
Explore many years of deep and transformative wisdom from Embodied and Ascended Masters.

Remember your Self. It is the fundamental call of every angel and Master to every human who is ready. From humble beginnings in a mountain teepee to worldwide gatherings, these core messages are delivered via free monthly webcasts. This vast library of life changing wisdom contains everything needed to understand your earthy journey AND your divine origins.

Intertwined in a beautiful spiral of stories, insights, and humor, these Shouds chronicle how the consciousness pioneers and spiritual pirates called Shaumbra allowed new levels of embodied consciousness and discovered new dimensions of creation.

It doesn’t matter where you dive into this extensive library. Whether you start at the beginning, middle or most recent, it will be the perfect place for you. That’s the way it works for a Master.

e2012 Series

August 2011 - September 2012

SERIES OVERVIEW – Coming soon. IMPORTANT NOTE: This information is probably not for you unless you take full responsibility for your life and creations.

e2012 Series / 1

Living Your Consciousness

August 06, 2011

Living your consciousness is about being fully present in the Now moment through your senses, mind, and intuition. Being more present helps you understand what you’ve been holding back on and be in the "I Am" awareness. Living in your Point of Presence allows you to experience joy, love, and fulfillment. Let go of goals and focus on your passion and dreams. It’s all about energy right now.

e2012 Series / 2

New Think

October 01, 2011

Adamus reminds you to keep your balance through breathing and laughter. He introduces intuitive and non-associative ‘New Think’ to break away from linear thinking patterns. First, it's like stepping over a ledge not knowing how deep or dark the pit can be, but then reality shifts to become whatever you choose to experience. It's all about choices that come faster than the speed of light with real joy.

e2012 Series / 3

To the Visionaries

November 05, 2011

As visionaries, you can contribute to the change people are asking for by taking it within yourself, developing your own leadership, bringing in New Energy, and allowing abundance. Doing these things for yourself creates a Standard, a template, and an energy that radiates into mass consciousness for those willing to make changes. The next frontier is for humans, who discovered love, to start loving themselves.

e2012 Series / 4

Life Designers

December 10, 2011

You are re-ordering your reality by letting go of the old anchor points that will be replaced by reality sensors. You get into this human condition by design, but then forget you designed it. Allow things to change. When you dream, you are simultaneously on the New Earth, exploring potentials. Choose the grander design. It was created by you, the designer of your life. Why wait for your next lifetime?

e2012 Series / 5

The Gift

January 07, 2012

Adamus reminds that he is with you every step of the way, sometimes taking a deep breath with you, a lot of times laughing. Inviting your soul, wisdom, and potentials into this reality is the greatest gift you can give yourself. Go beyond the mind and its attempts to define the soul. Choose laughter, release expectations, avoid drama, follow your heart, and don’t take things personally to navigate intense energies.

e2012 Series / 6

The Reality Tube

February 04, 2012

Creating your safe space involves taking a deep breath and expanding out of the tube, not just making it prettier or bigger. Humans often dream of escaping the tube but remain confined within it. Today, by expanding beyond the tube, you can start experiencing yourself as your soul, moving beyond the limitations of being just human. The divine soul is timeless, spaceless, and truly free.

e2012 Series / 7

Commitment to Self

March 03, 2012

Shaumbra have brought tremendous consciousness to this planet, planting the Christ Seed long ago and ushering in the New Age. You chose this lifetime for integration despite potential obstacles, and Adamus is here to help you navigate through these challenges with laughter and insight. Stay committed to yourself, embrace the simplicity and wisdom of your soul, and let go of fears and distractions.

e2012 Series / 8

The Guru Dilemma

April 07, 2012

Embrace the intensity around you, in both waking and dream states. Merging mental and creative energies will change how you solve problems and perceive reality. Your emotional self is dissolving; time is an illusion; and you can perceive many dimensions around you. There is a crucial difference between knowing yourself and being yourself; dismantle the concept of the guru that you’re aspiring to be.

e2012 Series / 9

Clarity Brings Results

May 05, 2012

In this sacred Shoud, you can freely express – laugh, sip coffee, drink wine, cry, dance. It's about the collective energy of all Shaumbra. You are in a delicate, fragile state, transitioning from human to divine, releasing old aspects, and embracing new, unexpected changes. You have consciously chosen this path after many lifetimes of study and sacrifice. Your voice is your energy signature; keep it clear and firm.

e2012 Series / 10

The End of Evolution

June 02, 2012

Incoming energies are changing the human template, altering DNA, and removing ancestral karma. To be complete, you must first separate out what's unnatural and not yours. Then you return to completeness through the effortless shift of a merabh. A mirage acknowledges and grounds a moment of enlightenment. The wisdom distilled from experience wants to return, marking the end of evolution into true living ascension.

e2012 Series / 11

Radiant Presence

July 07, 2012

Imagine for a moment, like a fairy tale, an existence where abundance is present without even thinking about it; health is constant, just cleansing toxins occasionally; and you have a supportive relationship to enjoy and share life. Enlightenment is just simplification and integration. Imagine living it, not pursuing it. We gather, play poker, have wine, and enjoy, away from the world. Imagine that.

e2012 Series / 12

Crossing the Atlantean Line

August 04, 2012

The Atlanteans, particularly in the Temples of Tien, foresaw thirteen cycles of human and spiritual development, ending with crossing the Atlantean line of mental consciousness. As you go through this experience, shifts may feel like road bumps or car crashes, but they lead to quantum potentials. Cross the line, embrace the challenges of enlightenment, and move towards a more integrated state of being.