Masters Series / 1
Every Step of the Way
September 05, 2009
Adamus extends a heartfelt thanks and honor to the energy of To Bi Wah, known as Tobias or Muir. Shaumbra is entering a new and exciting time, becoming New Energy pioneers and creators by going beyond the mind and sharing experiences. As you enter into the New Energy Mystery Schools, Adamus promises to be with you every step of the way, not doing it for you or providing all the answers, but in absolute honor.
Masters Series / 2
Potentials from the Past
October 03, 2009
You are not defined by your past; you are every potential, whether manifested and experienced or not. This understanding frees you, showing that you are much more than you realize. Walking down the hallway of your past with your Pakauwah, each closed door represents a potential not chosen. As the doors open, unexpressed energies are released into the Now, revealing that your history is an illusion.
Masters Series / 3
Potentials from the Future
November 07, 2009
You are invited to journey into the future, where potentials exist but are not yet written. These new potentials, unseen until now, are free from old beliefs and imbalances. Rather than choosing or fixing things, you’re simply expanding consciousness to unlock and activate these pure potentials. Trust yourself to navigate these new, multidimensional territories beyond the comfort of established facts.
Masters Series / 4
How Does that Work? Part 1
December 12, 2009
No more hiding – you've been doing that long enough. You call out with your needs and desires but wonder why it's not working. It’s because you're hiding from yourself and your spirit. Your breath proves you're alive and gets energy moving. Your voice, not just physically but energetically, is the expression of your spirit. When you open your voice, your spirit can hear you, and you'll finally hear yourself.
Masters Series / 5
How Does that Work? Part 2
January 09, 2010
When you separated from Spirit and left Home as a unique identity and consciousness, you created aspects like masculine/feminine, light/dark, spirit/human. This caused a strong desire to return and become whole, which then generated all energy. Bringing these dualities back together creates New Energy. The soul's passion is to know, express, and integrate itself, moving into new levels and sovereignty.
Masters Series / 6
Experiencing the I Am
February 06, 2010
You’re in a time of profound change, moving beyond old wounds and issues. This isn’t about knowing exactly what you want or holding onto old patterns, but about trusting yourself fully, releasing the mind’s control, and allowing New Energy into your life. Go beyond rigid definitions and old expectations, open up to a deeper passion within. Everything is shifting, and you are exactly where you should be.
Masters Series / 7
Body of Consciousness
March 06, 2010
Humanity's evolution began with survival, learning to maintain yourself in biology. Once mastered, religion emerged to give purpose, eventually simplifying to one God. As people grew tired of religion, they turned to spirituality, realizing they had a spirit but still seeing it as separate. Now, it's time to redefine God, focus on awareness, and discover your Body of Consciousness. Don't fear change.
Masters Series / 8
Waves of Consciousness
April 03, 2010
Spirit follows its own waveform, wanting to know itself through experience, expansion, and expression. It’s different from the human waveform, who struggles with survival and identity, believing they create their reality when much of it is shaped by karma and other divine-level waveforms. Divine Will overrides Human Will, guiding life and shaping events until the human and divine waveforms intersect.
Masters Series / 9
The Awakening Zone
May 01, 2010
Approaching the 'X' zone, the human becomes erratic, building momentum for awakening. In the 'X' zone, Gabriel’s trumpet calls every part of you to integrate. Old formulas won’t work, so embrace the chaos. In this zone, self-trust and compassion are essential. Trust must be real, not a mental structure, and compassion – what some call forgiveness – must be honest as all parts of yourself come together.
Masters Series / 10
The Awakening Zone, Part 2
June 05, 2010
The Fruit of the Rose marks the point of awakening, an exhilarating stage that fills you with joy and anticipation. The Ouch Zone follows, where your identity falls apart, leading to imbalance and chaos as old stuck energy is released. The Meld Zone brings reconnection with the divine self – and distractions. Finally, the Sans Zone offers calm, peace, and acceptance, where nothing matters as it once did.