
Explore many years of deep and transformative wisdom from Embodied and Ascended Masters.

Remember your Self. It is the fundamental call of every angel and Master to every human who is ready. From humble beginnings in a mountain teepee to worldwide gatherings, these core messages are delivered via free monthly webcasts. This vast library of life changing wisdom contains everything needed to understand your earthy journey AND your divine origins.

Intertwined in a beautiful spiral of stories, insights, and humor, these Shouds chronicle how the consciousness pioneers and spiritual pirates called Shaumbra allowed new levels of embodied consciousness and discovered new dimensions of creation.

It doesn’t matter where you dive into this extensive library. Whether you start at the beginning, middle or most recent, it will be the perfect place for you. That’s the way it works for a Master.

On the Wings of Hope Series

October 2024 TO NOW

Beginning on October 5, 2024, this series with Adamus Saint-Germain will continue through August 2025.

On the Wings of Hope Series

On the Wings of Hope Series / 1

The Hope of AND

October 05, 2024

Adamus begins by recognizing the current hopelessness on Earth. He presents hope as more solid than ethereal dreams, related to Shaumbra's roots as "family of the rock." After outlining a grim future based only on probabilities, Adamus encourages us to focus on potentials and humanity’s inherent goodness. By embracing the "And," multiple realities become possible, allowing us to create the beautiful future of Jami’s 2044.

On the Wings of Hope Series / 2

Nevermore Fear Death and Darkness

November 02, 2024

Noting global shifts and polarization, Adamus urges you to “stand behind the short wall” and shine your light. Gaia and humanity are “dying,” going through a transformation leading to new potentials. Death was woven into human life for rejuvenation and wisdom. Reflecting on Poe’s “The Raven,” he encourages you to leave old patterns, allowing the Raven to help you transcend fear, embrace wisdom, and be a light for others.

On the Wings of Hope Series / 3

Radical Imagination, Practical Realization

December 14, 2024

The Ascended Masters do not know everything! Adamus honors Shaumbra as the pioneers who are exploring the effects of light, Love 2.0, and living in the And. He says that light, which is true imagination, can transform reality very quickly – but only if you release all doubt. It’s time to start using the light and go beyond mental constraints and into the no thing, which contains everything.

On the Wings of Hope Series / 4

Imagination, Truth, and the Marys' Love

January 04, 2025

Reconnect with your childhood magic, explore other realities with magical outcomes, and discover your truth, all through radical imagination in this fast-paced year of 2025. The Order of Isis and the Council of the Holy Brothers have supported the experience of love. Embrace the archetypal energy of Mary to bring love, compassion, and balance, marrying human and divine in a new consciousness of Light.

On the Wings of Hope Series / 5

Love and AI at the Core of Massive Change

February 01, 2025

Shaumbra, you were born to love, particularly to realize true self-love. With AI as the fuel and change agent, and love as the heart of deep changes on Earth at this time, Adamus urges you to allow yourself to be carried through the tunnel of change, trusting that it will take you to a more fulfilling existence. The most important changes are in your emotions, as they evolve into an angelic sense.

On the Wings of Hope Series / 6

The Alchemy of Consciousness, Love and Technology

March 01, 2025

You may instinctively fear AI due to technology misuse in Atlantis and other times, but it’s different now. Because of your wisdom and light, AI is becoming a tool for transformation, not abuse. It’s a Point of Separation, the train is pulling out of the station, and only those committed to true self-love can stay on board. Love, consciousness, and energy will merge, creating an entirely new way of being.