
Explore many years of deep and transformative wisdom from Embodied and Ascended Masters.

Remember your Self. It is the fundamental call of every angel and Master to every human who is ready. From humble beginnings in a mountain teepee to worldwide gatherings, these core messages are delivered via free monthly webcasts. This vast library of life changing wisdom contains everything needed to understand your earthy journey AND your divine origins.

Intertwined in a beautiful spiral of stories, insights, and humor, these Shouds chronicle how the consciousness pioneers and spiritual pirates called Shaumbra allowed new levels of embodied consciousness and discovered new dimensions of creation.

It doesn’t matter where you dive into this extensive library. Whether you start at the beginning, middle or most recent, it will be the perfect place for you. That’s the way it works for a Master.

Walk On: The Powerless Life Series

September 2015 - July 2016

SERIES OVERVIEW – Let go of what no longer serves you. Life may turn upside down, but you'll be okay. Instead of pushing things to work, simply allow. The Magi embraces a powerless life; no force needed. The iYammer attracts energy, expands consciousness, and enhances feelings. Release the illusion of power, and everything you need will come naturally. Bilocation allows your consciousness to be wherever you wish. Beyond God is "I Am, I Exist," your Self. Spiritual journeys are flawed attempts at freedom, full of makyo and external reliance. Aliens are no wiser than humans. Freedom requires total responsibility. TimeSpace moves through you, shaped by your thoughts and beliefs. Consciousness will transform science. Human life can feel zoo-like; freedom is found beyond the norms. Trust your body. As technology advances, be knowers instead of thinkers. Trust yourself and let go of old patterns. Enlightenment is natural. IMPORTANT NOTE: This information is probably not for you unless you take full responsibility for your life and creations.

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How Will You Use the Magical ‘iYammer’?

September 05, 2015

People desire freedom, but most are not truly ready for it, seeking only a better human experience. Adamus wants to help us recognize that a powerless life, though perhaps awkward at first, is freedom. He notes that consciousness changes rapidly. Imagine trying to explain an iPhone in 1915; it’s nearly impossible, just like trying to grasp the capabilities of the iYammer coming your way.

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Redefining Reality as Time and Space Move Through You

October 03, 2015

According to Adamus, consciousness will increasingly influence scientific understanding, transforming physics, energy sources, and life on Earth. Such understanding is not religious, New Age, or even spiritual; attaching these qualities would limit it. You already have the knowingness; just trust it and allow it. Remember that you are the constant, the creator. Timespace moves through you.

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Live Fully or Leave

November 07, 2015

Adamus compares human life to a zoo where you are trapped in a cage of norms and expectations. To break free from this life that has become inhumane, pathetic, and psychotic, go beyond the mind and explore the realms of fantasy and dreams. Fantasy is not about right or wrong. It’s about experiencing a different way of being and allowing things to come to you with passion and joy.

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Two Worlds of Thinkers and Knowers

December 05, 2015

As technology pushes exponential growth and change, the mind reaches its maximum capacity but resists shutting down, eventually going berserk. Make the leap into knowingness and fantasy; go from thinkers to knowers. The world is moving towards positive changes, but many people are fearful, wanting to stay in their predictable environments, unable to yet see broader potentials.

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The Master Sense

January 02, 2016

Adamus explains that disruptions in your life are self-created, necessary for changing old patterns. Your human senses and mind create your reality by gathering and interpreting data, but they also limit your awareness by blocking out other energies and perceptions. With the Master Sense, you turn from Linear Boulevard onto Fantasy Lane, a shortcut to Enlightenment Highway leading to Realization.

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Illuminating Potentials Beyond TimeSpace

February 06, 2016

Adamus says that Valentine's Day was originally called "St. Germain Day" after his tradition of giving small jewels to remind people of their potentials. The journey from awakening to mastery can be challenging. When you come to mastery, it won’t be anything like you have imagined it, but infinitely better. With the Master Sense you illuminate potentials you couldn’t see through the old eyes.

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Everything Goes New

March 05, 2016

Due to a recent quantum change on the planet, everything is going new. Accepting the journey of enlightenment is like realizing you're already speeding down the road and simply acknowledging it. The soul experiences enlightenment and Realization through you and urges you to slow down and embrace the journey.

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From Noise to Grace

April 02, 2016

Beloved St. Germain notes that although most people are here for jobs, family, fame or power, we are here for enlightenment, the completion of a very long journey on this planet that has taken us through many amazing lifetimes. It’s not inner strength, stubbornness or determination that brought us here (time to drop those). It's the inner knowingness that has always guided us.

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Satan’s Greatest Accomplishment

May 07, 2016

You're tired of the old way and ready for change, but often get pulled back into old patterns. To break free, bring in disruptive energies, for you can be anything you want when you apply your consciousness. With a provocative question about Satan's greatest accomplishment, Adamus makes the point of how power and evil exist only because people believe in them. It's time to let go of this lie.

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Living Power-less and Energy-Rich

June 04, 2016

In a quantum accelerated energy process. Adamus explains that we have come to the end of the new age era, released ancestral lineage, moved beyond limitations, fears, and old patterns and beliefs about darkness, death, God, power, time, and space. The Master Sense is opening up beyond the mind and the traditional senses. In spite of exhaustion, we are allowing a power-less and energy rich life with human and Master.

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The Directive of Fulfillment

July 02, 2016

Adamus introduces transhumanism, encouraging you to let go of the mediator role and stop negotiating between your aspects. Embrace the Directive of Fulfillment, knowing that you have set a momentum to enlightenment. Simply allow yourself to float down this river with ease. Reality is simply your perception of energy and plasma movements; it can be altered by shifting your consciousness.