
Explore many years of deep and transformative wisdom from Embodied and Ascended Masters.

Remember your Self. It is the fundamental call of every angel and Master to every human who is ready. From humble beginnings in a mountain teepee to worldwide gatherings, these core messages are delivered via free monthly webcasts. This vast library of life changing wisdom contains everything needed to understand your earthy journey AND your divine origins.

Intertwined in a beautiful spiral of stories, insights, and humor, these Shouds chronicle how the consciousness pioneers and spiritual pirates called Shaumbra allowed new levels of embodied consciousness and discovered new dimensions of creation.

It doesn’t matter where you dive into this extensive library. Whether you start at the beginning, middle or most recent, it will be the perfect place for you. That’s the way it works for a Master.

Wings Series

August 2017 - July 2018

SERIES OVERVIEW – Past and future life aspects can cause inner chaos, but the Master gives freedom to all expressions. You are both 100% human and 100% Master, but fear can trap you like a spider’s web. When you relax and allow, energy dynamics change, and you can simply pass through the fear. Mastery comes from allowing, not battling. Unfold your wings and go beyond perceptions of fear and doubt. Life is a big story without serious lessons; it’s meant to be enjoyed. The Atlantean Dream unites Master and human in embodied enlightenment, transcending mental limitations. Let go of old issues, allow, and embrace your goodness. Reality is created through consciousness meeting energy. Go beyond linear thinking and embrace knowingness. The journey involves letting go of the past, embracing Realization, and integrating human experiences with the Master’s wisdom. On the path to Realization, stop self-testing, let go of guilt, and enjoy wisdom, humor, and energy serving you as you tip into Realization. IMPORTANT NOTE: This information is probably not for you unless you take full responsibility for your life and creations.

Wings Series

Wings Series / 1

Life is Just a Big Fat Story

August 05, 2017

Introducing the Wings Series, Adamus notes the chaos from his lifetime aspects, such as Mark Twain, Shakespeare and Plato. The Master and human coexist, writing and living the next chapters of life. Human fears are like a spider’s web; fight them and you’re caught. Instead, strap on the wings of your dreams and go right through the fear without struggle. Life is a big, fat story with no end, so enjoy it.

Wings Series / 2

These Things Are Not Yours

October 07, 2017

Since the Temples of Tien, the common bond of Shaumbra has been the Atlantean Dream of embodied enlightenment. The Shaumbra Dream is now the Ahmyo Life – staying on the planet with ease and grace. It is fundamental to release all that is not yours. John Kuderka's letter asks us to recognize the greatest disease. Embrace the goodness in your heart and be ready to receive the wisdom of the Master.

Wings Series / 3

Alt Reality Beyond Hypnosis

November 04, 2017

After you let go of all that is not yours, Adamus asks “What IS yours?” It’s for you to discover. He introduces the concept of ‘Alt Reality’ to transcend the limitations of the mind. Most humans are hypnotized by their focused reality, trapped in repetitive patterns, challenged to know what they really want. The human heart is full of compassion. You are attracting things into your life all the time.

Wings Series / 4

It’s in the Air

December 09, 2017

Adamus emphasizes the challenges of overcoming self-doubt and the transformation of the human body and mind. He highlights the global sense of confusion and identity loss, especially among men, and introduces the concept of the “Under Earth” as a reality for those holding onto old beliefs, contrasting with the evolving New Earth. There’s a lot “in the air” that you can now discern with maturity and awareness.

Wings Series / 5

Three Imperatives for Going Forward

January 06, 2018

Adamus notes that the new year will see ongoing separations and shifts in masculine/feminine energies, financial systems, churches, governments, power institutions. He notes that traditional beliefs about God are falling apart and discusses evolution and creation. It's imperative to go beyond linear thinking, emotional processing, and fear of the human self. Everything is going new, whether it’s visible or not.

Wings Series / 6

Weird and Ahead of Your Time

February 03, 2018

Adamus acknowledges that Shaumbra have had trouble fitting in since childhood. You have been together in other lifetimes, so you are not really new to each other. You had something special to bring in, but were ahead of your time. As a group, you are the first to go beyond time and the seductive gravity of mass consciousness. Our measurement showed that you are moving towards wisdom and clarity.

Wings Series / 7

Listen to the Master, the Dream is Fulfilled

March 03, 2018

Your knowingness from the Temples of Tien in Atlantis, the times of Yeshua planting seeds divinity, and the work in the Mystery Schools has brought you to this moment. The dream is here. When you call out for help at 2 AM, the Master – your wisdom – whispers: "I know you’re tired, frustrated, and cry a lot, but what dreams may come? We’re doing exactly what we dreamt of so very long ago.”

Wings Series / 8

From Intelligence and Memory to Awareness

April 07, 2018

Adamus often repeats messages in different ways to ensure understanding and assimilation before introducing new information. You will experience “trash days,” times to clear out old patterns and inner junk. Say “No more” to suffering and “Stop it!” to old issues. Although it's a valued human trait, there is no intelligence in the I Am, in Spirit, in the universe, or in energy.

Wings Series / 9

Losing the Human, Revealing the Master

May 05, 2018

Adamus highlights the importance of humor, distraction, and allowing in overcoming fear, old dramas, and overthinking. He explains the difference between energy and life, indicating that life happens when consciousness meets energy. Shaumbra is ahead of schedule, ready for the next phase: experiencing your creations within creation, both in human form and multidimensionally.

Wings Series / 10

Stop Testing Yourself

June 02, 2018

Adamus explains that our journey into Realization has involved four stages. ‘The calling’ is a sense of dissatisfaction with life and the need for change. ‘Awakening’ can be joyful and euphoric, but it often brings challenges and fluctuations. ‘The dark night’ is marked by hardships, testing yourself and your worthiness. Ultimately, you reach the ‘spiritual maturity’ of all that you are – human, Master, and I Am.

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Stop Being a Victim to Yourself

July 07, 2018

Adamus notes that as an angelic being, you submerged into the physical life cycles on Earth, taking on guilt, limitation, and victim energies. You’ve let much of it go, but may still feel like a victim to yourself. It’s time to stop the game. Your human lifetimes were for experience, not for power or lessons. Now you’re at the point of emerging, shedding physical, mental, and identity limitations.