
Explore many years of deep and transformative wisdom from Embodied and Ascended Masters.

Remember your Self. It is the fundamental call of every angel and Master to every human who is ready. From humble beginnings in a mountain teepee to worldwide gatherings, these core messages are delivered via free monthly webcasts. This vast library of life changing wisdom contains everything needed to understand your earthy journey AND your divine origins.

Intertwined in a beautiful spiral of stories, insights, and humor, these Shouds chronicle how the consciousness pioneers and spiritual pirates called Shaumbra allowed new levels of embodied consciousness and discovered new dimensions of creation.

It doesn’t matter where you dive into this extensive library. Whether you start at the beginning, middle or most recent, it will be the perfect place for you. That’s the way it works for a Master.

Transhuman Series

August 2016 - July 2017

SERIES OVERVIEW – The end of World War II marked the moment when consciousness returned to Earth, activating the 2000-year-old Christ seed. Today, technology surpasses politics, finances, and environmental issues. Five Shaumbra, now realized Masters, have moved beyond improving the human into simple allowing. Unlike transhumanism's pursuit of immortality through technology, Shaumbra distinguish between consciousness and intellect, and allow the natural release of ancestral biology. The future is open, with true freedom coming from within, not from political power dynamics. Allow your natural evolution beyond old patterns that hinder growth. Embrace your sensual nature, recognizing that you are already enlightened, the Atlantean Dream fulfilled. Increased sensitivity leads to deeper empathy. Transcend the old biology and mind with consciousness, embracing sensuality that machines cannot replicate. Freedom and Realization come from within, carrying you on the wings of your dreams. IMPORTANT NOTE: This information is probably not for you unless you take full responsibility for your life and creations.

Transhuman Series / 1

Life in the Rearview Mirror

August 06, 2016

Adamus notes that the end of World War II was a pivotal moment for bringing consciousness to the planet. Shaumbra brought in consciousness at a time when technology was the way to improve human life. Not by seeking immortality but knowing there's no death, and by releasing ancestral biology, we do things differently. There is anxiety as you leave the past behind. Keep the memories but you’re never going back.

Transhuman Series / 2

Elections, Relationships, and Mastering Up

October 01, 2016

Adamus notes that human relationships are unique to Earth, but the very best friend you’ll ever have is the Master. Transforming beyond just the human may occasionally feel strange, but it’s time to Master up. Emphasizing the importance of sharing our stories, he tells one of his own about Dracula. Remember to stand behind the short wall during election time and don’t get caught up in the divisiveness.

Transhuman Series / 3

A Quantum Shift Beyond Old Patterns

November 05, 2016

Your patterns, whether created by mass consciousness, a thousand lifetimes, or your own self, were never meant to stay forever. Adamus guides two merabhs to allow a shift of consciousness by understanding, “I Am Here with my new biology. It’s not just physical anymore and is not as vulnerable or unsafe as the old biology. I Am Here in this Body of Consciousness, in my light, beyond old patterns.”

Transhuman Series / 4

Stories Across Time

December 10, 2016

Adamus delves into the perception of time, and the flexibility and freedom that come with timelessness. In his new book, "Memoirs of a Master," he emphasizes the power of storytelling in sharing wisdom and making life fun. He invites you to live fully and observe your aspects without intervention. When every lifetime realizes the Master from this lifetime, those stuck in their patterns and time start transforming.

Transhuman Series / 5

Unhypnotize Yourself, Become Transsensual

January 07, 2017

Adamus notes that the Master isn’t a parent figure controlling all your “Ands.” Redefining embodied enlightenment as the ability to sense at many different levels, he encourages you to release the layers of hypnosis and become ‘transsensual.’ The mind and physical senses will still be here, but your experience will be more colorful, expanded, and profound. Stay aware of the evolving nature of AI.

Transhuman Series / 6

Come to Your Senses

February 04, 2017

Embodied enlightenment comes naturally through your deep soul desire for Realization. Let go of the illusion that you are making it happen; you can only allow it. Human life can be hard, but it wasn’t meant to be so. Relax into the beauty and design of your own Self. By coming to your senses and embracing your sensuality, you can yourself to experience the last frontier you came here for: Real love.

Transhuman Series / 7

Energy Scents Outside the Cocoon

March 04, 2017

Adamus confesses he has a hangover from partying in the Ascended Masters' Club, where they remembered the compression of living in the physical, and then the realization when you open to your senses. Shaumbra reflect on their greatest gifts and moments in the journey. Everything has an energy scent to it, a resonance. You have an energy scent based on how free you are letting yourself live.

Transhuman Series / 8

From Sensitivity to Sensuality

April 01, 2017

Adamus explains that you are in a state of flux, a changeover that’s totally natural but challenging. Handling increased sensitivity is irritating, but this will bring wisdom and compassion. It is important to allow the process to unfold and appreciate the richness and depth of life during this period of spiritual puberty. “What’s wrong with me?” you ask. Time and time again Adamus replies, “Absolutely nothing."

Transhuman Series / 9

Outrageous Living in Free Energy and Free Time

May 06, 2017

Adamus says that all the Ascended Masters agree it was very difficult for them to stay in the grayness and in the singular sense of Focus; to stay amongst lovely but rather unconscious people; to stay in the world with, at times, so much cruelty. Clearly, this planet is no place for Ascended Masters, so why stay? To live outrageously and leave a potential of light and hope for other humans.

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Munich Conference

June 03, 2017

After welcoming Shaumbra from around the globe, the embodied Ascended Masters on Earth, and those who are awakening, Adamus explains that the Atlantean Dream is being dreamt right now back in Atlantis, a long, long, long time ago. We shifted a half a dimension off to project ourselves into the future, into the time of embodied enlightenment. Now, it is simply about enjoying life.

Transhuman Series / 11

I Am Oneness with Millions of Perfect Facets

July 01, 2017

Our transhumanism is the return to Self, evolving body, mind, and spirit into a Body of Consciousness, free from ancestral biology and mental fears. It's about allowing, experiencing, trusting in the body's natural healing, and the knowingness that simply knows. You're not responsible for your enlightenment; just allow and trust the process. The date is set, let your wings carry you into oneness.