
Explore many years of deep and transformative wisdom from Embodied and Ascended Masters.

Remember your Self. It is the fundamental call of every angel and Master to every human who is ready. From humble beginnings in a mountain teepee to worldwide gatherings, these core messages are delivered via free monthly webcasts. This vast library of life changing wisdom contains everything needed to understand your earthy journey AND your divine origins.

Intertwined in a beautiful spiral of stories, insights, and humor, these Shouds chronicle how the consciousness pioneers and spiritual pirates called Shaumbra allowed new levels of embodied consciousness and discovered new dimensions of creation.

It doesn’t matter where you dive into this extensive library. Whether you start at the beginning, middle or most recent, it will be the perfect place for you. That’s the way it works for a Master.

(Next) Series

August 2010 - July 2011

SERIES OVERVIEW – Coming soon. IMPORTANT NOTE: This information is probably not for you unless you take full responsibility for your life and creations.

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August 07, 2010

How to get out of the mind? Simply absolute acceptance. In the quiet zone after destructuring, take a deep breath, feel and imagine the potentials of your I Am, including every new potential from this moment on. This amazing creation called You is something ETs and aliens would like to have: to be human, to be divine, to be so very real, to have a mind, and to truly understand the existence of the I Am.

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I Dreamt I Was Sleeping

September 04, 2010

Adamus addresses Shaumbra as a group of Merlins who are pretending to be asleep, wanting to wake up, but pretending not to know how. You are dreaming in your sleep, dreaming of who you could be. You wake up the moment you accept that you can. Stop thinking about it; just accept it. Tremendous chaos energy is coming in, but for you, it doesn’t have to be chaos. The potentials now come from within.

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October 02, 2010

Ahmyo is a Zen word for absolute self-trust. Its opposite is makyo, spiritual distraction. When you consciously breathe and infuse your Self into objects in your life, you’re no longer creating separation between you, your spirit, and your material world. Breathing life into those objects helps them serve you in a whole new way. Some people think humans need to be controlled; others welcome change.

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The Return of Magic

November 06, 2010

Your physical body has adapted to the unnatural state of human incarnations, similar to living deep underwater. You've gotten used to the intense pressure, disorientation, and lack of breath. Now, it's time for the return of magic to Earth, opening corridors between dimensions and bringing in nonphysical, magical beings who work with humans for the joy of creation in your dreams and imagination.

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December 11, 2010

A spade is an upside-down heart, symbolizing the descent into matter and biological form, while the heart represents ascension. Together, they illustrate the experience of coming to Earth and rising beyond. We bring back sha-dhar, breathing life into life, one of the most fulfilling things for a creator. You are asked to stay on Earth in a clear and joyful experience. Every day should be by your choosing.

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Tools for 2011 and Beyond

January 08, 2011

Imagine potentials as bubbles. There are more potentials than ever, but they might feel different, free from the old dualities. Embrace these new potentials, for they are yours, created by you for you. Even if a potential seems to burst, it will come back because they cannot be destroyed. Trust that you are always in the right place at the right time. Breathe life into your life and let yourself enjoy it.

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The Freedom Dilemma

February 05, 2011

The desire for freedom comes from your soul, but the human self is conditioned to accept a lack of freedom. All of you, your Body of Consciousness, wants freedom, and holding it back causes conflict. You blame your soul’s “divine plan,” but it’s actually you holding yourself back. The mind likes complexity and limitation, but it’s also screaming for freedom. The solution is to realize you ARE your soul.

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March 05, 2011

You are consciousness, constantly attracting energy. You create your reality, often unaware, through Mind Thought, Emotion Drama, or the True Heart. Mind Thought is weak. Emotion Drama is more potent, attracting energy through heightened emotions. True Heart connects with real feelings, drawing immense energy. Keahak is the ancient term for this part of you that brings in energies, transforming your life.

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Keahak II

April 02, 2011

Go beyond the limitations of the mind and time-based perceptions, and dive fully into life's sensual experiences, understanding that each moment unfolds new potentials. Remember, your past is not just a fixed snapshot but a rich tapestry that you can explore and that will give you a new awareness of what’s next. Feeling, not thinking, into your true heart, ask yourself what gives you freedom.

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Beyond Identity

May 07, 2011

The unprecedented amount of incoming energy allows you to expand your consciousness with support from beings who understand freedom, Source energy, sovereignty, and love. Love expands consciousness and begins with loving yourself. Release old identities, embrace sovereignty, freedom, and the divine within. Humanity is moving towards equality, ensuring everyone has a fair chance to discover their I Am.

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Spiral Experience

June 04, 2011

Start knowing yourself as pure consciousness, not defined by past lives or actions. It's about de-identification, letting go of the act, and recognizing that there's nothing within except the purity of the I Am. This I Am aligns everything perfectly without effort, bringing in appropriate energies without suffering or manipulation. Many have tried but few have achieved this understanding in human form.

(Next) Series / 12

Spirit is Present

July 02, 2011

When you call forth the evolution of your soul, you get it, even if it's not what your mind expects. Understand with clarity what you're putting out. To find this clarity, ask your I Am and then let go; the answer will come. It’s about being aware of yourself and the message you’re transmitting, because it is exactly what every part of you is hearing. You can have fulfillment rather than desire.