On the Wings of Hope
SHOUD 4 – Featuring ADAMUS SAINT-GERMAIN, channeled by Geoffrey Hoppe
Presented to the Crimson Circle
January 4, 2025
I Am that I Am, Adamus of Sovereign Domain.
Welcome, everybody. Welcome to a new year. Ah! I see … (audience cheers “Happy New Year” and applause)
Ahh! What a group. Only Shaumbra! Only Shaumbra! Let’s get another audience shot before you turn down the lights. Yeah. Why don’t you take a look at this now and then a year from now (laughter) and see what the difference is!
So, it is a big year, and I’ve been probably pushing a little bit lately with Shaumbra, with all of you, you’ve got to let go of the issues. They’re just stories, you know? Stories of your bad childhood or bad relationship or whatever it is. The issues that you might have with being a victim, whatever it is. We’ve got to clear out the last of those, we really do, because things are going to move so fast from now on – I mean, you haven’t even seen fast yet, so fast on the planet – and it just is so tedious, it’s so painful to carry around all those issues. Could we get this monitor killed, please? Not killed but turned off (Adamus chuckles).
You can’t carry those around with you. You’ve got to let them go, and it’s actually pretty easy. And I know some of get offended when I say that, but it’s pretty easy. You just make that choice, “I’m going to let all this stuff go.” When you do, you might feel all those aspects come up and fight you on it. You might feel kind of the flurry of all the sludge getting out of your system. You might get sick for a week or two. That’s fine, because you’ve got to let that stuff go.
Where we’re going in our work, which you’ll get a better clue about when we do the merabh today. Where we’re going – and Cauldre’s chiding me for using the word “work.” It’s work, but it’s the massion. It’s the real passion of why you’re here. We’ll call it work, but what we’re here to do right now is so important. This isn’t just another kind of a friendly New Age group, spiritual study or philosophical study group. We are here for a mission, to do something. That’s why you came here in this lifetime, why you endured a lot of the crap. But now it’s time to let that go. You’re going to need to let it go, and we’ll get into more of that as we talk today. But Happy New Year, everyone. Happy New Year, 2025. You made it.
Where We Are
Before we go any further, I want you to feel into yourself right now in this moment. Right now, wherever you happen to be in this Now moment. Just feel into that for a moment. You don’t need a lot of words. Just feel into it.
Where you get in trouble sometimes is you think you’ve got to put words into your feelings. You don’t. Just feel it.
Get comfortable with just feeling, without all the words.
Now, I want you to feel into yourself in one year. New Years 2026, one year from now. It’s not about trying to create a mental image. Feeling yourself.
And letting that self be right here with you right now, 2026. The good news is that you made it (Adamus chuckles) a year from now, and things will be pretty different. But feel into that.
It was Kuthumi who said, a number of years ago he said, “You’re already realized. It’s just now experiencing how you got there.” You’re already in 2026, in a way of speaking, and now what will you experience this year to get there? How will you be different? Feel into that for a moment.
And now feel into that thing that was talked about earlier, yourself, your childhood magic (referring to DreamWalk for Childhood Magic). Yourself when you were maybe three years old, when you first were aware of New Year’s, when you were like a young wide-eyed child. It’s like you just came off of Christmas and now everybody’s celebrating New Year’s. And you’re going, “What is a new year? What is that?” There’s kind of a beautiful innocence in that, “What’s a year?”
Feel into that, that part of you that absolutely was magical. You didn’t have all those filters and screens that were blocking out the childhood magic.
I know some of you say, “Well, I don’t remember anything about it.” Bullshit (Adamus chuckles). Remember. It was there. You just blocked it out. But it’s a beautiful memory, and you’re not making it up. That’s the other thing you do is, “Oh, I’m just making this up.” No, you’re not. As a young child, every one of you, you came here to this planet bringing great gifts with your abilities to connect with the other realms. Feel into that, that young child of maybe two years old, three, maybe four. Some of you slow learners, 14, 15 (laughter). But feel into that magic.
It was almost – well, not almost – it was more of a real world than the real world. You were learning to adapt to the mental world, the linear world. Your childhood magic, that was real. Talking to beings who were very, very real. Bring that back now, right now, as we begin 2025, as we’re connecting into a year ahead. That comes back, that ability to connect with that and not be “making it up.” It’s very real.
And maybe it’s not unicorns this time. Maybe it’s not little elfish figures, but it’s the world beyond. Worlds that are very, very real. Very real. We’re going to talk more about it, but there’s a poetic portion to this, “Myself as the magical being.” It’s very poetic, very creative, very beautiful, but it’s also very much a part of physics. Now, they’re just touching on it, alternative realities that exist aside from this. It’s theory right now, but they’re going to be coming to find out through the study of quantum physics that it is potentially very real. Alternative realities that are existing, but never aware of each other.
But where we’re going, you are aware of it. You’re aware of yourself in other realities, and one of the prime examples of that is your dreams are intensifying. I get a lot of complaints. You know, I have a complaint box (some chuckles). Yes. I haven’t gone to it in a long time (chuckling), because it’s always full. I could empty it tonight, and it’d be full by the morning. But, no, one of the things is, “Adamus, why all these dreams? Why all the intense – I can’t sleep through the night.” You’re going through dream cycles. And going through those dream cycles, it’s everything from dreaming about your past lives or your past lives actually going through their Realization; you’re kind of seeing that as a story, their story, and you dream about it. The problem is your mind right now is still interpreting the symbols in weird ways, but you’re dreaming. That’s coming through. You’re experiencing – or maybe observing is a better word – observing what’s happening to your past lives.
You’re going into other states of dream right now where you are connecting with the alternative realities that are out there. A lot of them really aren’t that important. Don’t get all hung up in it, because you could be having a thousand or more alternative realities, and a lot of them are just very secondary. But the important thing is to understand that they are happening, and they can be connected too, and you can be in that And that we’ve talked about for a long time.
Some of the alternative realities are very beautiful and very potentially important, because, you see, you’re on a certain track, a certain pathway, thinking that nothing can change. Thinking that you’re just going to be making minor improvements going along. Whereas there is an alternative reality – you could almost say it’s a dream state, but it’s much more real than a dream – an alternative reality that you actually exist in, where there is magical outcomes. And I say “magic,” you know, the other way to say it is quantum physics kind of realities that are out there that you can access, that are you – it’s not somebody else, it’s not just your soul telling more stories, but it’s you – and imagine that you can connect into this and live it. I mean, be living in it. No longer just trapped in a singular dimension.
It’s all based on light. Everything is in those realities based on light, and it’s the very reason that – remember when Jami talked in the Metaphysics of the Merlin, when he talked about the year 2044, coming from there, but talking about what happens, what, seven, eight years from now. After those sessions, Cauldre laughed and chided me and said that “Eh, what a fairytale that all of this is going to happen in a few short years and the whole world changes.” It actually can, because there are already alternative realities that are on that pathway. All it takes is light. That’s it. All it takes is light. Light, of course, is imagination, and amazing things can be done with light.
Science is just now slightly, slightly, slightly beginning to understand, but they’ve got a ways to go. They really need to tune into our Shouds and into our workshops. We could give them the fast track. We’re doing it both from a poetic standpoint and kind of a storytelling standpoint, but it’s also very much quantum physics, what we’re doing right here. Quantum physics. You’re all Ph.Ds in physics, because we’re going into very new places.
So, moving along.
It’s so important this year to let go of the crap, and I’ll be calling you on it, if I see it. Why are you hanging on to that? “I’m not hanging on to it. It just won’t let go of me. It’s chasing me around.” No, no. You’re hanging on to it. I’m going to call you on that. Remember, I used to do it with mayko. Most of the makyo is gone now, but you’re still dragging stuff around. You don’t own any of it. They’re just stories, and you can change the story, and you can let go of the crap. And if you think you can’t, it’s beyond you, you need to ask yourself why are you letting that still play a role in your life? You must be getting something from it.
We have far too much work to do this year, and it takes a very dedicated group like you to do it. You notice that there’s people that come in and out of Crimson Circle. You know, they’re attracted by the light, they come in and it’s like, “Whooaa!” This isn’t for them, because we don’t do a lot of kumbaya things, we get right to the program. And that’s why you’re here, and it’s so important right now.
Two Big Breakthroughs This Year
2025. There’s going to be a lot of breakthroughs in science, physics and just about everything else. I’ll talk more about it in ProGnost, but two main things to watch for in 2025. These aren’t necessarily going to make the headline news of the Wall Street Journal, but they’re happening regardless. You may have to dig into technical journals or something like that, but two huge breakthroughs that are coming.
The first one has to do with energy. Energy. There’s going to be a major breakthrough in terms of free energy this year. And, you know, it’s – Cauldre and Dr. Doug were talking about it on the phone the other day – it’s good news. Free energy. Could you imagine? Your car, you never need to plug it in or fill it up with gas. It just goes. Free energy. A lot of the world’s problems right now, other than religion, are caused by oil. But isn’t it funny that the epicenter for religions and oil are in about the same place (Linda chuckles).
So many of the world’s problems originate right there in that region, and for a long time it’s been the whole oil thing, wanting to make sure that your country has its share of oil. It’s caused a lot of battles, a lot of wars. Can you imagine free energy? Now, it’s not necessarily going to be available in 2025, but the breakthrough in the technology is going to be there.
Can you imagine how disruptive that is? And I know everybody yells, “Freedom! Freedom!” but hang on a second. At what price? Is the world ready for free energy? Is the world truly ready? What’s going to happen to all the gas stations and the charging stations across the world? “What’s going to happen to those poor people? Maybe we shouldn’t have energy, so we can keep them employed.” No. That’s stupid thinking (some chuckles). We’ll find something else for them to do.
But what if there was this free energy available, let’s say, in the next three or four years? Totally free energy. What happens to big businesses that rely on it? What happens to governments that use it for control? What happens to the first person that says, “Huh, free energy. I’m going to use my free energy to steal your free energy.” And that’s the first thing that’s going to happen, because it’s like, “I’ve got to – energy isn’t just good enough and the fact that it’s free and non-polluting – but I’ve got to take yours and yours and yours, because I want to …” – well, not me (Adamus chuckles), but somebody’s going to say, “Hey, I want the power, and I want the control. I’m going to manage this free energy thing.” So, you can imagine. But that breakthrough – if you feel into it – of true free energy on the planet is right here. That’s one of those jaw-dropping things that changes everything.
Second thing, and it might sound boring, technical, but it’s huge, and it ties into free energy. Quantum computing. Right now, you’ve got a system that’s pretty sophisticated with your chips and transistors, and how many billions of transistors can you possibly get onto a little tiny chip? It’s kind of almost coming to the end of that ability to keep adding more transistors to a chip. I mean, they’ve done a great job, but at a certain point, you know, how many more can you add?
What happens now is the breakthrough in quantum computing. Quantum computing doesn’t rely on chips and transistors. It doesn’t necessarily rely on a lot of electricity or power. You could almost equate quantum computing to kind of like the workings of the mind, but a lot more efficient, a lot less complex. It runs on its own. It doesn’t need massive amounts of energy to fuel it.
Where the planet is going right now with AI, everything under that umbrella of AI needs massive amounts of computing technology, computing power. Massive amounts. Great things can be done with AI, but it’s a big consumer of power, I mean, energy power. It’s a great consumer of just a massive amount of processing that takes place.
What happens now this year is a breakthrough in quantum computing. It doesn’t take all this oil to generate the electricity to run it. It’s one of the problems that Bitcoin has been running into. It’s an energy hog, and they’re having to find more and more resources now just to drive these servers, these farms where they’re processing all this information. Every time you play with AI, it takes a tremendous amount of energy. And what happens now is the advent of quantum computing, a whole different technology, a whole different paradigm, that is going to be approximately – and Cauldre’s double checking me; he’s a great fact checker (Adamus chuckles) – it’s going to be approximately a million times faster and more efficient than your current chips and transistors, if you could imagine.
Things are going really fast right now. There’s processors that can process trillions and trillions of bits and bytes of data in a fraction of a second. But imagine going a million times faster with quantum computing? It’s beyond what the mind can even comprehend.
Those two things are going to happen this year – the breakthroughs, maybe not the implementation – and that’s going to have a dramatic effect on this planet and a dramatic effect on, well, these next couple of years. And potentially a dramatic effect on the whole scenario that Jami laid out, which seems like kind of a pipe dream. You know, at least if you don’t have a big imagination – Cauldre (a few chuckles) – it seems like a great big pipe dream, “How can this ever happen, and utopia and that?” It can, because at the very core of all of this – beyond the quantum computing, beyond the energy breakthrough – is one very, very basic substance they still haven’t figured out quite yet, but it’s light. It’s light that makes all the difference in the ability to have these breakthroughs. And that’s exactly why you’re here.
You could say you are the ones that are finding the free energy, because it’s your light, it’s your radiance that is affecting the people who are working on it in the laboratories. Most of them don’t have big imaginations. The whole point of science, beyond trying to replicate things, the point of science is to also invalidate things. Science is set up to deliberately invalidate itself by always questioning itself. That’s a good thing, because it says, “We’re going to keep going back over and over, retesting, trying to revalidate, ‘Is this an actual concept?’” There’s great concepts in physics that have been disproven, thank goodness. They were appropriate at the time, but not necessarily right now.
So, all this is changing very, very fast, if you haven’t noticed. Anybody not notice (Adamus chuckles) all this? You say the only thing that’s not changing is your personal life. But that’s changing too. Just take a look.
So, we have all these changes taking place on the planet right now, and that’s why I say going forward from here, I’m sorry, but I’m going to be have to stop being the nice guy around here (some chuckles and Linda laughs loudly), and call you on the stuff. You don’t need it anymore.
We just recently released I Am Debt Free. It was kind of at the last moment. As the story goes, I was sitting in my library, which is much, much, much nicer than that (looking at the image on the back of the stage). Much bigger. Oh, my gosh, and it’s got food everywhere and people waiting on me and wine and everything else (a few chuckles). Yeah. I was sitting around in my library one night saying, you know, “What is it with Shaumbra? There’s some blockages here. There’s things that are holding us back.” I mean, I can feel your excitement of wanting to move forward, but – ahh! – then the next day, “Ughh! I’ve got all these problems, Adamus.” Pffft!
So, it’s like I realized – debt. Debt, and not just financial debt. As a matter of fact, financial debt is the result of other debts. Financial debt is similar to what pains in your body are. Pains are just a reflection of imbalances. I mean, they’re not just pains – your knees are bad – it’s telling you something. There’s something else out of balance. The pain is the last thing on the line, last thing that occurs. It shows up in your body. Financial debt isn’t because you’re financially – oh, I was going to say “stupid,” but Cauldre wouldn’t let me say “stupid.” So, I’ll say not because you’re financially immature. It’s because what happens is all of your other debts, all of your other imbalances then eventually manifest in your finances. I mean, it’s real simple, Energy 101. It ends up in your finances.
So, a lot of you are adverse to money and business and “It’s all bad.” Get over it. That’s an old spiritual debt that you still carry around. You learned it, and you probably taught it in the churches. And it was real convenient for them at the time, because, you know, “You’re all supposed to be poor. Give us your money; you be poor. That’s what God wants, and money is bad.” I mean, you know, just look at all the evil money has caused. And you bought into it. Worse yet, you preached it, and now you feel you’ve got this debt inside yourself, “Geez, I bought into the shit, and then I preached the shit, and now I’m eating the shit!” (some chuckles) Let go of it! It’s a debt. Here’s what it sounds like when I hear you or others talking about it – “Money is evil. It’s bad. It’s bad, and the big businesses and conspiracies” – it’s just like the same as you saying, “Energy is evil, and it’s bad.” Same difference. Money is just energy. Money is nothing. It’s a piece of paper. Now it’s not even that. It’s a piece of plastic. It’s a transaction online. It’s nothing except energy.
So, get over the whole fact. Let that debt go. You’re kind of carrying it around like, you know, “I’ve got to carry that on my shoulders because, you know, I can’t find God if I have money.” No, God loves money. I mean, God invented money, so he loves money. The debt continues.
LINDA: Whose God?
ADAMUS: You are God (Linda chuckles). That God loves money (more chuckles), so stop defying God! (Adamus chuckles)
So, and there’s other debts too. You’ve got relationship debts, family debts, all sorts of debts, and when I was sitting in my library and taking a look and saying, “What’s holding Shaumbra back? I mean, they’ve had the most amazing teachers (chuckling) – Ascended Masters – what more could they want?” And then I realized debt. That’s when I quickly called up Cauldre and said, “Get in. We’re going to do a little session.” He called the staff; they all got here, and now you’ve got the I Am Debt Free (here).
So, you can’t – yes, you can – you don’t want to go into this next year, or any of the other years subsequent to it, with debt. Family, relationship, spiritual debt. Spiritual debt is huge, because of all the things you’ve learned and all the things you’ve taught. That kind of adds up, and it’s difficult getting rid of some of the old belief systems and some of the feelings of guilt that you told people to get rid of their money. Give it to you, the Church. Let it all go. You don’t need a great big ceremony. You don’t need to think for days, months or years about it. “I am debt-free. I let all that stuff go out of my life.” It’s a beautiful merabh within that. If you don’t want to buy the product, that’s fine. Just let it go. Debt’s a big issue. Debt creates more debt, as Cauldre and Linda said before. It’s kind of like its own monster, and it just creates more and more. It sucks you into that hole and creates more and more debt. And you’re truly not free then.
Let’s take a deep breath right now, the beginning of this calendar year, and let that debt go. And a very, very clear reminder. If you have financial debt, it’s ultimately the energetic manifestation of other forms of debt – relationships, karma, past lives, oaths and vows that you took. A lot of you witchy witches, you took a lot of oaths and vows, and those are debts. Those are debts. You think you have a debt to pay to your parents. You don’t. A debt to pay to humanity. You don’t. Not at all.
Let’s take a deep breath right now and let those debts go. Become bankrupt, a bankrupt Shaumbra (a few chuckles and Adamus chuckles). Morally, mentally, everything. Just let it go. And what happens now the energy is free. It can go back into the Dvir, the neutral state, and serve you now as a Master, not as a beholden debt-ridden human. That’s a difficult thing. Debt also encompasses things like guilt and shame, which we’ve talked about.
Let’s take a deep breath. Are you willing to let go of all your debts? (someone shouts “Yes!”) Good. That was one (laughter). Oh, another one online! I almost missed you there. We’ve got two! We’ve got two. It’s as easy as doing that. You really do say, “I’m debt-free.”
Now, what happens is the energies start changing and realigning and re-serving you. Sometimes it requires having to flush out a lot of stuff out of your physical body and your mind. It might not be particularly comfortable for a very short period of time, but at least you’re letting it go. You’re letting all that debt go so you can truly be free.
I went so far in the I Am Debt Free Master’s Pause to say if you’ve got financial debt, you’ve got a lot of debt, you’re not going to easily get out of it. I mean, it’s difficult to get out of. You’ve got, what, twenty-, fifty-, a hundred-thousand dollars in debt, you’re just going to get more in debt. And this – Cauldre’s going to pipe in – this is not necessarily the recommendation of Crimson Circle or Cauldre personally (more chuckles). But, that being said, file …
LINDA: For entertainment value only, right?
ADAMUS: No, this is not entertainment. If you’re in that kind of debt, file for bankruptcy. Get it over with. It’s not being irresponsible. As a matter of fact, it’s being very responsible to yourself, unless you go back and get in debt again right away. It’s a one and done. Get rid of that debt right away.
ADAMUS: I’m serious. Don’t do it again, or I’m going to have to come around and have a big talk with you. But get rid of the debt. Otherwise, it’s like carrying a huge weight on your shoulders, and it’s going to affect your body. It’s going to affect everything. Get rid of the debt.
So, we have a lot of work to do in this year.
LINDA: Phew!
ADAMUS: We’re just starting (Adamus chuckles). This is only the 4th.
Radical Imagination
So, a lot of work to do. And now I’ll go to what I said in our last Shoud, I believe, or Keahak. I said, “This is going to have to be the year of radical imagination.” Radical imagination. So, with the lights up and Linda on the microphone, let’s talk about radical imagination. Go for it, dear Linda.
LINDA: Go for what?
ADAMUS: You just start prowling (some chuckles). Get that microphone ready. Radical imagination. Give me an example of radical imagination in your life. Yours. Don’t apply it to somebody else. What is your version of radical imagination.
ALAYA: Oh, my! How much time do you have? (she chuckles)
ADAMUS: Two minutes. If you can’t summarize, you’re not a Master.
ALAYA: (pauses) Distilled down, I just continue to see and feel and experience just joy and peace and …
ADAMUS: But let’s – okay – but specifically in your life, how do you get from here to there in radical imagination? What do you need to imagine besides joy itself. But what do you need to imagine?
ALAYA: I just imagine the light of it.
ALAYA: The lightness of it and the feeling of being happy and in joy.
ADAMUS: What has to be let go in order to have that? What alterations need to happen?
ALAYA: Well, emotional debt.
ALAYA: Relationship debt.
ADAMUS: Right.
ALAYA: (pauses) Yeah, releasing that. The debt, guilt, shame.
ADAMUS: Can you imagine, can you really imagine joy at that level?
ALAYA: At that level of shame and guilt and …
ADAMUS: No, no, no, no. At the level that we’re talking about – radical imagination. Can you?
ALAYA: I feel it. Yes. I feel it. I can imagine it.
ADAMUS: I feel you’re really cutting yourself short. You’re not going radical. You’re just, “Okay, life will be good.” No, I’m talking radical …
ALAYA: Radical.
ADAMUS: … imagination.
ALAYA: Imagination. Into-another-realm radical.
ADAMUS: Into-many-different-realms radical, yeah.
ALAYA: Into many different realms, yes. And being a Realm Worker, I have definitely experienced many of those different places.
ALAYA: And of course, I jump in and jump out, because of that gravity.
ADAMUS: A little imagination is not going to do it. A little imagination this year, you know, comfortable imagination.
ALAYA: Okay.
ADAMUS: “Wouldn’t it be nice to have joy?” No, I’m talking about radical imagination.
ALAYA: Radical! Okay.
ADAMUS: Radical.
ALAYA: Radical.
ADAMUS: Where you almost can’t even imagine it kind of imagination. But you can.
ALAYA: It’s like I can – it’s like touching …
ADAMUS: What do you do to imagine things? I mean, do you lay there at night in your bed?
ALAYA: Usually at three o’clock in the morning (she chuckles).
ADAMUS: Right, right, right. Yeah, when we talk …
ALAYA: That’s when it’s really quiet and peaceful.
ADAMUS: But do you imagine, or do you worry?
ALAYA: Usually, I wake up worrying, and then I start to breathe, and I say, “Okay, wait a minute now, this is not okay,” get up, and come back to bed.
ADAMUS: And worry.
ALAYA: No. No, no. No. No. No, then I put on something from Keahak.
ADAMUS: What do you at that point – oh, you listen to me?
ADAMUS: Yeah, great.
ADAMUS: That’s radical.
ALAYA: Yeah, Merlin’s great.
ALAYA: Yeah (she chuckles).
ADAMUS: Yeah, yeah. What else? What else would – you’re in that moment, that three o’clock. I’m sure not many of you know what that’s like.
ALAYA: Oh, yeah!
ADAMUS: That three o’clock in the morning. We ought to have a three-in-the-morning club for Shaumbra (murmurs of agreements from the audience).
ALAYA: Yeah.
ADAMUS: Yeah, yeah.
ALAYA: Yeah, we could definitely be there.
ADAMUS: But you know the last thing you want to do at three in the morning is talk to other Shaumbra (they chuckle). Oh no, that’s just me.
ALAYA: Sometimes I do, from Germany and from New Zealand (she chuckles).
ADAMUS: How do you get to radical imagination?
ALAYA: I’m going to learn about it.
ADAMUS: No, you’re going to allow it.
ALAYA: I’m going to allow it. That’s right.
ADAMUS: It’s inherent.
ALAYA: Allow it. Mmm.
ADAMUS: When you’re laying there at two, three in the morning and you’re worried about your finances because you’re in debt (Adamus chuckles), then you try to think your way into it, “I’m going to imagine that I don’t have any debt and the world’s fine, and everything’s good.” That doesn’t work so well, because it’s still coming from the mind.
ALAYA: Right.
ADAMUS: You take a deep breath, and you do a “eff it” thing, and take a deep breath, “I don’t care anymore.” And you allow. And allowing simply means opening up. Opening up. You’re not trying to control anything, and this isn’t a discipline. You’re going, “I don’t have anything to lose. I’m going to allow All That I Am.”
ALAYA: And that’s when I start to travel.
ALAYA: And that’s when I start to go on the traveling adventure.
ADAMUS: Best sleeping pill …
ALAYA: No, no, no, no, no.
ADAMUS: … is allowing. No, I’m saying the best sleeping pill is allowing, because then suddenly – you allow, and the next thing you know – you’re deep asleep, but you’re going into those other realms.
ALAYA: Right. I ride the rainbow.
ADAMUS: You ride the rainbow. Yeah.
ALAYA: I ride the rainbow over to Hawaii (she chuckles).
ADAMUS: I’m not going to tolerate just okay imagination. It’s not good enough.
ALAYA: Okay.
ADAMUS: It’s got to be radical imagination as we go forward.
ALAYA: Being a Realm Worker, though, I know that I know what that feels like.
ADAMUS: Yes, you do.
ALAYA: And then it’s a matter now of feeling it and being it.
ADAMUS: It’s a matter of allowing it.
ALAYA: Allowing it. Thank you. Yeah. Allowing it.
ADAMUS: Allowing. Your mind would say you’re allowing yourself to go crazy, but the mind doesn’t really understand. You’re allowing yourself from all the levels – radical imagination – into other realms.
ALAYA: Is it my body that goes too, or is it more my imagination that’s part of my light that goes?
ADAMUS: Is it?
ALAYA: Is it?
ADAMUS: Is it?
ALAYA: Is it?
ADAMUS: Who’s on first? (laughter)
ALAYA: It’s radical.
ADAMUS: It’s radical.
ALAYA: It’s radical.
ADAMUS: Yeah. Yeah. Is your body there? That’s radical. “I’m going to take the essence of this” – that’s radical. That’s going beyond the thinking, going beyond just normal imagination. Normal imagination is really gray. When you go radical imagination, you’re breaking through those realms and going into something that’s very, very real.
ALAYA: I’ve had people call me and say, “Were you over here?” No, I was – yeah, because I’ve been traveling on the rainbow.
ALAYA: And I feel like I’m there. I mean, I feel …
ADAMUS: What happens to light when you’re doing radical imagination? What’s the effect on light?
ALAYA: It’s vast. It’s speedy. It’s bright. It’s brilliant.
ALAYA: It’s exhilarating.
ADAMUS: It’s no longer confined.
ALAYA: No. Mnh-mnh.
ADAMUS: It’s no longer limited. It’s no longer just blue. The light actually, at that point of radical imagination, has no speed, because it’s everywhere. It doesn’t need to travel from one place to the next. It doesn’t need to go through time and space. It’s already way beyond time and space. That’s why they’re finding that two particles in this reality, separated, put at great distances from each other, are still communicating in real time. There’s no time lapse. Same thing with light. There’s no speed to it, because it’s just everything, everywhere.
ALAYA: Right.
ADAMUS: And that’s when you really start to grasp what light can do. Thank you.
ALAYA: Thank you.
ADAMUS: Yeah. Next. Same question. Define radical imagination in your life. What does that mean? What does it look like? Uh-oh. Uh-oh. Oh! There we go. Good. Andy, how are you?
ANDY: I’m doing great.
ADAMUS: Good, good.
ANDY: Yeah.
ADAMUS: Radical imagination.
ANDY: I’m having trouble with that.
ANDY: Well, when I imagine things, they happen, which is wonderful (some chuckles).
ADAMUS: Boy, is that bad news (more chuckles).
ANDY: Well …
ADAMUS: We could get you some help on that.
ANDY: Well, you’re saying “radical.”
ANDY: I guess I’m not radical enough. It’s like, what, go to Mars or something?
ADAMUS: That’s radical?
ANDY: Well …
ADAMUS: I mean, that’s just a hop, skip and a jump away. I’m talking radical, Andy (Andy sighs). Far beyond Mars. Not even in the same dimension as this universe. Not confined to time and space. That’s radical.
ANDY: Well, see, now you talk about, like, dreams and stuff.
ADAMUS: Right.
ANDY: But dreams are getting kind of old. You know, people come up and they ask me things. It’s like, “I don’t know what to tell you.”
ADAMUS: In your dreams they do?
ANDY: Yeah.
ADAMUS: What do you think that means?
ANDY: Maybe I’m still realm working or something (Adamus chuckles). But it’s like …
ADAMUS: Andy, stop for a moment. People come up to you in your dreams and ask you for advice. Who are they? You!
ANDY: Yeah.
ADAMUS: Your past lives.
ANDY: Yeah!
ADAMUS: They’re saying, “Hey, Master from 2025, I need a little help back here.”
ANDY: Well, I kind of …
ADAMUS: And then you blow them off?
ANDY: I do.
ADAMUS: You’re like, “Get out of here. I’m busy.”
ANDY: I do!
ADAMUS: And they go back 500, 800 years ago, it’s like, “Boy, that was useless (some chuckles). I mean, I had heard that my future self was really wise and empowered and everything. And it doesn’t even want to bother with me.”
ANDY: And they do.
ADAMUS: Can you imagine how they feel?
ANDY: They act like that. They think I have all the answers.
ADAMUS: You do!
ANDY: Well, I kind of lost interest. It’s like, you know, whatever they want to …
ADAMUS: They’re like little kids coming to you, you know, saying, “I need some help.”
ANDY: You know, I raised kids. I did all that stuff. I’m done with it.
ADAMUS: But all they need is a simple encouragement. A simple little “All is well in all of creation.” That’s all they need to hear! (more laughter) And then they go back to that past life, “Oh! Everything’s great! My future self told me. And if my future self told me, it’s got to be right.” All is well in all of creation (deep voice). You’ve got to say it like that too. You can’t just say …
ANDY: Get that deep voice going.
ADAMUS: (deep voice) All is well in all of creation.
ANDY: (mimics voice) All is well.
ADAMUS: And then they shut up! (some giggles)
ANDY: I kind of ignore them. It’s like …
ADAMUS: I know!
ANDY: … go away!
ADAMUS: Right (they chuckle).
ANDY: I’ll be, like, done with them, you know? Go ahead, have fun!
ADAMUS: Can’t you just come up with three lines you use, you know, when they come to you. “All is well” is pretty good. And the other thing is, “Luke, be the light.” (Andy chuckles) They won’t understand what that means, because they don’t have movies.
ANDY: Right.
ADAMUS: But just come up with a couple, you know? They’ll be thrilled.
ANDY: Okay.
ADAMUS: Thrilled!
ANDY: All right.
ADAMUS: I built a whole career on this shit! (laughter) “All is well” (Adamus chuckles).
ANDY: I guess I’ve just lost interest in …
ADAMUS: Yeah, but you still haven’t answered my question. Radical imagination.
ANDY: Hm. I’m pretty happy where I am, what I’m doing.
ADAMUS: You don’t want to be …
ANDY: Life is good.
ADAMUS: You don’t want to go radical imagination?
ANDY: I do, but … (he sighs)
ADAMUS: Not that important.
ANDY: I’m good!
ADAMUS: That’s fine.
ANDY: I’m good right here.
ADAMUS: That means your life is good and …
ANDY: Yeah!
ADAMUS: … all your kids are doing fine. I mean, your …
ANDY: Well, kind of.
ADAMUS: … past life kids and your real-life kids are fine.
ANDY: Well, mostly.
ADAMUS: Oh, yeah, so not that great.
ANDY: Ehhh, yeah, you know how that goes.
ADAMUS: But just, all right, imagine now one of your past lives coming to you in the middle of the night, and you’re just irritated that they’re waking you up.
ANDY: Yeah (he giggles).
ADAMUS: And they say, “Oh, great Andy, how do I get radical imagination? What do I need to do?”
ANDY: You know, sometimes I tell them to just, “Oh, come on down to Earth. You’ll figure it out.”
ADAMUS: Well, they’re on Earth in a different lifetime. They’re already here.
ANDY: Yeah.
ADAMUS: They think it sucks more than you do (Andy chuckles). Yeah.
ANDY: Yeah. And it did suck back then too.
ADAMUS: I know! That’s why they’re coming to you now (they sigh).
ANDY: All right, I need to come up with some lines.
ADAMUS: Yeah. But what are you going to tell them about radical imagination?
ANDY: “Think out of the box”?
ADAMUS: Aghh! Ehh.
ANDY: I know. I know.
ADAMUS: What about, all right. What about you read them my story, “The Land of Blue.” And say “You’re living …”
ANDY: I wore blue today.
ADAMUS: I know. I noticed that. Yeah.
ANDY: Yeah. Yeah.
ADAMUS: So, and you tell them the story of The Land of Blue. And you tell them about, “See, I used to always wear blue, and I lived in blue. Just like you, in blue. And now imagine beyond blue.” And they’re going to say, “I don’t know how to do that. What do you mean? That’s all I know is blue.”
You say, “No, there’s something besides blue out there.” Well, the past life is going to say, “I’ve been told that’s the demon. That’s Satan out there. It’s all red, and I’m going to get eaten alive. So, I’m going to stay in blue because it’s safe.” And then what are you going to tell them?
ANDY: I’m going to laugh (he giggles).
ADAMUS: Right, right! Yeah, and they’ll think you’re Satan then (laughter).
ANDY: Could be the problem!
ADAMUS: Right, right! Could be. Could be.
ANDY: Yeah.
ADAMUS: What are you going to tell them about blue?
ANDY: “Oh, there’s so much more.”
ADAMUS: There’s so much more.
ANDY: That’s like high school physics. They scratch the surface.
ANDY: It’s like …
ADAMUS: Nothing.
ANDY: … “Dude! You’re missing the big picture.”
ADAMUS: Exactly. And then they’re going to be saying, “Oh, but, no, I’m okay with blue. It’s fine. Why would I want to imagine anything else? Blue is kind of nice. I picked this up from – my future life in 2025 said everything’s just fine, and I don’t need to do anything.”
ANDY: (pauses slightly) Well, there’s some truth to that!
ADAMUS: I know! I know. They’re telling me to talk to you and say, “Could you come up with something?” How do you go radical imagination?
ANDY: (sighs) It reminds me of a Weird Al song, “Everything You Know Is Wrong.”
ADAMUS: Right. Could you sing a few bars?
ANDY: No. I’m way too nervous right now.
ADAMUS: Yeah, okay. Okay, yeah, yeah.
ANDY: Yeah.
ANDY: It’s a good song, though.
ADAMUS: So, let’s jump to the next question.
ANDY: All right.
ADAMUS: What do you think the effect radical imagination has on light, your light?
ANDY: Ooh! Oh!
ADAMUS: I didn’t mean to surprise you.
ANDY: Yeah, no, it’s “pchwww!” (mimics explosion)
ANDY: Yeah.
ADAMUS: So, and you don’t like that “wooph!”
ANDY: Yeah, I do.
ADAMUS: Yeah, well, see?
ANDY: But that’s for me.
ADAMUS: Right. Yeah, but that’s radical. When you are radical imagination, it changes the nature of your light, of your imagination, because you’re opening up to it.
ANDY: Yeah.
ADAMUS: And like the Weird Al song, you know, forget about everything you knew. Forget about everything you believed in, because there’s so much more.
ANDY: Oh, that’s good.
ANDY: I like that.
ADAMUS: Use it on your …
ANDY: Okay! Okay!
ADAMUS: … past lives that are coming to visit you. Don’t you feel a little sorry for them? They’re going through all that stuff.
ANDY: You know what? All those weird aspects made me who I am.
ADAMUS: Right.
ANDY: And I’m very content with who I am.
ANDY: I mean, you know, people talk about going back, making changes in history.
ADAMUS: Right, right.
ANDY: Fuck that.
ANDY: We got here.
ADAMUS: Right. Okay, but don’t you have a yearning? Like sometimes, like, “Let’s do more.”
ANDY: Well … (he pauses) More what? Light, it’s here.
ADAMUS: I know. But don’t you want to bring it in and experience? Don’t you want to go through the light photon belt and have everything – plltttt! – you know, change?
ANDY: I used to listen to that guy go on about the photon belt.
ADAMUS: Right.
ANDY: It’s good.
ANDY: Yeah. No, we’re here.
ANDY: This is it. I can’t imagine Earth getting much better, in light of what you just talked about.
ADAMUS: Right.
ANDY: You know, AI and free energy are, in my mind, way overdue.
ADAMUS: Yes. Yes, they are.
ANDY: And it’s happening. And it’s like, I’m elated. I think it’s wonderful. I’m ready to kick back in my recliner and watch the show.
ADAMUS: Okay. I’ll be sitting right next to you.
ANDY: Yeah.
ADAMUS: Great. Good (Andy giggles). Thank you, Andy.
ANDY: Thank you.
ADAMUS: Thank you. Okay, one more. Then we’ve got to move along. Radical imagination. What is it? Give me an example in your life, a real-life example.
LULU: Thank you, Linda.
ADAMUS: How are you going to do radical imagination?
LULU: Well, I mean, I’m in Keahak, so I’ve been practicing. But it’s just like a feeling, and then it’s just being there.
ADAMUS: What’s the feeling? When you have this feeling of radical imagination, what does that feel like?
LULU: It’s just of “I Exist.”
LULU: I’m here. I Exist. It’s like knowing myself, acknowledge myself.
ADAMUS: When I say the words “radical imagination,” it’s like I can almost feel like a racecar going down a wide open highway as fast as possible. It’s almost scary because you’re going so fast, but you love it. And part of you is wondering, “Oh, my god, what happens if …?” Part of you is saying, “I don’t care.” That’s kind of radical. And then suddenly, it switches and you’re flying. That’s radical imagination because you’re not just in the car anymore. And not only are you flying, but you’re in multiple realms at one time flying.
LULU: That’s what I was going to say. I see, like, everything at once. Like, I don’t see it, I just feel it. Like, I’m the center and everything is just there in a grace, just to kind of capture and feel it.
ADAMUS: Yeah, exactly.
LULU: And go through it.
ADAMUS: What’s happening to your light in radical imagination? What’s happening?
LULU: It just expands, and it’s like whatever that was unseen before, it’s just there. And I can’t describe it with words, but I can acknowledge.
ADAMUS: Right.
LULU: And it’s just a feeling.
ADAMUS: Just a feeling, okay.
LULU: Just a feeling.
LULU: And it lasts a while, and I just be with it.
ADAMUS: Yeah. If I could attach a word to it, and words are so often limited, but what’s happening to your light when you’re in radical imagination is that suddenly it’s free.
LULU: Oh, yes. Yes, yes.
ADAMUS: Suddenly, there are no boundaries.
LULU: Yes.
ADAMUS: Suddenly, no limitations.
LULU: Unlimited. Yes.
ADAMUS: And suddenly, it’s all there in the moment. It doesn’t need to move, because it’s everywhere.
LULU: Yes.
ADAMUS: It doesn’t need to have a speed or a velocity or an intensity. It’s already there. Suddenly, you find yourself very, very, what you would call, multidimensional. You’re aware on many levels all at the same time without losing your human balance, without getting absorbed into these other, what you call, dimensions or realities. You’re very aware of your human state; at the same time, simultaneously aware of all the other possibilities. Not that you have to do them all or experience them all, but you suddenly become very aware that they are there, and that they’re just tremendous potentials and possibilities.
LULU: And that’s true what you say. You don’t feel any attachments and free of debt. You don’t think you own anybody, your kids, your family. It’s like all disappears. It’s just you there with everything possible.
ADAMUS: Suddenly, you’re very – just imagine that, radically imagine being in multiple states of awareness. Primarily as a human, but also as all these other states. Also, as your past lives, also as your angelic self. You’re suddenly aware all at the same time. The human mind doesn’t really know how to do that. It has to put things in boxes and has to segment. But naturally, you’re capable of doing that. And suddenly, instead of like just being in an everyday lifestyle, you know, just yourself going about in life, suddenly you’re aware of all these other things and not losing your balance, your potential focus as a human right here. That’s always been one of the dangers or pitfalls, because suddenly you go out there, you do astral projection or whatever, you go out there and you forget yourself, your grounding, right here. And people die when they go out there, because suddenly they can’t get back. But in true radical imagination, suddenly you open up everything, and you’re aware of it, but it’s not overwhelming.
LULU: Right.
ADAMUS: You’re aware now, “These are my potentials. Here’s my magic here and here and here. It was always here, but suddenly it’s available.” And suddenly, you’re not having to think about it and say, “Well, when is magic ever going to happen?” Because you’ve radicalized. You’ve gone into this very sense of your open imagination. And in that case now the light is free. It really always kind of was, but here in this reality, it was very confined. Now the light is free, and what you’re going to get back from all of this experience is, what do you want to do now?
What do you want to do? Now that you have this very open awareness, now that the light is everywhere and it’s free, what do you want to do?
LULU: Allow what’s coming.
ADAMUS: Allow what’s coming or step up into a new role of creatorship.
LULU: Yes.
ADAMUS: No longer just following paths of destiny, but saying, “What do you want to do?” And you could be like Andy and say, “Nothing. I just wish those aspects and past lives would leave and stop bothering me. I’m happy right here, but it’s really cool now that I have this multidimensional awareness.” On the other hand, you might say, “I’ve been waiting for this for a long time. I want some things to change. I’m going to recreate what I do, how I experience life.” Without trying to change anybody else. The minute you do that, you’re in big-time trouble. But for your own self, “Here’s what I want. Here’s what I choose.” Good.
LULU: Thank you.
ADAMUS: Thank you.
LULU: Thank you.
ADAMUS: Okay. Let’s take a deep breath with that.
We’ll continue on with radical imagination. Go beyond, Shaumbra. Go beyond. There’s so much more out there, and you’re not going to get there through just thinking about it. You’re going to get there by allowing radical imagination. Yes, there’ll be some short-term situations like crazy dreams, like suddenly feeling like you have vertigo, like you’re going to pass out. It’s simply because you’re shedding those boxes that have confined and defined you. Suddenly, you’re opening up.
The value to you personally is, first of all, it’s an amazing landscape out there, the multidimensional landscape. Suddenly, you’ll begin to understand how all this, how reality is constructed. How this reality is constructed. You’ll see that it takes things from these other realms, these other parts of yourself, and how they’re all woven together and creating the tapestry for your life. And now with this open awareness, you start to realize, “I can redo that tapestry.” And even if you decide not to – “No, the tapestry is beautiful” – now you have at least the awareness that you can. That you can change it, if you want.
So, radical. Think big, but it’s even beyond thinking. It’s imagining in a radical way. Don’t settle for just another shade of blue. Let yourself become very radical.
Okay. Deep breath. Are we doing okay?
LINDA: Yes, sir.
ADAMUS: Great. Great.
Next subject. It’s going to be a big one this year (Linda makes a face). It’s not that bad. You grimace, and you’re like – what did you think, you’re going to get a probe here of some kind? (some laughter and some groans) Energetic probe. What do you – geez! Shaumbra! (a few more giggles)
I want you to feel into truth for a moment. Truth. If it wasn’t for this whole issue of humans trying to discover truth, a lot of philosophers would have been out of business. Songwriters and everything else. There’s been this quest for truth. A little while ago, a while back, I said, “There is no one truth. Forget about it. There is no one truth.”
When you are doing radical imagination, one of the first things you realize is that there is not a single truth. But there is truth. You’re going to be discovering your truth this year, and it won’t be singular. But it will all be truth.
It’s one of the things that’s really eluded you, “What is my truth? What is truth?” You read about other people’s truths. You’ve probably read philosophy about truth. Nobody ever really gets to it, do they? I mean, they dance around the subject, or they write around it in a lot of ways. But truth, everybody is trying to find this big universal truth. “What is God’s truth?” God doesn’t have a truth, in that respect.
This year you’re going to come into communication, connection to your truth. And I can tell you right now, it’s not what you think it’s going to be. You know, if we were going to go around the room, which we will in just a moment, and ask you to define truth, probably not. This year, you’re going to connect and communicate with your truth, and at first, you’re going to probably reject it, thinking that you’re making it up or thinking, “Well, that’s not me.” But it’s going to continue to ring your doorbell, continue to say, “I am the truth.”
Let’s go around the room for a moment again, and I’d like you to share, what is your truth right now today? And knowing that you can change it, but what is your truth as a human and as a Master? Hello, Ra.
RA (Tamara): Hi, Adamus.
ADAMUS: I’m doing …
RA: Oh!
ADAMUS: Do you really want to hear how I’m doing?
RA: Yes (Adamus chuckles).
ADAMUS: We won’t have time (they chuckle). I’m annoyed actually.
RA: Why?
RA: Why?
ADAMUS: Shaumbra.
RA: Oh.
ADAMUS: Yeah. I mean …
RA: I feel you on that too.
ADAMUS: Yeah, yeah. I mean, I love Shaumbra, but …
RA: I do too.
ADAMUS: … I’m annoyed, because we have such an opportunity right now.
RA: Yes.
ADAMUS: But I still feel the feet dragging and, you know …
RA: I feel that too.
ADAMUS: Yeah. And I just don’t – you know what I miss? The passion, the exuberance, the excitement.
RA: Ah! Yes!
ADAMUS: Once in a while, I get glimpses of it. Like, you’ve been to some of the workshops, there’s a little bit.
RA: Yeah.
ADAMUS: But all in all, Shaumbra is still …
RA: They’re scared of it.
ADAMUS: … downtrodden and depressed.
RA: Yes.
ADAMUS: And if I don’t tell them something new at every meeting, “Oh! I didn’t get anything new.” It’s like, well, you didn’t get the old stuff either (laughter), so I’m going to keep feeding you old until you understand it. So, I’m a little sad. I mean …
RA: Me, too.
ADAMUS: … I’m seeing a shrink …
RA: Me, too.
ADAMUS: … up in the Ascended Masters Club (more chuckles). No, literally, it’s a shrink. I mean, you know, that’s used as a term here.
RA: I’m seeing one too, so. Yeah.
ADAMUS: Well, no, this … (he sighs) I had a big head (some giggles). I had a big ego (Adamus chuckles) about I was always boasting about “My Shaumbra! My Shaumbra! They’re the best. We’re the best.” And then I had to go see the shrink to get my ego down a little bit, to adjust it, you know, because where’s the passion, Shaumbra?
RA: Yeah, where is the passion?
ADAMUS: Where’s the excitement?
RA: Mm.
ADAMUS: The laughter? The singing? The joy? (someone shouts “Right!”)
RA: Love 2.0?
ADAMUS: I mean, yeah, there you go. Whatever! You know, it’s like, you know, but where is it? Where we should be right now coming into this new year is, “Hell, yeah!”
RA: Yes!
ADAMUS: And just screaming it, yelling it.
RA: Like Andy said, yeah.
ADAMUS: But walk in here and everybody’s like, “Okay.” (dull voice)
RA: Yeah.
ADAMUS: “Oh, life is so tough.” Well, then you’ve got to have radical imagination. Anyway, I don’t want to …
RA: I think they don’t do enough Aliyah.
ADAMUS: Yeah, I don’t want to have to tell you all my problems. But I just want to let you know I’m going for counseling (laughter).
RA: Okay. But that’s a good thing.
ADAMUS: And you know who’s my counselor? It’s the greatest thing in the world. I mean, I’ve got the best of the best (a couple of Shaumbra in the audience say “Kuthumi”).
RA: Kuthumi?
ADAMUS: No! Me! Myself! (more laughter) I walk in and I say, “Lay down on the couch there, Adamus.” And I lay down. It’s actually St. Germain, and St. Germain is like, “So tell me the problems. I created you to work with Shaumbra, you having issues down there?” And … (weepy voice) “Yes! They don’t get me! They don’t understand me!” (a few chuckles) Anyway … (Adamus chuckles). I’m sorry, I …
RA: It’s okay.
ADAMUS: Distracted.
RA: It’s okay.
ADAMUS: By the way, please – thank you, thank you, first, for laughing. It’s good to see some smiles. Secondly, tell stories. Stop being so … boring (a few giggles as he “tries” to say something else). Something stopped my words (more chuckles). Stop being so boring, Shaumbra. Tell stories. Add some color. Put some theatrics into it. When you’re talking to somebody in a group, stop being so didactic, so dogmatic. Bring a little color. You’ve got color. I mean, you look beautiful today.
RA: Thank you. You look good too.
RA: Always.
ADAMUS: It’s okay. I’d dress him different, but, you know (more giggles). So, where were we? Truth. What’s your truth?
RA: Ah. My truth is what I say it is.
ADAMUS: Okay. Well, say what it is then.
RA: My truth is everything, everything that I choose.
RA: That I am. My passion, my love, me.
RA: Yes.
ADAMUS: But I detect some makyo here.
RA: Why do you say that?
ADAMUS: Because there’s some stuff you don’t want right now, and it’s still there.
RA: Like what?
ADAMUS: Well, go talk to your shrink about it, he’ll tell ya (they chuckle). If you want to do like a – what was that TV show …
RA: There is stuff that I don’t want to be there. Like, I don’t want to be struggling financially.
ADAMUS: Are you?
RA: Not as much as I was before.
ADAMUS: Oh, that’s a good answer. That’s what I love to hear. Are you in pain? Are you …
RA: Oh, no.
ADAMUS: … depressed? “I’m not as depressed as I used to be.” (teary voice) “I used to be just terrible!”
RA: You know what? I changed that story.
ADAMUS: Thank you.
RA: I’m debt-free.
RA: I’m in love.
ADAMUS: You are?
RA: As always. Yes.
ADAMUS: Yeah, yeah.
RA: Of course. And I’m very passionate.
ADAMUS: Yes, you are.
RA: Yes.
ADAMUS: What’s your truth?
RA: My truth is I want to allow everything. Everything that you speak of, I want to …
ADAMUS: You want to allow everything?
RA: Yes.
ADAMUS: Everything? Everything, everything?
RA: With myself. Yes.
ADAMUS: With yourself, okay.
RA: Yes. With me. Yes.
ADAMUS: Okay. Yeah. You want to allow all of yourself.
RA: I’m ready for everything, you know?
ADAMUS: Yes, you are.
RA: Everything you speak of, I’m ready.
RA: So, what’s the holdup?
ADAMUS: “What’s the holdup?” she asks.
RA: Yeah, what’s the holdup?
ADAMUS: Do we dare tell her?
RA: Yes (laughter). Open book.
ADAMUS: Talk to your shrink. Actually, I’m going to start Adamus’ Counseling Services. Dr. Adamus at your service.
RA: How much are you charging?
ADAMUS: You couldn’t afford it.
RA: Oh! (more chuckles)
ADAMUS: You’d have to take out a loan and then you’d go into debt (some chuckles). Defeat everything we’ve talked about. But it’s either that – I’m trying to decide what I would really want to be if I was a human on the planet right now. One, would be – I would be a comedian psychiatrist. There aren’t any. There are none. I’ve looked around. No comedian psychologists, psychiatrists or anything else. They’re so boring, and then they give out medication. I would be so damn funny with everybody that walked in, their problems would just dissolve right away.
RA: I believe that.
ADAMUS: Thank you. Or I want to be a game show host. I want to do a game show …
RA: No, take the first one.
ADAMUS: Pardon?
RA: Take the first one.
ADAMUS: Take the first one?
RA: Yeah.
ADAMUS: I could do both at one time.
RA: That’s true. You’re a Master.
ADAMUS: I’m multidimensional.
RA: Yes.
ADAMUS: I’m going to put this on the schedule here. Jean, Linda, pay attention. I want to do another Shaumbra game show. Remember, we did one years ago? I loved that. I’d love to be a game show host, so let’s do another one, and I’ll combine that with being a Master psychiatrist.
RA: Okay.
ADAMUS: Yes. A shrink. Yeah. Okay. Oh, that’ll be interesting.
SYLVIA: (cutting in) But aren’t you now?
ADAMUS: Pardon?
SYLVIA: Aren’t you now a Master psychiatrist? You’re doing that right now with her!
ADAMUS: I know. But if I say that I’m a shrink, a counselor, whatever, they change their whole attitude. So, I’m just an Ascended Master.
RA: Okay.
ADAMUS: So, truth.
RA: Back to me, Adamus. Come on.
ADAMUS: Back to you. Okay, your truth.
RA: Tell me what’s my makyo?
ADAMUS: What’s your makyo?
RA: Yeah.
ADAMUS: (sighs) Really?
RA: Yes!
RA: Open book.
ADAMUS: You say one thing, do another. You think one thing but allow other things into your life. You know where the light is, but you let these other things come into your life. You haven’t walked away from the very things that you know are holding you back. Period.
RA: Interesting.
ADAMUS: It’s kind of boring actually, but, you know …
RA: I thought I was allowing all the time. You know, I’m a good receiver.
ADAMUS: Yes, you are a good receiver, but you’re allowing stuff that really doesn’t look good on you.
RA: (sighs) That’s true.
ADAMUS: You know what I’m talking about.
RA: Yes.
ADAMUS: Yeah. So, just allowing doesn’t mean letting people use you as a doormat.
RA: That’s true.
RA: Yeah.
ADAMUS: Allowing is allowing your Self, not everybody else. And you’ve taken on a whole new definition of allowing. You’ve allowed crap to come into your life.
RA: That’s true.
ADAMUS: You say, “That’s okay. I’m allowing.” It’s like, “No, no, no.” Go back to allowing school. It’s about …
RA: I did!
ADAMUS: It’s about … well, go back again.
RA: Okay.
ADAMUS: It’s allowing your Self.
RA: Yes.
ADAMUS: Your higher Self, your multidimensional Self, your God Self, your Master, your soul, your I Am. Nothing else. Nobody else.
RA: Yes.
ADAMUS: You’re allowing everybody else, and you’re kind of the feeding trough.
RA: That’s true. Yeah.
RA: That’s so true.
ADAMUS: Pfft! Well, what do I say? (laughter) I’m a shrink. Yeah (Adamus chuckles). So, truth. Do you know what your truth is?
(she pauses)
No. That’s good, because she’s going to be open now when truth comes along this year.
RA: Okay.
ADAMUS: Thank you, dear.
RA: Thank you. Love you, Adamus.
ADAMUS: Love you, too. And come by any time. We talk a lot. You talk, I listen (more chuckles). Another one. What is your truth? Today. Today, what is your truth? No makyo. I know, you say, “Oh, shit! Then I have nothing to say.” Okay.
SHAUMBRA 1 (woman): Oof! Truth. I’m incarnated. I’m a Master in a human body. That’s what I’m infused today.
ADAMUS: Is that your truth, or is that a nice cliché?
SHAUMBRA 1: Ah, yeah. Nice cliché.
ADAMUS: I know! (they laugh) Good. You’re being truthful! Yeah.
ADAMUS: No, if somebody came along and said, “Would you write a short story about your truth?” what would that be like? What is your truth?
SHAUMBRA 1: It would be very uninteresting today. And, you know, I’m the kind of Shaumbra you’re talking that we drag. That’s basically me. And, you know, when I was listening to the song, I couldn’t stop thinking about the spark. What the heck is my spark? (she chuckles, referring to this song that was played before the channel)
ADAMUS: Yeah. Yeah.
SHAUMBRA 1: I feel that I don’t feel it anymore, the spark to start the fire.
ADAMUS: Uh huh.
ADAMUS: What went wrong? I mean, you used to have a lot of fire.
SHAUMBRA 1: Nothing.
ADAMUS: Nothing, okay.
SHAUMBRA 1: It went away with the allowing. That’s what I began to think lately.
ADAMUS: Right.
SHAUMBRA 1: But, yeah, I feel like that.
ADAMUS: On a scale of one to ten, how’s your passion level? Ten being high.
SHAUMBRA 1: Oh, it changes all the time. But if I could say right away, I would say three.
ADAMUS: Three. Okay.
SHAUMBRA 1: Right now.
ADAMUS: Well, that’s being honest. That’s being honest. Why?
SHAUMBRA 1: Oh, I … (she chuckles)
ADAMUS: You’d think that suddenly, you know, you’re opening up, you’re learning all these great things. You’ve got your own personal psychiatrist in the other realms.
SHAUMBRA 1: Right.
ADAMUS: Why isn’t the passion higher?
SHAUMBRA 1: I think – it went away, the interest to ask why. That’s what I became. Like, at night I want to imagine things and, yeah, I do play. I play with it. I think, “My clear computer, would I have all the potentials in my life” and not all of them. I’m infused as a human, in some of them I could be a tree or I could be a cloud. And that’s how I play with it.
ADAMUS: Right.
SHAUMBRA 1: And it goes away. I fall asleep and I feel like, “Did I really care about that?” I just – I don’t care about it.
SHAUMBRA 1: When I wake up the next day, all that goes away, and I just – I drag it, and I drag my human with it.
ADAMUS: Yeah. And my response to all that is that all of you are generally imagining on a very low level, a human level, a mind level. And when I say, “radical imagination,” it’s about breaking through that, breaking out, and not just imagining that you’re a tree.
SHAUMBRA 1: Our human has a very limited [idea] of what radical is.
SHAUMBRA 1: Because we haven’t tasted it.
ADAMUS: No, no, no.
ADAMUS: Not at all. Unless you want that, but …
SHAUMBRA 1: No, of course not.
ADAMUS: No. Every one of you knows how to go radical, but you’re afraid to do it.
SHAUMBRA 1: Ah, yeah.
ADAMUS: You’re just like, “What’s going to happen to me? What are people going to think about me? What if I go radical and I never come back?” That’s not going to happen.
What you’re going to find out in radical imagination, as I mentioned before, is suddenly you become very aware of a lot of things. You see not just the bottom side of the tapestry, as you would in this life, but the top side. And how it was made and how all the energies work together. How there is divine order in your life. How the energies swirl and move, and how there’s this Master Code. And suddenly, it’s like, “Wow! This is a very …” It’s not complex, but it’s a very beautiful, beautiful song that’s being sung all by your energy. But to stay in the, “Okay, I’m going to imagine a little better life,” you’re defeated right from the moment you say, “I’ll imagine a little better life.” You’re defeated. You’ve got to imagine radically.
SHAUMBRA 1: Well, it’s not working. That’s why I probably feel this way. Because I already tasted that way, and it didn’t go anywhere.
ADAMUS: I challenge that. You didn’t really try. You went a little ways, but you didn’t really try. Radical imagination is the point where you suddenly have the feeling you’re going crazy, you’re going out of your mind, and you feel like pulling back. I’m not going to let you. I’m going to keep pulling you this way towards radical imagination. Otherwise, you’re just living more in this house of blue in the Land of Blue. And thinking that because you’re dreaming of a little bit different blue, that you’re being radical. Not at all. You’re being mundane. You’re being mediocre at best.
Radical imagination is saying, “I don’t know what’s out there, but I am going.” And that starts a whole process of light and energy, physics, quantum physics, everything else, that starts it working and changing. And, yes, it could be a little uncomfortable at first, feeling like you’re going to just pass out, cross over. Feeling like you suddenly lost your memory. You can’t remember shit, because suddenly you’re going way beyond the mind. And you take a deep breath, and you remember that everything that’s happening right now is appropriate. There’s no mistakes in it. It’s just how far do you want to go?
SHAUMBRA 1: All right.
ADAMUS: So, thank you.
SHAUMBRA 1: Sure. No, thank you.
ADAMUS: I’m going to come back to radical imagination and push on it, because you’re not imagining big. No. I mean, that’s not a negative (Adamus chuckles). But you wonder why things aren’t changing in your life. You’re imagining within a circle of your existing reality, and you don’t see outside that circle, all the other circles interconnected. All the different colors of circles, everything else. Radical imagination means you let it all go. You hold back nothing. You let yourself go out there. Sure, start out by imagining that you’re a tree, but that’s child’s play. We used to do that in the Mystery Schools all the time. I mean, you don’t need to keep doing it. Radical imagination is immersing into your light without having to control it, without having to say, “This is what the light is. This is how it’s defined.”
Now, coming back again to truth. Truth is a very interesting, very elusive thing. The search for truth has been around forever, because humans look in the very wrong places for truth. They look for truth being a law, a rule, and it’s not. They look for the truth is that you are all God. Well, that’s kind of a rule or a law or cliché. It’s none of those. And as we go into your truth, oh, when you hit on it – pshewww! – it’s like, “Oh, my gosh! I would have never thought this was my truth. I would have never even considered it.” But suddenly, you’re in the awareness, which, by the way, takes some radical imagination, going beyond.
When you hit that point of truth – again, it won’t be what you think it is – you will not be able to define it. And, by the way, that was the answer to my question today asking, what is your truth? “I wouldn’t be able to define it even if I knew it.” That’s the answer. “I cannot put it in words. I cannot relegate it to human words or even thoughts. I can’t share it with others. It is so personal. I can feel it. I know it. But I do not want to put it in words, for I don’t want to demean it.”
When you get to that level of truth, which is so personal, you won’t even be able to – maybe down the road a bit – but initially don’t even try to put it in words, because then you’re just boxing it in again. Don’t try to impress the world with writing a song or a poem or anything else. You’re going to limit it right away. I want you to be in that truth. Don’t tell anybody about it, except me. No, because the moment you say, “Oh, I had this experience last week, and I had a metaphysical transcendental experience. I found my truth.” Okay. Now, try to explain it. You won’t be able to. It is in the other realms. In other words, it hasn’t been humanized yet.
You’re going to have that experience. You don’t have to push it. You don’t have to go out seeking it. It’s going to find you, and you’re going to hit on that. And if it doesn’t just knock you over, you haven’t really hit on it yet. So don’t come back next month and say, “Oh, Adamus, I had my truth last month.” That wasn’t truth. That was something else, and we’ll get beyond that. But when you get to that truth, hold it. Feel it within yourself. Let it come alive within you. And it’s not going to be a nice little cliché. It’ll be something far, far beyond that. It’s your truth.
So, let’s take a good deep breath.
A year of definitely radical imagination and finally coming to truth. It’s not going to be a couple cute little words. You won’t be able to define it to yourself, but I ask you to feel it.
Merabh for the Essence of Love
So next. Time to go into the merabh. Time goes so quicky here on this planet. I’m sometimes so annoyed at it. Throw all your clocks away (Adamus chuckles).
Let’s start with the music first.
(music begins)
Get ready for this merabh.
So, it was about 5,000 years ago where love was first experienced on this planet. That’s a pretty radical statement. It took Shaumbra by surprise at first, like, “What?!!! I thought love has always been.” No, no, no. It came from this planet.
It’s a beautiful thing. I mean, wheww! There’s other civilization, I guess you could call them, other multidimensional realities. They’re not even close to love. They have no concept. Some other places have learned from Earth and are trying to bring love back there. Number one most popular class being taught on the New Earths – many of them now, New Earths – most popular class to the angelic beings who never have come here yet is love. It’s the most basic class. It kind of starts there.
It starts with an acknowledgement of what took place on this planet 5,000 years ago. Love. Spirit didn’t know about love. The I Am … (a cellphone chimes) I did not hear that. The I Am did not know about love. It had to be experienced by the human.
And when love was first experienced, it was one person – one person – and it was a woman. It was a woman, obviously. Heh! That’s where it started.
Now, the dynamics of love, the consciousness, energies of love were starting to spread across the planet, but it hadn’t been solidified into an experience, into love. But then one person, and then another, and another. And pretty soon, in just a matter of a few centuries, the whole concept of love started to spread across the planet. It’s not like everybody got it right away. Not at all. But the whole foundation for love was there.
And, you know, in those first experiences of love, in the first 100, first 1,000, it was all women. Probably in the first 100,000, all women that experienced it. It was about 400 years later when the first man experienced it. Interesting.
Can you imagine? Let’s say you were one of the early women to have experienced love, and it could have been love for your partner, for your children, for Earth. It doesn’t matter. It was just love. And could you imagine going to your partner and saying, “Do you love me?”
He’s like, “I don’t know. What’s love?” Heh! “But do you love me?”
“Uhh, I’m not sure what you’re talking about.”
“You know, love. This feeling.” And the guy’s like, “I have no clue what she’s talking about.” So, it was kind of awkward back then.
But then love started to spread across the planet (cellphone chimes again). One more time and you’re going out the door. Whoever’s phone is that, turn it off now. I really can’t – can you believe it, in this setting, in this energy? (the person is struggling to turn off his phone) Wheww! Okay.
So, love. Where were we? Love.
So, as women were starting to experience love across the planet, it was supported in a very big way by Isis, by the feminine energy. Isis is the feminine energy, but it’s also very, you could say, organized in the other realms. The Order of Isis, the feminine energy, and here we have women all across the planet starting to experience love.
There was a little bit of a concern in the other realms. What about the guys? What’s going to … (the chime goes off again, and the person gets up to leave the room) Thank you.
What about the guys, the men? So, some of us got together in the other realms and said, “You know, in order for this whole thing to work out, the men are going to have to experience love.”
And, you know, men, by nature, if you went and asked a man on the Earth back then and said, “Hey, do you want to experience love?” They say, “Nah. I’m not interested in that stuff.” We knew in the other realms, though, to make this all work, to evolve this planet of love that, well, the men were going to have to become aware of it, have to open to it and allow it.
So, we formed a little group. It’s called “The Council of the Holy Brothers,” also known as “Saint Brotherhood.” Council of the Holy Brothers. And it was a bunch of us saintly types that got together, where we had a little bit more of a – you know, we’re gender neutral in the other realms – but we’d had more past lives as men and we kind of understood it. So, we gathered together under this Order.
By the way, the name “St. Germain,” which I took on in my last lifetime, St. Germain literally means Holy Brother. I derived my name from this Order, this Council of the Holy Brothers.
Our job was to connect our energies with those on Earth who were ready – males, men – to help them open to the experience of love. Not an easy task. Not an easy task. But our job was to help facilitate those energies. In order for love to move forward, it couldn’t just remain within Isis. It had to also leap over to Adam. Adam, where I get my name, Adamus. Now you know.
So, we organized for the very purpose of facilitating, making it easier for the male species on the planet to open to love. It was quite a different reaction than the feminine love.
The feminine experience of love, you could say, was very soft, gentle, passionate, and very, very caring.
When the first males on the planet started to experience love, it was like crazy time at the zoo. They didn’t know how to handle it. And suddenly, they found themselves crying all the time, and suddenly they found themselves trying to run.
There was something that came over them that the Adam energy really didn’t understand, this thing called love. They hadn’t been exposed to this kind of tenderness. They hadn’t opened their hearts up.
But yet, now it was starting to happen one by one, little by little, where the males were starting to feel this love. And then, can you imagine, a woman who knew of love now meeting a man who is allowing the experience of love coming together?
Isis and Adam coming together. It was remarkable.
There’s no real understanding of this in history, and some would simply scoff at the fact that love was so new on the planet. But if you really go back into history, there wasn’t love 6,000, 7,000 years ago.
There wasn’t even a word for love in terms of honoring God. Those words were written a lot later. And they used the word “love,” but it was not known then.
There was no real love marriages. All marriages back then were arranged. They were marriages of conveniences, marriages of combining powers, or marriages simply for the money, how much dowry. That’s not love. “How much dowry do you get for taking my daughter off my hands?” “How much do you want?” That’s what it used to be like, until love came along.
And then came Yeshua some 2,000 years ago, birthed by Mary for the very purpose of now spreading the word of love, spreading that light.
It took 3,000 years for love to really take hold on this planet, for people to start experiencing it. And now Yeshua was here to spread the word of love. That was the single role, a role that each and every one of you participated in, because Yeshua was a collective being.
As this whole experience of love started to change the planet, literally, I mean that was radical imagination, the very experience of love, because it was not known. Yes, there was affection and friendship and there were obligations to family and to country and things like that. But love? No. That was radical imagination.
Somebody opened up enough, enough people opened up enough that it became so.
The ones, the women that first experienced love, we came up with a name for them in our boy’s club, in the Saint Brotherhood. That name was Mary. They were called Marys. “Mary,” derived from a very ancient Egyptian word “Myr” – M-y-r – which eventually became defined as the translated word, “Beloved.”
So, so many of you have gone by the name of Mary, whether you carry it in this lifetime or other lifetimes, or have had it as a title. It is, more than anything, a title. In some of the other translations of the word, the name Mary – Marit, Miriam, there’s quite a few that mean the same thing, Marie – in one of the translations into ancient language is also Lord. Lord. Not meaning like as in a landlord, but a Lord, one who defines their own energy, their own self. Lord.
The original name of what you now know as Mother Mary, the one who gave birth to Yeshua, was not Mary. She had a different name. But she eventually became called Mary in her lifetime, shortly after the birth of Yeshua, and then biblically was called Mary. And you know many other Marys – Mary Magdalene, and many, many others along the way.
This whole time this loosely organized Saint Brotherhood has been there to help bridge the gap between Adam and Isis, between masculine love and feminine love. That’s been the role of this group.
Most Shaumbra men in this lifetime are somehow affiliated with that group. That’s one of the reasons you’re here. You’re affiliated with that Saint Brotherhood, the Holy Brothers, whose one job is to help facilitate love within Adam.
Women, you’ve got Isis, and you don’t actually need a whole lot of help. You get love. Men have it a little tougher.
And the whole reason for bringing this up now is to help you get a little better understanding of how this thing of love came to Earth and what’s happening now, as we go into Love 2.0.
Isn’t it interesting also the English word, marry, like to marry somebody. That’s exactly what the man was doing. He was becoming “marry.” It came to be the word used to define a legal relationship, but it’s being married. Allowing the marriage, the Mary within Self.
And why I wanted to bring this up today at the beginning of the new year was that Mary, the Lord, the love, the feminine energy, is going to be so important this year.
To be able to have radical imagination and to allow truth within yourself to come up. This archetypical energy of Mary that so many of you identified with it, so many of you identify strongly with Mother Mary or Mary Magdalene, but it’s Mary, M-a-r-y, Mary. It’s the ones who first experienced the consciousness of Love. We called them Mary, or Myr – M-y-r – the Beloveds.
This is going to be a fast year, a challenging year in so many ways. Everything changing quickly. And there are no better archetypical energies to come in right now to bring the light in and let it radiate than Mary. Even for men. Men, you now have permissions to be Mary.
Let’s take a deep breath with that, as we call that in, as we call Mary in this year.
And, yes, you might think of it as Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene, or any of the other Marys, but go back to the core, the core of finding love. Radical. Radical stuff.
It was so radical that there weren’t beings on other planets that had discovered it. It hadn’t been around since the beginning of God.
It had never been done. That is radical. Never been done.
Let’s allow Mary.
It’s funny too, the word “merry,” as in “happy.” All interconnected.
Let’s allow in Mary. Some of you have been doing it already before we even did this Shoud. Some of you had sudden thoughts of Mary, identifications with Mary. Let’s allow that in right now.
Mary – not the person, but Mary, that consciousness – allows the light to shine in a different way. It allows the imagination to open in a different way. Why? Because it’s all love based. It allows the transformation into Love 2.0.
And men, gentlemen, I ask you to allow that within yourself as well. It’s not just a feminine thing. It’s actually the thing, the very thing that marries the Adam and the Isis together within you, that creates that holy union.
This is what we want to bring in for this year. A guiding force, a radical imagination, a love-based consciousness.
Instead of battles this year, instead of constant mind struggles and battles and seeming that it’s never-ending fights and challenges all the way along, let’s open up to Mary.
It’s not just love like was experienced 5,000 years ago. It’s opened. It’s matured. It’s developed. It’s become very, very wise. It’s also going to be the thing, the very thing that helps you to connect with your truth. And the truth isn’t defined as Mary, but it will help you realize your truth.
Mary is the essence of love.
Mary is an open consciousness.
Let’s take a good deep breath, as we marry.
As we marry Isis and Adam.
As we marry human and divine.
As we marry the past, the present, and the future.
As we marry human intelligence and divine imagination.
What we’re really doing is bringing the element of love, compassion, acceptance into every one of these things.
Let’s marry to the Earth, especially as Gaia is slowly on her way out. Marry to the core, to the essence of the Earth. Marry to the magical kingdoms of Earth.
You see, it’s a type of essence that brings things together in harmony.
And right now, it’s just time to allow that.
Mary. A word that goes a long way back, to Myr, and eventually given the meaning “The Beloved.”
And you know, it’s one thing that’s already within you. Now, it’s time to let it marry into your everyday life.
We’ll continue the Holy Brotherhood for a while. There’s a lot of men that still just don’t get it. Yes, we’re here to serve men, but in honor of Isis. Not just a boy’s club.
Every part of this Holy Brotherhood, the work we do, is in honor to Isis, to the feminine who first experienced love. In honor to Mary, and to protecting Mary.
So, dear Shaumbra, deep breath, as we marry ourselves.
Good, deep breath.
And right about now, you should be getting very excited about radical imagination and coming to your truth.
Let’s take a good deep breath, here together on our fourth day of the holy year 2025, with breakthroughs in things like energy, free energy. It’s not just a dream anymore. The metaphysics of free energy, really quite simple. It’s being married to this planet, to humanity. This year, where quantum computing allows everything to go at warp speed.
And all this time you marrying to your Self, all based in love, for what greater, greater, greater consciousness can there be than love?
With that, let’s take a deep breath.
Now, go have fun. Play, eat, enjoy. We’ve got a lot to do in front of us this year, but let’s do it in the light.
With that, dear friends, remember, all is well in all of creation.
With that, thank you, and Happy New Year.
For more information on Adam and Isis, please check out these items in the Crimson Circle store:
Wound of Isis
Wound of Adam