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Intertwined in a beautiful spiral of stories, insights, and humor, these Shouds chronicle how the consciousness pioneers and spiritual pirates called Shaumbra allowed new levels of embodied consciousness and discovered new dimensions of creation.

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ALT Series / 5

Safe Space in a Crazy World

February 04, 2023


Adamus reminds us to choose our safe space and allow our self-worth by letting go of negative patterns. Sometimes, we just have to laugh. Heaven's Cross will bring change at deep levels, affecting things like gravity, electromagnetics, and atomic structures. All of this has been made possible by the Realm Workers, who have led seemingly ordinary lives while doing crucial work across the realms.


  • Be in your safe space, you’re going to need it.
  • The lightening emotional and physical gravity unveils memories of your true essence.
  • Heaven's Cross is bringing quantum change in every part of human consciousness.
  • Realm Workers, quiet architects of balance, created a path across the realms.
  • Allow your dreams into this reality AND let yourself expand now into other realms.
  • Commune with the Master to access the wisdom of many lifetimes.
  • The coming shift, while disruptive, is like a reverse Wall of Fire; it brings you back together.
  • Have fun with your story and don’t take it too seriously.



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The ALT Series

SHOUD 5 – Featuring ADAMUS SAINT-GERMAIN, channeled by Geoffrey Hoppe

Presented to the Crimson Circle
February 4, 2023

I Am that I Am, Adamus of Sovereign Domain.

Welcome everybody. Welcome, as I’m getting a little grounded here in this space. I know I’ve been coming in a lot lately, but I backed away for a while just to prepare myself for this and what comes next, so I’m getting used to – there’s something missing here, something not quite right about the space, something off. What could that possibly be other than my coffee. Ah! Thank you, Kerri.

KERRI: You’re welcome.

ADAMUS: Not only that, but look at this, oh, a little rose.

KERRI: It’s your rose.

ADAMUS: Edible?

KERRI: No, no.


KERRI: But it could go up there in your lapel.

ADAMUS: It could, absolutely (putting the rose in his lapel pocket).

KERRI: And these fine guests of ours today brought beautiful little treats for Adamus.

ADAMUS: Yes, and is that real coffee in there?

KERRI: And I didn’t spit in it today (some laughter).

ADAMUS: Because we’ve been accused of not drinking coffee.

KERRI: It’s real.

ADAMUS: Yes. Once in a while, Cauldre, he drinks some swill of …

KERRI: Kombucha.

ADAMUS: Kombucha! Kombucha.

KERRI: It cleans out the pipes.

ADAMUS: It does what?

KERRI: It moves through you.

ADAMUS: It moves through you.

KERRI: Us old people need help (more laughter).

ADAMUS: Good. Thank you. Treats, Linda?

KERRI: Thank you.

LINDA: No, thank you.

ADAMUS: Oh, good. Well, we’ll just set them here for right now, as we get into it. Salut to everybody. Ahh! I long for these moments. Hm (he takes a sip). Mm, good.

So, let’s take a deep breath. We have a lot to cover today. This is going to be one of the best Shouds ever.

LINDA: Whoa!! (some applause)

ADAMUS: Or one of the worst.

LINDA: How do you know? (more chuckles)

ADAMUS: Or one of the worst. Well, I know what we’re going to be doing. It’s going to be one of those memorable – they’ll look back, you know, over the history of all the Shouds and say, “That was quite a Shoud” or “Might as well skip that. Go on to the next one. Go on to March.” And it’s all up to you. It’s not up to me. I’m going to be doing my role. I’m going to be kind of like a gameshow host today.

LINDA: Uh-oh.

ADAMUS: It’s what I aspire to do. If I was to come back on Earth – which there is no way I would ever do that – I’d be a gameshow host. I mean, because, you know why. It’s all one great big game. Humans take it so seriously. I’d host This is Your Rotten Life – oh, this is your … (laughter) Or This is Your Good Life, one of the two. What a great job. You get paid a lot. You get to be on television. Everybody hangs on every word you say. You’re the ultimate judge and authority, which I am anyway. But to be a gameshow host – ah! – what a delight. So today is going to be a little bit like a game show.

But before we get into it, let’s take a good deep breath and welcome everybody online. Welcome to this time, St. Valentine’s Day month. I’m just waiting for there to be a St. Germain Day. Wouldn’t that be something special?

LINDA: What the hell would that look like? (some chuckles)

ADAMUS: It’d be better than these hearts in the background. There would be fleur de lis’s and hearts and spades and everything else. We’d mix it all up. It’d be, yeah, St. Germain Day. Couldn’t you do something to make that happen? Let’s just start it anyway. Let’s make it – hm, hm – March 22nd (laughter).

LINDA: Ohh! Yeah! Yeah! Of course! Of course!


Being in the Safe Space

ADAMUS: Before we go any further, let’s do one thing. Let’s take a deep breath and let yourself be in the safe space. You’re going to need it (a few chuckles). Oh, no, you’re going to need it today, for some of you. But coming up to March 22nd, you’re going to need that safe space.

You know, humans – you, even – have tended to look on the outside for the safe space, and right now it’s not going to be there. Not going to be there. If you’re relying on the whole world to kind of settle down, for the whole world to be a safer place, it’s just not. I mean, it’s going to be quantum crazy this year and the next couple years. But the nice thing is, that safe space, it’s already right there. Maybe you haven’t tapped into it lately. Maybe you thought this (inside) was the crazy place. You’ve got all the aspects. You’ve got all the commotion. You’ve got things going on. It’s like, “Oh, no! This isn’t safe. I need to find that safe space on the outside.” But it is right here.

LINDA: Can you do that on an airplane and find your safe space?

ADAMUS: Absolutely.

LINDA: You’re sure?

ADAMUS: Anywhere.

LINDA: Okay.

ADAMUS: You can be in the worst part of town, you can be in the middle of your crazy dreams at night, you can be right here at the Crimson Circle Connection Center and still you have that safe space.

LINDA: Okay.

ADAMUS: So, what I’d like to do – heads up to the back desk – a little music in the background. Today’s music, merabh, just use that. I’d like you to feel into that safe space. Maybe you haven’t tapped into it a while and maybe you don’t think it’s there, but it is.

(music begins)

Let’s allow that to come forth right now. Let’s take a deep breath.

You’re safe space. You know, you’ve had all these aspects and this mind crap going on and “Who am I?” and “What am I supposed to be doing?” and “What am I here on the planet for?” and “How do I overcome the ghosts and the demons within?” That’s in the past. It truly is.

There’s kind of simple formula: As the world goes crazier, you’re going to be more sane. You’re going to be more safe. It’s kind of like you’re watching the outside world and, oh, it’s going to be going crazy. And suddenly you realize, “You know, I’ve really cleaned up a lot of this stuff inside. The aspects, they’re integrating back.” There’s old memories, that head talk. You know, something’s been happening all this time. Something’s been happening; it’s cleaning itself up, you know, because truly your own past lives, they’re coming into Realization. They’re letting go of stuff. That’s the key to everything. Letting go of the wounds and the old issues and the old fears.

So you realize that, you know, the safe space has been in the making, and now it’s available right now. Whereas it used to be pretty unsafe going inside – oh, sometimes you’d do anything to avoid it, just keeping yourself so busy with kind of useless activities, frantic activities, just to avoid what’s inside – but now you go in there and check it out. Check it out. It’s getting pretty balanced.

It’s not about what you’re doing in life right now. It’s not about activities. It’s not about any of that. It’s kind of just getting back in touch with that safe space.

And why is it there right now? Why? Well, because you’ve been doing a lot of allowing. I know you curse me every time I mention allowing. You’re like, “How much more allowing can I do?” A lot.

The safe space is there because you’re allowing yourself to connect once again to what you’d call your soul, and more than that – the soul’s wonderful – but the Master. The Master.

Some would call it, oh, maybe an oversoul or your higher self or that, and we use the term “Master,” meaning that it’s the wisdom of all your past lives brought together in that kind of humanlike persona, but a human that’s in wisdom, in balance and safe.

That Master – just imagine for a moment all of your lifetimes now, their wisdom – not their crap, but their wisdom – and your wisdom from this lifetime. That’s the Master. And what’s happening now, just as a part of a natural process, facilitated by your allowing, is that you’re starting to commune with the Master. Maybe you didn’t even realize it. Maybe it was just kind of a subtle background thing. Maybe you were expecting voices, but it’s here now.

And the Master doesn’t tell you what to do, when to do it. The Master loves just chatting, if that’s what you want to do. But the Master is there just emanating its light to you, the human, who is still here.

Oh, you the human, this lifetime, this is of prime importance to the soul, to the Master, what you’re doing here. And you can tap back into that, commune with it. Sam talked a lot about communing, communicating – an energy exchange. And, again, don’t expect words, but do expect that the Master has tremendous empathy, because it is the culmination of your human lives.

The Master isn’t some fluffy angel. The Master doesn’t have wings like angels do, because the Master comes from the human, from all the experiences, and it’s now the wisdom.

Let yourself feel that. Let it come to you. You don’t have to reach out for it. You don’t have to go out there. Let it come to you.


As you radiate your light as a human on the planet, the Master is radiating their light to you – just to you, only to you – and here is that safe space.

Here’s where you realize that you’re not crazy. You’re not crazy. Oh, there’s been times when you thought you were and times when you just didn’t fit in to the rest of the world, times when you just wondered, “What the hell am I doing here?” But now you feel into the Master and you start to remember.

And I have to point out very carefully here, you start to remember, and there’s still a little bit of that old mind self, the human mind self, that jumps in and says, “You’re making this up.” No, you’re not. Not at all.

You’re starting to get glimpses and remembrances, and they may not be clear right away and you may not get it precisely, I mean, if you’re looking for dates and times and specifics. But you’re starting to get it, and as you allow this, you start to realize more and more why you’re here, and you start to remember.

You start to remember the whole journey of getting here, and you realize, “I am not crazy.” That is being in the safe space.

I know for so many of you, you’ve gone through that in your life, “I must be crazy. What I’m doing doesn’t make sense. It’s not logical.” You’ve tried to copy other people. You’ve tried to be like them, and that didn’t work and then you figured you’re double crazy. You don’t fit in with them either. That’s a terrible space to be in, “I am crazy.”

But we get here, particularly right on the eve of Heaven’s Cross and, well, you feel into that safety within, the Master, and you realize, “Damn, I wasn’t crazy. I was just a rebel, a pirate. I took a much less traveled road. I took a much different path.”

That’s where I come to you and say, “So, if you had to do it all over again, would you?” And you say, “Hell, yes. Hell, yes.” And then you tell me, “I knew I was going to get through it. I knew. I knew it’d all work. I knew it all the way along.”

And then I remind you of a lot of our late-night conversations – heh! – and the bitching and the moaning and “Oh, Adamus, I was just fooling you. I knew. I knew I was going to get here.”

Feel into the safe space. It’s always there for you. Some days maybe a little bit more clearer than other days, but it becomes safer and safer and safer, even in a crazy world. As you remember really who you are, why you’re here, what you’re doing, and of your true abilities, you work with energy in a conscious way to really choose the life you want.

Let’s breathe into that safe space.

Remember, it’s not out there. Definitely not out there. It’s right here (points to heart). Always has been.


Good. All right. Let’s continue on with the day, after I have a little bite. Linda? Mm.

(music ends)

I love coming in like this because I can really experience the physical. Mm. It’s one of the things that you’re going to have once you’re gone from this planet. Because you’ve been here, you’ve spent so many lifetimes, you’ll always be able to recreate and to remember what the physical was like without getting stuck in it. So I can come here and I can enjoy the coffee and the treats. I can enjoy the laughter. I can enjoy the things of being human, because I have been in the past. The angelic beings that have never been here, they can’t do that, until they come here, until they go through this whole series of lifetimes. They’ll look at you in awe, the ones who have never been here, it’s like, “Wow! Look what you can do. You can manifest what appears to be a human body.” It’s pretty easy to do. You can enjoy the sensuality of being a human, but then you can get the hell out of it when things start going really crazy.

So I do love coming in, being close, but even with all the lifetimes I’ve had, with my Realization, I still feel the gravity of this planet. I can be here for a little while, but then it starts to feel very dense and, in kind of a nonphysical way, I start to feel nauseous, if I’m around too much – not because of you (chuckling), but just because of the density. I start to feel compressed, and I start to remember what pain was like, and I start to remember what forgetfulness was like. So, I do have to buzz out, get out of here. I’d say a couple of days at the most, but it’s actually now maybe just a few hours, and I need to leave.

You’re feeling that right now in yourself, as the gravity on the planet lightens up, and when I say “gravity,” for those of you who are new – a very special welcome for all the new ones. Yes, don’t be shocked by what we do today, because we do this all the time (Adamus chuckles). It’s a little different, if you’ve taken some other spiritual paths. We do things a little bit different here. You’ll see. Hang in there.


Changing Gravity

So right now, the gravity is loosening, and it’s not just physical. It’s emotional gravity. We’ve talked about it, the orbiting of all your emotions and everything else. It’s lightening up right now, and it’s causing you to remember what it’s like to not be in physical form. And that’s kind of wonderful, but kind of frustrating at the same time, because as you start to remember, as the gravity lifts, you’re like, “I need to get out of there quickly.” (Adamus chuckles) “I need to be done with this old way of doing things, this very heavy way of doing things.”

Right now, I’m checking in very regularly on Shaumbra, as is Kuthumi, Tobias. Tobias is around more now that Sam has rejoined him. Tobias and Cauldre, they’re developing this little relationship on the side (some chuckles). It went a long time when Tobias didn’t check in on Cauldre and Cauldre didn’t talk to him. It was kind of part of our agreement. You know, when Tobias left, I came in, I said, “Okay, here’s the deal. Tobias, Cauldre, you can’t be, you know, like, stay connected. You have to let go. I can’t have this with you talking about me behind my back (some chuckles) and Cauldre complaining all the time. So you have to …” So they cut the connection for a long time. Now that Sam’s integrated back into Tobias, now they’re starting this friendship, and I’ve got to wonder what’s going to become of that? You know, is he going to be running off to Tobias every time he doesn’t like something I say? “Nyah, nyah. St. Germain, nyah, nyah!” (more chuckles) I’m watching it very carefully. I’ll keep you tuned in to that, what’s happening there. And Tobias in the background saying, “St. Germain, he deserves the break from you once in a while” (laughter).

So, anyway, back to the point. There’s a lot going on right now – you probably knew that inside – and a feeling of discomfort, unease, maybe imbalance and just not connected like you were at one time. But that’s a good thing. Now, it’s going to intensify between now and Heaven’s Cross. Oh, it will. I’d like to tell you that it’s – you’re going to get more uncomfortable, but that’s good.

Now, I want you to really dive into it. Don’t resist it. Feel into it, because what’s happening is everything from an atomic level, the gravity that keeps all the electrons in place until they jump out of place, that’s loosening up. And everything in the atomic structure is – you know, it’s like an orbit; it’s like the planets around the sun, but here it’s the atomic structure at work – that’s changing, and most people will never realize it. They’ll never associate it with that. But it changes everything in your biology, in your mind. It changes how the neurons work. It changes everything. The gravity in that atomic orbit is changing right now.

One of the biggest things that’s going to happen is that, you know, the electrons spin around, and at a certain point they jump. They go into another atomic orbit. What’s happening now is the electrons are loosening up and they’re just going to disappear. They’re not just going to jump into another orbit. They’re going to disappear from the human measurement perspective. And when the scientists start looking at this going, “What the hell? Where’d that – did you guys see a loose electron around here anywhere?” (some laughter) “Because it’s gone. It’s missing.” That changes the atomic structure. In the past, when the electrons hopped over somewhere else, to another atom and combined there, it was pretty predictable. But now, they just go away. And then they reappear sometimes, but not all the time, somewhere else and not always within another atom. Whew! I mean, it’s mind blowing what’s happening.

It’s happening at such subtle levels. You know, it’s like such a micro, micro level. Everybody’s paying attention to what’s happening out there in the world – not everybody, most people – but what they’re not seeing is what’s happening at some of the basic levels. We’ll talk about it more later, not today, but it’s even changing electromagnetics. You know, electromagnetics are a field that create the patterns for the atomic structure to do their thing, and even the electromagnetics are changing. Magnetics – and I don’t want to get too far off today – but magnetics occur when pure light – which comes from energy – when pure light separates, and now you have a magnetic force that will bring them back together or repel them. That’s what creates electromagnetic fields, which holds a lot of stuff in, along with gravity. And even the magnetics that would attract or repel things within an electromagnetic field are changing.

So you can imagine everything now in an electromagnetic field, which your reality is based on, and then you have objects, physical objects within that field, and now the electromagnetics change. They shift and they’re no longer in defined patterns or frequencies, and you no longer have the old way of magnetics doing the attracting or the repelling, and suddenly it appears to be chaos. Suddenly things aren’t held together like they were before. That’s what’s happening on a very subtle level.

You know, if you would ask a typical scientist or physicist, they’d tell you you’re crazy. But of course, they told Einstein he was crazy, many times. Many times. At one point, they kind of humored him and they said, “Okay, send in another one of your papers,” and it went in the trash can, until five, 10, 20 years later, they realized, “Oh, well, he really had something there. We’d better change the history books.” And that’s what’s happening right now – the whole change in the way reality, human reality, is created – and you’re feeling it. You’re feeling it in everything – in your mind, in your body – and that’s a good thing. Don’t resist it, please. Allow it. Bring it in full force. And, yes, it’s going to feel strange. Your body is going to definitely feel strange, and you’re going to feel that you’re maybe losing your memory, your mind. You won’t be able to do simple things like you used to do. But it’s all part of the transformation that takes place.

Really, dive into it. Allow it. Bring it on into your life. I know that seems counterintuitive but bring it on. You’re just going through a change, and that will lead to a faster, quicker integration of the light body and of the Entelligence, the divine intelligence. It’s just a transition you’re going through right now, especially as we come to this time of Heaven’s Cross.


Heaven’s Cross

How far away is that? Is that, like, 45 days, I believe. Forty-five days and counting to Heaven’s Cross, 46 depending where you live. It’s almost here, and I want to just focus on this for a moment. We started talking about it – St. Germain, me – back at our Dream of the Merlin event, back in September, and even then, we didn’t have an exact date. It took another month or two for that date to come about.

This event is – and Cauldre keeps kind of like trembling in the knees saying, “Okay, Adamus, you’re really making a big thing out of this.” And then he reminds me of my one little mistake with COVID, one mistake (some chuckles). All the channelings I’ve ever done, just one little blip, because I didn’t realize humans were ready for such a big cleansing by allowing COVID to stick around. I don’t want to say it was a mistake. It was a slight miscalculation on my part (Adamus chuckles and more chuckles in audience). So, I’m in this kind of a constant dialogue, battle with Cauldre. He’s saying, “Tone it down, Adamus. Tone it down on this whole Heaven’s Cross thing, because if you’re not right about it, I mean, you know, adiós, goodbye.”

I’ll go the other way. I’ll go even more emphatic than I’ve ever been. This is it, folks. This is it. It’s not scary. It’s not frightening. What happens is unprecedented on the planet. It changes everything, because it changes the physics. Not just Earth physics, but the metaphysical physics, and therefore it changes humanity. I mean, to me it’s so obvious that it’s here because we’re at this point of the new human species. And it’s obvious the work you’re doing on the planet and in the other realms. No, this is it. It’s unprecedented.

Now, don’t expect a big event that day (Linda chuckles). Or expect a big event that day. It’s what happens as a result of it. It’s this fast, very, very fast change, quantum change on the planet, and it’s going to cause tremendous disruption. You already know that. Tremendous disruption.

But the biggest thing that it’s going to disrupt – don’t be looking on the outside for a big war or every volcano to start erupting at the same time – it’s going to affect the human mental balance, and it’s going to do it, at first, very small, very tiny. But then it’s going to keep growing and growing and growing, because most humans and the way they’re connected and balanced mentally and physically into the planet is going to start changing. They’re going to start losing it more than they are now – more than they are now – and you’re going to see people just doing crazy things, as we talked about in ProGnost. Unusual, odd things. You’re going to see more and more people institutionalized, more and more people taking medications, unfortunately, more and more people with just bizarre behavior. And I’m not talking bad, evil, dark; just odd and bizarre type of behaviors, because they’re no longer connected the way they’re used to, and used to from many, many lifetimes, not just this lifetime. It’s going to affect mental health more than anything.

Now, it’ll start showing up in the news at some point, particularly with people that are well known, whether it’s, let’s say, politicians or high-profile business leaders or others who are well known, and just suddenly they’re doing very strange things (someone says “They’re doing that now”). Well, compared to now? No, now would be normal. And I’m just talking really odd behavior. And then they’ll be talked about, other people saying, “Why did” – I’m going to use the Pope, for an example, but it’s not necessarily going to be the Pope, probably (laughter) – “Why is the Pope doing such strange things?” And they’re all going to start talking about the Pope. But pretty soon, they’re going to find themselves in that same club. They’re doing the strange things now. They kind of joined the Pope cult of odd behavior. And pretty soon, you’re going to notice, “My gosh, the whole world is going crazy.” Yep. Yep. It is.

So don’t expect what you would consider the big external events, you know, major forest fires or floods or tsunamis or things like that. The humans want that kind of drama, I guess. They want to look at it in the paper, “Oh …”

LINDA: Has it already started or is it going to start?

ADAMUS: Oh, it’s going to start. I mean, there’s always a degree of craziness. But, no, things are going to go bizarre. You’re going to feel like you’re in Alice in Wonderland. You’re going to feel like you’re down in the rabbit hole and, “What is going on with people?” That’s when you take a deep breath and you remember – you know, we’ve talked about it – and you realize that it’s just this whole changing of the physics, the gravity, the electromagnetics, the atomic structure. Everything that’s held things together is changing. That gives way or that leads the way into eventually the new human species.

It’s going to change science. Not on March 22nd, but in the years to come. It’s going to change human’s concept and their consciousness of living on the planet, of what leadership should be, of what business should be. It’s going to change all those. These are all pretty archaic systems. It’s going to spur the technology developments, but it’s going to change everything. But again, the baseline, the real thing where it’s going to start is in the mental balance of people doing crazy things, and that’s okay. You’ll be able to observe it without being affected by it. It’s not yours. It’s just happening on the planet. And there’ll be those who go into drama about it, but you don’t need to.

Humans are actually fairly resilient. They’re either going to die and come back in another lifetime and adapt, or they’re going to adapt on the fly. They’re pretty resilient. Even in the case of mental imbalance, there comes a point where they have to face themselves and what they’re going through. They’ll turn inwards. So, yes, it’s going to get kind of crazy, but have fun with it. I know it sounds strange, but have fun with the craziness of the planet, and take great comfort in knowing you’ve been through it already. You’ve been through it.

Yes, you’re feeling it in your bodies right now. You’re feeling it in your everyday activities, and that’s great. If you weren’t, I’d be worried. I wouldn’t have done my job if you were just saying, “Everything’s staying the same. Nothing’s changing.” No, it should be changing rapidly right now.

So, Heaven’s Cross. We’re going to be doing a question and answer about it fairly soon for all Shaumbra. We’re going to answer a lot of the questions about what’s happening. And, yes, there’s a lot that I haven’t said, partly because I want you to experience it as you’re going through it. I don’t want to script the thing out for you and tell you every little thing that’s going to happen, other than it’s what you came here to do on this planet.


Realm Workers

It leads me to talking about Realm Workers. I asked Cauldre to write an article about it. Anybody read it? Probably not (Adamus chuckles). A couple. All right, over here. I asked him to write this article about Realm Workers, and basically what it is is many of you – not all of you but many of you – have come into this lifetime to facilitate this whole Heaven’s Cross. I’m just going to call it the Apocalypse right now, but you came here to facilitate it. Heaven’s Cross is a nice word, a nice phrase, doesn’t raise too many eyebrows, sounds kind of nice. If I had called it the Apocalypse right away, it would have scared the hell out of some of you. But it is. It’s the Apocalypse.

A lot of you came into this lifetime not knowing when it would happen or not even sure it would happen, but you came in prepared, and you took on relatively normal human lives. You didn’t take on high status jobs. You didn’t take on intense professions. You didn’t necessarily even take on big families. You stayed pretty low key, because a lot of yourself was in the other realms. We can’t do this thing of Heaven’s Cross, the Apocalypse, without the counterbalance in the other realms. It takes – for it to go gracefully, relatively gracefully – it takes those who are embodied in human form here on the planet to also be working in the other realms to maintain a balance, to help architect the thing. In a way, not literally, but you’ve woven your DNA into this whole Apocalypse on the other realms. So it has a human familiarity to it. It has to have that human familiarity on the other realms to maintain a balance.

You’ve been helping to create this on the other side, and you’ve been helping to kind of pave the road, pave the pathway. I think I spoke at one point about it being like a beautiful parkway through a beautiful forest being built, and trees and lakes. And this is the pathway that many of you are going to take as you access the other realms. The important thing is to make sure it’s a smooth and safe journey going into the other realms. It is not astral projection. You are not leaving your body. You are expanding into the other realms. In the past, you’ve expanded to a certain extent, and then you contract again. You get so far, and you hit that angelic ceiling, that kind of, what they call, the veil, and then you retreat back to the body. Now that veil is coming off. Now you expand far beyond into the other realms.

If it wasn’t for the Realm Workers, those who are on the planet right now and helping in the other realms, you could get lost out there, or you’d get to a point it wouldn’t feel safe. It would feel so unfamiliar that you might back down. So many of you have been these Realm Workers helping to build this, and what you’re really doing is weaving in the human familiarity, the human consciousness into the other realms.

You’re also going to be there, you could say, in a way of speaking, cheering those along who are taking this pathway, who are expanding into the beyond, into the other realms. You’re going to be there like, you’ve seen – Cauldre’s giving me the example – you’ve got a running marathon and there’s people along the way cheering on the bikers or the runners, whatever. You’re going to be there doing that, encouraging people, “Don’t collapse now. Don’t just try to refocus on Earth. Let yourself expand.”

You’re going to be there greeting those who kind of – there’s not really a cross-through point, but kind of there is. There’s a point of where you’re like, “Oh, shit, I’m here. I’ve expanded enough and I’m now in the other realms.” The Realm Workers are there to honor you and to ask you to roam around a bit. Let yourself feel, take in all the energies. These are the other realms. These are beyond Earth itself. These are nonphysical. This is also where the real communing with the soul can take place. It’s kind of hard to do when you’re here in human form. But this is where the real communing is done with the Master and the soul.

The Realm Workers are there also to remind you “Don’t get trapped out here or don’t decide that you’re going to die at this point.” They’re going to remind you, “Okay, you’ve expanded out here. Now, bring what you’ve taken in, what you’ve felt, bring it back with you now to the human back on Earth.”

A lot of this will occur during the dream state, but then you’ll even go beyond that. It’ll occur in the waking state. You might be driving along – well, that’s a bad one (some laughter), Cauldre’s reminding me. Linda, do not do that. You might be sitting on a park bench, and now you feel very expanded. Some of you might feel, “I’m going to pass out. I’m going to faint right here.” You’re not going to. That fainting thing is just a warning system, kind of an alert system from your human biology saying, “Uh-oh! Something’s wrong.” You’re not going to faint. Don’t pull back. Just allow yourself to keep expanding.

There’s plenty of help and guidance. There’s plenty of the Realm Workers and the angelic beings working together to make sure you have a very safe expansion into the other realms. But then, after roaming around a bit, you want to bring that back with you. There are energies there that are not currently here on the planet. There are crystalline energies there that you are going to be bringing back with you.

In the past, even in your dream states, you go out there, but then when you start reentering your Earth orbit, you’d lose it. You couldn’t bring it back with you. It was like it just evaporated, and it was so frustrating, because in the dream state you were like, “I know it’s there. I’ve got it with me. I’m holding on, holding on, coming back to my physical body. Damn! It’s gone.” Now you’ll be able to bring that back.

Now, I won’t go into it right now what to do with it, but it’s you. It’s the essence of you. It’s the memories of you. It’s the Christ consciousness of you, and you’re going to be bringing that back. Not to go out and save the world or anything like that, but now to bring that into your life.

It changes you, yes, and it eventually changes the world, but not because you’re forcing it on them. It’s simply a new type of light and consciousness on the planet. It also changes the electromagnetics and the gravity and everything else that’s holding things together. But this new Christ consciousness, it doesn’t have to hold things together like the old energies did. The old energies were a structure, almost a mandate of how to hold this physical realm in place. You come to realize it doesn’t need to be held in place. It doesn’t need a strict logic or pattern to it. It’s a coding of energy that doesn’t need the limitations, and you bring that back into your life.

And the Realm Workers, you who are out there, you who have wondered, so many of you, “Why didn’t I have a great big life? Why did I lead a relatively quiet life?” Because you have been doing that, and it wouldn’t have worked for you to do both. Those of you who are not the Realm Workers, who’ve had pretty active human lives, you couldn’t have handled the stress and the tension and really the extreme duality. And many of you, as Cauldre asked me right away if he was a Realm Worker, and it’s like, there is no way. His job is to be here. His job is to allow the energies from myself and the others to come in. Whereas, if he was trying to both in the other realms, physically and mentally he wouldn’t have been able to do it.

So right now, just take a moment to feel in. And you don’t get a special badge – right now. Later. There’s something to be said about being active and focused here; there’s something to be said about being a Realm Worker on the other side. Feel into it for a moment. Maybe this is what you’ve been doing. Maybe the human’s been saying, “What the hell am I doing here?” and “I haven’t accomplished anything in life.” It’s like you wouldn’t even begin to understand what has been happening in the other realms. You will, but right now what you’ve been doing is absolutely necessary, important, and creates such a pathway now for the opening of Heaven’s Cross.

What I’m trying to do is to help many of you understand stop doubting yourself, the human doubting itself, “What good have I done here?” You’ve done a tremendous amount of good. And for those who aren’t the Realm Workers, you’ve been here, being grounded here, bringing in new energies here. It has to have both. It has to work together. There has to be that balance. There has to be that weaving of familiarity in the other realms, so that when Shaumbra expands out there with the coming of Heaven’s Cross, when you expand out there, that it doesn’t overwhelm you. It’s a familiar safe space. So it’s very important.

And I’ll make one other note here. It’s my makyo alert note. Some of you, oh, your makyo. Ohh! What’s happening, beginning March 22nd – and, yeah, some of you are saying, “Oh, Adamus, you didn’t get the astrology right. It’s March 23rd.” No, I got it very right. It’s not astrology that has created this event. It’s consciousness, and what happens is that on March 22nd, as heavens cross, as the Apocalypse begins, then it intensifies the beneficial aspects of astrology, what happens on the 23rd. It’s kind of like a turbocharge on the astrology. It wouldn’t make sense to have all this run by astrology, like your, what, your galactic destiny? No, no, no, no. It’s consciousness on the 22nd.

Second makyo alert point for those who’ve said, “Oh, I’ve been doing this for 20 years. I’ve been out there and going on the other side, and I’m way ahead of the rest of you.” (Linda chuckles) No, you haven’t. That’s makyo. It’s you thinking that you have to put yourself above everybody else. This is unprecedented, what is going to happen. You haven’t been out there in the way we’re talking about. Yes, you do go out into the other realms in dream states. Some of you do astral projection. I just call it mind crap projection (a few chuckles), because you’re just … can I say “fuck”?

LINDA: Go ahead.

ADAMUS: You’re just fucking in your mind (more chuckles). I mean, you know, I don’t understand sometimes. But this is unprecedented. You have not been – this parkway, this path to the other realms is not open yet. You haven’t been doing it. This is new. You might take some old pathway to some places, but give yourself the gift of allowing that this is brand new and you’ve been part of helping to create it. So it’s unprecedented.

So, for the Realm Workers, you’ll start to realize what you’ve really been doing in this life. You’ve had the physical body and oftentimes you’ve neglected it. You haven’t given it the nurturing, the comfort, the joy, the sensuality. A lot of times you just become mentally occupied, to kind of keep yourself busy, but you haven’t given that human self what you could have. It’s kind of like an estranged couple, and you’ve had the human down here doing its thing and it’s running around trying to figure out, “Why am I here? Why am I here?” while you, the other part of you, has been off in these realms doing this pretty incredible work.

I’m going to ask now all of you who have been Realm Workers to now nurture your human self. Give your human self the essence of health. Give it the essence of abundance. Give it your love. Give it your care now. Your work in the other realms is somewhat coming to a close. You’re going to be returning to your human self. So best now to start really, really nurturing that human. You’ve kind of been absent for a long time. That human has just been kind of existing on the planet. Now love it. Integrate back with it. The work is almost done there in the other realms, and now it’s time for you to get back to being a human Master, an enlightened human being on the planet.

Let’s take a good deep breath with that.

For many others, you’ve been active on the planet, doing things also of importance, bringing in – helping to bring in and to ground – so much of this Time of the Machines. But for those who don’t feel you’ve been the Realm Workers off in the other realms, for the humans here, for Shaumbra here, I’d like you to take a moment to acknowledge what they’ve been doing. It’s kind of been somewhat – not a denial of their human self, but they haven’t been giving themselves the true, full human experience, because they’ve been busy.

Let’s take a moment to honor all of the Realm Workers and welcome them back home.

(pause; someone sneezes)



A Test

Okay, let’s get into the Shoud now (lots of laughter). What?! What? I’ve only been talking for three or four minutes. Let’s get into the Shoud.

LINDA: Adamus, Adamus, it’s not a problem. The pizza doesn’t come till 4:30.

ADAMUS: Oh, so my lecture is determined by pizza delivery.

LINDA: I’m just giving you a fact.

ADAMUS: Humans, eh? (Linda giggles) You’ve got to laugh.

We’re going to have a little fun today. We’re going to do a test. I know you love tests.

LINDA: Ohhh.

ADAMUS: Yeah. Oh, no. Oh, no. And usually, you know, when you have a test, it’s about the answer that you give. That’s how you get graded, right? It’s about your answer. We’re going to do it a little different today. We’re going to do it the Adamus way.

LINDA: Of course.

ADAMUS: It’ll be about the question that you ask.

LINDA: Oooh!

ADAMUS: That is the test. We’re going to be asking for volunteers, truly – I mean, by raising of your hand – but if there’s not enough hands to fill the next two hours (some chuckles), Linda will be picking volunteers. I want you to give me your, and other Shaumbra, your best question. Your best question. That does not include things, “What should I name my dog?” We’re actually going to have audience participation in there. Either it’s a thumbs up or a thumbs down (some in audience say “Whoa”). The one with the very best question is going to receive …

LINDA: A free pizza!

ADAMUS: A free pizza (they laugh). All the pizza you can eat and one hundred dollars cash. Oh, yeah!

LINDA: Whoa!!

ADAMUS: Oh, yeah.

LINDA: Incentive.

ADAMUS: So I want you to feel in for a moment. You’re going to be coming up here on stage. You’re going to be sitting right where Linda’s sitting. We’re going to need another chair over here for Linda. And to make it even more interesting, for those of you at home, you can play along. What question would you ask if you were sitting in the chair? What question, your best question. What question would you ask? And, Linda, explain how they can do that.

LINDA: So, the way that you can play along and be a part of this is go to Crimson Circle on Facebook, go to that group – and of course, you have to be a member, but go to that group – and post your question there where others can see it. So, once again, go to Facebook to the Crimson Circle group called “Crimson Circle on Facebook,” and post your question on Facebook in the group.

ADAMUS: Yeah. And we won’t be answering those questions.

LINDA: We won’t.

ADAMUS: But you can play along, “What if I came up to the front to ask the question?”

LINDA: And it’ll be entertaining for others later.

ADAMUS: Yeah. Now, what I’m doing here is, I want you to realize through this little fun test where I’m the gameshow host, how far you’ve come, because truly it’s not about the answers that you give. It’s about the questions that you ask. I want you to be able to feel your own wisdom through the very question that you would ask right now. The one question that doesn’t count is “I don’t have any questions.” That’d kind of ruin my game, you know. If everybody said that, we’d be done in at least an hour. So we’re going to put on some music. You have two minutes, two minutes to – what question …

LINDA: Just feel into it.

ADAMUS: And, again, it’s going to be by your choice to come up here.

(music begins)

What question would you have? And I will be trying to answer it, if I can.

(long pause)

You can really tell a lot about a Master by the questions they ask, not the answers that they give.

What question do you ask?


How far has your wisdom taken you?

Tobias used to do these question-and-answer sessions years ago. I’d drop in once in a while and listen and I had to leave quickly. He had a lot more patience than I do. Actually, I have none. The questions were so human. But you’re Masters now, true Masters. What questions do you have?

Give me your best.


Okay, you’ve had enough time. All right. Let’s get in with it. By show of hands, if you want to come up. If you don’t, that’s fine. By show of hands, you’ll come to the front. Linda will give you the microphone, and away we go.


Questions & Answers

All right! Master number one. Please.

LADONNA: I’ve never come up here.

LINDA: Well, wait, wait, wait. Wait for the mic.

ADAMUS: Yeah, you get to sit down. And, Kerri, do we have any – would you like something to eat?

LADONNA: Oh, no, thank you.

ADAMUS: Drink?

LADONNA: No, thank you.

ADAMUS: No, okay. Good.

LADONNA: So, like, five months ago I was hospitalized, and I had all these electric things coming at me. And I had some sort of experience. I had electrode things, they thought I was going crazy, and I think I was – and I felt like Crimson Circle was all about me and I kept thinking of you, Adamus.

ADAMUS: Thanks.

LADONNA: And so, I never really had any experience like that (she sniffles). And then I was hospitalized again. And then I was in jail last week. A week ago, today I was in jail. So I’m going a little crazy (tearing up and sniffling).

ADAMUS: No, you’re just Shaumbra (a few chuckles). No.

LADONNA: And as a Shaumbra and as a person …

ADAMUS: How’d you get out of jail?

LADONNA: Well, they released me.

ADAMUS: Yeah, but I mean … (Adamus chuckles)

LADONNA: I had a … I had a …

ADAMUS: Oh, good. That’s good. You didn’t break out or anything. I mean, like …

LADONNA: I had a bail hearing, and they …

ADAMUS: Right. What’d you do?

LADONNA: So, I have a drinking issue (sniffles) and between my mental health crisis and my drinking issue, I lost control, and hit my husband.

ADAMUS: Are you taking medication?

LADONNA: Yeah, but it was drinking that put me over the edge, and so my husband was scared because I was screaming, “Do not resuscitate.” And so, the police came and they took me to jail. So, you know, I’ve got a court date this week and everything. I guess I’m just asking, you know, I don’t know (sniffling) as a human or as a sovereign being. I’m not quite sure where to be …

ADAMUS: I’m going to stop you. You just said something that almost melted me. I thought I heard the words “I don’t know,” but you do know. But continue on. Normally, I’d send you to the bathroom. Oh, thank you (to Kerri, who brought tissues).

LADONNA: Oh, you have in the past. When we were at Coal Creek, you have (laughter). That was like 10 years ago. So, I guess I just am trying to figure out, as all we are. I’m really scared and I want to know how not to be so scared …

ADAMUS: Right.

LADONNA: … because I’m really scared.

ADAMUS: Do you really want to hear my answer?

LADONNA: I do. I’m really scared (continues sniffling).

ADAMUS: Okay. You’re not going to like it though. And I had a little discussion with Cauldre about this the other day. Not about your imprisonment, but a little discussion. First of all, before I give you my answer, I’m going to tell you, would you just have fun with it? (she chuckles) No, I’m serious! It’s a frickin’ story! I mean, it’s a great story. I mean, you end up in jail, and, you know, but you’re here.

LADONNA: I’m just a mother and a wife.

ADAMUS: No, you’re not. No. Have fun. See, you’re looking at it, “Ohh, I’ve got this heavy story.” Have fun with your story. Have fun. “And the police came, and then I ran like hell.” (she laughs) “But they came around the corner in cruiser after cruiser, and then the helicopter.”

LADONNA: No, they took me in my pajamas and socks.

ADAMUS: Were they clean?

LADONNA: My pajamas? Well, yeah.

ADAMUS: No, the police.

LADONNA: Oh, the police (she chuckles and some laughter).

ADAMUS: You have to laugh, okay, otherwise, you’re going to crush yourself.


ADAMUS: That’s number one.


ADAMUS: Number two, and I had a little talk with Cauldre about this the other day, and he and I – it was an argument. It was a domestic quarrel (some chuckles), because he doesn’t like when I say this. But I’m going to say it. You’re having a lot of fun with all this, and that’s why you keep doing it (she sighs). I’m serious. Otherwise, you wouldn’t do it. It is that simple. If you’re doing something in your life, it’s because you like it. It’s giving you something. And I don’t care who the person is, what the condition is; I don’t care if it’s somebody that’s handicapped, mentally retarded, emotionally imbalanced, they are getting something from it. Period.

LADONNA: Well, I was getting something from alcohol.

ADAMUS: Sure, you are. But your whole drama, your whole “I am worthless” – and that’s what it boils down to, right? Boom! Mic drop.


ADAMUS: You can throw the mic down. Yeah.

LADONNA: Ohh! (laughter) We could take all day. “Allow.” Mic drop (she chuckles).

ADAMUS: No, why do you continue with this dreary story of “I’m not worthy”? You want somebody to come along and say, “Oh, no. You’re so worthy,” and, you know.

LADONNA: I want to be worthy.

ADAMUS: Just be done with the story. You’re still having fun with it, and I’ll have fun with you and we’ll talk about how miserable your life is and all the rest of that. But just change it. They want it changed, right? (Referring to her brothers in the audience) Or do you want her story to stay the same? (They shake their heads no)


ADAMUS: No. Okay. You have to take a look, “What am I deriving from all this?” Okay, it’s based on the issue of self-worth, and you don’t feel worthy to give yourself self-worth, right?


ADAMUS: Okay. So, you’re looking for it from everybody else – relationships and alcohol and everything else – and then you draw, magnetically draw things into your reality to make you feel worthless, like getting thrown in jail, and it’s like, “See! I’m not worthy! I’m not worthy!” And you’re waiting for some big event to happen to change that. And you’ve been waiting – this isn’t just the first lifetime, my dear.


ADAMUS: You go in and out of lack of worthiness. What are you getting from it?

LADONNA: Obviously, nothing.

ADAMUS: Attention!

LADONNA: Oh. Okay.

ADAMUS: Yeah. And there’s something in the attention that you get from it that feeds you temporarily. Then you’ve got to go back to drinking and medications and drama life and everything else. It just comes a point you say, “I’m done with that game, with that old story.” You don’t need to manufacture self-worth. You know, you don’t have to say, “I’m worthy, because … given these reasons, I’m worthy because …” You just, “I’m worthy.” That’s it. “I am worthy.” I think I did a Master’s Pause on that (a few chuckles), I Am Worthy.

LADONNA: I am worthy.

ADAMUS: You didn’t believe it.

LADONNA: (repeats louder) I am worthy.

ADAMUS: Yeah. You still didn’t believe it (they chuckle). You’re saying it, but you don’t believe it. But ask yourself, “What am I getting from all this crap?” and “Why do I still play the game?” And then the moment you realize and listen to the Master Self, to your soul, whatever you want to call it, and then suddenly it’s like, “Oh, yeah. That game’s over with, and I don’t need the drinking. I don’t need the attention from others. I don’t need the drama, the ongoing drama in my life. I just don’t need it anymore.”

Now, your human self is going to say, “Yeah, but what are you going to fill that with? You know, once we go beyond all this attention getting and all this dreariness, what are you going to fill it with, huh? Because you’re not worthy. You don’t know what to fill it with.” Tell that part of the human mind, that aspect, to go fuck itself. No, I mean it. You have to talk like that. You know, instead of, “Please! Please, aspect, please stop tormenting me,” “Go fuck yourself!” (some laughter) And it’s a very spiritual thing. Highly spiritual (more chuckles). No, I mean, it’s a Zen Master, Ascended Master, we all say it, because, you know, the timid little spiritual human, “Oh, please …” It’s like, “Go fuck yourself! I’m the boss here, and I’m done with that old story and the old drama.”


ADAMUS: There is that human aspect that’s deriving something, it’s getting things from all that. Ask what it’s getting, and you tell it it’s done with.


ADAMUS: And you don’t have to repeat mantras, “I am powerful. I am glorious. I am worthy.” You just take a deep breath, “I am worthy.” That’s it.

And now, the bottle of alcohol and the medications and all the drama is going to come to you and say, “Yeah, but let’s keep playing the game a little while longer, just because you’re not quite ready.” “Go fuck yourself” (more chuckles). I mean, and you know how aspects respond when you tell them that? Typically, the aspects are used to you being scared of them and like they’ve got the power. And you say, “Go fuck yourself,” and they’re like, “Geez! Okay. Whoa! Something’s changing here in Disneyland!” It’s like, “Wow!” (laughter) “Okay, wow! Finally, she – finally!” And then they go and tell the other aspects, “You know what she told me today? Go fuck myself! Yeah!” (more laughter) And they all start cheering and applauding, because they’re tired of the game, and they’re like, “Yes, let’s go fuck ours- …” (laughter) And I mean it when I say this is one of the most spiritual things you’ll hear today, because let’s get over this crap of everybody being nicey, nicey and then letting your aspects and your dark energies take over your whole life. “Go fuck yourself. I’m here.”

LADONNA: I am here.

ADAMUS: Ladonna’s back in town. Yeah. All right, thank you. Good (audience applause). Okay. What a way to start the game (Adamus chuckles).

Oh, I have to ask the audience here, and you can participate online, was that thumbs up or thumbs down? (audience responds) Oh, thumbs up. Okay, good. Phew! Good.


MAX: Thank you.

ADAMUS: Yeah. Have a seat. Like anything to drink, eat?

MAX: Oh, I’m good.


MAX: I was wondering if that’s real coffee. It looks like it is.

ADAMUS: Yeah, actually, you want to smell it?

MAX: No, I …

ADAMUS: (chuckling) Good! No, it is! I don’t know why people – it’s a conspiracy, I guess. Yeah.

MAX: Yeah, I’ve heard that theory.

ADAMUS: Question?

MAX: So, my question is, is the “many worlds” theory of physics true? Is that reality? Is there a version of me that’s a professional singer? Is there a version of me that’s a billiards player? Or is there is a version of me that once dated Madonna? (laughter)

ADAMUS: No. You’re dreaming now. Eh, Madonna (more laughter). I was going along with the other stuff, but, nah (audience chuckling).

Yes, it is very true, the “other worlds” theory. Now, it depends, again, how you look at it. You have parts of yourself right now that are acting out in the other realms, sometimes you’re kind of aware of, sometimes not – many, many levels of acting out – and some of them are acting out that they’re abundant, rich. Others are acting out a pool player. I don’t know if that’s important, but it’s happening. There are so many layers and levels, it’s beyond the fathoming of the human mind. But the problem has been, like, when you, the human, really desire something, really want something in life – what kind of work do you do?

MAX: I’m a manager of a network operations team.

ADAMUS: Okay. And you want to have your own network, your own operations. You want to start your own company, but, damn, it just never seems to work out. Or you want to sail around the world. And it’s a dream, but it’s actually not a dream. It’s happening in the other realms, and you want to bring it here, but you’re constantly frustrated. And then you don’t believe in yourself and you say, “Oh, these are just dreams.”

They’re stuck in the other realms, but they’re really, really happening. And the question is how do you get them here? How do you get your dreams here? So many of you right now want to quit your jobs and do something, but you’re lost and stuck. And then you go into all this mental quagmire, which guarantees that it’ll never happen. With Heaven’s Cross, we open that up, but it’s a little bit of a Pandora’s Box, because there’s all the other worlds out there – your worlds. Forget about anybody else. All your other – where you’re dating Madonna? Or …

MAX: That was just a random thought.

ADAMUS: Oh, okay. But I think you have a certain sexual interest there about her.

MAX: Visions of grandeur.

ADAMUS: Okay. Visions of grandeur. But there is a realm out there where you are a singer, and it’s been frustrating. How do you get it here? And then the human goes along day after day with the dreams, which are real, but not able to get them here. That changes with Heaven’s Cross. With the accessibility into your other realms, suddenly – and it’s kind of an “oh, crap” moment – you realize, “Actually, I can bring that here.”

Now, the human is going to want to define it and says it has to look like these specific things. I’ll talk post-Heaven’s Cross about it. Take the essence of it, you know, the singing, and you bring it here. And don’t say it has to be like such or you have to be world famous or anything. It’s just bring the essence of the singer here or the pool player, whatever it happens to be, and then watch how it starts manifesting. The dreams that you’ve had that just never could manifest, they start actually becoming available. There’s a big caution in there though, which we’ll get into later. A big caution, what do you really want? But, yes, there are many – many, many – worlds, many dimensions. I’m going to call them heavens.

MAX: Okay.

ADAMUS: Many heavens.

MAX: So, do you go into these realms with intention and say, “Okay, I’d really like this to manifest,” and then picture yourself there or feel into it? Is there a formula or a way to make that happen?

ADAMUS: The human’s going to have the tendency to want to go there and say, “I want exactly this and that.” But in some of our post-Heaven’s Cross discussions, I want to talk about the fact that you – you, as a human and the Master – you already know what you want. Now, you don’t even have to define it. You just have to sit your ass on a park bench and allow it to come in. What is most resonant with you will come in first. You don’t have to go out there and say, “Okay, I’m going to pick, I want to do this, and I want to do that.” That’s where you get into the human limitation. You simply open up and you watch how the things that really are the most important to the human, the Master, and the soul start coming in.

MAX: Okay, so this is another level of allowing your energy to serve you.

ADAMUS: Yes, absolutely. It’s what I call true grace where you don’t have to go and – because typically, if I said, “Okay, go out there in the other realms and pick what you want and bring it back here,” it’d be confusing for a lot of humans who say, “I don’t know what I want. I’m not sure.” And then they start limiting themselves or they start screwing it up. Watch what happens as you just start allowing the dreams to come here and what is in the greatest resonance with the human, the Master, and the soul will come in.

MAX: Okay.

ADAMUS: Yeah. And it could be singing. It could be just kind of a rejuvenation of the human body. It could be many, many things.

MAX: Okay.

ADAMUS: But, yes, many worlds, absolutely. That’s been the frustration, because it’s like this is the world, the only world for so many people, and yet there’s so much happening out there.

MAX: And physics actually describes the “many worlds” theory, but they can’t prove it, right?

ADAMUS: Right. Right. Yeah, it’s very difficult to prove. I mean, how do you prove it? But if enough people experience it, that becomes the proof, even though they can’t scientifically validate it. But, that being said, they’re going to, because now, particularly as the technologies enable physicists to really now track the particles and light waves, and they’re going to realize, as Einstein said, “Some very spooky things are happening” that defies all the current understandings of physics. But that’s going to open them up to realizing things move in and out of different realms, different worlds, and it’s been happening forever. I mean, it’s not a new occurrence. It’s just that the focus has been on the science of this realm. And then when you think about it, science hasn’t been around for very long. Not at all. I mean, maybe 800 years, maybe, but it’s all new. But all that’s going to change. It’s going to change. Yep.

MAX: Very exciting. Thank you.

ADAMUS: Good. Thumbs up? Thumbs down? Oh, double thumbs up! Okay. Wow! You might be on your way to one hundred dollars (laughter). You talk about other worlds, woo! Okay.


TRACY: Thank you.

ADAMUS: Good. How’s that chair feel?

TRACY: It feel good to be up high, but it’s a little bit stiff.

ADAMUS: A little stiff, oh. Yeah, well, Cauldre and Linda, they have to stay awake during these things (some chuckles).

TRACY: Understandable.

ADAMUS: We don’t want to give them a comfortable chair. Would you like a pillow?

TRACY: No. I feel – I’m getting more relaxed.

ADAMUS: Okay. Yeah, well, you’re feeling into Linda’s energy and the ones who’ve …


ADAMUS: … sat there. Just don’t fall asleep on us. Okay.

TRACY: Okay. I’ll stay awake.

ADAMUS: I want a really good question.

TRACY: Okay. I have to feel into this, so I can feel the, sort of the energies flowing, without going “beep, beep, beep!” in my head.

ADAMUS: I know. Isn’t that terrible?

TRACY: It’s fucked up!

ADAMUS: Yeah, yeah.

TRACY: Okay (they chuckle). Yeah, so I’m going to feel into it. So the feeling came when you said “electrons going in and out,” and I can just feel sort of the joy bubbling up, which is like, what is it like – like, first of all, when I feel into it, I feel such a joy, like a deep joy; electrons going in and out of reality – and I’m like, what is it like to, like, consciously know as a Master that I’m, like, touching all of those?

ADAMUS: Mm hmm.

TRACY: And orchestrating them or – I don’t know how to explain it. It’s like dancing with them as my soul song and knowing that they’re dancing to me, but here in this fucking reality.

ADAMUS: Right, right.

TRACY: Like what is that like? Ready, go (laughter).

ADAMUS: What kind of work do you do?

TRACY: I’m a biochemist.

ADAMUS: Oh, okay. Good, good. Good.

TRACY: Yeah.

ADAMUS: So you understand kind of how this all works. And now you want to experience it, right?

TRACY: Yes, please.

ADAMUS: Okay (more chuckles). A couple things. You’ll be able to have a more full experience after March 22nd.

TRACY: Oh, thank god.

ADAMUS: And I hate to keep using that date, but it’s true. And then what you do, as – what kind of music do you like?

TRACY: I don’t really listen to that much music, to be honest.

ADAMUS: Well, that’s a problem.

TRACY: Yeah.

ADAMUS: Okay (Adamus chuckles).

TRACY: I mean, it’s never – like, I mean, there are some songs that resonate with me, but, like, I don’t naturally listen to music a lot.

ADAMUS: Do you like the music they play here at Crimson Circle?

TRACY: I fucking love it!

ADAMUS: See? Okay.

TRACY: Oh, sorry.

ADAMUS: Get some of that from them, some of the music. And then on – where are you going to be on March 23rd?

TRACY: Mmmm. Is that the day after?

ADAMUS: Yeah, yeah.

TRACY: Is that like a Thursday or something?

ADAMUS: Yeah, yeah. Yes, it is.

TRACY: I don’t know. I’ll like, be at work and then at home. Maybe some yoga.

ADAMUS: Okay. Stay home that day. Take a sick day, and put on some music. Get it from Crimson Circle.

TRACY: Okay.

ADAMUS: And then when you get up in the morning, just have a cup of coffee or whatever, and then turn on the music and start dancing.

TRACY: Oh, I do love dancing.

ADAMUS: Oh, yeah.

TRACY: Yeah, yeah.

ADAMUS: But you don’t like music (some chuckles).

TRACY: Like, I don’t like music and that – like, I never gravitate towards a favorite thing – but if something comes and it moves me, I’m like, “Yeah!” But it’s not like “I love this music.”

ADAMUS: Okay. And then you start dancing and let yourself open up, and pretty soon you’re going to be dancing with the photons and the electrons.

TRACY: Oh, okay!

ADAMUS: And you’re going to be dancing with the light and the electromagnetics, and you can go all the way back through into the light, back into the energy, back into what I call the Dvir and into consciousness, into true pure consciousness. You dance your way into it.

TRACY: Okay. I can feel that. Thank you.

ADAMUS: Yeah. And don’t doubt yourself though.

TRACY: Yeah, that’s …

ADAMUS: That’s the biggest thing is like, “Oh, am I just making this up or …” Let yourself absolutely be sensual about it.

TRACY: Okay.

ADAMUS: Do you consider yourself a mental person or a sensual person?

TRACY: I mean, I used to be really mental, but I’ve also always been very sensual. So it’s hard for me to answer that.

ADAMUS: So, you’re kind of tranny.

TRACY: Yeah, I’m both.

ADAMUS: Okay. Yeah (a few chuckles).

TRACY: Yeah.

ADAMUS: Both. Oh, good. No, it’s important.

TRACY: Yeah.

ADAMUS: Oftentimes, mental people push out the sensual. They don’t let that in.

TRACY: I do love the sensual, but sometimes it (tapping her head) takes over, you know?

ADAMUS: Yeah, yeah.

TRACY: Yeah.

ADAMUS: But this time, let the sensual come out. You’ve got that facet, the sensual facet. Let it – dance with it.

TRACY: Okay.


TRACY: Okay.

ADAMUS: Good. And if you’re really bold, put on your – what do you call – video player, video it, and send it in. We’ll put it on for one of the Shouds (Adamus chuckles and some laughter).

TRACY: (she makes a face) I’ll ponder it.

ADAMUS: Yeah, ponder it. Okay.

TRACY: We’ll see what the results are.

ADAMUS: Okay. No, do have fun. Great. Thank you.

TRACY: Thank you.

ADAMUS: Thumbs up, thumbs down? Oh, it’s all thumbs up. Okay. Good. We have time for about 30 more (laughter). A few more.

LINDA: Henrietta.

HENRIETTE: (whispers) Thank you.

ADAMUS: Good. Isn’t this a fun game?

HENRIETTE: Absolutely.

ADAMUS: Yeah. And then I don’t have to sit there and yammer, yammer, lecture, lecture. Yeah.



HENRIETTE: So, what is next? We get to all these important points over the last 20, 22 years, these major crossing points that we’ve had.

ADAMUS: Would you – I don’t remember a lot of them.

HENRIETTE: Such a – okay.

ADAMUS: What were they?

HENRIETTE: So you have … (she chuckles)

ADAMUS: Me coming to the Crimson Circle and Heaven’s Cross. Those are the two most significant events.

HENRIETTE: True. True. And Adamus coming in.

ADAMUS: That’s me.



HENRIETTE: Yeah. When you came in that was, like, really pivotal.

ADAMUS: 2009, wow!




ADAMUS: And I am so surprised that Tobias never made a big deal out of it (she chuckles) and said, “This is going to be life altering, and it’s an important date, the first channel that he does.” But, heh. Okay. So …

HENRIETTE: So, we are all anticipating and getting ready for and I’m feeling the energies of the 22nd of March.

ADAMUS: (deep voice) The Apocalypse!

HENRIETTE: The Apocalypse.


HENRIETTE: And I am so loving this going in and out of the veils, kind of. And it’s beautiful to see the preamble of all of this right now. The question I have is like, okay, so what’s next? Where is the soul going after this?

ADAMUS: The soul or the human?

HENRIETTE: The soul, the spirit …

ADAMUS: The soul ain’t going anywhere. Are you asking what’s next for you, the human?

HENRIETTE: Actually, the word that comes up is “soul.”

ADAMUS: Okay. The soul doesn’t go anywhere. I mean, where would it go? Out for a walk? Would it go to Mars? No. The soul, it doesn’t go places. It doesn’t even exist in matter. There’s no physical soul that you’re going to find. The soul is simply, I guess you could say, kind of a place that stores all the wisdom, all the intelligence, all the potentials and the energy and that, but it’s not a place. So it doesn’t go anywhere. Now, it might want another adventure. Is that what you’re asking? What’s the next adventure?

(slight pause)

Are you saying “What happens” I don’t want to put words in your mouth – “What’s going to happen to the human after March 22nd, and what’s going to happen to the soul after the human goes through that?” Is that …


ADAMUS: Okay, thank you.

HENRIETTE: Thank you.

ADAMUS: Yeah. So what happens to the human? You die, eventually, but after you have what is truly embodied Realization, truly, where you’re no longer just a little human anymore, where you’re human and Master, where you are in peace and balance with yourself, where you’re no longer battling duality, where you’re existing in duality and out of it, where you’re here on the Earth and you’re in the other realms, where you are – not quite the right word, but as close as I’m going to get – totally fulfilled. No unfinished business. No needs or desires anymore, from a human standpoint. Now, some of you might think that’s really boring and say, “What? No needs anymore?” No. You’re going to have passions, but you’re not going to be needy. You’re not going to still be scraping along the ground, you know, to find things. So, you live the rest of your life as long as you choose in the many heavens all at once, in ease and grace. And I’m going to have some long talks after Heaven’s Cross about many of you can’t handle ease and grace. You need that constant battling and everything, but we’re going to work our way around that.

The soul. Now, the soul loves experience, loves to go places and express. I’ve got to work this through Cauldre. Okay, I’m going to put it simply, but there’s a lot more to it. So you fulfill in this life, you become the Master. Then what happens at a soul level, you’re going to go all the way back in time. You’re going to go backwards now, through everything you’ve experienced, as a realized being. You’re going to go back through every lifetime – the soul is going to go back through time, as you know it – every lifetime, every experience, but now as a realized Master.

HENRIETTE: That is huge.

ADAMUS: That’s frickin’ huge (Adamus chuckles). I mean, it’s beyond huge.

HENRIETTE: So, I have to ask the question then, if we are becoming realized right now – if – we are becoming realized right now and you have expressed – I seem to recall you expressing – that all of our other lifetimes are also becoming realized right now in this present moment.


HENRIETTE: Help me understand what you’re describing that now as an ascended physically embodied Master we’re going back to revisit all of those lives. Help me understand that.

ADAMUS: You’re going back as truly the soul Self now. You’re going back across that timeline, all the way from this lifetime, to the last one, to the last one, to the last one, and what you’re doing is you’re meeting yourself, your human self along the way and saying, “Phew! Good on you.”

HENRIETTE: Would I not be meeting my realized Self, since that has already occurred?

ADAMUS: You’re going to be realizing your realized Self, your unrealized self, your doubting self, your past life, all your shit, all your crap, all your demons. You’re going to be traversing back in time and saying, “Oh Be Ahn. You’re going to make it.” And that’s what’s happening right now. And that’s one of the other implications of Heaven’s Cross. It opens the realms up so the soul Self can now traverse back through time, meeting every experiencing, every incident, every monster, every doubt, every suicidal lifetime, meeting it along the way and saying “Oh Be Ahn. You’re going to make it.”


ADAMUS: Yeah. Yeah. Shivers.


ADAMUS: Woo! There is so much to this, Shaumbra, and I don’t want you to get too mental about it. I want you to be experiential in it. But as this opens, the soul comes pouring its light through, and it goes back and experiences or it becomes aware of everything that itself as human incarnations went through. I mean, everything – dropping a spoon on the floor one day, every little thing, singing out loud – it doesn’t have to be a big event. It literally goes through the whole lineage of all of its lifetimes and basically just touching, connecting with that lifetime.


ADAMUS: Yeah, it’s a lot.

HENRIETTE: Wow. So, again, kind of revisiting – and this is just my human brain trying to figure this out, okay, and understand (she chuckles). Right. We have our moment of ascension and moving through Heaven’s Cross and Realization, and all the other lifetimes at the same time are also having their Realization. Okay.

ADAMUS: And we have to be a little careful about saying “same time,” but it’s all, you could say, in the Now.

HENRIETTE: In the Now moment. But then what I hear you saying …

ADAMUS: In the present moment.

HENRIETTE: In the present moment. Perhaps I’m overthinking this, but, okay, this realized Master is now going to be going back through all the lifetimes and meeting its former self in the various modes of existence …


HENRIETTE: … prior to being realized.

ADAMUS: Yes. It’s collecting itself. It’s integrating itself by doing that.

HENRIETTE: So, it’s like meeting its ascended and its non-ascended self in the past …


HENRIETTE: … because everything is happening in this moment.

ADAMUS: Imagine the human is kind of on this trajectory, you know, trying to be better, trying to improve, trying to become more spiritual, more enlightened, and it’s on a path like this. Then – it’s a little difficult to explain – but in the same experience, the soul is coming back along that same line. It’s like two trains on parallel tracks (going opposite directions) and they pass each other. But when the one train, the soul train is … (some chuckles, as she mimics dancing) … is passing by, it’s just reaching out with its light and touching the other train, the old, you know, let’s call it an old steam engine and saying, “You know, you made it. So just keep going. You made it.” And that light coming from the soul train going back in time affects this old broken-down steam engine, and the steam engine suddenly realizes, “I’m not an old broken-down steam engine. I Am that I Am.” And – boom! – now the two, the train from the future and the train from the past passing by each other – phewww! – suddenly become one.


ADAMUS: It’s unimaginable to the human, but it’s happening.

HENRIETTE: That would create energy right there.

ADAMUS: Beyond. It doesn’t create energy.

HENRIETTE: It’s not even about energy.

ADAMUS: It doesn’t create energy. It binds together consciousness and energy (someone says “Holy shit!”) Holy shit! (Adamus chuckles) 

HENRIETTE: Which is a whole other lesson.

ADAMUS: Okay. Good question? Bad question?

HENRIETTE: The soul train! Thank you.

ADAMUS: All right. Good question. We have time for two more.

LINDA: Soul Train is a good music album to dance to.

ADAMUS: It is. Can you sing a few bars?

LINDA: (giggling) No!


LINDA: I don’t want to hurt anybody!

ADAMUS: Maybe the production desk can pull it up in the back while we’re …

LINDA: Rulli.

ADAMUS: … talking. Soul Train. Who did it?

LINDA: I have it.

ADAMUS: No, who did it?

LINDA: Soul Train.

ADAMUS: Oh, what’s the song?

LINDA: It’s a whole bunch of songs. It’s an album.

ADAMUS: Oh. Well, that’s what I know.

LINDA: It’s a group.


LINDA: It’s a group.

ADAMUS: Welcome, sir. How are you?

RULLI: Hello, Master.

ADAMUS: Good. And – ahem – Kerri?

LINDA: You can get it online.

ADAMUS: Oh, Kerri?!

KERRI: (from the back in the kitchen area) What? (laughter)

LINDA: You want more coffee, Adamus? Is that your problem?

ADAMUS: I’ve been sending this signal out to Kerri …

LINDA: What do you want?!

ADAMUS: “Hello! Hello! Adamus …”

LINDA: Here (to Joanne), could you take that to Kerri?

ADAMUS: “… wants more, another coffee.”

LINDA: She’s working on the pizza that’s coming in 20 minutes.

ADAMUS: It’s not that important (Linda laughs), unlike my coffee.

KERRI: Here I am.

ADAMUS: Okay. Good. All right. We’re moving along, and keep in mind, who gets the hundred, okay?

LINDA: Ohhh!

ADAMUS: All right. So, continue on. And how do you pronounce your name?

RULLI: Rulli (Ru-lee).

ADAMUS: Rulli, okay. Rulli.

RULLI: So good to be here.

ADAMUS: And then the other part of you would be – you know, your counterpart – would be unruly? (laughter at his pun)

RULLI: Yeah!

ADAMUS: Never thought of that, did you?

RULLI: I needed your help with that.

ADAMUS: Okay (Adamus chuckles). What’s your question?

RULLI: Well …

LINDA: Hold up the mic.

RULLI: I’m going to be one of those very annoying people and say, hey, can I really come up. But I had an old question …


RULLI: … that’s kind of been evolving, and it’s still a valid one.

ADAMUS: Right. Right.

RULLI: And I feel the answer …

LINDA: Hold the mic up.

RULLI: … um …

ADAMUS: Isn’t that annoying?

RULLI: No, I know better. I feel like the answer is there. I can feel I don’t quite have the words. So it would be nice, since you’re asking us to ask questions …

ADAMUS: Sure, right.

RULLI: … to go ahead and ask it. So, the whole thing is right now I feel like this person that I am, this personality, Rulli, and when I transition over to what we call the other side, what I wonder is will it still feel like me? Because I know that we’re – or I understand that we’re – stepping into a larger part of us, of which we’re only a tiny little speck perhaps.

ADAMUS: So the question is …

RULLI: Is will it feel like me? Will it feel like a continuation of me continuing on, perhaps just as a much more expanded version of me, is what I think is the answer is.

ADAMUS: Right, right.

RULLI: But …

ADAMUS: Like a much cooler, more hip, handsome, rich, sexy version. Yeah, could be.

RULLI: Well, I don’t want to wait till then.

ADAMUS: Yeah, yeah (Adamus chuckles).

RULLI: If that’s going to do that (they chuckle). We’re here to see Uncle Adamus. But, yeah, that’s the question. Is there a continuity of my personality? Will it feel like, okay, or will I just …


RULLI: … integrate into this …


RULLI: … big cloud and now the big guy says …

ADAMUS: Part of the soul and yeah, yeah.

RULLI: … “You were just a little joke and you didn’t really exist anyway. Ha, ha, ha!”

ADAMUS: That’s actually a very good question (some chuckles). A very good question.

RULLI: (chuckling) I’m trying to get the hundred bucks here!

ADAMUS: Yeah, he’s going for a hundred. What he’s basically saying is do you cease to go out of existence as Rulli, right?

RULLI: Yeah.

ADAMUS: And you integrate into the big soul Borg, no longer to have the definition of this lifetime, unless maybe once in a while you plug your finger into a certain socket, and you suddenly have memories.

RULLI: Right.

ADAMUS: So, let’s take Rulli, this manifestation of a human on the planet. How old are you?

RULLI: In my 30s (some chuckles), according to records.

ADAMUS: Kind of, you know. Let’s not be too specific here (Adamus chuckles).

RULLI: Does it matter?

ADAMUS: Okay. No, I’m just curious.

RULLI: Thirties, yeah.

ADAMUS: Thirty. Thirty-nine?  

RULLI: You’ve got the numbers a little wrong.

ADAMUS: You sound like a woman, “I’m in my 30s. Leave it alone.” You know, 31, 39, somewhere in there.

RULLI: Yeah.

ADAMUS: Okay, thank you.

RULLI: Yeah.

ADAMUS: And what kind of work do you do, Rulli?

RULLI: Music.

ADAMUS: Really? A musician? Do you sing?

RULLI: Tracy, I’m here for you. Yes (he chuckles).

ADAMUS: Okay. Good. What kind of – I love music – what kind?

RULLI: It’s like mostly electronic dancey stuff that I work on, and I also work as a DJ. But the main thing is …

ADAMUS: Well, you kind of look like you’re a DJ.

RULLI: … is making the music. That’s the main thing.

ADAMUS: Yeah, okay. Answer to your question: Rulli lives on. After you die, Rulli lives on, but in many expressions. So, there could be a hundred different variations of Rulli in the other realms that continue on. And, at the same time right now, there’s many different expressions of Rulli in the other realms. You’re living and experiencing one of them while you’re here, but yet there are many. There is the badass Rulli. There is the wimpy little Rulli. There is the Rulli that’s a hunting, sports kind of guy.

RULLI: Not this one.

ADAMUS: No, there is!

RULLI: Right, right!

ADAMUS: There is! I’m saying.

RULLI: Counterpart.

ADAMUS: And there is the very Zen Rulli. Yeah. And there is Rulli, the woman.

RULLI: Yeah.


RULLI: Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah!

ADAMUS: He didn’t fight that one! (Adamus chuckles) So you have all these different expressions, and that’s what we talked about before with Max is that there are other worlds, but you don’t remember them. And that’s probably a good thing, because up until now it’s like “Let’s focus on this.” But suddenly, even before you die, you’ll start having access to these other worlds, other expressions. And then it’s a matter of do you want to bring any of them – the energies, the essence of any of those – here? Are there expressions you’d like to be expressing in this human realm? And then after you die, those never go away. Sometimes the stories go on forever and ever, and sometimes they’re ultimately integrated into wisdom.

RULLI: Yeah. So how do I know this isn’t a continuation of that already? Paradoxical question.

ADAMUS: It is a very good question.

RULLI: But what about the larger part then?

ADAMUS: It’s a very good question.

RULLI: Okay, so then I get to the other side and then what about the other bigger part that we talk about or think about so much? Then what? It’s just going to be like my bigger counterpart and I’ll just continue as Rulli? Or I don’t get to integrate with that larger? Because we’re integrating that now here.

ADAMUS: Right. Right. You become – let’s take both of these one at a time. First of all, how do you know this isn’t just one of the otherworldly things? Because once you start tapping into them, they feel very real.

RULLI: Yeah.

ADAMUS: Very, very real. So how do you know for sure that this – “Is this the one, or am I just one of those many worlds that I’m experiencing?”

RULLI: I feel like I’ve tapped into a part that actually wasn’t here just two or three years ago. I knew nothing about music.

ADAMUS: Right. Okay.

RULLI: Nothing. So music all of a sudden was like a switch, and I was like, “What?” I had no idea. Like, this seems easy.

ADAMUS: One of the ways to tell that this is your preferred reality, rather than some otherworldly thing, is just mostly like physical reaction to things. Like if somebody was to dump coffee on you (Adamus pours his coffee on him, Linda gasps and some laughter).

LINDA: You’re a dick!

ADAMUS: No, I’m trying to show him that …


ADAMUS: … he’s probably here in the physical realm, right?

LINDA: Ohh! (she continues gasping and brings tissues for Rulli)

RULLI: It’s okay.

ADAMUS: He loved it, right? (more chuckles) What am I supposed to just talk about it? Or let him experience it.

RULLI: He’s doubling the price (they laugh).

ADAMUS: He wanted me to do that to go for the hundred (Rulli continues chuckling).

LINDA: Thank you for being nice to Adamus and not punching him or something.

RULLI: Oh, I’ve said a lot of things to Adamus.

ADAMUS: I was hitting him, but then (Linda gasps) then he’d probably hit back and, you know, poor Cauldre would be the one that suffered.

LINDA: Maybe you should be asking the questions.

ADAMUS: So, in answer to your question, “How do you know this is not just another world,” when you feel a physical response, that’s a pretty sure indicator.

Second part of the question is at some point you become a facet. Rulli is a facet of the soul. You’re integrated, but there’s always that memory. There’s always the knowingness. You’re no longer dissociated from the soul; you’re a part of it.

RULLI: Yeah.

ADAMUS: Just as Adamus is a part of St. Germain; St. Germain is a part of this whole lineage of the soul. Rulli never goes away. Rulli is always there in the memories of the soul, always. And then Rulli, as a facet, can then connect into the other parts of the soul, the other expressions, whether it’s lifetimes on Earth or other things. So you never go out of existence.

RULLI: Okay.

ADAMUS: Good. Thank you.

RULLI: Very good. Thank you.

ADAMUS: Up or down? (a few chuckles) You are really a good audience for them, for the … (Linda takes the cup). Eh-eh-eh-eh-eh! Eh! No, I knew I needed that coffee (Linda gasps).

RULLI: A bit of a mess there.

ADAMUS: Yeah. Okay, last one for the day, and then, oh, it’s almost pizza time.

LINDA: Sue Loves.

ADAMUS: Thank you. I promise, Sue, I’ll behave.

SUE: Okay, well, who knows.

ADAMUS: Please, have a wet seat (they chuckle).

LINDA: Yeah, nice!

SUE: Okay. Well, this question actually came to me the other day and it’s very mind-y.


SUE: So in SES, we’re talking Aliyah, Aliyee, Aliyoh.

ADAMUS: Right.

SUE: So, is this integration actually Aliyoh?

ADAMUS: Phewhhh! This is a good question. Not necessarily. When Tobias first talked about the Aliyah, Aliyee, Aliyoh, these are different, you could say, stages …

SUE: Levels.

ADAMUS: … or levels. And they’re directly related to you coming back into contact with your body …

SUE: Oh, okay.

ADAMUS: … which is probably the thing that throws most people off from their true enlightenment – not loving their body, not touching their body, not having the sensuality in their body. But I say if you are allowing yourself to do Aliyah, and at the same time we come to this March 22nd, that has a way of kind of …

SUE: Opening.

ADAMUS: … opening up. Yeah.

SUE: Because in SES you talk about at, or – yeah – that when you reach Aliyoh, it’s like you’re just – you’re not even human anymore.

ADAMUS: Right. Right. But generally, it doesn’t tend to last for, like, forever. It’s an experience that you have and then you kind of go back into the regular physical. You can have that experience again, but it doesn’t – in the past, when people have gotten to that point, a lot of times they just check out.

SUE: Ooh.

ADAMUS: And here, we’re talking about having that true integration of the physical, of the light body all together with staying here on the planet.

SUE: Okay, well, that brings another question.


SUE: On Cauldre’s article where he talks, or you answered saying some of us may not come back.

ADAMUS: Yes. And the question would be?

SUE: Really? (they chuckle)

ADAMUS: That’s a statement, and the question would be? There are many on the other side who just came to that certain point – Sart and many other Shaumbra – who just said, “You know, I hit that Realization, and I don’t need to go back, don’t want to go back.” It’s not a bad thing.

SUE: No. No, no.

ADAMUS: I mean, but what we have now is such a committed group of Shaumbra that most will not. It’s like, “Hey, we made it to Heaven’s Cross, to the Apocalypse. I’m going to stick around for a little bit.” (she chuckles) And at least have a good steak, you know, and a bottle of wine. So most won’t be going. But it’s something that we’ll be very aware of, cautious about, and reminding. It’s like, “Okay, Sue, you’re here very expanded. Now, don’t forget you’ve got a human body back there, and a human life.” And you might say, “Pfft! I don’t want that. Screw it. I don’t want that human life.”

SUE: Right.

ADAMUS: But most likely you’re going to say, “This is what I came here for. I’m going to bring these new energies, this new type of energy back to the planet.”

SUE: Right. Well, my thought the other day was I haven’t gone through all this crap to leave.

ADAMUS: Exactly! (she chuckles). Exactly. “I haven’t come this far just to leave.” Exactly.

SUE: Right.

ADAMUS: But there will be something very seductive in it too, very compelling to say, “Ohh, okay. I’ve gone this far. Maybe I just leave.”

SUE: Yeah. No.

ADAMUS: But chances are, no, you’re not going to.

SUE: Good! (she chuckles)

ADAMUS: Yeah, good.

SUE: Thank you.

ADAMUS: So now it comes time for the payout. Would everybody who was up here come back up here. We’re going to do a voice vote. This is for …

LINDA: Oh, boy.

ADAMUS: Oh, and Linda, I’ll have you hold the money.

LINDA: Okay.

ADAMUS: Just stand in front there (Adamus chuckles).

LINDA: Okay.

ADAMUS: Okay. All right. Linda, you facilitate this.

LINDA: So are we going to get cheers from the audience?

ADAMUS: That would be appropriate.

LINDA: Okay. So just remember your vote will count. And can they vote for more than one?

ADAMUS: How are you going to stop them?

LINDA: They will.

ADAMUS: Okay (some chuckles). Yeah. They’re Shaumbra. Yes, they’re going to. Okay.

LINDA: Okay. So I’ll go behind. Wait, let me go behind you, sir.

ADAMUS: Might want to stay in front so you can read their names.

LINDA: Okay. So, first, Max (some applause). Okay. Next, Tracy (some applause). Sue (some applause). Henrietta (some applause). LaDonna (some applause). Rulli (a bit more applause and a cheer).

ADAMUS: I’d say give them all 20 dollars, and, Rulli, Linda owes you 20, because she only has 100 (Linda laughs). So, how about a big hand for everybody who … (audience applause and cheers) Everybody who played the question game.

LINDA: You’re staying for pizza, right?

ADAMUS: Thank you so much.

LINDA: Okay, we’ll get you your 20.

ADAMUS: Thank you. And Linda will owe you 20.

LINDA: Wait! Wait! Wait, wait! Here’s your 20 (giving it to each participant). Give me a second here. Here you go. Here you go. You were all voted fairly equally (they all say “Thank you”). Okay.


LINDA: You’re welcome.                   

ADAMUS: Thank you. Let’s take a good deep breath (Linda sighs). Every once in a while, you have to have a little fun. And especially as we come closer to Heaven’s Cross, the energies, they don’t get heavy; actually, they get light. But that causes readjustments to take place.


In it Together – Merabh

So, let’s take a good deep breath. We’ll do a short merabh here.

LINDA: Oh, the chair is wet. That’s why my foot keeps slipping (laughter).

ADAMUS: We’ll put on some music.

LINDA: It’s like, what?!

ADAMUS: And let’s take a good deep breath for the safe space. Sometimes you just have to laugh.

(music begins)

And sometimes you have to tell those aspects to go fuck themselves. That’s very spiritual advice. It comes straight from the Master. Sometimes you have to decide, “I’m just done with this, and I’m going to move on. I don’t need this anymore.”

Let’s take a good deep breath into the safe space.


You know, the one really wonderful thing I love right now is that we’re doing this together. You’re doing it, of course, individually and with sovereignty. But you’re doing it together as a global group right now, coming to this time of the Apocalypse, coming to this opening.

You know, it could be pretty frightening if you were doing it all by yourself, and, of course, without my guidance. But we’re doing it together, and together we can laugh. We can shed some tears.

We can talk about our fears and our worries, and then laugh about them, hopefully. We can share our wisdom like this.

You know, if you imagine this beautiful thing that the Ascended Masters and myself are observing, here we are all approaching this Apocalypse. It kind of reminds me at times of Tobias’ story of the Journey of the Angels, hopping on that little boat, leaving the comfort of Home, and going off across the waters and then coming to this time of the Wall of Fire. It was epic.

It changed everything, of course. And for some reason, there’s kind of a hint of that in here. You know, we’ve been on this journey. You’ve been on it for a long time. We’ve been on it together since I came in 2009, and now we’re coming closer and closer on our pirate boat.

It’s kind of like the new Wall of Fire.

But this Wall of Fire doesn’t break us, fragment us into billions and billions of pieces. This one’s different. It’s actually almost a reverse Wall of Fire. It brings us back together. Brings you back together, where you’re no longer sealed off with a veil over you, not accessing the other realms.

You could say maybe it’s the other side of the Wall of Fire where you all come back together after being so shattered and isolated.

And here we are in that spiritual pirate ship coming closer and closer, and it brings up a lot of anxieties, a lot of issues. You wonder if you’re worthy of it, and so much of what you’re going through right now, my dear LaDonna, is are you worthy?

It’s 45 days away. Are you worthy? And that’s why it’s so intense right now. And maybe those ones who are close in your life, they’ll have access and maybe you won’t, because you’re not worthy. So you’re really crying out right now, “Am I worthy?” Hell, yes. Absolutely.

As we get closer and closer, the anxiety builds. The old grounding ways, the old ways of staying connected don’t work. But we’re able to sit here like this today and laugh and have fun and explore some relatively deep topics, as we did today, and to take a deep breath and to feel safe.

That’s what I love about working with Shaumbra. We’re doing this together, trying to have fun and find the light in it, and on top of it, knowing that what you’re doing, whether you’re a Realm Worker or whether you’ve been working hard on the human level, something of epic proportions is happening.

Take a deep breath and feel into, once again, why you’re here in this lifetime, what we’re doing. The magnitude of it all.


And for all of you, you may be feeling this whole thing, “Am I worthy of what comes next?”

For all of you, it’s time to answer that within yourself right now. Are you worthy of this thing that happens in 45 days?

Some of you are saying, “Well, am I ready?” Yes, you’re ready. The real question – question of the Master – is, “Are you worthy?” That what I would have asked, if I had come up to the front. “Am I worthy of this?” And the answer is absolutely, yes.

Let’s take a deep breath with that together.


So, I’m being requested to leave the stage now so you can have your pizza (some chuckles). The pizza, almost here ready for your mouths. Yes, I’m preempted by pizza (Adamus chuckles).

Let’s take a deep breath into the safety of what we’re doing and where you’re going and all the time remembering, of course, that all is well in all of creation.

Thank you (audience applause).