Welcome to Your Enlightenment Journey
Crimson Circle is a
sanctuary where you can finally relax into your enlightenment. The path from awakening to Realization is
unique for each individual, filled with challenges and joys. On our website, you'll find support to
navigate this profound transformation at your own pace.
Three Fundamental Elements
As you explore the
wealth of information here, remember that enlightenment is a natural process unfolding in perfect timing for
you. These three fundamental elements can help you remember and return to the natural truth of your Self:
Take a Deep Breath
At any moment,
especially during discomfort or stress, everything can change when you stop and take a few deep breaths.
Conscious breathing opens your connection with the divine, allowing energies to flow and serve you. As the
mind chatter quiets, you come fully into the present moment, where transformation occurs.
Realization is natural,
desired by your Master self and Soul, and not governed by the human. The process includes upheaval and inner
turmoil as everything that's not you is released, revealing All That You Are. Your only job is to be
aware, allow, and experience every moment fully. You can't get it wrong, and you'll never go through
this again.
Choose the Safe Space
Transforming your
relationship with your Self is simple, but not always easy. Creating your own safe space is a supportive
principle. This is not done by raising physical or energy barriers to try to keep out the darkness, but
rather by opening up to all energies. You create your own safe space by taking a deep breath and choosing to
be in it.
Over the Rainbow
Like Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz, after your awakening, a part of you is now riding (what can feel
like a tornado) over the rainbow, on your way from awakening to Realization and embodied mastery. It's
an extremely personal experience, but you are neither crazy nor alone. Many others are going through similar
experiences, and we share the joys and challenges of the journey.
The Essence
We're all about
consciousness, beginning with the simple, deeply personal realization of "I Exist" and expanding
into multidimensional creation and experience. We're not "New Age" or even
"spiritual," and we're definitely not a religion or church.
The core Crimson Circle
message is about the integration of the human, the Master, and the I Am. In this trinity of every being, the
human is all about experience, the Master brings every experience to wisdom, and the I Am is the pure
consciousness of the soul. Realization is the conscious awareness and integration of these three facets into
the Body of Consciousness.
Realization (Enlightenment)
Realization, also called
enlightenment, is where everything clicks, and you just get it: "I Am that I Am." It may come in
one profound recognition or in numerous small moments.
In Realization, you
transcend the need for perfection and come to unconditional, compassionate acceptance of every part of
yourself. It ends the relentless pursuit of trying to change the world and fix yourself. As the human, you
are not responsible for your enlightenment; you need only to allow and accept it.
At this point,
there's nothing more to work at, no more goals, nothing to attain, and you may wonder, "What's
next? Why stay on Earth, which is sometimes very tough?" You'll find that Realization brings a new
passion to simply be, live, experience more deeply than ever, and shine your light.
What is channeling?
The messages here are
channeled from Ascended Masters. Channeling is a natural form of communication between humans and other
beings, whether angelic beings, non-physical entities, nature spirits, or animals and pets. A channeler is
much like a language translator or interpreter. They sense the non-verbal communication from another being
and then translate it into human words.
A channeler can choose
who or what they want to channel. As long as the other party has an interest in communicating, the link is
made, and the channeling can begin. The channeler receives the raw information at a deep sensory level and
then converts it into human language. All messages on this site are channeled through Geoffrey Hoppe.
Learn more about Geoff & Linda
Ascended Masters
The Ascended Masters who
work with Crimson Circle have committed to support and accompany us along the way, and constantly remind us
of what we came here to do. Tobias, Adamus Saint-Germain, Kuthumi lal Singh, and others have entertained,
comforted, and challenged us over many years with their messages of wisdom, compassion, and sacred
Learn more about the Masters
What We Offer
Here you'll find
links to the essential parts of the website, which you can explore at your own pace and interest.
Monthly Webcast
Our monthly meetings, called "Shouds," are the foundation for everything else. Always
relevant, transformational, and FREE online, tune in during the live webcast or later in the Channel
Learn more
Channel Library
With free access to audio, video and text, please explore this massive collection of uplifting,
inspiring, and compassionate messages. We also offer text translations of the Shouds in multiple
If you’re interested in the metaphysics of creation, discovering magic, allowing the Master,
understanding the world and more, enjoy this high level overview of the main topics and teachings we
Learn more
Core Materials
These life-changing online workshops provide you with fundamental building blocks for building a new
life. Learn about true healing, integration, mastery, love, and creation.
Learn more
From in-person multiday events to online classes and the free monthly webcast, check out all the
upcoming Crimson Circle events.
See upcoming events
Browse our collection of free materials, guided experiences, multiday workshops, and other treasures
to help you dive deep and reunite with yourself.
Thanks to many Shaumbra volunteers, there are many presentations with text translations in the CC
store. Also view CC-affiliated websites.
Learn more
Discover the CC Angels, a group of extraordinary individuals who contribute their energy and support
to Crimson Circle, making a remarkable impact.
Learn more
Shaumbra Magazine
Full of inspiration, insight, news & information, don't miss another issue of the FREE
Shaumbra Magazine! We only send one email a month, and it’s worth it!
View latest issue
Watch these dynamic discussions as interviewers ask the big questions and get answers from Geoffrey
Hoppe and Adamus. Free online!
The Shaumbra
Connect with Shaumbra, follow us on social media, participate in Facebook groups, remember those who
have passed, and more.
Learn more
Special Rooms
Conscious creators can build dimensions where none existed before. Experience how your consciousness
brings reality into existence in these online “rooms.”
A collection of the unique terms we use to help you better understand the messages from the Ascended
Masters as given to the Crimson Circle.
Customer Service
Our team is ready to address questions about the CC website, products, and services. Click the Help
button (lower right) or go directly to the Service Center.
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