The Kharisma Series
SHOUD 2: “Kharisma 2” – Featuring
ADAMUS SAINT-GERMAIN, channeled by Geoffrey Hoppe
Presented to the Crimson Circle
October 4, 2014
I Am that I Am, delighted at some decent music* (laughter
and applause) and to be here with each and every one of you. I Am Adamus of Sovereign
*Referring to a music
video of Vivaldi’s Four Seasons: Summer performed by Nicola Benedetti.
Let’s take a good deep breath, and
before we do anything else on this gathering, let’s turn down the audience lights
and just feel the energies. Just feel the energies in the room, with yourself, the
beauty of this gathering, energies for each and every one of you listening online.
Just take a moment.
(long pause)
Take a good deep breath and feel
into all of the layers of the energy, everything going on in the room.
Now, a couple important things as
we get going with this gathering.
First of all, the next 90 minutes
are going to be a bit of a distraction, entertainment, maybe some words that
inspire. But more than anything, this gathering, for each and every one of you,
is that time you take for yourself; that time where you just take a deep
breath, relax into your enlightenment. Ah!
So difficult out there in the everyday
world, so much noise and chaos, so much going through your mind. So you come
here, and the real reason for this gathering is not to hear anything profound –
for today you’re not going to hear anything new whatsoever. Hm. Yeah.
Oh, I know there’s a lot of you ‘new’
addicts. Yeah. (some chuckles) You come here saying, “What’s new? What’s the
latest? What’s next?” No. There’s nothing new. It’s all been said before, if
not by me or Tobias, by someone. There’s nothing new because you’re already
there. You’re already there. Just experiencing what it was like to get there.
I get such a kick out of those who
are addicted to ‘new.’ I want to say to them at times, first of all, why do you
need new if you haven’t even integrated or understand the old? Ah. But they
measure this spiritual content, what they hear from spiritual teachers based on
“Is it new?” No. None of it is. None of it is at all.
The amazing thing is it’s all
right there. I can look at you and not see the limited human, but the human
who’s already enlightened; the human who is no longer seeking or searching; the
human who doesn’t need something new each day to keep them on the spiritual
path. I see the human that’s already there.
And perhaps, just perhaps, for the
next 90 minutes in this safe space, in this beautiful energy, you’ll be able to
realize that for yourself. You’ll be able to feel that for yourself.
What’s In the Room
Speaking of feelings, the room –
filled with feelings. It’s not just nice sweet feelings, as some of you might
like to have. There’s a lot of chaos in here. Of course, it’s Mercury
retrograde. Ha, not that it makes a difference. It’s just a good excuse for
chaos. Additional chaos. Yes. Although it does have some influence. It is Yom
Kippur, the Day of Atonement. Hmmm. You mix that with Mercury retrograde,
you’ve got a very potent cocktail.
What’s the feeling in the room?
There is a lot of confusion. There’s a lot of sadness. There is a lot of WTF,
(laughter) a lot of it going on in the room. “What is this all about? When am I
ever going to make sense of it? When is this journey going to end?”
And there’s a lot of happiness.
There’s a lot of joy in the room, just joy being here together with this
amazing group. I’m over here, not up there. (Adamus chuckles; some audience
members were watching him on the monitor) Humans with their televisions. Yes,
yes. Over here. (laughter) There’s a lot of joy and happiness in the room.
There’s a lot of hope in the room. Ah! A lot of this kharisma. Ah! Cha-cha! A
lot of kharisma.
You know, the funny thing is about
your kharisma, it’s there. I just wish you’d let it out. You do sometimes, but
so often it’s suppressed. It’s that … hello Edith.
EDITH: Hello, dear Adamus.
ADAMUS: Mmm. (he kisses her hand)
I missed you so much.
EDITH: Ditto.
ADAMUS: Yes, ditto. Good. (some
Tremendous amount of kharisma –
see how kharisma works? Just like that – tremendous amount of kharisma
in the room. My point is … (he pauses) up here. Not there. That’s not me. (pointing
to the monitor screen) That is not me. (Adamus chuckles and some laughter) Jean,
no more on that screen. No, no. No. Sorry. Move your chairs in a bit closer. Come
over here. Sit over there. But no, no, no, no.
Do you realize how disconcerting that
is to be here with each and every one of you, and even the ones who I’m
standing right in front of are watching me up there! (laughter) I guess that’s indicative
of the nature of non-reality. The reality is standing right here. The reality
is right in front of you, the reality of you. What do you do? You watch the TV
screen mesmerized. (more laughter) Thank you. Please do feel free to move in
closer so you catch the entire show and so you’re not watching that damn
screen. (more chuckles)
Okay. Ah! See how that brought the
energy a little better together? Let’s go back to the screen for a moment just
as a test. Okay. See, you can’t help yourselves! You look over there.
(laughter) You look! Now stop that screen. Okay good. Much better. (more giggles)
It’s not easy being an Ascended
Master. (laughter)
So, my dear friends – whhrr, right
here – feeling in the room. Master lesson here – there is not a
singular feeling in the room. Get over it. You try to have singular feelings.
You try to force your feeling into “I want to think peace and happy and joy.” Pffft! No! There’s that, but there’s a
lot of crap. There’s a lot of stuff.
The Master understands that it’s
all happening at one time, many layers and levels; is not trying to filter out
the garbage. And there’s garbage in here. Not just yours, but coming from this
planet, coming from other places, coming from all over – a lot of garbage.
The Master doesn’t run from it. The Master doesn’t distract into non-reality
from it. The Master understands it’s all of these things that are occurring.
That is such a release and a relief!
When you come to realize we don’t have to just fill this room with fairy dust – it
can be fairy dust, it can be barnyard wastes (giggles), it can be lack, it can
nothing, it can be everything – and it’s all there. And none of it’s
there. That’s the beauty of being a Master. You’re no longer limited to one or
two feelings or thoughts.
Part of the problem that you have,
and the reason why you tend to run from your own thoughts, is because when the thoughts
are unnaturally linear and you get focused on just one or two thoughts, such as
“I’m unhappy today” and you try to run from that, you try to change it
mentally – which does not work; you know that by now, it does not work – what’s
really happening is you’re blocking out all the other things that are going on.
In this room there are many
things. In this room is your realized Self. But you don’t realize it, because
the thoughts and the feelings have been very narrow. In this room is the you that
is just starting out onto this grand journey on Earth in physical embodiment. I
mean, as in millions of years ago. It’s here. In this room is your grand kharisma
and also your dull boring self. It’s all … sorry. It’s all … we got one laugh
up here. (a few more chuckles) It’s all here.
And the true Master is never stuck
in any one particular feeling, thought, emotion or experience. It’s happening
all the time. A true Master can experience it all.
Here’s a bit of an analogy. The
typical human is like a grand forest with millions and maybe billions of trees.
Beautiful trees of all sizes and shapes and ages. A beautiful forest. But what
happens is the human will concentrate on one tree, and it will work the hell
out of that tree. It will try to make that tree bigger and stronger and beautiful.
It will focus on the health of that one tree. It will become all about the one
It’s the brilliance of the human
journey – the ability to really be in such limited consciousness.
The fact is that there are many trees,
and not only trees but birds and flowers on the grass and water and a sky and
everything else. It’s all there. It’s all there.
That’s why I say you’re not going
to hear anything new today. You’ve heard it before, but you didn’t necessarily want
to believe it. It’s all there, and one of the things we’re going to do, and the
question that comes to your mind right now is “Then how do I get there?” Ah!
We’ll discuss that today and then we’ll see if you really want to do it, if
you’re really ready for it. Okay.
Let’s take a good deep breath with
The Master feels multiple things
and doesn’t try to filter them out. That’s one of the things the unconscious try
to do. They’re always trying to filter things out and trying to stay in a
certain focus. Not at all. It’s all there, everything, and that’s the beauty.
Then you go hopping around from
one feeling, one sensory perception to the other, not afraid that you’re going
to get stuck in it, not afraid that you’re going to miss something. You hop around
from one to the other – the good, the bad all of it – because it doesn’t
stick on you anymore. Okay. So let yourself feel the bad, the sad, as well as
the joy and the good and everything in between.
Being in this masterly state,
ahhh! Stop – some of you are thinking too much right now. Woo! Eh, that’s
The masterly state is so free,
because you can experience it all. And not just in a linear fashion. Not just
one thing at a time. Imagine for a moment being able to experience all of this
simultaneously. Ah! That’s the amazing thing, a bit hard for the mind to
imagine, but it’s simultaneously. You’re just experiencing in it all at once.
It’s amazing. Hm.
Adamus’ Mood
So the question is today, what
mood am I in? What mood am I in? Well, I told Cauldre early, it kind of depends
on you. What mood am I in?
Well, I’m a little pissed off.
(some chuckles) And you say, “Well, can an Ascended Master be in a mood, can be
pissed off?” Absolutely, because I’m not stuck in it. I’m not really affected
by it. I’m just experiencing it. I like experiencing being a little pissed off once
in a while. It’s kind of fun.
Imagine – imagine letting yourself
experience anger. How long has it been since you really had a good anger? [Gasp!] But you say, “Oh, new age people
can’t do that.” Well, heh, yeah, you can. It’s amazing.
The funny thing is you let
yourself experience anger as a Master and you’re not stuck in it. You’re just
experiencing it, having a good time, letting that anger out. You say, “What if
I hurt someone else?” Well, they probably deserve it and … (laughter) I’m half
serious. (Adamus chuckles) Yeah, it’s their bad karma to be in your path on
that day. (more laughter) They’re looking for it.
But the likelihood is you’re not going
to really take it out on them. Well, psychically, you will, which is actually
probably worse than literal. You’re probably better off doing it literal. You
know, sometimes when you send all that psychic energy of anger out to somebody
– to their face you’re real nice to them, but then you’re like “That son-of-a …
ergh!”(making strangling motions; a few giggles) – that has more
impact than just being nasty to them right in their face.
But anyway, it’s okay to be angry.
It’s okay to be a little pissed off. An Ascended Master can do that. Yeah. We
can have our days, because at the same moment that I’m a little pissed off –
I’ll explain in a moment – I’m really proud of you guys. Yeah. A few … where’s
the big applause there. (audience applause and cheering) At the same time, I
don’t care. It doesn’t matter. (some chuckles) At the same time, I am in a race
with some of the other Ascended Masters. (laughter) It’s true. It is very true.
Oh, I’ll tell you in a moment.
But the amazing thing is it’s not
singular. It’s not like I’m just this bored Ascended Master. When we’ve talked
before about enlightenment, some of you come from a mental perception, “Oh, it
sounds so boring. Nothing to do.” Ah no, everything to do. Pissed off and happy
all at the same time. Doesn’t matter and competing with other Ascended Masters all
at the same time. It is beautiful, it is amazing, it is rich to be able to do
all those things.
Why am I pissed off? Because you
want me to be. (a couple of chuckles) Nobody’s buying it. (Adamus chuckles) No,
really. Really. Okay. I’ll share, even though you asked me not to. (more
Remember, recently when you said
in one way or the other, “Adamus, I need a good kick in the ass. Adamus, I’m
really tired of myself” – yes, I am too (laughter) – “And I really
want some changes. I’m tired of just repeating these same things over and
over.” Remember that? You said it in one way or the other. Yeah, yeah. So I’m
here in response to that. I’m here to provoke you, aggravate you, get you a little
pissed off, get you out of your mind for a little bit. Why? Well, because,
again, as I say, for our 90 sacred minutes together, it’s nothing about what’s
happening up here or there.
Can you still see okay? (to
audience in the overflow area) Good. We’re not missing anything by … (motioning
to the blank screen)
For the next 90 minutes it’s about
just letting down the guards and letting that natural enlightenment come in. It
is. That’s why I say you’re not going to really hear anything new or important
or maybe not even funny, the way we’re going today. (a few chuckles)
So, yeah, pissed off and a bit. Pissed
off because you have all the tools. It’s all been said, if not by me, by
someone. You’ve got everything, but you keep showing up thinking that you’re
going to hear something new. You’re not. It’s done. That’s it.
So I’m a little pissed off that
I’ve taken a lot of time. Heh! I’ve poured my heart into you guys. (a few “Awws”
and chuckles as Adamus pretends to be sad) I’ve told you secrets of the secrets.
I’ve been all around the world with you, and what do you do? You come here, you
eat, you watch television (laughter) and you say, “What new? What’s he got new
this month?” (laughter)
And sure enough, there’s always
somebody on your social media, which, thank god, we don’t have that in the Ascended
– yes, one laugh – in the Ascended [Master’s Club] … I love her. (some
chuckles) Somebody invariably gets on your social media and says, “Adamus
didn’t have anything new to say today. (laughter) I’ve heard it all before.”
It’s like, well, how come you’re such a putz then? (more laughter) How come your
life is so miserable if you heard it before? I mean, in other words, you have …
LINDA: Ohhhh. (laughter)
ADAMUS: Isn’t she cute. (Adamus
chuckles) In other words … love the hat. Yeah. In other words … where were we?
(someone says “Pissed off”) Pissed off. Yeah, yeah. One pissed off Ascended
Somebody gets on the Internet and
evaluates, like they have a damn right to evaluate me of all people, of all Ascended Masters? “Yeah, it was the same
stuff today.” Yeah! Look at it from my view – it’s the same stuff today. We
get together and it’s the same stuff.
So I’m a little pissed off, just a
little bit, but having a lot of fun doing it. (laughter) Look, I’m pissed off
but yet I get to write books. I have a new one coming up pretty soon. I’m competing
with Cauldre actually. He’s supposed to be writing a book called “Act of Consciousness.”
It’s over one year late at the publisher. Huh! In the meantime I’m writing a
book at lightning speed called “Memoirs of a Master.” I’m going to have mine
done by the end of this year. Cauldre? Linda? Where’s yours?
LINDA: The end of October! (Adamus
ADAMUS: So I get to have this fun.
I get to kind of come back. I don’t have to go through the whole birth cycle. I
just take over Cauldre or sometimes come into some of you and write books and
travel around the world and tell bad jokes and distract you for a little bit.
Just distract you so you can take a deep breath and let the real you, the realized you, come in. That’s the real
you. The realized you.
Mood? Oh I’m happy. I’m joyful.
I’m happy and joyful because there are a little over ninety-six hundred Ascended
Masters in the other realms. Not so many. Not so many when you consider all the
billions of incarnations that have ever taken place on this planet. When you consider
all the entities in all of the other realms, there’s only ninety-six hundred. It’s
actually a very small and very elite group of beings.
Ascended Masters
Now, this is a fact. It’s an
Adamus fact, but it is a fact. (a few chuckles) Of the ninety-six hundred plus,
I have taught or guided or been the Master for 852 of these. (audience says
“Wow” and some applause) Wow! I’ve impressed myself. (Adamus chuckles) That is
a wow, kind of. It’s actually earned me my own seat at the Ascended Masters
Club with my name – in gold, of course – at the Ascended Masters Club. And
when I come into the room, everything stops. It gets very quiet and there’s a
big “Wow!” (laughter as he struts around) Wow. And I look over at Buddha, (more
laughter as he gloats), and …
Now Buddha didn’t used to have a
sense of humor, but now he does. And this is a fact. I’m not just making this
up, but Buddha, he’s done a good job. He’s done a good job, but I had my
problems with 100,000 years in a crystal – and I’m going to do well next
week. (referring to an upcoming workshop at a Swarovski Crystal resort)
Actually, I’m going to be blowing up a few crystals. (laugher) I got out of my crystal
and it wasn’t a big deal.
Buddha is locked in a statue. A
little fat guy sitting there on millions and millions and millions of alters
and bookshelves all around the world. And how many ascended enlightened beings
has Buddha got to his side? Not so many. Why? Because they’re all worshipping
Buddha and statues. I won’t allow that. That’s why you don’t see a little
figure of St. Germain. (a few chuckles) Although now that I think of it, it’s
not so … (laughter) A little guy trapped in a crystal! (more laughter) Press
the button and he breaks out! (more chuckles)
Truly, I won’t allow that. I’ll
annoy you before I ever let you worship me. I will throw you out of here before
that ever happens. And Buddha never intended it to happen, but it just kind of
So he has, well, about a hundred enlightened
beings to his credit that he taught. But they’re stuck. They’re stuck in
Buddhaville, if you know what I mean. (some chuckles) That’s somewhere between
awakening and mastery, and they’re stuck in that. Not much he can do about it.
Notice nobody really channels
Buddha. Ever wonder why? Yeah. You never hear of the Buddha channeler. No, no.
Think about it. Feel into it. I’ll give you the answer later.
Then there is Quan Yin – beautiful,
gorgeous lady. Been out on a few dates together into … (laughter) Really. We
did. Back when we were in human form.
Quan Yin is here to teach
compassion for those who need to hear about it, and there are many who do – compassion
for themselves, compassion for others – allowing them to really accept
things as they are. That’s the true definition of compassion. It’s not about
feeling bad for someone. That’s really screwed, because you’re conveying a psychic
energy – “Oh, I feel bad for the poor beggar on the street.” That’s not compassion.
That’s your own set of limitations being inflicted or projected on them.
So she’s taught a lot about
compassion, but generally these beings that are in this consciousness – really
not ready for enlightenment. They’re on their way, but they’re not ready. So
there’s not a lot who she has taught who are now ascended beings.
Then there’s Jesus – whew,bpt!! (he’s illustrating crucifixion; laughter) Not going to get
too far with that one. He doesn’t tend to elicit a lot who are really
interested in enlightenment. They’re interested in suffering. They’re interested
in having someone die for their sins. Doesn’t make a whole lot of sense, but
that’s the consciousness that they’re in.
Now there’s Jesus – the one’s that
is worshipped, the one that’s put up on the cross, the one who is going to save
everyone – but then there is Yeshua. There’s Yeshua, and that’s the
true being that lived some 2,000 years ago. It was a, what you would call, the collective
consciousness. It was a combination of a lot of beings putting their energy
into what you could say a Standard, Yeshua who was truly a Master, Yeshua, who
got angry, Yeshua, who had sex, Yeshua, who challenged why he was here, therefore
in a way you challenging why you are here, Yeshua that came to plant the Christ
seed consciousness – which means the crystal or Christos consciousness – on
this planet.
There’s not too many that actually
remember Yeshua, but for most of you, he was your teacher also, as he was mine.
He was your teacher. So you could say that there’s quite a few in the Ascended
Masters Club that had the true Yeshua as their guide, as their teacher, as
their Master.
For many of you it’s been both – Yeshua,
several thousand years ago; me, now. Am I comparing myself to Yeshua? Sure.
(laughter) Why not? Is it some sacred territory, because in fact you and me are
and were Yeshua. We were that Christ seed consciousness that came to this planet.
Now you’re coming back to realize the very Christ consciousness that you
implanted. You’re coming back to realize what you have always been, what you
have always, always been. It’s nothing new. It’s who you truly are.
So, my dear friends, I do have to
my credit 852 who have been my students, who I have taught in the past. Now I’m
teaching a very large group. You could say that actually prior to coming to
Shaumbra, I taught, worked with, guided, whatever you want to call it,
approximately 52,000 beings in the Mystery Schools in the past. That’s actually
not a lot. It’s not a lot. Of those, 852 – whooshhh!
– up in the Ascended Masters realms. “Ascended Master” just means you can do anything
you want, whenever you want, however you want. It’s kind of cool. Yeah, yeah,
yeah. (some applause and a few chuckles) Yeah. Yeah baby. But that’s not new.
You already knew that. (Adamus chuckles)
So, my dear friends, now I’m
working with a relatively large group, because we can do things like talk over
our Internet. We can gather; we can travel around the world in ways we could
never do it. So that 852, where does it go? How soon does it go? Ah! This is
the talk at the Ascended Masters Club, where I do have my own chair, as I
mentioned, with a gold name. (a few chuckles)
So the question comes back to you,
to each and every one of you. This thing of enlightenment, realization – there’s
nothing new. It’s about realization. It’s about allowing. It’s not about trying
to figure something out anymore. You’re going to get in trouble doing that.
It’s allowing yourself to
experience and to feel all of it. Not just that one tree in the forest anymore,
but everything that you are.
I know that you have a heartfelt
desire to do that. But I also know you have an intense fear. I know that you
have intense concerns about that.
I’m not here to actually guide you
to enlightenment. There is really nothing that I can actually teach you, not at
all. Ultimately, the enlightenment is about you allowing yourself to realize
it. It doesn’t come from here. (points to mind) You can’t get there from here
and saying, “I’m going to realize. I’m going to realize. I’m going to realize.”
It doesn’t work. The realization comes with allowing, comes with relaxing.
Ah, yes. I heard from Cauldre
earlier this week … see, I’ve been using this phrase, “Relax into your
enlightenment.” Stop taking it so seriously. Stop working at it. Relax into it.
Relax. Oh, just feel that word. Oh! “Relax. I don’t have to work at it. I don’t
have to think about it. I just relax into it.”
So much so that this word was
actually used by dear Cauldre’s favorite NFL quarterback, who, having a relatively
bad session so far, felt into the projections that I was sending. I said, “Relax
Aaron Rodgers. Relax.” (some chuckles) And then he told the whole world and the
fans and the last few games have been stellar. So relax. Relax into your
A Question
So now it’s time for a little
discussion. Linda with the microphone, if you would please. I’m going to ask a
question – a question that would seem obvious, but it’s really not – and
I’m going to ask for … we’re going to have a makyo meter here. (a few chuckles)
Yeah, yeah. We’re going to have a human living makyo meter. Mofo, would you
come up here to be a makyo meter. (some chuckles and applause) Yeah. Please
welcome Mofo (Marty), the human makyo meter! (audience applause) Yes, yes.
Now, because I truly love and
honor each and every one of you, it is not up to me to judge whether your
statements or replies to my questions are makyo. He’ll take the blame. (laughter)
And if there is a level of makyo, how will you indicate it to us? (he puts his
hands to his throat as if gagging; laughter) Okay. That’s severe makyo. Okay. Mild
makyo, what does that look like? (he puts his finger to mouth as if stifling a
gag; laughter) Okay, okay. Good. And how about just bordering, teetering on
makyo? (he scratches his neck; more laughter) Okay, good. Excellent.
And as you know, this is unrehearsed,
totally unexpected in the moment. And that’s what makes it so special. (Mofo is
putting his hand out as if asking money from Adamus; audience laughter) So,
yeah, yeah. Sure. Sure. Come on let’s see that hand. Spttt! (Adamus pretends to spit on it; more laughter) Okay.
The question is – take a good deep
breath – question is, why are you here? Are you here to make your
human life a little bit better or are you here for true transformation and
enlightenment? And before you answer that question, mister makyo meter, right
here. Before you answer that question, consider also your thoughts and your actions.
Not what you think you would like to believe, but what you are really doing in
your life.
Question, once again. Are you here
– here at this stage in your life, are you here at this gathering, are you here
on the planet – for a better human life or for true transformation and
enlightenment? So we walk on very thin ground here. Very thin ice.
And I ask the question for a good
reason. Partly because, well, quite frankly, some have you have wondered
whether you want to be here. You have really wondered deeply. Some of you have
gone so far as to say, “Oh, just take me at night when I’m sleeping,” because it’s
a weird thing about death. You don’t mind being taken at night while you’re
sleeping. You just don’t want pain. Right? Yeah. And if we didn’t have pain,
this audience would be about half the size that it is right now! (laughter) You
just don’t want the pain. You say, “Oh god! I don’t want to … aghhh! I don’t want to die like that! I
don’t want to die with Depends on my pants.” And …
LINDA: What?!
ADAMUS: The degrading quality of
the human life – not being able to take care of your …
LINDA: Depends? You mean diapers?
ADAMUS: Yeah! Not being able to
take care of yourself. So you don’t want that degradation. You don’t want the
pain. Otherwise, you’d probably have been out of here, thinking to yourself,
“Oh, I’ll give it a try again. I’ll just get a fresh restart. I’ll come back.”
Sorry. It doesn’t work that way.
So the question, once again, are
you here for a better human life or are you here for true transformation and
enlightenment? Hm. Linda, with the microphone, Mofo, getting ready with the
makyo meter. We’ll let them fully answer and then I’ll come back and ask you
for …
SHAUMBRA 1 (woman): Oh no.
ADAMUS: Oh yeah. Ohhh yeah! (some
chuckles, as she reluctantly takes the mike) By the way, this is the epitome of
grand distraction. So all this other stuff is going on, you’re so distracted,
any of you who are going to get the microphone, you’re actually allowing a lot
of something to come in. Okay. Answer please, and if you would stand up.
SHAUMBRA 1: The first thing that
came up was that in the movement on the path or the journey to enlightenment …
ADAMUS: Could we just pause for a
moment here? Let’s get a reading right now. (laughter; Mofo puts his finger to
lips, indicating mild makyo) Yeah, yeah. Let’s start all over. Simple answer.
SHAUMBRA 1: In a way I see them as
the same thing.
SHAUMBRA 1: That’s what I was getting
ADAMUS: Okay. You see them as the
same thing. Okay, excellent. Excellent. Don’t look to me for validation, but
that’s a …
SHAUMBRA 1: Yeah, and the first thing
was just – I was just going to explain that a little more.
ADAMUS: Sure, sure.
SHAUMBRA 1: But the bottom line is
I see them as the same thing.
ADAMUS: Yeah, yeah. But could I
share something with you? I like that he’s the bad guy, I’m not this time. You
were … you felt it at first, but then you were going to sidetrack. You do that
in your life. You know that. You have wonderful feelings, but then you think
about it and you process it, and then all the kharisma goes out of it, because
you didn’t stay with what you originally felt. Gotcha. Good. Thank you.
And how am I doing on my makyo?
MOFO: Mmmm. (he smiles big and
gives two thumbs up; laughter)
ADAMUS: I love being an Ascended
Master! (more laughter) Good. Okay.
LINDA: More?
ADAMUS: Oh more! We only even
hardly started. Yes, yes.
SHAUMBRA 2 (woman): I am really
truly one hundred thousand percent ready.
ADAMUS: For what?
SHAUMBRA 2: For ascended mastery.
ADAMUS: Oh, okay. Ascended mas- …
ADAMUS: Right, right.
SHAUMBRA 1: To be enlightened. I’m
ready, and that’s why I’m here.
ADAMUS: And you’ll die for it.
SHAUMBRA 2: No! I don’t want to
die for it! I want to be here and do it. I mean, I’ll die eventually, but I
want to be here and do it as a human.
ADAMUS: But let’s say that it was …
you had to die for it. Would you?
ADAMUS: Oh, okay.
ADAMUS: Okay. Makyo? (Mofo does a thumbs
up) Eh, okay. Good, good. Thank you. Thank you.
SHAUMBRA 2: Yep. I’d even be in a little
bit of pain.
SHAUMBRA 2: I don’t have to do it
at night.
SHAUMBRA 1:Thank you. (a few
ADAMUS: Next. Let’s get some new ones
here. Some – ah, yeah – newbies. Never been here before. Yes sir.
SHAUMBRA 3 (man): For me, it’s – I
feel into it as both really.
SHAUMBRA 3: Kind of two sides of
the same coin.
ADAMUS: Right, right. But which
side of the coin comes up first?
SHAUMBRA 3: Oh. Up until recently
it’s been more the enlightenment path. But now I’m really ready to have a full
human experience as an enlightened being.
SHAUMBRA 3: And enjoy the
abundance and the passion and the experience of – the diversity of experiences
that come along with being human that I couldn’t have from the other side.
ADAMUS: Okay. Makyo meter? (Mofo
puts thumbs up)
ADAMUS: Yeah, yeah. I’m not going
to agree with him on this. I think you’re … (lots of laughter as Mofo gives
Adamus the finger) I think he paid you off!
I think that you really actually
believe that, but your actions do not prove it. Not that I’m spying on you, but
I’m feeling into. You say that and it sounds noble, in a way. Matter of fact,
you sound almost like an intellect, like in a past life you were a philosopher,
kind of. But your actions in your everyday life right now don’t show that.
SHAUMBRA 3: So which way do you
see it as going?
ADAMUS: (paused for a second) Um,
I’m thinking. I’m not … it’s totally up to you. Maybe today is when it changes,
possibly. And, if you don’t mind me sharing…
ADAMUS: I see a conflict, because
on one hand you have these noble, kind of profound, ah, you know, “It’s about
enlightenment, but I’m going to enjoy life.” It’s like no, actually, you’re
really caught up in almost survival. You’re caught up in identity. You’re
really caught up in kind of a “Who am I and how do I make myself even more
unique to myself?” You say you’re doing it for other people – “I’m just
standing up being unique amongst the masses” – you’re just trying to do it for
SHAUMBRA 3: Mm hmm.
ADAMUS: So, yeah, a hard pill to
swallow, but …
SHAUMBRA 3: I think, yeah, I can
see it.
ADAMUS: Yeah, yeah. Good. And it’s
partly why you’re here.
SHAUMBRA 3: Oh good.
ADAMUS: But today could make a very, very big change
in that. So, good. Thank you.
SHAUMBRA 3: Great.
ADAMUS: Excellent. And I
appreciate you allowing me to be so candid.
SHAUMBRA 3: Of course.
ADAMUS: Thanks. Ah! You say, of
course, but very few actually really allow it.
LINDA: Next?
ADAMUS: It’s like they say,
“Adamus, tell me how special I am?” (a few chuckles) After I talk about how
special I am, then we’ll talk about you! (laughter) Next. Thank you. Yes.
LINDA: He asked for newbies.
ADAMUS: You act so surprised. You
knew. You knew before you even came here today you were going to get the
microphone. So please stand up. Yes. So what’s it about?
SHAUMBRA 4 (woman): I believe that
it’s about enlightenment and the transformation.
ADAMUS: Okay. That’s it?
SHAUMBRA 4: That’s it.
ADAMUS: Okay. What leads you to believe
SHAUMBRA 4: It’s a deep feeling. A
love within me …
ADAMUS: Right.
SHAUMBRA 4: … that I can’t let go
ADAMUS: Okay. Can we go over to
the human makyo meter? And makyo meter says … (Mofo scratches his neck
indicating bordering on makyo) Yeah, kind of. I would agree. I would agree with
that. And again, like the gentleman before you, I know you believe that. You
believe that. But could I be really candid? (someone says “Uh-oh”)
LINDA: Say no! (laughter)
ADAMUS: Run, run!
LINDA: Say no!
ADAMUS; You say that, but why is
there the tremendous conflict going on within you then? Why?
(she pauses and sighs; Adamus
sighs too)
Why do you feel you’re being torn
apart at times?
SHAUMBRA 4: Sometimes I feel like
I have to give up my family, and that not …
ADAMUS: Yeah. Could I tell you? Your
family is an excuse. It’s a distraction. You’re using them, in a way. And,
quite frankly, they’re not blocking you. They’re not. You believe that you’ve
got this absolute dedication to your enlightenment, and it’s been going on for
many lifetimes. And you fight for your enlightenment, in a way. But you also
fight equally for non-enlightenment. And there’s this tremendous conflict going
on that you know is starting to affect you physically and mentally, but the physical
is the one I’m worried about. You’re going to let it go today. You’re going to
let all that conflict go. Okay?
ADAMUS: Okay. So first thing is
take a deep breath and stop just telling yourself that you’re here for
enlightenment. Stop faking yourself out. It doesn’t matter. It’s going to happen
anyway. Okay? (she nods her head) Good.
SHAUMBRA 4: (whispers) Okay.
ADAMUS: Thank you. Next. Here for
the human … (laughter as the next person is shocked to get the microphone)
You know, I’m going to tell you a
secret here. When you try to block yourself, your energy, energetically you try
to put a blanket over yourself; you walk in that door, the blanket, in a way,
comes off. So there is no hiding. Those who come here and say, “Oh, I’m just
going to really close my energy down.” It’s like ohhhhh! (some chuckles) Linda
can detect that. So, your answer sir.
SHAUMBRA 5 (man): Enlightenment, transformation
and then the sensual life.
ADAMUS: How are you doing?
SHAUMBRA 5: Pretty good. Human
makyo meter? (Mofo makes a gesture of so-so)
ADAMUS: Really? Let’s talk. Let’s
talk. (laughter, as Adamus goes over to Mofo to discuss privately; there is a lot of gesturing) Okay. Good. I had to adjust the … (Mofo suddenly puts his
hands to his throat and falls to the ground; lots of laughter) You know
sometimes the electronics and other measurement devices need a little fixing. (laughter)
It must be Mercury retrograde.
How long do you think you’ve been
on this spiritual path? 4614
SHAUMBRA 5: 2009, August 15th.
ADAMUS: I thought you were going to
say 2,000 years, and I was going to say it’s close, but not quite, a little bit
longer than that. But when was that date?
SHAUMBRA 5: August 15th,
ADAMUS: 2009, August 15th.
Yeah, well, it’s been a lot longer than that. And I’m going to be brutally
honest. I love being brutally honest. How much longer? How much longer? I mean,
what are you waiting for? Assuming there’s no new information. Boofff! I just took that away from all
of you. There is nothing new. So you can’t say, “Well, I’ve got to wait for
this channel to come along that’s going to put it all together.” It’s not. It’s
going to be the same old crap over and over, every channel. (Adamus chuckles) And
then don’t run out on me to another channeler. Ah, no, no, no, no, no. (Shaumbra
5 chuckles) Because, you know, they’re all telling the same old stuff, just different
So how much longer is it going to
SHAUMBRA 5: Actually, it’s all
done. I mean …
ADAMUS: Human makyo meter?
MOFO: (nodding his head in
approval) Yes.
ADAMUS: Really? Really?
MOFO: He’s speaking the truth.
ADAMUS: Spea- … really?!
MOFO: He doesn’t believe it, but he’s
speaking the truth.
ADAMUS: Oh! (laughter and Adamus chuckles)
ADAMUS: He doesn’t believe it, but
he’s speaking the truth. Okay. Actually, I believe it. I feel such the
commitment and the passion and everything, but it just keeps going. It just
keeps going and going and going. That’s one of the reasons why you’re here is to
be confronted with that saying, “There’s nothing more. This is it.” I mean, this
is … time is not the right word, but this is the realization. You ready for it?
ADAMUS: I hope so, because I’m
trying to build up my numbers up. I’ve got 852! (lots of laughter) I told them I
was going to come back today, I might have 853, and it could be you. Yeah.
One of the things about realizing
your enlightenment is to also realize your makyo. It is. It’s to realize the
trash, the bullshit, the lies, the deception, the whitewashing. Whitewashing
right over the dirt and the grime and saying, “I’m just going to throw a coat
of good old number one eggshell color makyo right over my crap.” And recognize
your makyo. Actually, it’s a beautiful thing. Never be afraid of it, but
recognize it. And then laugh at myself. “Oh my god! That was a bunch of b.s.”
Yeah. It feels so good to do that. Thank you.
SHAUMBRA 5: Thank you.
ADAMUS: You could be 853.
SHAUMBRA 5: Thank you.
ADAMUS: Good. Next.
SHAUMBRA 5: Thank you.
ADAMUS: And last. Thank you.
(audience applause)
LINDA: Another one?
ADAMUS: Last one. Last one. So
this is really good. What is it?
LINDA: Give him shit.
ADAMUS: Yeah. (laughter) I dare
you. Yeah. Yes.
SHAUMBRA 6 (woman): Absolutely
SHAUMBRA 6: Freedom.
ADAMUS: Yes. And?
SHAUMBRA 6: Transformation,
ADAMUS: Good. And …
ADAMUS: When do you think this
will occur?
SHAUMBRA 6: It’s happening.
ADAMUS: It’s happening. Okay.
Human makyo meter says …
MOFO: I like her! (laughter)
ADAMUS: You know, he’s so easily swayed
by kharisma and good looks. (more laughter) Eh, just – maybe it wasn’t the
right one to pick. He’s just so easily influenced. And you’re sending him out
little heart bubbles. I see it. I see it going to him. (she blows a kiss at
Mofo; more laughter) How are we going to ever get anything done with the
imbalance here in my own machine? So thank you. Thank you. Yeah. Good job. (they
shake hands, audience laughs as Adamus does a “thumbs down” and Mofo sits in
Linda’s chair) Uh, thank you. (motioning him off the stage) Thank you.
(audience laughter applause) Thank you. Thank you.
So the question I pose just for a
little entertainment here today, and entertainment to just distract for a few
moments so you can let that natural realization just kind of come in to this
reality. Just to kind of absorb while we had a few laughs and a few tears.
The Answer
But the reality is that it is
both. It is both, or none at all. Or “It doesn’t matter.” Or “Shut up Adamus.
Stop asking these stupid questions.” (Adamus chuckles) But we had fun, right?
(audience agrees) Yeah, yeah. Good. Nothing holy and spiritual in the question
or the answers. It was just a time to smile.
But, my dear friends, it’s both.
It’s this openness to the transformation that occurs, and I’m going to talk
more about that in just a moment. But the transformation is absolutely brutal
and thorough. Brutal in a way that sometimes you wish you had died in the
middle of the night without pain. Brutal, it comes over every part of you.
Enlightenment isn’t about just
having a little better human life, but enlightenment will get you a better
human life. But you can’t put the better human life first, but so many on the spiritual
path actually do. So many who I’ve worked with in the past, in the Mystery
Schools, the ones who have been my students and even the ones who have allowed
their enlightenment, have said that it was all about the enlightenment, have said
that nothing mattered more than their enlightenment. But yet their everyday
actions, their thoughts and their choices – probably choices being first – were
not about enlightenment. They were about really just trying to have a little
better human life.
This sets up a tremendous conflict,
a huge conflict that each and every
one of you are facing in your everyday lives. You say you want enlightenment.
Most of you don’t even know what enlightenment is – not from up here
(head), but you know it from in here (heart) – but you say you want
enlightenment. But yet the day-to-day actions and choices are really about just
a little better human life.
You feel it so deeply, this thing
called enlightenment, but you sell out so easily for this thing called a little
better human life. Every one of you knows exactly what I’m talking about. Every
one of you knows the contradiction that you live within. No doubt.
Today we’re here to let it be okay
to have that contradiction. It’s natural. No sense in trying to fight it
anymore, tell yourself that you’re doing a bad job with this thing called
enlightenment, wonder where you’re going to get the next new message that’s
going to put it all together.
My dear friends, it’s natural, this
whole conflict between a better human life and true enlightenment. The whole
conflict between what is happening for each and every one of you, a transformation
of the truest and the deepest sense. It is happening for every one of you here,
watching online, watching later. No doubt about it. And also this tendency to
sell out to a better human life.
So today one of the things I’m
asking of each and every one of you is to be okay with that, to be absolutely perfectly
okay with that.
This thing of enlightenment, as
good as it sounds, is so brutal, so unforgiving in every way. The moment that you
have the realization of your awakening, the moment that all that whole transformation
and realization starts, it will go in to every part of you, uncover every deception,
every makyo, every limitation, every thing that is held in an unnatural state
of consciousness. You’re going to resist it. You’re going to hold on to things.
You’re going to say that you’re spiritual, think that you’re spiritual, and
it’s going to come along and show you in the most brutal way that you’re not,
because spiritual itself is one of the very things that will keep you from
enlightenment. Absolutely.
This thing of enlightenment, it
doesn’t define itself, it doesn’t know itself as being brutal. It knows itself
as being compassionate. It knows itself – this enlightenment, this realization
– it knows itself of cleansing – cleansing all that dirt and grease and
tar and accumulated junk from your life. And there is that part of you that’s
going to try to hold on to it, that part of you that’s going to try for a
better human life. That part of you that at one point is saying, “I want
enlightenment, I’ll die for enlightenment,” but the other part is clinging on
to an identity that is not real.
Not real, meaning that it’s not
false, it’s limited. It’s not real because it’s not the whole thing. It’s not
real when you’re just trying to focus on happy spiritual times, on joy and
peace to the world, because it’s not the whole thing. The whole thing is also
the agony and the profundity and the pain and the realization and the
nothingness, all at the same time.
The enlightenment, the I Am-ness,
this wave of – it’s actually wave after wave of enlightenment that comes in –
it’s going to keep coming in, is going to keep in an unrelenting way until you
are released from the limitations of consciousness. (someone says “All right”) Yeah,
Well, you say that now, “all right,” but …
A Story
But let me let me give an example
with a story from my upcoming worldwide smash hit success Memoirs of a Master,
yet to be published but in a very competitive race with Cauldre. And it will be
a smash hit, because, well, because, these are stories about you. They’re all
based in truth, based on you, on the characters that you are.
So let’s tell the story. Let’s
have the audience lights down, so you can sit back and relax, even feel free to
fall asleep, as you enjoy this story from Memoirs of a Master.
Let’s take a good deep breath
The student lay in his bed after
perhaps the worst period ever of his life. He had 21 days of unrelenting
illness, mental chaos, confusion, hopelessness and generally not knowing what
to do, where he was. During these 21 days he was totally alone, by himself, and
for the most part not even able to feed himself, he was in such a state of
It was like it started out with
his physical body getting ill, thinking that he had perhaps a cold or flu, but
none of the symptoms seemed to match. It was all confusion. He didn’t want to
go to a doctor, because he knew from previous experience that very few who were
in the healthcare industry really understood what was going on with one who is
going through their awakening and into their enlightenment.
So he laid in bed for these 21
days never sure whether he was dreaming or awake, which one was real and which
one wasn’t.
It was a horrific experience
having to face himself in the darkest and the worst ways that he could possibly
imagine, all while his body was going through a state of great pain.
Oftentimes, profuse sweating; oftentimes, feeling so cold that no blankets or fires
could relieve his deep, deep inner physical agony.
It was the very, very worst of
times and there were times when he wished he was just taken, when he was just
released from the physical body; times that he cussed and cursed the very fact
that he had ever thought about awakening or ever pursued any spiritual interest
whatsoever, for now in these 21 days of great physical and mental agony, none
of the words he had ever heard or read or been taught by any teachers made
sense or could possibly fix the situation he was in.
Patrick, the student who was laid
in bed for this 21 days, was alone and miserable.
At the end of the 21 days he
started to come out of this awful, awful darkness that he had been in, still
unsure of who he was or what had taken place. He was filled with doubts. He was
filled with uncertainty and still with a lot of conflict. But he could feel
that something had shifted in these three weeks. Something had changed.
Suddenly, the Master appeared in
front of him. Patrick, the student, thought for a moment, “I really don’t like
this, the Master just suddenly appearing. I didn’t hear footsteps. He didn’t
knock at the door or announced himself, and in my state or condition, I don’t
even know if he’s actually there physically or not.”
But another part of him was
relieved that the Master was there. There was some return to what you would
call normalcy, some return to something he could identify with. And the fact
that the Master was there meant he had either come through this very difficult
period or he was dead.
He said out loud, “Dear Master, I
felt like I died. Did I?” The Master took a deep breath and looked down at the
bed where Patrick was laying and for a moment felt a bit of sadness, as he
remembered his own very challenging and difficult times, just like this – being
totally ripped apart in every way, being lost and confused and feeling like he
had been in his hell.
The Master looked down at Patrick
and said, “No, my friend, you are not dead. You are very much alive. No, my
friend Patrick, you could say that before this experience, before this, is when
you were truly dead. You were living in such limitation. You were living in a
state of fear. You were living in a state of not realizing the true I Am, and
that to me is more dead than simply letting go of the physical body. But no, my
dear friend Patrick, you have come through this and you are very, very much
Patrick took a deep breath and felt
a great relief come over him knowing that he was indeed still alive. He had
endured these very difficult 21 days.
Patrick said to the Master,
“Master, will this be the last time I ever experience this unrelenting and
punishing chaos in my body and my mind?”
The Master took a deep breath and
said, “Patrick, no, it’s not the last time. Even a Master, even an Ascended
Master will still go through periods like this. It’s a cleansing. It’s a
releasing. Because when you are associated with the things of Earth, when you
are associated with yourself as a human and other human beings, you’re always
going to accumulate this grease and this tar and the dirt and the imbalances of
the vibrational state. Because truly living in the human state, truly living in
this place you call Earth is unnatural. It’s an amazing experience, but it’s
not natural. And when you embed yourself and you embody yourself in it, you’re
always going to be picking up the imbalances, the dirt and the grease of life.
“So you will go through this, but
the good thing is that in the future you’re going to go through it more as the
observer. You won’t be so intimately involved and you won’t feel the question
of whether you’ll come through it. You’ll already know that you’re going to
come through it. Yes, the body might get sick, and yes there might be times the
mind is confused. But as the observer, as the Master, you’ll realize that
you’ve already come through it. There’s no question about will it work out or
not. That question is already answered. Yes, it did work out. Then it’s just about
allowing that very natural process to take place, that cleansing and that
Patrick said to the Master, “But isn’t
this something that I can do in another realm or another dimension? Why is it
something that has to be here in this dimension and therefore so difficult?”
And the Master said back to
Patrick, “Because you’re accumulating it here. You’re going through the experiences
here. So it’s not like you can take these off into another dimension to cleanse
yourself. You have to do it from within.”
“But again, remember, dear
Patrick, that as you go through these experiences again in the future, that you’re
going to be the observer. See, here in what you just went through in these 21
days, you weren’t the observer. You were, perhaps you would say, the victim.
You were so deep into it that you couldn’t see that you had already come
through it. You were so into the experience of the pain and the doubt and the
fear that you couldn’t see that it was indeed just a time of rejuvenation and
cleansing. Your doubts clouded your true thoughts, your true knowingness and
your I Am to the point that you forgot about who you were and you forgot about
your own I Am, Patrick. And that will
not happen again.”
Patrick took a deep breath, a
breath of relief to know that he would never have to go through that level of
doubt and anguish again.
As he took a deep breath, he
thought about his next question for the Master. And he said to the Master, “So
who am I now? What will I be now that I’ve gone through this deepest, most
unforgiving and relentless transformation? Who will I be now?”
And the Master thought for a
moment, remembering back on his own time when he asked this very, very question
– “What’s going to happen next now that the old identity has been totally
pulverized? Now that any connection with the old self has been totally disconnected,
what happens next?”
The Master smiled remembering when
he a long time ago had asked this of his Master. He took a deep breath and he
said, “Patrick, you tried so much to hold on to your old identity. In spite of
saying that you were on the spiritual path, in spite of the fact that you said
you were choosing enlightenment, every time enlightenment came to you or tried
to come to you, every time true realization stood right in front of you, you kept
on holding on to the old identity. The old identity was limited. The old
identity was not what you would call asleep or unawakened. It was just highly
limited. You tried so hard to make this old identity the thing that would be enlightened.
You tried to make the old Patrick the enlightened being, rather than allowing
all of you, all of the I Am to be the enlightened thing.
“You tried to call it
enlightenment while so many times you were just trying to make life a little
easier and a little better for Patrick. You were living in the greatest duality
that a human can ever live within – the duality of saying on one hand
that you wanted freedom and enlightenment and consciousness, while on the other
hand doing everything you could to hang on to your limitations, your old
identity, your singularity, your old self.
“Is it no wonder, Patrick, is it
no wonder that these past few years of your life have been torturous in so many
ways? Is it no wonder that you feel that you were being false to yourself in so
many ways? Is it no wonder that you were constantly out of sync with yourself,
as well as the rest of the world, in these past couple of years? Is it no
wonder that your energy levels were low, because your energy was going to the
whole effort of trying to protect your old identity – protect it against
the outside world, protect it against yourself, protect it against even
enlightenment. Your energies were going to all the shields and the walls around
you, all the games and the pretending. Therefore, you became exhausted and
“For so many years now you’ve
lived in a state of great inner conflict, great battle with yourself, trying to
do the right thing, trying to be spiritual; all at the same time, whether you
realized it or not, trying to simply embellish your old identity. And it
doesn’t work.
“That’s why you and others who
have come before you have ended up just like this – twenty-one days,
sometimes even longer, of intense, unrelenting, brutalizing compassion.
“From here, Patrick, there is no
more Patrick, unless you want there to be a Patrick. But you’re not singular
anymore. You’re not limited to one expression or one identity.”
“To begin with, you are nothing.
You are, as they say in the ancient language, you are mu. Nothing. You do not
exist anymore. You’ve been crushed and torn out of existence. Nothing left. I
could go so far as to say that we’re not even going to use the word “mu,”
meaning nothingness, because the moment you even say mu, it becomes something.
“So you are nothingness. From this
moment on, you are nothingness.
“But nothingness is like silence. Even
in silence it’s not quiet. Nothingness is like anything you want to be. No
longer attached to just being Patrick. No longer attached to just making a
better life for yourself, and certainly never again attached to this thing
called enlightenment or spirituality. That was as much of a part of a game for Patrick
to fortify and to embellish your old identity as anything.
“The beauty and the grandness of
it is that you did get enlightenment. Ultimately, it came. Ultimately, after
all the brutalizing and all the demolishing of the old singularity, you did get
“You become everything in the
nothingness. You no longer have to focus on Patrick. You no longer are
singular. You are no longer just living or just dead. You become all things.
You are no longer masculine or feminine.
“The beauty of this nothingness is
that it frees you. Frees you to the true act of consciousness. In other words,
dear former Patrick, anything that you choose henceforth, any consciousness
that you choose, therefore can act out. You see, before in this very limited
state of Patrick, it wasn’t an act. It was the only reality. You didn’t view
yourself as acting. You viewed yourself as just living.
“But when one finally allows their
realization, it’s like freeing your consciousness. And at that moment, you can
act, you can be anything you want. You can be a magician, a magi. You can be a
simpleton. You can be them together at the same time.
“You can be an embodied Master and
you can be one who is totally unaware that there’s anything beyond their field
of vision. And you can be both at the same time. You can be abundant and non-abundant
at the same time.
“The beauty is that you freed yourself
now to act in any way you want, and to be conscious of it. You see, before you
really weren’t conscious. You weren’t aware. Before you were so singular, that
you were unaware of anything other than the survival of Patrick.
“Now that you are free of that,
you can act and be anything that you want. It is truly the act of
consciousness, awareness, expressed however you want. That, my dear Patrick, is
freedom. That, indeed, is freedom.
“Imagine, for a moment, not being
locked into a single definition of yourself. Imagine for a moment no longer
being in this great conflict with yourself, but rather free to act, to apply
consciousness to anything.”
Patrick took a deep breath and he
said, “So am I enlightened now, dear Master? Am I enlightened?”
The Master took a deep breath,
smiled and said, “If you choose to be.”
It’s Natural
So there ends my story, the next
story in my upcoming worldwide smash hit book, Memoirs of a Master. And it’s
your story. Whether you take it literally or figuratively, it’s your story.
Your story of going through this great internal battle with yourself, telling
yourself you’re doing all this for your enlightenment but basically trying to
enlighten your Patrick, your singularity, your old identity.
The beautiful thing about
enlightenment is it’s natural. It cannot be controlled, even by your Patrick.
It cannot be manipulated by that singular ‘trying to make life a little better’
Your enlightenment isn’t there
because you thought you asked for it. Your enlightenment isn’t there because
you begged for it or because you’re really sincere about it. It’s there because
it’s who you really are.
Your enlightenment isn’t something
that you can manipulate or manage. You can pretend for a while that you’re
going to manipulate it. But, my dear friends, it is unrelenting. It is brutal
in its compassion. It will release you from your limitations. It will give you
your freedom, no matter what it takes, no matter how many tormented nights, no
matter how many diseases, no matter how many illnesses, bad relationships or
anything else. It’s there in the compassion.
Let’s take a deep breath in this beautiful,
beautiful moment.
What to do? What to do with your
Patrick? Hm.
Realize that this enlightenment,
this realization, isn’t just for that human – that limited human that came in
the door today, that human that lied to me and to our human makyo meter about
what you really want and choose.
The real answer to the question is
you don’t know. And I say that with great love and honor. You don’t know the
answer to that question – Are you here to make your human self a little better
or for your true enlightenment? You really don’t know, and it doesn’t matter. You
don’t have to know. It doesn’t matter.
The fact is that this realization
back into your true nature, your true I Am-ness that’s not Patrick – so far
beyond Patrick – is going to happen anyway, sooner or later to every human on
Earth, much sooner to each and every one of you.
What to do?
Take a deep breath. Ah, yeah.
Take a deep breath and you relax
into it. You allow it. You realize that even the dark days and nights, you
realize even this torturous inner duality is there for a reason. Not for a
lesson. Not to prove anything to your Patrick. But it’s there in the greatest compassion
of enlightenment, realization – realization that you could say is already
there. There’s nothing new. There is nothing new. It’s just now about allowing.
I know maybe that’s too simple. I
know maybe that’s too easy. But, my dear friends, that’s the way it is.
You might go through your own version
of the Patrick experience. Awful. Awful. Just feeling like you’re being torn
apart, wondering if you’re going to survive it. Well, I’ll tell you right now
that you will. I’ll tell you right now you can take a deep breath and be the
observer of it. Stop trying to pretend it’s not happening. Stop trying to
whitewash it and cover it up. It’s there for a reason.
Stop wondering if you’re doing it
wrong. No. No, you’re actually not. You’re actually not at all. It’s a
cleansing; it’s a releasing that’s coming over you.
It’s helping you to realize that
it’s not the Patrick that’s becoming enlightened. It’s you, all of you.
Now let’s feel the energy in the
room once again.
Perhaps today we exposed, we opened
up to some of this brutality and the chaos and the confusion, the imbalance of
becoming balanced. In other words, not just trying to make the room pretty and
putting some fairy dust on it, but saying, “Wow! This is real. I mean, it’s happening. This whole thing of awareness and
consciousness and getting out of my Patrick, my limitations – it’s happening.”
All these hardships and aches and pains and everything else you’ve been going
through, they’re real and they’re important. And you can be the observer of
them, rather than having to get caught up with all the doubt.
Let’s take a good deep breath and
feel into perhaps exposing some things that are very real. Exposing the
challenges as well as the beauty.
Let’s take a good deep breath and
feel into this whole thing called enlightenment. Certainly, not what you
thought it was going to be, and that’s the good news. (a few chuckles)
Let’s take a good deep breath and
feel how if you just relax and allow, you’ll realize that all is well in all of
your creation.
Thank you, my dear friends. I Am Adamus
in such humble service to you. Thank you. Thank you. (audience applause)