction that …(some chuckles and Adamus
So yes, very accessible. And so
much that can happen for you in your life right now that you sense this. It’s
like it’s there, but then there is sometimes a tendency to pull back and wonder
if you’re ready for it, wonder if you can handle it, all the rest of that.
Absolutely you can, but it’s going to require doing a couple of things – no
negotiating, no limiting, and just allowing. Allowing.
Now, as you allow, it’s like
opening parts of you. As you allow, it’s like if you would immerse a large ball
into a pool of water, and as you do, the water comes up over the edges because
you’ve brought something down into that space – you brought basically
yourself into this space by allowing – it’s going to kick out some
other things. It’s going to clear out some other things. So there is kind of a
residual effect of allowing. It gets rid of all the junk.
Ultimately, the – ahem, hang on
(to Linda) – ultimately, the allowing brings all of you in; you could say,
your divine, the I Am. Ultimately, that’s all that’s going to be in this
vessel, using the analogy of like a pool or a big bucket of water. Suddenly, by
you allowing, it’s going to move out everything that is not you, everything
that’s foreign. So you have this kind of interesting effect taking place, and
sometimes, again, the thoughts come in. You say, “What’s happening? Why are
these things …?” It’s because you’re allowing. You know, allowing is allowing.
It’s not like just letting a little in and then trying to manage that. That’s
what happens in allowing. It’s like, “Well, I’ll allow, but I’ll just do a
little, and then I’m going to try to manage it.” Oh no. Allowing is allowing.
Yeah. Good. Next.
SHEEMA: I’m Sheema.
ADAMUS: Yes. I’m Adamus. (she
giggles) I met Shiva once. You wouldn’t be related, are you?
SHEEMA: Oh god, no.
ADAMUS: Oh god, no. (they both
laugh) Yes. She wasn’t so nice.
SHEEMA: No. I am.
ADAMUS: No. Yeah, yeah. Yeah.
SHEEMA: I don’t know how you do
it. You always talk exactly about what’s going on with me.
ADAMUS: How do I do that?
SHEEMA: I don’t know, but …
ADAMUS: Isn’t that amazing? I
know, just … yes. Do you think I’m psychic? (she giggles) Don’t say it Linda.
Yes, or Garret. (he chuckles) No actually – and actually that is the amazing
thing – is this whole thing of psychic or any of that, that’s so
overrated. It’s just allowing. We’re going to go into that in a little bit, as
long as I don’t talk too much today. But I’m going to show you basically how
easy it is. But it could be tough.
SHEEMA: Oh, good.
ADAMUS: Yes. It’ll be tough.
SHEEMA: Well, it is, because I’ve
been allowing and feeling wonderful and feeling like a Master and great, and
then suddenly, I woke up April – April Fool’s Day …
ADAMUS: Yeah, yeah.
SHEEMA: … and I felt horrible. It
was like tormenting. I was compressed. It was to the point where yesterday, I
mean, I didn’t even want to get out of bed.
SHEEMA: I felt no hope. It was …
ADAMUS: Did you get out of bed?
SHEEMA: Yes I did. It was like a
ADAMUS: Oh. I would have stayed in
SHEEMA: Well, I did. I got out and
then I got back in.
ADAMUS: Ahh. Yeah, yeah.
SHEEMA: Then I got out! I got back
in! (she chuckles)
ADAMUS: Oh. Look at the
negotiation here. “I have to get up. I have to prove myself.” And then you
negotiate, and it’s like, “No, I’m really going to go back to bed. But I have
to get up and do something.” Stay in bed! You’re just passing through. You
know, at the end of all this you’re going to go, “I’m so glad I stayed in bed
that day or that week.”
SHEEMA: But it really was. It was
like a death.
ADAMUS: Yeah, yeah.
SHEEMA: I felt like something
inside of me was dying. It was – and I guess it’s that that you’re talking
about when you allow, all kinds of stuff come out.
ADAMUS: It does! It does!
SHEEMA: You know.
ADAMUS: Yeah, of strange places at
times. (some chuckles and she giggles loudly)
LINDA: Ohhh!
ADAMUS: I’m talking about your
SHEEMA: At least it comes out!
ADAMUS: Yeah. (Adamus chuckles)
SHEEMA: So I’m glad I’m here.
ADAMUS: Good. Thank you. Thank you
so much. Okay. One more. The energy. What’s going on?
LINDA: Uh-oh. Uh-oh.
ADAMUS: What’s going on in this
LINDA: Uh-oh.
MARTY (MOFO): I’ll be good. It’s
ADAMUS: Sporadic. Good way of
putting it.
MARTY: And you’ve already touched
– we’ve already touched on that, but yeah it’s just so sporadic, because the
highs are so incredibly high now and the lows are like “Where did that come
from?” (a few chuckles)
ADAMUS: Yeah. So what to do?
MARTY: Just cruise through it.
MARTY: Breathe baby breathe.
ADAMUS: Yeah. Breathe and allow.
Yeah, yeah. Yeah.
Thank you. Sporadic, intense,
overwhelming, amazing opportunities, forgot to mention the world falling apart,
people going crazy more than ever before. Yes. Yes it’s all here. And thank you
– thank God – that you, God, are insightful enough, wise enough to know that
you can come here and hear yourself, which is exactly what we do here. You can come
here and – ahem – I need … at the new center I need a really big mirror.
LINDA: Okay, no problem.
ADAMUS: You can come here and see
yourself in the mirror through me. (laughter as he holds up the mirror) Dave!
Photo op! See yourself in the mirror through me. (Dave takes a photo) Yeah,
there you. Aghhh! (Adamus chuckles) So, a big mirror.
So it’s very, very crazy times, crazier
than ever, more imbalanced than ever. And one of the side effects, which you’re
aware of but fortunately I don’t think you’re going to have much of a problem
with it; one of the side effects is more and more people going out of their
minds right now.
Now – and I’m not supposed to talk
about this, but I’m going to anyway (Linda sighs loudly); those are the fun
ones – there’s an epidemic on this planet of people using anxiety and
depression medications. And you could say perhaps it’s appropriate, because
there are so many people going out of their minds. So many people breaking
down, cracking up. But the funny thing is these medications really do not help
in the long run. Take them temporarily, sure, you’re going to feel a little
better. But haven’t you heard the ads on television and the radio saying, “By
the way, if your anti-depression medication doesn’t work and you feel more
suicidal than ever, try this on top of it.” (laughter) Like the second one is
going to make you even less suicidal?! I don’t think so.
What you’re seeing is, first of
all, we’re moving outside of the mental era that’s been around for a long, long
time. This planet is moving outside of the mental. But there’s so much
intensity and pressure, and people don’t understand what their thoughts are. In
other words, where a thought comes from. They don’t understand the true feeling
and true essence. So they’re going out of their minds.
And, to add company to the misery
– and this is one of the things that we’re going to be working on or playing
with actually – is that hypnosis is prevalent on this planet. It’s like
it’s right up there with SEV, the sexual energy virus.
And it wasn’t ever brought in in a sinister way. It just kind of happened that
the mind became very good at taking things in from the outside that didn’t
belong to it and owning it, but yet rejecting its own true feelings and what I
would call true thoughts, rather than the emotional self or limited self
thoughts. So it’s kind of an odd quirk in the human intelligence – that’s
kind of an oxymoron – the thinking. So it takes in thoughts that don’t
belong to it. That’s why some days you have a bad day is because of this. You
can have a couple of good days, for instance, because you’re in your energy,
but then something pops you back out into everything out there, and you feel
it, because you’re still tuned into it. You’re still kind of dialed into it and
suddenly you do the crash.
And then you blame it on yourself.
“What’s wrong with me? Why am I having a bad day? Did I eat the wrong kind of
food? Did I not do the right kind of allowing?” You know, “Am I bad person at
heart?” And, you know, all these other things. No. It’s just you’re going
through the intensity. That’s where you take a deep breath and stop worrying about
it. You stop worrying about it. You’re just passing through. This is just a
gig. You’re just having a good time, right? Huh. (someone says “Yes”) Yeah.
Good. (Adamus chuckles) Ufff. Ufff.
So, my dear friends, you have all
these factors going on and this hypnosis thing – very, very prevalent on the
planet right now – scary prevalent on the planet – not for you, but
for others.
In a way, you can’t go back into
your hypnotic lull, your hypnotic sleep. You cannot. So please do not be afraid
that suddenly I’m going to be hypnotizing you and having you get up and walk
around the room screaming like a chicken. (some chuckles) So, but you have this
hypnotic effect that’s going around the planet, and it’s doing kind of an
interweave or a dance with the SES virus and a number of other things, and it’s
creating a lot of very strange and very bizarre patterns and events in the
planet right now.
You see on the evening news, if
you watch the news or you hear it from your friends, it’s like when they’re
talking about the mass murderer – “He seemed like such a nice guy. I’ve been
living next to him for 20 years and would never have thought.” You know, “He
volunteered” – or she, I’m sorry to pick on the men today – “She,”
you know, “did all this social work and suddenly pulled out the Mossberg and
blew away half the whatever.” (one person chuckles and then Adamus chuckles)
Probably an inappropriate time to laugh. (laughter) Just saying! Just saying!
Probably not the best time to laugh! (more chuckles) Yeah. Okay. (Adamus
chuckles, more laughter as he holds up the mirror to the audience) Yeah, looks
pretty good, huh? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Good. Okay.
So that leads me to a little drama
interjection here. What happened to Flight 370? (audience responds “Ohh!”) No,
I’m asking you. No, you live here. I don’t. I’m just passing through. What
happened? Linda, would you – I’d like to hear a couple of theories. What
happened? What happened to Flight 370? Just live, I mean, just say it. Go
ahead. Stand up please.
DAVID M.: It crashed. (laughter
and someone says “Whoaaa!”)
ADAMUS: Actually, that was good.
Thank you. Not some intergalactic portal?
ROBERT: It didn’t crash.
ADAMUS: Oh! Oh! Oh you two! (lots
of laughter) If it didn’t crash, where did it land? (someone yells “UFOs!”)
ROBERT: In another dimension.
ADAMUS: In another dimension. Okay.
Possible. Very possible. I’m sure there is some interdimensional activity
surrounding it right now. Yes. So is it just flying around in another dimen- …
like 24th dimension? Those poor flight attendants. (laugher) There’s no more
food left to serve them and the toilets are full. Well, what do they do?
(someone says “Gross”) Gross is right. Anybody who flies. Yes. David.
DAVID S.: From Crash about the
crash. Yes, it did crash.
ADAMUS: Yes, it did crash.
DAVID S.: At the bottom of the
ocean, further south than where they’re looking.
ADAMUS: Yes, good.
DAVID S.: And the best way to
describe the issue, not pilot suicide but let’s just say the electronic
guidance systems were hacked.
DAVID S.: And there’s a lot of
money involved. Can’t get into that right now. But this is via remote viewing,
just for those who know what that is. Technical remote viewing.
ADAMUS: Good. Conspiracy, or
should we say more deliberate? Deliberate. Is that what you’re saying, Dave?
DAVID S.: Yes.
ADAMUS: Okay. Good. One more.
DAVID: S: This is from beyond.
ADAMUS: From beyond. One more.
LINDA: Oh, oh. Carol’s got one.
Oh, then the one after Carol. I saw another fun hand go up.
ADAMUS: Okay. Good.
CAROL: A UFO came and rescued
them, because they were having a hydraulic problem, and they …
ADAMUS: The UFO was?
CAROL: The UFO, Ashtar …
ADAMUS: The UFO was having a
hydraulic problem?
ADAMUS: Oh, oh good …
CAROL: No, no. They rescued them …
ADAMUS: … because I’ve never been
on a UFO with hydraulics. (some chuckles)
CAROL: And took them to a planet
outside the …
ADAMUS: Give them back!
CAROL: They’re having a better
time there than they did – are here.
ADAMUS: A better time! (Adamus
chuckles) Okay, but still rude.
CAROL: Rude!
ADAMUS: Just to pick up an
aircraft and take it away.
CAROL: They were crashing. They
were crashing.
ADAMUS: Yeah, yeah. But they
should have just like gently eased them back down. Yes.
LINDA: Last one.
JIN: It went through an unexpected
crazy experience. (some chuckles)
ADAMUS: Master of the obvious.
(laughter) I would venture to say you’re right.
Now, I contend that there is so
much hypnosis going on on the planet and so many people susceptible to it, that
even the nice guy next door, even, oh, let’s just say, a copilot of an
aircraft, could have been implanted with a hypnotic suggestion, for lack of
better words, a while back, and didn’t even know it. Didn’t even realize it.
And suddenly gets the signal – could be a pattern of phone calls, let’s say, if
somebody checked the phone records – pattern of phone calls that initiated an
action that the being would have normally never ever taken otherwise. But
suddenly he finds himself in a hypnotic trance, suddenly doing things that even
he is not aware of, just like being a robot. Changing, manipulating the flight
path, depressurizing the entire cabin so everybody can’t complain, if you know
what I mean. And then taking off his mask after terminating his associate in
the cabin, taking off his mask and just letting it go.
Why? Why would somebody do that?
Why? Why would they implant a virus in your computer? Why would they destroy
your hard drive? Because they can, even if they don’t make 10 cents off of it.
A very, very strange energy. Why? Because they wanted to see if it would work,
and it did. And it did.
And it’s not the only one. If you
go back actually and read, particularly in the last, let’s say, three or four
years of mass murders or crazy acts by people, and the police are going back
trying to find what happened. And the psychiatrists and psychologists get
involved and comes up with all their inane theories about it. But what happens
is there is this hypnosis, something I will tell you again, you do not need to
worry about, either being the one who carries out a crazy act or is a victim of
a crazy act like that. You’re out of that energy. But it’s going to happen more
and more on this planet. It’s like sending in a drone, but this drone happens
to be a human, an otherwise good human, maybe a churchgoing human, and it’s
just going to be more and more of that.
We’re right in this strange edge
with the mind on this planet, and what it takes right now is for a few people, a
group of people, that understand the mechanisms of the mind – and I’m not
talking about how the fluids work and the electromagnetic balances and
everything else. But I’m talking about what the mind really is, the role it
plays, and more so what a thought is.
With that actually very simple
basic understanding of what a thought is, then you can go beyond that thought.
You can get out of this thought trap. You can get out of that limited emotional
human thought self. That’s going to change the dynamics for the planet, for
consciousness in general, but more than anything you’ll have fun with it. And
then you’ll start to understand you’re just passing through. You’re not stuck
So let’s talk about thought for a
moment. You know, I’ve talked a lot in the past. I’ve used the word mind.
Actually, the mind, the brain is a very necessary element. Early on when you
started coming to this planet and taking on physical form, it was very hard to
stay here, to stay balanced. Kind of like a light being trying to be a physical
being. The mind was kind of the connection piece, the part that allowed you to
stay in balance here.
The mind was used to understand –
actually to direct – biology. That was its number one purpose – to direct
biology through this thing that we call the anayatron. So it was to basically
integrate the light self into the biology.
Next it was used for simple memory
and the simple kind of a relationship of time and space. The true light body
really doesn’t understand time and space. Doesn’t want to. It doesn’t acclimate
well to time and space. So it’s like a big puffy, drifty thing. So it was very
difficult to stay embodied here. But through this connection device called the
mind, you were able to do that.
The mind also allowed a
discernment in this dimension that the divine intelligence, let’s say, really
didn’t have. Divine intelligence had no familiarity with this physical reality,
and therefore, very little sense of any discernment.
But you, as the human
representative of the soul, the one who’s gone through all the lifetimes,
you’ve learned a lot of discernment in this planet. I’m not talking necessarily
judgment, you have that too, but discernment. Don’t put your hand on the hot
stove; it’s going to burn. That’s kind of a very simple basic discernment. Don’t
walk off the edge of the cliff; you don’t have wings like a bird. So you learn
these things along the way, and the mind serves a very brilliant purpose in
It’s also through the mind that … as
much as the mind was that connection device for your light body to originally
come into the physical, mind will also be an integral part of letting the true
light body in. It was used to kind of adjust the light body in the past, but
now it’s actually going to allow that light body. And the mind has become so
good at the chemical and electromagnetic and some of the other energy
pulsations that it knows how to kind of keep a balance now. So it’s actually
through the mechanism of the brain that a lot of your light body will come in.
We’ll get into that in more detail. It’s happening right now anyway.
So the mind serves a very good
purpose, but along the way the mind, the self, a number of other dynamics had
this thing called thoughts – thoughts – and those thoughts are the things that
truly have become limiting.
The the thoughts were kind of a
form of mini consciousness or limited consciousness that came from the
combination of your brain and understanding this reality, but also starting the
belief in limitation. So you could say that the soul embodied part of itself, a
ray of itself, into this physical reality, took on a body, took on a brain and
then farted, and those are thoughts. (laughter) And that’s actually pretty
It came up with a thought. The
thought was limited. The thought was based on a lot of beliefs and limitations
and fears and things like that. So people, humans, have become thought beings.
Now, there’s a difference between
the mind and what it knows, and a thought. The thought tends to have judgment
and limitation and fear and anxiety and after a while with a long succession of
thoughts – which really aren’t intelligence, they’re not high
consciousness; they’re kind of like little farts along the way, that’s the best
way I can describe it, little bubbles happening – these little
thoughts come out, but in such a succession or progression that pretty soon you
start to believe the thoughts and you start to believe that you are the thoughts. And pretty soon the
thoughts start to dominate; they start to control; they start to run the show.
I contend that these thoughts
actually are about as valuable as a fart, and they’re about as insightful as
that. (some chuckles) It’s true, and they come from a very false place. They
come from kind of a false interpretation of otherwise very true data. And the
true data being, you know, you’re here on this planet and put your hand on the
stove, you’re going to get burned and if you punch somebody in the face,
they’re probably going to punch you back or sue you. Used to be we’d punch
back, and now you just get a lawyer and you sue.
So you have these whole series of
thoughts now and you buy into them, and then you send out another thought to
try to control all these other thoughts that you really don’t like. But what it
does, it just merges with those other thoughts you don’t like and becomes even
more thoughts that you don’t like. And then you think about, “Well, how do I
get out of all these thoughts?” and you have another one of those farts come
out, and it joins the other smelly thoughts. And then in desperation – “How do I
get out? What do I do? I don’t know what to think anymore,” and that’s when the
human goes crazy. It starts doing very bizarre things.
Because I contend that thoughts
also take life out of life. They really do. They’re the things that you
negotiate with yourself with. It’s one thought negotiating with another
thought. It’s like one bad flatulence negotiating with another flatulence, and
they both stink. I’m sorry to be … they both stink. (some chuckles) See, I’m
not negotiating with Cauldre or myself. I’m just going to call a fart, a fart.
(some giggles) This is a spiritual gathering. For those of you who are just
tuning in for the first time … (laughter; someone says “It’s a gas”) It’s a
gas. Yes, yes. It’s a gas. Good. (more chuckles)
So you have thoughts trying to
negotiate and trying to control other thoughts, and let’s take a feel into it
for a moment. Let’s take a feel into thoughts. Where do they originate from?
How come nobody ever asked that
question, “Where do thoughts come from?” You try to trace back a thought. Let’s
say you have a thought right now of wanting to leave here quickly. (some
chuckles) Let’s say you have a thought, an emotional thought. Every one of you
has had several of those today – an emotional thought, a feeling about yourself,
an emotional thought about another person or an emotional thought when I say, “Have
fun going back to work on Monday in your cubicle.” Ohhh! (Adamus chuckles) Such
an emotional thought.
So where do these come from? How
come nobody’s ever taken a look and said, “Where do they come from?” Well,
scientists will say they come from your brain. No, actually they don’t. They do
not come from your brain. The brain does not have emotional thoughts at all. It
cranks out facts and figures. It pulls up historical data when emotional
thought calls on it. Where do these thoughts come from? Yeah. Big mystery. Big
Well, a lot of people say, “Well,
that’s just you. That’s who you are.” Ah! I contend, and a Master should
understand this, that they’re not yours. Not at all. They’re just little
bubbles, you know, being belched out. They’re not yours. And if you try to
trace them back and find the origins of a thought – what a great title of a
book, “Origins of a Thought” – it would almost be impossible, because the tracks
have been covered up with so many other tracks of other thoughts. And pretty
soon you’ll start looking at tracks upon tracks upon tracks, and you can never
get to the origin of a thought. But yet it’s there, yet you act on it, you
believe it, you think that it’s you – and it’s not.
That thought could also be also
group thought or mass consciousness thought. It could be a thought coming from
other people that you’re just – shwssttt!
– letting into your thoughts. Somebody else’s farts joining with your farts,
and you say, “Oh yeah, mine are really bad, aren’t they?” (a few chuckles) Well,
no! Actually, it wasn’t yours to begin with. It was just stink out there that
you accepted as yourself.
And I pointed out the hypnosis
thing before because this is how people have gotten to be. This is how
consciousness has gotten to be. It’s just a lot of acceptance or lack of real
understanding of these thoughts. People say, “Well, these crazy thoughts are
mine,” and then they go to a psychiatrist. That’s like going to a bigger fart
to understand your little farts. (laughter) And the psychiatrist or
psychologist is trying to help you to understand why you’re crazy, when they
don’t even know where thoughts come from. They don’t understand the brain. They
don’t understand its role. They don’t understand what a thought was and how
thoughts come together.
They don’t understand that because
of thought-basis for activity on this planet, that one can very easily be
implanted with an idea of, “Hey, land that plane in the ocean.” That was the
basic suggestion. It wasn’t “Go and kill 250 some people.” It was “Hey, land
that airplane in the ocean,” and it was so much of a hypnotic program. And it
wasn’t any, you could say, they didn’t talk about death. They didn’t – when they
were doing their programming – they didn’t talk about negative things. It
was just “Land in the ocean.” No different than me saying, “Park your car down
the street tonight.” “Oh, okay. Oh, I’ll do it.”
Now, and I use this for an example
because that shows the influence of thoughts and that shows the power – and
there’s a lot of power behind it – of thoughts. And that shows also basically
the total lack of understanding of where thoughts come from, how people act on
them and how they influence society.
Now, it’s not bad to have
thoughts, and you’re going to continue to have them even as a Master. But
you’ll start to discern what are really your thoughts and where do they originate
from. Do they originate from the true I Am-ness? Or do they originate from some
communal consciousness septic tank?
They’re not yours. They’re not
yours, and that is my biggest challenge in working with you, is helping you to
understand that those thoughts – imagine them as little smelly bubbles coming
out of you – they’re not yours. And when you try to affect them and control
them with yet another stinky bubble, it just doesn’t work. It just makes it
worse until it wears you down, until it breaks you down. And then either you
have a spiritual revelation or they put you in the nuthouse. (some giggles) It’s
pretty much that simple, one or the other. Maybe there’s not much of a
difference, but at least in one you’re really living. Which one is the
question. (Adamus chuckles) Now you can laugh. That was the funny one. (some
So, thoughts. Thoughts are the
greatest deception. And, my dear Master, teacher, friends, if there’s anything that
I’m going to ask you to teach about with others, it’s that thoughts are truly
deceptive. They’re not yours, and when you teach your students, you make them,
help them – not force them – to understand that those are not theirs,
unless they want it to be. But that’s going to cause all sorts of hell to break
out, because they’re going to say, “I don’t know which ones. I don’t know if I
want that to be my thought.” And then they’re going to have another thought
fart to try to understand whether that thought is theirs or not, and you see
the dilemma. You see the dilemma.
The Illusion of Separation
Now I’m going to skip over to the
next subject that’s connected with this is the biggest illusion of all, beyond
all, is separation. Separation.
You have an illusion that you’re
separate from your higher self, because you’ve been told that, because you have
bad thoughts, stinky thoughts. You have an illusion that you’re separate from
God, illusion that you’re separate from the other dimensions, when in fact
you’re not. There’s no difference between the Edith that’s sitting here,
thinking of herself as a human and the Edith that’s absolutely divine and
integrated, complete. No difference whatsoever. It’s the illusion of
It’s the illusion that was taught
into many of you when you were young that there is God – who I don’t care for
so much – there’s that God and then there is you. And the illusion
that you bought into when you got into the new age that there is the higher
self and then there is the little you; there’s grand angels and spirit guides
and there’s you. Separation, separation, separation; compartment within
compartment within compartment within compartment. And it’s an illusion that
your thoughts have bought into because they kind of like it. They kind of like
all of these compartments. It helps them
have more thoughts, and these compartments, these illusions – and that’s all
they are. They’re not real. There’s no real walls. There is no difference
between the dimension that you’re in now and the other dimensions.
Think about it. Separation –
masculine/feminine, good/bad, black/white, being Dutch or being Spanish, any of
these – separation after separation after separation.
I’m going to ask you to feel – not
to think but to feel – into all the separations that you have bought into,
naturally. You bought into separation of age, separation of just about
everything – health – and it goes on and on. And if you can imagine the
energetic matrix now that’s created, the energetic patterns, it’s like the
separations keep creating division after division after division after division
after division, and then when you try to find your way out of this morass back
to your simplicity, back to your beauty, you have so many – it’s like a big
maze with dead ends in it – that you simply give up. You put forth a little bit
of effort and then a thought comes along that causes you to compromise and say,
“I just can’t do it. It’s too complex. I’ll just wait for …” whatever it is –
the next book, the next Master, the next whatever to come along – and it
doesn’t. In the meantime, you buy into more separation of more elements.
The fact is that these separations
are just an illusion, starting with the separation about you and God, you and
your higher self.
Now, I use the term with you, your
“limited self” or your “limited emotional self” versus your “free self,”
because there is that part of you, that’s sitting here right now, Sart, that is the free self. It’s already there.
It’s not out there. It’s not behind some secret wall. It’s right there. But the
illusion, intensified through the thoughts, is so strong that you buy into it.
You buy into it.
And it’s almost, you could say,
from the basis of thought – a thought being now these little … thoughts are
limited, judgmental, distorted realities, but you start putting that … (Linda
hands him a drink) Thank you. You start putting all of these thoughts along
with separation and it’s almost unimaginable how you get out. That’s where
people go crazy – “How do I get out?”
That’s where I say allow. Allow.
Allowing is – some have said it’s
over-simplification, and I say, praise the lord. You are right. You are right.
It is over-simplification, and that’s what it takes, because there are those
who are still wanting to have thoughts, little fart bubbles, chase after other
thoughts and round them up, collect them, control them and now you just have
even more of a mess – more thought and more separation.
What to do? What to do?
Take a deep breath and you allow.
You’re allowing yourself. You’re
allowing a natural process of basically unconnecting, disconnecting all of the
thoughts that have linked together, creating kind of a strange bond with each
other, but yet creating a huge veil or a huge illusion. They cannot stay
connected in their dysfunctional way – your thoughts – the moment you start
So suddenly these bonds – it’s not
just bonds, but these thoughts they link to each other, kind of like the atoms
in a molecule – they link to each other, they glue on each other and
then some come along and then take over a whole group of little glued-together
thoughts and kind of encompass them, swallow them up, and then another thought
comes in and swallows up those thoughts.
With allowing, it’s basically a solvent
for the glue that’s locked together a lot of thoughts. It starts to disconnect
The glue was the belief that this
was real, and when you start allowing, the glue starts dissolving. You don’t
have to do anything. Don’t get in there with little scrub brushes and little squirt
cans and try to … you’ll get so lost in your thoughts, literally, that they
will absorb you.
So what do you do? You sit back.
You don’t even have to address the thoughts themselves. You don’t have to think
about your thoughts, because that’s not so good. You take a deep breath, and
you allow.
What are you allowing? Everything.
And there’s no negotiation in the allowing, because suddenly, if you start
negotiating you’re thinking, and that thought about allowing – which is actually
very limited at that point – is actually going to go and just gobble up other
thoughts. So you just stop for a moment and allow. You’re not allowing God or
me or angels. One could say you’re allowing truth, and the only truth is you.
You’re also a lot of
untruths – matter of fact, mostly untruths – and that’s all right.
It’s very understandable, because as you pass through this corridor, this
dimension, this experience, you do accumulate a lot of things that are not
yours. You accumulate a lot of thoughts. You accumulate emotions. You
accumulate even experiences that actually really aren’t yours. You accumulate a
lot of stuff as you’re passing through. It’s part of the experience.
You don’t want to pass through so
clean and intact that you never really experience life. But on the other hand,
when you’re ready to say two things, “I want to keep passing through. I kind of
got stuck there, kind of like a car getting stuck in the mud. Let’s get it
going again” and “I want to live, because I don’t want to pass through until
I’ve really lived. I don’t want to pass through this place until I can say to
myself, ‘I have lived. I have
So you take a deep breath and you
The moment you allow – true
allowing – you come to your truth. Not universal truth, cosmic truth, God
truth, angel truth, but your truth. That’s what you’re allowing – you.
Now, will the thoughts come in?
Absolutely. They’re going to come in and say, “Yeah, but what is you? And what
is truth?” (Spit!) More farts. (some chuckles) I almost did it over here, but …
So you take a deep breath and you
laugh and you just allow, because passing through is a natural process. The
experience of living, true living, is all natural. The disconnecting of the
thoughts, in other words, letting down the illusion, is natural.
You can’t break the illusion with
yet another illusion, and that’s what so many have tried in the past. That’s
what we call makyo, and that’s what happens as one starts coming into their
mastery – a lot of more illusions to go after other illusions. It’s
like, “Okay, I’m not happy with these illusions that I’m having in my life and
the manifestation that they’re creating. So what am I going to do? Create
another illusion to go chasing after those.” Now you just have more illusions,
more fart bubbles in the game. That’s all you’re doing, until you stop, take a
deep breath and allow.
You’re letting yourself be. There
are no tricks. There’s no manipulation. There’s no doing it for 20 minutes a
day or anything like that. It’s not even a tool, my friends. A tool suggests
that you’re going to go in and start manipulating at something. It’s not a
tool. It’s who you really are. That’s it.
Now, the thoughts are going to
come in there and they’re going to try to interfere, and that’s when you just
tell them to “Shut up. You’re a fart.” I think that’s where the term “fart
head” came from. Thought brain and fart head – same thing. (someone says “Brain
fart”) Yeah. (Adamus chuckles) Brain fart.
So you just stop and you let a natural
process that is within you – not out there, not over there, not here, within
you – to take place. Pretty scary in a way; pretty beautiful and simple,
but pretty scary in a way.
The illusion of separation is so
huge that it has been said by some on our side that that illusion is so strong
that it can actually not go away, not be taken down, dissolved away, other than
through a huge traumatic event. I do not believe that. As a matter of fact, the
person who said it, the being who said it, actually had to go through a
traumatic event. So maybe they buy into it. But you do not need to go through
that. You don’t need to have a huge traumatic event happen in your life to
understand that separation is an absolute illusion. You also don’t have to be
an intellect, a philosopher to understand that. It’s in your core.
You know exactly what I’m saying
right now when I say separation is just a game. Separation is a way of playing
a huge game. You already know that. You do it just to do it. But try to get out
of that separation? You put your mind to work, you say, “I’m whole, I’m one.”
Oh, shut up! You don’t really believe it. I mean you don’t believe it because
it’s just another thought thingy out there. But you can feel it. You can feel
So, that being said, on to the
next step. So we have thoughts. They’re not yours. I truly want you to imagine
them, feel them between now and our next gathering as these little bubbles
being cranked out. I had asked Linda for a little mannequin head that we were
going to smash today, but she didn’t get one. (some chuckles) Anybody want to
have their head smashed since … (more chuckles)
LINDA: Wow, how psychic was I not
to do that.
ADAMUS: (chuckling) Yeah.
So but imagine, imagine as you’re
driving along in your car or you’re doing something and you get into the
thought lane, thought mode, and your little thoughts start to crank out – brummp brumpp, brumpp, brumpp – and it’s
really not out of your brain.
Actually, I talked before about
the origin of thoughts. Origin of thoughts actually really doesn’t come from
your brain. At some point it interlopes with or intersects with your brain and
then says, “Ah, see these came from the brain.” They didn’t. They come from
this little place that’s not in your physical body, but this little place
inside you – this little tiny little box, this little cabinet way, way back off
in the recesses of your being – and it’s limited consciousness. It’s kind of
like a consciousness quirk, a funny little thing within the bigger scope of
your consciousness that believes in limitations, and it’s kind of real quirky.
That’s where thoughts come from. They don’t come from your mind or your heart.
It’s just kind of little … it’s
kind of a rough edge of consciousness that’s never really been polished off
like most of the rest of your consciousness. So it’s still that little rough
edge that doesn’t really quite yet understand I Am that I Am. Let’s say 99
percent of the rest of your consciousness understands it and goes “Oh yeah. I
Am that I Am. So cool.” But you’ve got this little rough edge yet that needs
some sanding – it’s actually just looking for a good time – and it’s the one; it’s
that little corner that’s saying that it’s limited, and it’s churning out these
little thoughts.
Thought Farts
Just curious. What happens if it
churns out thoughts of limitation, thoughts of separation, thoughts of anxiety,
thoughts of lack of abundance and just ppppbbbbbbbttttttt!
(a fart sound) Just cranking … (Linda makes a face) you want to do that? You
want to do that. That’s the … that’s … ahh! Yes. (Linda’s giggling) One does
not have to be psychic to understand Linda. Come on. Come up and help me do
LINDA: (laughing) Nooooooo!
ADAMUS: Come on.
LINDA: Nooooo!
ADAMUS: We’ll do it together. Come
on we’ll do it together.
LINDA: No……!
ADAMUS: Pppppbbbbttttttt! It’s that little limited consciousness that’s
doing that. Ready?
LINDA: Yeah.
LINDA: Pppppppppppppbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbttttttttttttttt! (laughter)
ADAMUS: My friends, those are your
thoughts. Those are your thoughts – pppbbbtttt, pppbbbtttt – and it’s not so consistent. Ppbbtt! And then you won’t hear
anything. Pppppbbbbtttt! It’s like … no, really. Can you feel it?
That’s your thoughts and sometimes they stink and they’re really not yours. But
now they’ve gotten into a pattern. They just keep coming up.
You are thought patterned. I truly
want you to feel into this – how you generate thoughts. You wake up in the
morning and usually within about a minute to 90 seconds – pppbbbtttt! – on both ends. (some giggles) It’s the biological
thing. But you start thinking. You start thinking “What am I going to do today?
What am I up against? Oh my god, another day. Ohhh, I woke up and I’m still not
fully enlightened. Uggh, what do I have to do?” Shut up! (laughter) Allow!
You know it. You do it. I see it.
And then you quiet down for a minute.
You occupy yourself with … (Linda offers him a Shut Up button) No, no. I want a
fart button. (Adamus chuckles)
LINDA: Those are easy to find!
ADAMUS: A Master’s fart button.
LINDA: That’s easy to find!
ADAMUS: And then you occupy
yourself because it’s like, “Oh my god, I’m tired of these thoughts.” So what
do you do? You start occupying yourself making coffee, doing your thing, getting
on the Internet. But then those thoughts, they start coming up. Midmorning
thoughts. It’s once again, you know, you’ve gotten some of the details out of
the way, you’ve gotten your day underway so you can stop and take, eh, just a
breath for a minute. What do you do? It’s that thought farts again just
cranking out. And then you get so tired of it, it exhausts you, you say, “Okay,
I’ve got to make it to lunch today.” And by the way, it tires your body. Your
body really doesn’t like thought farts. Your body is like, “What is going on?
Can’t they just allow?” Allow the body. It’ll heal itself, but not with thought
farts happening.
So they’re patterns through the
day. The worst ones that tend to come in are late in the evening, particularly
right before you go to bed or once you’re in bed. Oooh, that’s a tough one,
because now you’re in a prone position, you’re quiet, and that’s when these can
really come out. And you’re trying to get to sleep, but that thought fart
machine is just going and it’s like, “Oh my god.”
So what do you do? Or you either
get up and try to occupy yourself or you have a glass of wine or some of you
take sleeping medication or whatever, until you exhaust yourself. Do you
realize that that is probably the default way of handling thoughts – emotional
thoughts, limited thoughts that really aren’t yours – exhaust yourself. And
then you can just collapse. You don’t have that going on.
There’s actually a better way.
It’s allowing. Allowing. It’s not a thought. It’s the real you. It’s the real
Edith, smile. Yes. You looked so
serious for a moment there. Mm.
So, now on to the next, very
important progression today. Actually, not important at all, but fun
True Imagination
You know how sometimes when you’re
asked to imagine, you breathe and you imagine. Imagine, you know, your life in
two years from now. Imagine, you know, where you want to live. Imagine who
you’re with, and it’s kind of fun. Imagining. You know, imagine that you’re
free of some of the encumbrances in your life. You actually don’t have to really
work anymore. Imagine that your body has rejuvenated itself.
Now, all that’s interesting up to
a point, and this is, by the way, where real mastery comes in. Interesting up
to a point. But you’ve got thoughts involved in that, and you know you have
thoughts – limited thoughts – first of all when you start negotiating and say
“Well, I can’t have a house that big. I can’t have …” And also, my
friends – listen carefully – if you need a visual in your
imagination. A visual. So somebody says “In two years” – they’re guiding,
leading a meditation – “in two years your life is free, and …” Now immediately
your thoughts – not your mind so much, but your thoughts – are going to
start imagining what your big house, big car, big job or whatever look like. It’s
going to be primarily visual, about 85 to 90 percent visual, but you’ll also
bring in a little bit of auditory, a little bit of sound sensation; once in a
while a little smell sensation and rarely ever taste.
So the Master understands that the
true imagination goes beyond the visual. The true imagination goes beyond the
senses. The true imagination goes beyond the typical structures that you’ve
Now, what I’d like to do here is
have you do an example of this, and it’s going to be interesting, maybe
challenging, because you’re used to having a visual that actually a lot of it
emanates or originates from that thought, that rough part of your
consciousness, the immature part of consciousness.
So you’re used to bringing that thought
up and connecting it into the brain, into your human senses and now creating
the image for your imagination. But it’s still limited. Actually, very limited.
And secondly, there’s not a lot of passion to it, because it’s gotten so
diluted, watered down, obstructed, that by the time that visual comes up – you
know, imagining yourself with the perfect biology – by the time that comes up,
it’s so constricted. It has very little passion. It doesn’t live. It just is a
nice little visual in your brain.
And then it doesn’t happen and you
have a thought. You say, “Well, I’m not very good at imagining, and I’m just
really not a very good person. Period. You know, but I can’t do it.” And so you
have those thoughts, that little immature consciousness that’s cranking out the
little crap. We’re going to go beyond that. Why? And here’s why? Cauldre’s
saying I’m getting longwinded. I don’t think so. We’re about half way through
today. (Linda laughs)
The Master understands that the
moment they – snap! – choose it, that’s
it. Tobias called it a point of separation. I call it just beingness. You don’t
think about things. If you, for instance, you want to be at a certain level of
understanding, you don’t think about how you get to that level of
understanding. You just become that. You just are. I don’t know how to explain it
other than saying don’t work at it. If you’ve got to work at it, you’re
thinking and it’s limited.
So when you do the I Am, for
instance, you don’t have to, like, effort your way from human to I Am. It’s
like no, “I Am.” That’s it. No negotiation, no discussion, no thinking. I Am.
I call it, actually, star hopping.
How do you get to a distant star? You just – you’re there! You don’t think
about how you get there. You don’t think about how you have to go through eight
levels of dimensionality. Pffft!
That’s for losers. You’re just there! (some chuckles) You’re just there. Thank you (to someone who
laughed). You’re just … I would like to record his laugh and then we’ll play it
at times. (more chuckles) When nobody else is laughing, when you’re not here –
kind of, eh, a laugh track. Yes. Good. (Linda gives Jin the microphone) And so
can you give us a good one and then we’ll dub over, kind of mix it.
JIN: Say a good joke!
ADAMUS: Uh… (Jin laughs loudly;
audience laughter)
It was an energetic joke I told!
It was dirty energetic joke and he got it! (they are both laughing and take a
while to catch their breath; audience laughter) Oh! Okay. The laughter is so …
JIN: Important.
ADAMUS: … beautiful. It brings life
in, and that’s really what today’s discussion is about, is geez, it’s time to
live. But we have to talk about what’s been holding that back.
So where were we? We’re talking
about farts. We’re talking about life. (someone says “Imagination”) Talking
about the imagination.
The Master goes beyond that. When
the Master wants to be on a distant start, they just are – snap! – like that. They just are. When the Master wants to be
abundant, they just are. You don’t stop and think about how little money you
have now, what you have to do to implement that. You choose it. But it’s not a thought, you see, because a thought is
suddenly going to limit it and pollute it and give you all this other crap and
everything else. You just are. That’s it. That’s how quickly a Master does
Physical biological health – don’t
read 18 books about, you know, health in the new age because they’re all going
to tell you something different, and they all are filled with farts. They’re
all so mental! That’s going to be the hardest challenge that I have with you,
your hardest challenge – or not – but thinking. Stop thinking about
it. And it’s not false belief. It’s just, “Hey! I’m choosing healthy.” Boom!
Let it go. Walk away. Don’t think about it, because the minute you get that immature
consciousness cranking away at it, it’s limited, it goes through the m- … ughh,
then it doesn’t work.
So let’s do this. Let’s have an
experience of imagination, but without the pictures. Without the pictures.
Remember when – Cauldre’s told the
story – back when he was working with Tobias, before he ever started
channeling, Tobias came to him one day and said, “No more words.” Of course,
Cauldre said, “We’re going to write letters?” (a few chuckles) Got a good
laugh. (more chuckles) No more words, because words are associated with
thoughts and they’re limited and also the human word can never truly fully
express the essence.
So Tobias said “No more words,”
and it was difficult for this one (Cauldre), but he finally got it, and he
finally said, “Ah! It’s all there. I don’t need words to feel it.” Words
actually become a burden. Words are useful sometimes, they’re a nice tool to
use at times, but words are so limited.
Same with the pictures in your
imagination. It’s the essence in that imagination. It’s the essence of the
healthy body without thought.
It’s going to be maybe a little
tricky, maybe not. Maybe you’re really ready to even go beyond this visual into
the essence. That’s where the life, the essence, the energy is, in that.
Imagination Experience
So I’m going to ask for the lights
down please. A little merabhy music, but this is not a merabh. Just some nice
background music. Why? I like music.
(music begins)
Why? Because it kind of keeps you
You’re just passing through, my friends.
Just passing through this wonderful experience called life on this planet.
Filled with life. Not limitation, but life.
Life is freedom. Life is knowing
that you’re never going to get stuck.
Life is knowing that so many of
the thoughts and the things you’ve been battling aren’t yours.
Life is freedom to let that soul,
that divine shine from within you.
Life is realizing that there’s
nothing working against you, nothing at all.
Life is knowing that separations
can be there when you want to play the game of separation, but they can also
instantly come down when you want to feel back into the I Am, the wholeness.
Life as a Master means that your
body is no longer just this biological baggage; that it’s a way for you to feel
and to experience life as it is and all of its sensuality. That body of yours;
I know sometimes you have a thought that a time clock is ticking, bringing your
body into more age, into more pain at times, less flexibility.
I want you to imagine now this
body of yours, this vessel of yours, in a state of radiant health. But before
you do, don’t use thought. Don’t ‘see’ your body, or visually see it in your
mind’s eye even. Let’s get into the essence.
Oh, yes indeed, the mind – it’ll
try to pop in thoughts. Just take a deep breath and come with me beyond the
thought. Come with me into the feeling, the essence.
What is biology? It’s light
combined with physical particles. It’s your light brought into a great
condensation. It’s light brought into a living, growing, moving organism.
What’s the body? It’s a way for
you to experience life. It’s biology in motion. It’s light in motion. In a very
slow, very condensed way, but it’s light in motion. That’s what it is.
You have a body. It’s actually
really not yours. It’s kind of an interesting interpretation of evolution, your
ancestors, a little bit of your thoughts but mostly these other things.
We talked before about biology and
about healing and you’ve try to imagine yourself, see yourself in your mind’s
eye as being a certain way. Let’s go beyond that now. Let’s not put thought in
it. Let’s feel that essence.
What is the biology? It’s light in
motion in a very interesting way. That will attract things like DNA and
molecules and chromosomes and all the rest of that, but it’s essentially light
in motion.
I ask you to feel into that. Not
even a visual. Feel into the essence of light in motion.
Now go beyond even that picture
that you’re getting of light, swirling light. Let’s go beyond that. You say,
“How do I get that out of my mind? How do I not have that picture? Isn’t it
just darkness if there’s [not] a picture?” No, my friends, it’s not. Just go
there. Don’t think about how you go there. Just go there. Beyond.
You see, you just do. You’re
there. You’re there in that place. It’s the essence. It’s a feeling. It’s not a
That’s the true you.
Yes, it’s very easy. Suddenly, it
seems that the thought comes back, and you take a deep breath. And you come
with me once again beyond that visual, beyond the thought imagination into the essence.
The essence is you radiating yourself, experiencing yourself through biology.
You’re just there.
Take a deep breath, and I feel a
little anxiety. You’re just there into the essence, the passion; the passion to
be so sensual that, even as you pass through, you can actually partake through
your body. You can be part of this experience, this dimension. The passion to
be within it – not just from the outside, not just contemplating life on Earth
as some angels have to do – but being in it.
That passion, that essence, that is your real body. That’s it.
That’s your real body right there.
As you get into this essence, you
won’t feel that strain on your head from trying to think or imagine. You’re
just allowing it.
Oftentimes, imagination was
artificially pushed or forced and never really that effective. You get into the
essence by just letting yourself be there – the essence of the body,
beyond the thought or beyond picture, into the passion.
That’s where we go, my friends.
That’s where we go.
Beyond thought.
Beyond effort.
Beyond limitation.
So I’m going to ask in these next
weeks for you to play around with feeling into your essence. Not thinking your
way there. No visuals. Well, the visuals will occur, but let yourself star hop.
Let yourself go beyond the visual, beyond a mental definition, beyond the
thought. That’s where we’re going, my dear friends.
As we do, as you allow the vessel,
as you allow the I Am to come into this reality, like I said before, it’s like
putting a large ball into a bucket of water, stuff is going to spill off the
sides – but stuff that’s not needed, a lot of old thoughts and old ways – to
make room for the I Am in this reality.
As you begin to understand what
thoughts truly are, where they come from and why they’re not yours, you’re
going to see it in yourself, but you’re also going to start seeing it in other
people. You’re going to see how in a normal conversation or situation in public
there are these thought farts coming from them and landing on you, and it’s
going to be rather annoying. Very annoying and even more intense, because once
you understand the dynamics of what’s happening, it’s harder to be in that.
But you take a deep breath and you
realize that this is just part of the transition and you realize you’re not
stuck here. You’re a visitor. You’re just passing through, and you remember
also that …
ADAMUS AND AUDIENCE: … all is well
in all of creation.
ADAMUS: Thank you. Ppppppbbbbbbbbttttttttt!
(laughter and applause)
[1]This virus is discussed at length in the
Sexual Energies School (SES).
The Crimson Circle is a global network of human angels who are among the first to transition into the New Energy. As they experience the joys and challenges of the ascension status, they help other humans on their journeys through sharing, caring and guiding. Many tens of thousands of visitors come to the Crimson Circle web site each month to read the latest materials and discuss their own experiences.
The Crimson Circle meets monthly in the Denver, Colorado area where Adamus Saint-Germain presents the latest information through Geoffrey Hoppe. These gatherings are open to the public for a nominal fee and available online free of charge.
The ultimate purpose of the Crimson Circle and its affiliates, who call themselves Shaumbra, is to serve as human guides and teachers to those walking the path of inner spiritual awakening. If you are reading this and feel a sense of truth and connection, you are indeed Shaumbra, a teacher and a human guide on the journey of awakening. Allow the seed of divinity to blossom within you in this moment and for all times to come. You are never alone, for there is family around the world and angels in the realms around you.
Please freely distribute this text on a non-commercial, no-charge basis. Please include the information in its entirety, including these footnotes. All other uses must be approved in writing by the Crimson Circle. For more information please visit the Crimson Circle website or send an email.
© Copyright 2014 Geoffrey Hoppe, P.O. Box 7328, Golden, CO