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New Earth Series / 9

Allowing the New Spiritual Energy Into Your Life

February 12, 2000


Summary - coming soon


  • You're already awakened, ascended, and enlightened; it’s natural. Now relax and choose how you got there.

Shoud Transcript

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“Allowing the New Spiritual Energy into Your Life”

Presented at the Crimson Circle
February 12, 2000

Tobias Q & A

TOBIAS: And so it is, my dear friends, that we gather here together in this very sacred space on this very sacred day. It is a joy for all of us who come here from the other side of the veil to be here in your presence. It is an honor and a privilege. There is much that you are doing, and we will talk of that today in great detail.

For the next few moments, we will balance the energy with you, with the divine humans … you, the divine humans that gather in this room. We will integrate the energies of human and of Spirit together in a new dimension and a new place. As we have said in our other gatherings like this, when we join together hand-in-hand with the divine human, we create a new energy, and a new dimension. This is not like your dimensions that you normally think of, the dimensions of 3, 4, 5, and beyond. This, my friends, is a new dimension, a new energy, and a new meld when you open your hearts…when you come here to this space after your many, many lifetimes and after your many struggles. Yet you come here to ask what it is that you should do now, to ask what your next contract is. That is why we are in awe of the work that you do, and we are in honor of what you do here.

Now I, Tobias, will talk through our friend, Cauldre, here on this day. The words that are spoken, though, are no match for the energy that is transmitted. We see each of you now opening your hearts and your minds. This allows a flow of energy in, a flow of communication to occur. The words that are said here are, for the most part, simply marking space. It is the unspoken word, the unspoken energy, that truly has the effect.

Now we will speak through our friend, the one we know as Cauldre, during this time, but we speak to each of you personally, to each of you individually. As the energy of this room is being adjusted and blended and balanced, my friends, simply sit back, simply allow Spirit to love you, simply allow All That You Are to be present. There is much that you have not been able to feel or to sense or to know up to this time. That is changing. We will talk of those changes on this night.

Dear friends, this is the classroom of the new spiritual energy of Earth. This is the classroom. Those of you who gather here, those of you who read this information – this is the classroom. What we mean by this is that there are a number, a small number of humans, who are crossing into what we call the New Energy Earth. We have spoken of this in previous channels. We have said that the consciousness of Earth began to split after the measurement of December 13th, 1999. There is a literal split of consciousness occurring where there are two Earths living side-by-side simultaneously but yet each with different energy attributes and characteristics. There is a small number of humans who at the measurement of your December date agreed to be the first to transition into the new energy, agreed to set the architecture, the template, for the new energy. That is the group that sits here tonight, the group that reads these messages, and other humans, but the numbers are few and small. That is why we call this the classroom of the new spiritual energy of Earth.

You are the first to be going through this. You are the first to be learning of the new energy. You are the ones that are creating the pathways and the tunnels for the other humans to follow. Then the other humans follow. When you the teachers that are gathered here on this night teach other humans how to create their own reality in the new energy, they come through the tunnel into the new energy. As we have said before, my friends, what happens then is that those of us who have died - your angels, your runners, those in the Crimson Council, those in the Brotherhood of Light - then we come through that tunnel also.

It is not that we are looking down from above and know the answers. You, my friends, the ones here in the classroom of the new spiritual energy… you are the ones, the pioneers, who are creating the pathways, who are coming up with the answers. It is interesting on this night that we will do a question and answer session. But in reality, there are many, many of your questions that we do not have the answers for, that Spirit does not have the answer for. It has been an interesting perception of the human that somehow we, or God, knew the answers. My friends, you would not be walking upon the Earth on this day if that were so. For this is not a test. Your life, your lifetimes, have not been a test where we knew the answers and were withholding them from you.

You have been journeying into new areas that even Spirit does not understand. That is why you agreed to come to Earth in the first place. In your lifetimes in the past, in your current lifetime up until recently, you were working under the veil to help to understand the balance of light and dark. It was not a test. It was a new energy construction. You wondered why when you prayed to Spirit, when you prayed to your guides, that many times nothing would happen. It is not that your prayers were unheard, my friends, for you have never been alone. It was simply that we did not know the answers. It is only through you, through your work on this Earth, your work in duality, that we learn. It is only through your work that we learn. That is why your struggles have been many. That is why answers were not always apparent. That is why many times you suffered. That is why many, many who are in this room on this night or reading these messages have felt that Spirit abandoned them. That could not be further from the truth for you have never been alone. You have been pioneers on the forefront, and through you, all of creation, all of God, is learning something of great importance. This is the classroom of the new spiritual energy.

You are among the first to be crossing over into the new energy. Oh, yes, there are still vestiges and residues of the old energy. They will be there for quite some time. We will start working with you in how to use this new energy of Earth. There may be times when this will be difficult. There may be times when the answers are not always there, but, my friends, we have already seen in many of you the beginning of breakthroughs, the beginnings of understanding of how to use this energy.

Now before we continue with the discussion of this evening, we ask you to open your hearts to the energy, to the melding. You do not need to be psychic. You do not need to be “gifted.” It is simply there. It is the energy of Spirit. Allow yourself to meld with All That You Are. Allow yourself, my friends, the honor for the work that you have done. Many angels-turned-human have dropped out. Many, many could not continue to withstand the veil which separates you from a knowingness of Spirit. When they returned Home, they were honored for all of their work. They turned right around to continue helping you in this lifetime. The ones who are in the room here tonight and are reading this message – honor yourselves for the work that you have done.

Now, it is this time that is our favorite part of these gatherings when we ask, with your permission, to come forward now to embrace you and to hug you and to provide the final melding of the energy before we continue. So, we will ask our friend Cauldre to be in silence for a moment and to ask each of you, with your permission, to allow us to come forward to truly embrace you.


We will talk about using the new Spiritual energy. But before we do, let us provide a bit of background to help you understand how we come to this point. From six months ago in your time, we talked to you that your guides would be leaving, that your guides would be abandoning the space they had always occupied around you. We cautioned you that this might be emotionally very difficult because we would be taking off the blankets of protection, the layers of love that had surrounded you. Your guides had acted as a balance. They had acted as a conduit to Spirit. They had helped you to balance, and to maintain a focus in your reality of three, your third dimension. As many of you know now, your guides departed in that general time frame. For many of you it was difficult. It was like losing the greatest love you had ever felt. It was like a vacuum. It was like all the feelings of security that you had known being pulled out from underneath you. My friends, it was imperative that your guides withdraw from that space that they had occupied. It was important to leave the void so that your True Self, your Divine Self, could begin occupying that space. And so your guides retreated.

Then there was the measurement in December. The measurement was to determine the energies of the two Earths, the split of consciousness. This was made appropriate by something that happened on a more cosmic level. Prior to this there was at the core of creation the unity of what you would call light and dark – and we caution here that sometimes the human words escape the total appropriateness of the energy of the event. But at the core of your known creation what had once been two parts, light and dark - what had been two mirrors to each other - were brought back into unity. When this occurred, it was then appropriate for the split in consciousness of your Earth. This occurred at the end of your Millennium time period. As we have said before, the results could be viewed even on your televisions and in your headlines and on your news. There was celebration across Earth. There was a knowing that it was time now for two Earths to exist. So, the split occurred, dear friends.

Some of you felt the effects of this. Many of you are going through this now. It is like living in two worlds at one time. There are still old energies that you are used to that are holding you, but yet you are moving into the new energy Earth. That is why many of you have been experiencing difficulties or unbalance recently. That is why many of you have been wondering what is going on. We are here tonight to tell you that all is appropriate, that all is appropriate. You are transitioning into Divine Humans. You are transitioning into the New Energy. That is why we call this the classroom of the new spiritual energy of Earth. There are many things that you will be learning, and through what you learn there are many things you will then be teaching to others.

Let us begin now talking of some of the attributes. In the energy of the new Earth as it relates to your physical body – understand that your body chooses to heal. There is not a cell in your body that is not attuned to healing. This is different from your old energy. In your old energy there was the contradiction at times between the energies of light and dark. There was the duality even on your cellular or biological level. In the new energy your body chooses to heal, if you desire to heal. Now this will be a point of much controversy, but most of what we say, henceforth, will be controversial. It will cause much of your old ways to change. You here are the ones who will begin to work with this, to study it, to understand it. Your biology as a Divine Human chooses to heal if you so choose. It is appropriate for you to step out of the way. Your body knows how to heal itself. You do not. Your mind does not know how to.

We use the analogy here, similar to a teenager going through puberty. Puberty will occur with or without the mind of the human; however, if the human is attempting to direct the process of puberty, it will only cause confusion in the human mind. The puberty will still occur. The human mind does not understand the chemical and biological and energetic changes that are occurring. It is best to simply honor the process that is inherent in nearly all humans. It is the same with what you are going through now. You are going through a biological, spiritual puberty in changing into a Divine Human. Your mind, my friends, does not understand the process, and is not asked to understand the process.

To heal yourself, simply allow the body to heal. This will be a most challenging point for you, for you feel you must have a certain mindset, that you must keep a certain direction of your mind, that you must think positive affirming thoughts. That was the old energy. In the new energy, in the new world, my friends, it is simply allowing. Imagine, if you would, every cell in your body shaped like a triangle, an equilateral triangle, and in the cells, many are pointing in various directions. There does not seem to be symmetry. In the new energy when you are allowing, all of the cells line up and point in the appropriate manner. There are magnetics involved here that cause the alignment to happen. It is up to you, the new energy, the new Divine Human, to allow this process. This is not information you will find in a book. This is not information that you will find from your spiritual healers. The information you have here – this is the challenge to begin using it. What does alignment look like? It looks like the allowing that comes from you and from your spirit.

As we have said recently to another in channeling, to heal yourself simply lie upon the floor and allow it to happen. It is the old energy to have incantations and rituals and disciplines. Again, we say this will be controversial information. It is allowing, my friends. Your body is divine. Your cells are divine. They will align themselves if you allow. Allowing is releasing. Allowing is taking it from the mind and letting go. Allow Spirit, your True Self, to handle this, your physical ailments. Oh, we already hear from your mind “but we have been allowing.” My friends, this is different. This is like no energy you have used in the past. It is different. We ask you to begin working with us in this process. We will be there to guide you, to answer your questions, but ultimately, it is only up to you. As we have said, even we, Spirit, cannot do this for you. Teacher, heal thyself by allowing. Allow the natural, divine processes to begin occurring in your body. Release all of the judgements and the thoughts of what you have gone through before. They do not apply here in the classroom of the new spiritual energy. Work with each other in this. There is comfort in working with another divine human. Teach each other how to allow. You will see what you would term your chaos, but it is not. They are the alignment of biological energies.

The new spiritual energy that you are walking into now – there are also the issues of the mind. The mind, the intellect, is something that the human has certainly developed over many lifetimes. It allows you to respond to the processes outside of you, but it has not been so good about responding to the processes inside of you. This has been appropriate. In the energy of the new spiritual Earth the mind will continue to function. The mind will continue to understand how to drive the new spiritual energy being down the road. The mind will continue to be invaluable in understanding things of your Earth. The mind will be a processing center.

We have seen many spiritual people attempt to sabotage their mind, which is interesting, for it cannot be done. We have seen many spiritual humans opposed to their own mind for they feel that this is the root of disharmony. Your mind does not create judgement, for that comes from another place. Your mind is a processing area. As you have read in your books, only a small portion of your mind is being utilized, and this is a true statement. And up until now those unused areas of the mind have been blocked intentionally. They are now becoming available to each of you who walk in the new energy. Love your mind. Trust your mind. Honor your mind in the new energy. You will need it to store more information and data and electromagnetic impulses than you ever have.

We see in the minds of many of you here that you have been coming to overload lately with so much going on. It is time to open these new areas of the mind. This is done, my friends, by allowing. Continue to nurture your mind, feeding it the appropriate energy that it desires. Allow it to open, for you will need this. You will find that in your human race, in your human nature – as you know there will be more and more information; you live in what is called by many “the information age” – you will need this greater capacity and greater flexibility. My friends, those of you who are gathered here, those who are reading this, you have chosen to stay on Earth. You have chosen to continue walking in this new energy. Although it has been difficult at times and parts of you have wanted to come Home, each of you has raised your hand in choice, as it were. And now we come to you and say you will continue to need your mind in ways more valuable than ever before. It is part of the trilogy. It is part of who you are. As you honor it, the new areas will open. As you allow, the new areas will open.

Again, work together, my friends. Do not be remote islands to each other, but work together. That is the purpose of this group. That is the purpose of your Internet communications, to be able to share these things. These are not being handed down from Spirit now. These are not rules and laws. These are suggestions. The new energy is being formulated by those of you that are here on Earth. And it is an awesome responsibility! It has not been done before. Your Age of Atlantis does not even come close to approaching what you have here. You are the ones creating it. We are the ones helping. That is why you are sitting here on this day in the classroom.

Now we move to the third area, that which we call the emotions. Now your emotions, my friends, have been an interesting substitute for Spirit. As you know, you have not carried your full spiritual potential with you in your physical body on your side of the veil, so your emotions have been a substitute, in a way, for Spirit. In the new energy your emotions will be a driving force for you. They will allow responses to take place. Your emotions, what comes from your inner being, your desires, will cause action and reaction. Now your emotions in the past have been used to play out dramas. Your emotions have been used to feel things, to understand joy, to understand darkness.

Your emotions in the new energy will be quite different. There will not be the reason nor the necessity to understand the light and the dark, for, my friends, remember at the core of things, the core of creation, a unity has taken place once again. There is no reason in your new energy to continue understanding or playing the light against the dark. Your emotions now will be free to begin true creation.

You will find, and many of you have already been experiencing this, that there is no room or place anymore for drama. But yet you have a tremendous amount of energy coming from your emotional center. Begin to allow this emotion to be used as a driving force. It is a fuel for your own creations, your own spirit in this new energy. This is difficult to describe, my friends, for things will start happening in you and around you. You will begin to feel a new connectedness. You will begin to feel a new partnership. This is your True Self beginning to come in as you allow it to happen. This is your True Self melding with you while you are still in human form on Earth. Again, it is simply a matter of allowing this to take place, of allowing this to happen. You will have experiences and responses that are very unfamiliar to you, and perhaps may throw you off balance. Understand that you are simply beginning to work with new energy.

Now we’ll talk of this for a moment. There are many attributes of the new energy that will be very new and unfamiliar to you. You will be challenged to begin using these even though you are not quite so sure what they are. The new energies that are coming in that are available to you are quite different. They contain characteristics that you have not used before. You will be challenged to begin using them. It is a matter of simply calling these into your being. For instance, when you need more physical energy than you have used before, simply access this, simply call it into your being, then allow it to happen. When you need more insight and intuition, simply call this in. All of these energies are, as we see it, around you, surrounding you. They are becoming available to you. These energies are the essence of your True Self. But you must call them in to use them. If you continue to stay in your old energy ways, this new energy, this True Self energy, will stand by patiently waiting until you are ready to call it in. When you need more physical energy, call it in. When you need more knowingness, call it in. When you need insight or healing for others, call it in. And then allow it to happen. Allow it to be.

The energy that we speak of here is what we have termed the Christ energy, what we have talked about in our last gathering like this. It is the energy of purity and strength and love. It is now becoming available to you, but it is up to you to use it.

This energy carries some interesting attributes. It carries the energy of 33. Now, my friends, look at the sequence of events. There was what you have known as the 11:11 and the 12:12. The 12:12 is the number “one” and “two” separated by the colon. If you add each of these sides together, you have a “three” and “three.” It represented the two faces or aspects of the third dimension. And if you take out the separation (the colon), it is 33. It is the Christ energy. It is the energy that is available for you to work with now. Look at your year 2012. You have considered to be a major time of change. The year 2012 represents the last year of the old energy. The Earth will then enter the year 2013, my friends, “two,” plus “one,” plus “three” – or 33, the energy of the Christ consciousness. That is the energy that is becoming available for you now. It is the divine energy that you brought in as a seed that is now coming forth (see Tobias Channel 1-15-00 – “The Lost Children of Christ”). In this classroom here you are being challenged to begin working with it.

The old tools that you had, my friends… it is time to bless them and honor them and release them. They will not work in the new energy. They will not be appropriate. This again will be a point of much controversy. You are being asked to no longer rely on your crystals and your beads and your incense and your other tools that have brought you to this place, quite appropriately. You are being asked to no longer rely on messages from others, from readers who tell you what your life should be like. You, as Divine Humans, are being challenged to look within, to come forth with this Christ energy from within yourselves. As we have mentioned in previous channels, all of the old books, all of the old tools, honor them and love them, but release them. The answers to the questions that you have will not be found in your old books, in your old teachings, in your old ways. Those that sit here on this night, those that read these messages, are the ones that will begin working with the new energy. Some will not find it agreeable. Some will not want to leave behind the old tools, and that is also honored and appropriate.

The ones who continue to work with the new energy will find many challenges and yet many rewards. Your life will change but not as you think it will change. You will have empowerment, but not the type of empowerment that you have imagined. If you are willing to continue, if you are willing to walk in this new energy and be part of this classroom, it will require releasing the last of the old energy. It will require certain challenges, but, as you know, my friends, within these challenges are many blessings. It will require leaving behind the concept of the old self, the old tired, unhealthy, battered self, and walking in a new energy that simply flows through you. All things that you need will simply come to you. You will become a resource to others. Here in this classroom the goal is to be the teachers, to help the others find their empowerment as you will find yours.

Now we have asked on this night for there to be a period of questions and answers. It was our intention in the channeling to simply begin the process of this classroom, to begin the energy and the dynamics, to lay the foundation, to let you know that we come here in a different way now to work with you. In our future discussions like this we will be sharing with you our observations of what you are doing with your new empowerment, with the Christ energy. We will not be going into the past, my friends. We will not be talking about the bridges that you have crossed. We will be talking about the new energy and the attributes of how you can use it. It is time to leave behind all those past lives. It is appropriate now to release them, to let them have their final feelings. It is not appropriate to hold onto them or to allow them to hold onto you. You are moving into new territory.

We caution that much of what we say from here on in our sessions will be quite a change from what you have done before. It will be controversial. There will be many that do not agree with it. We also let you know that we will guide you in Love. We will guide you in Truth. We will be there in support of the work that you do. We also remind you that now as you begin working with your own Christ consciousness… even while still you remain on your side of the veil… each of you is beginning to have access to “runners.”

These “runners” are not guides, my friends. They are not what you would have considered your guides, your angels. These are different. These are beings of the angelic realm who come to help you now. They are called “runners” for they do not answer your questions. They will not give you direction; however, they are there as part of your team. When it is that you need more physical energy, they will provide the resources to make this happen. It is based on your intent. They will work behind the scenes on this side of the veil to accommodate you. When it is that you need more abundance in your life to fulfill your work of service here, they are the ones that will work behind the scenes to allow this to happen. You do not need to worry about it. They will facilitate this as long as you are in service. When you need certain insights, certain knowingnesses in working with other humans, in teaching other humans, they are the ones that will help to bring in those knowingnesses, to communicate with your patients’ Higher Selves.

So, call upon your “runners.” Again, they respond to your intent, your committed intent. Begin working with them from this day forward. Begin letting them know what your needs are. They will then go out and facilitate the gridwork and the processes of making this happen. And know, my friends, that it will happen.

As we mentioned before in these gatherings, the charkas - the energy charkas - are melding into one. Your energy center in the new Earth, the new consciousness, does not come from where it did before. This is somewhat difficult to describe. In the past you have been used to creating things through your mind or through your heart. In the new energy they are not created from either one of those places – again, this is difficult to describe for until you begin working with it, you will not know exactly where that place is. When you choose to create, when you make intention, my friends, it will not take place from the mind or from the heart. It will take place from the oneness of your being, from the Christ center of your being. This is not a literal place. In the past you have gone to your head to create, or you have made yourself open your heart. Now include your entire being in your process, your Oneness and Allness. This will be somewhat awkward at first for it will be different than what you have ever done before.

Each of you here and reading these words…begin working with the new energy. We are here to help guide you from our perspective through the process. Together we all learn. It has not been done before. There are no books or maps that will show us the way. We know from our side, though, my friends, that as you integrate your True Self, your Divinity, you will become awesome humans, Divine Humans, humans that are teachers to others.
Now we will take a short pause here and return to ask you a few questions (chuckling) and then to answer yours.

And so it is.