Welcome to the new Crimson Circle website! For a short time, the old website will still be available here.

Types of Events

Types of Events

In addition to downloadable products and the free Channel Library, there are several ways you can experience the wisdom of Adamus, Tobias, and Kuthumi, channeled by Geoffrey Hoppe.

Live Events

In these real-time presentations, Adamus offers cutting edge information and interactive experiences specifically tailored for the audience. Live events may be offered in-person or online.


Interact directly with Adamus, Geoff & Linda, and other attendees. Our two main venues for in-person events are the Crimson Circle Connection Center in Louisville, Colorado, and Villa Ahmyo in Kona, Hawaii.


Webcasts with real-time channels that you can experience in your own privacy and safe space. Connect with others via chatrooms and sometimes submit a question for a live Q&A.

Monthly Meeting

This cornerstone event is offered 11 times per year online and is sometimes available to attend in person. These free webcasts, usually offered on the first Saturday of each month, have been the connecting point for thousands of Shaumbra around the world since 1999. Check the calendar for the Monthly Webcast or simply tune in.

Explore Upcoming Live Events

Cloud Classes

These online multi-day events provide a deep dive into life changing material such as emotional healing, deep integration, releasing old patterns, creating a new future for yourself, and much more.


Providing the most important core Crimson Circle materials, these events are webcast live once or twice each year. They consist of pre-recorded sessions with Adamus and Tobias, along with live guidance, insights and energy support by Geoff and Linda, and sometimes a real-time channeled Q&A session. Connect with attendees around the world and enjoy access to the video recordings and text transcripts for 90 days.


Pre-recorded workshops on a variety of topics, available for subscription at any time. These Cloud Classes generally include 90-days access to online video, audio, and text transcriptions.

We look forward to connecting with you in these life-changing presentations!

Explore On-demand Cloud Classes
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