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Intertwined in a beautiful spiral of stories, insights, and humor, these Shouds chronicle how the consciousness pioneers and spiritual pirates called Shaumbra allowed new levels of embodied consciousness and discovered new dimensions of creation.

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On the Wings of Hope Series / 3

Radical Imagination, Practical Realization

December 14, 2024


The Ascended Masters do not know everything! Adamus honors Shaumbra as the pioneers who are exploring the effects of light, Love 2.0, and living in the And. He says that light, which is true imagination, can transform reality very quickly – but only if you release all doubt. It’s time to start using the light and go beyond mental constraints and into the no thing, which contains everything.


  • Ascended Masters don’t know everything; they haven’t experienced Love 2.0 or being human with a light body.
  • Shaumbra are pioneers who live out these new experiences that others will study one day.
  • Your past lives are also moving into Realization.
  • Makyo – meaning distractions like conspiracies and external solutions – must be recognized and released.
  • Shaumbra are very genuine because they prioritize the journey of Realization, with very little makyo.
  • You must drop doubt; it limits you by blocking light, imagination, energy, and creativity. Say “No more.”
  • Doubt not what you bring, call, or receive. When doubt comes up, say " Nevermore. No more."
  • Use the light! It can transform reality far faster than evolution – but don’t bring your problems into it.
  • Radical imagination goes beyond mental limitations into the no thing, which contains everything.
  • Light acts as a particle or a waveform, as needed, and now has a new element. Doubt not what you receive.



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On the Wings of Hope

SHOUD 3 – Featuring ADAMUS SAINT-GERMAIN, channeled by Geoffrey Hoppe

Presented to the Crimson Circle
December 14, 2024


I Am that I Am, Adamus of Sovereign Domain.

Welcome everybody. Welcome to our December Shoud. Welcome to this great gathering of Shaumbra. Oh, what an audience here.

All excited? Huh? Oh (some cheers and applause). I sense some nervousness. I sense some holding back like, “What is Adamus going to do to us today, hm?” (some chuckles) Who me?! Ah! I’m going to be kind and gentle and …

LINDA: Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah!

ADAMUS: … sweet. Yeah, well (Adamus chuckles). I do have some bad news though (Linda gasps). I’m sorry to start out like this. You know, normally you don’t jump into a big monthly Shoud with bad news, but I’ve got it today (Adamus chuckles again).


You’re the Pioneers

The bad news is, believe it or not, that we, the Ascended Masters, don’t know everything (Linda laughs loudly). I don’t think that’s funny. Does anybody else think it’s funny? Anybody else laughing? I don’t think it’s all that funny. No, we don’t. We don’t, and it kind of surprises me sometimes that Shaumbra think that we know everything, like what’s coming up next. You know, things can be going along in a certain direction and take a very fast turn at the last possible moment. It happens all the time now.

We don’t know what it’s like to be going into Love 2.0. We don’t. We’ve got our theories. We can talk about it. We can channel it. But believe it or not, we, as Ascended Masters, have not experienced it. You’re the ones experiencing it. We don’t know what it’s like to go from a biological body into a light body while the biological body is still there.

LINDA: Is that because you just left? Is that’s what’s …

ADAMUS: Absolutely.

LINDA: Okay.

ADAMUS: Absolutely.

LINDA: Okay.

ADAMUS: Now, was that smart or stupid? (Linda laughs) We’ll get into that later (Linda chuckles again). We don’t know what it’s like to have that experience of being in both the light body and the physical. As Linda kindly pointed out, we left. We walked out the physical body. We really didn’t have the opportunity to experience the light body at the same time.

We don’t know exactly the ultimate effects on light as it relates to what’s happening on the planet. We can theorize. We talk about it up at the Club. We go back and forth and discuss. But it’s you who are experiencing it, who are learning. And then what we do as the Crimson Council, we gather that information. We gather, you could say, the experiences and the wisdom, and then use that for teaching in other realms, or for coming back and teaching other humans here. But we haven’t done that. We don’t know all the answers. I was going to say, “I don’t know,” but we don’t know all the answers. That’s why you’re here.

I want you to take a moment to feel into that. I think sometimes you have this concept that we know all these things and then – ha, ha, ha – it’s up to you to have to learn it for yourself. You’re the ones, the pioneers, that are here learning this, learning what it’s like to be in the true And. We don’t really know that. We were human one moment – poof! – next moment we’re Ascended Masters. I’m not diminishing the role of Ascended Masters. We’re awesome. We are so incredible (a few chuckles). You couldn’t begin to imagine. But we’re not going through what you are. We’re not going through the level of transitions and releases of the body and the mind in particular that you’re going through. Not at all. You’re learning, you’re experiencing what it’s like now to really go beyond the mind, something that you’ve all feared for a long time. Going beyond the mind. You’ve all worried this lifetime and others that you were going to get put into an – ahem – institution for what was going on inside there. You’ve been battling it, suppressing it, and now you’re being encouraged, almost forced, by me and the others to go beyond that mind, because there’s so much more beyond there. We never did that.

So, we’re great theorists in many ways. Great at saying, “Okay, what are the energy dynamics?” I love working with all Shaumbra on the metaphysics, what’s really happening. But ultimately, it’s you, the ones that are actually doing it, and that’s the bad news (Adamus chuckles). 

The bad news is, I think sometimes you want to believe that we know everything and we see into the future. We do see into the future, but it can instantly change. It can turn on a dime. You saw it happen in the recent elections in the United States. Things were going in one direction. Very, very quickly, in a matter of less than two weeks prior to the elections, everything started to shift. We don’t have all the answers, nor actually would I want to. I don’t want to have that. Don’t want to have it where you’re basically like lab rats, and you’re just having to go and learn what we’ve learned. You’re the explorers. You’re the ones who are creating all this new stuff. You’re creating the very things that others are going to be studying. But we haven’t gone through it.

We’ve gone through a lot, and we’re here to guide you and support you and to kind of explain things on an overview basis, so you have an understanding of why you’re going through what you do. But you are the ones on the first line. You’re the ones out there doing it. So would you please take a moment and acknowledge yourself and what you’re doing.

And I know – pff, lord, do I know – that you don’t acknowledge yourself. You know, my daytimes are my easy times. I’ve got a night job, because of dealing with you. All these calls. All these “Oh, Adamus, you said this” and “What should I do about that?” We stay very, very busy at night, and I just would love so much if you could see yourselves as I and the other Ascended Masters see you. We’re cheering for you. We’re rooting for you. There’s never negativity like, “Oh, they don’t know what they’re doing.” Well, there is from me, but … (Adamus chuckles) “They’re holding back.” Not at all. It’s this great sense of honor for you, the Masters, because of what you’re doing, what you’re going through.

What you’re going through is – I mean, you know it to an extent – but it’s unprecedented what you’re doing to your body and your mind and your past lives and everything. What you’re doing is truly amazing. And for the most part, you’re staying intact. I guess that’s the most amazing part of all. They’re doing a pretty good job, aren’t they?

LINDA: (pauses slightly, then rolls her eyes dramatically) Yeah (they chuckle).

ADAMUS: How about you? Are you holding it together?

LINDA: Some days better than others.

ADAMUS: Yeah. And, you know, sometimes you think, “Well, what’s wrong with me? I’m losing it, and I just can’t cope with things.” Based on what you’re going through, it’s amazing that you have held it together.

Let’s take a deep breath with that, in honor of what you’re doing.

We don’t have all the answers. Sometimes we pretend we do, but we really don’t. We can help you from a guidance standpoint, help you to see some of the things that are in your blind spots, but you’re the ones doing it. You’re the ones that are effecting this greatest change on the planet. It’s a sweeping change. It’s not like any other lifetime you’ve ever had.

And, to add to it all, while you’re going through all this – I’m going to ask you to feel into it – while you’re going through all this, all your past lives are also going into their Realization. They don’t understand what’s going on. They don’t have the discussions like what we have, but they’re going through their releasing, their challenges, their coming to Realization, and you’re kind of the, well, the leader of the pack for them. You’re the inspiration. You from now are going back to visit them in the past to try to tell them it’s going to be okay. All this is happening right now. All this is happening in your everyday life, and you wonder sometimes why you’re feeling the intense pressure, why you’re feeling you might be losing it.

So, I wanted to start out with the bad news (Linda laughs). The rest of the talk is all good (Adamus chuckles). All good.

I would like to acknowledge a couple of wonderful – well, they’re not even guests today – they’re wonderful friends. They wouldn’t miss a holiday celebration like this for anything. We’ve got FM.

LINDA: Oh! (some applause)

ADAMUS: And – yeah – and Sart (a few claps). Yeah, Sart? Sart.

LINDA: Yeah.

ADAMUS: Quickly you forget. Sart, I’m sorry, they forgot (stronger applause). They already forgot about you!

LINDA: Remember that T-shirt?

ADAMUS: Yeah. And Edith (more applause).


ADAMUS: They wouldn’t miss this for anything. And also, Carolyn is with us today (a few more applause). So, let’s take a deep breath. Welcome all of them. They want the party. They want the party.

I also want to welcome all the new ones that have been tuning into Crimson Circle for the past, let’s say, six months to a year. A lot of new ones coming in.

LINDA: Yeah.

ADAMUS: I’ve got poor Cauldre out on the circuit doing these interviews, and he’s taking the wrath for things I say. But that’s okay. He signed up for it. But it’s bringing in a lot of new ones. Oh, a lot of the listeners, they don’t like it at all. But there are some and it kind of hits the spot. They hear something. They hear, well, they hear themselves is what they hear. And then they come into Crimson Circle, learning more, trying more. How many of you here today in the audience have been here only since 2024? A couple – good. You can raise your hands, it’s okay (Adamus chuckles).


Adamus’ First Question

So very quickly, I want to have Linda take the microphone, go around the room. What would you tell the newcomers to Crimson Circle about Crimson Circle? What would you tell them? So, Linda, please.

LINDA: Okay. Volunteers, right?

ADAMUS: Yeah, volunteers. And let’s keep this – remember, keep it distilled. Keep it relatively simple. Go ahead.

HENRIETTE: “What is said is a real reflection of yourself.”

ADAMUS: You’d say that to the new ones?


ADAMUS: Okay. And they say, “What the hell does that mean?” (Henriette chuckles) No, I’m serious. You have to really explain it to them. Like, “Okay, ummm, what does that mean now?”

HENRIETTE: “Really put your …”

ADAMUS: Put it in real terms.

HENRIETTE: “Put your five-point harness on …”

ADAMUS: Yeah, but still …

HENRIETTE: “… and be ready.”

ADAMUS: Be ready?

HENRIETTE: Yeah, because “everything that’s being discussed is a reflection of what you are going through, what you have been going through, what you will be going through.”


HENRIETTE: “Really, you are hearing yourself and you’re remembering yourself with what is being said.”

ADAMUS: So, yeah, “It’s your energy that you’re hearing. So, in spite of the fact that it’s a large organization and a lot of other people, ultimately, you’re going to hear yourself.”




ADAMUS: Great. What would you tell people about Crimson Circle? They’re new. They heard something on one of these podcasts, they go to the beautiful Crimson Circle website – thank you, Jorge – and now they’re kind of attracted. But what would you tell them?

RA (Tamara): They’re in the right place.

ADAMUS: They’re in the right place.

RA: Yes.

ADAMUS: And what does that mean?

RA: “Everything you’ve been searching for you could find it right here.”


RA: Yes.

ADAMUS: Great.

RA: “You can find yourself too.”

ADAMUS: In your own experience, how did you find Crimson Circle?

RA: (sighs) Watching a YouTube video. What’s the name of it? It was a cartoon.

ADAMUS: A cartoon (Adamus chuckles).

RA: Yes. And I don’t remember all the details, but that’s how I saw Mr. Geoffrey.

ADAMUS: Tom and Jerry?

RA: No. No.

ADAMUS: The Flintstones? (she sighs) Something like that.

RA: No.

ADAMUS: It was a cartoon about Crimson Circle?

RA: No.


RA: He was doing his own stuff. No.


RA: But, yeah, but he introduced you guys at the end.


RA: And I went over, and I took a look.

ADAMUS: Oh, interesting.

RA: Yes.

ADAMUS: Good. I didn’t know we were in the cartoons.

RA: And I finally found what I was looking for.

ADAMUS: Yeah. Good.

RA: Yeah.

ADAMUS: Thank you.

RA: Thank you.

ADAMUS: A couple more. What would you tell people? “Crimson Circle is …?” What, a cult? (Sue shakes her head no, a few chuckles) Why not? (Adamus chuckles) Why isn’t it a cult? I mean … yes.

SUE: I was thinking …

ADAMUS: Do you think Crimson Circle is a cult?

SUE: No.

ADAMUS: Dammit! (a few chuckles) I try so hard to be one, and they just won’t let us (she chuckles). What is a cult anyway?

SUE: Where you have to follow someone, rather than following you.

ADAMUS: Right. And when it’s like “Hotel California.” You can check in, but you can’t check out.

SUE: But you can never check out.

ADAMUS: Yeah (they chuckle). Okay, good. All right.

SUE: I told you that (she chuckles).


SUE: “On those days when the light, you’re seeing the light at the end of the tunnel…”

ADAMUS: Mm hmm.

SUE: Mmm. “Be careful.”

ADAMUS: What is that light at the end of the tunnel?

SUE: Yeah. “No, I mean it’s the train coming at you.”

ADAMUS: Right (some chuckles). No, but – yeah, you think it’s the train, but what is it really?

SUE: “You.”

ADAMUS: Exactly.

SUE: Yeah.

ADAMUS: Just feels like a frickin’ train.

SUE: Yeah.


SUE: “And eventually it will clear, and you will see the blue at the end of the tunnel.”

ADAMUS: Great. And so, the newbie says, “Great! How long is this going to take? A couple months?”

SUE: Oh, god! (they laugh) No.


SUE: Well, no. I think the new ones will have it faster than the – what do you call us – the Founders?

ADAMUS: Yeah, yeah. You think?

SUE: Yeah.


SUE: The ones I’ve met seem to be more aware, more conscious.

ADAMUS: Okay. Up to a point. You know, there’s a lot to be said – for those of you who’ve been around for a while – a lot to be said, a lot of grit. You really went through a lot. It is so deep and real within you, everything you went through. I don’t think – I don’t think that many of you Founders, ones who’ve been around for a while, would want to do it the fast-track way.

SUE: No.

ADAMUS: I mean, in other words, just kind of skip over the details and think you’re there. I think you had to …

SUE: Go through it.

ADAMUS: … feel every part of it.

SUE: Right.

ADAMUS: And would you suggest that to the new ones, that they get down on that gritty basis that you went through?

SUE: If they would choose to, yeah.

ADAMUS: If they would choose to.

SUE: Yeah.

ADAMUS: But is it a good thing? Or is it better to just kind of get the, what do you call it, the Cliff Notes version, the abridged version quickly on your way to Realization? Would you trade in your own experience?

SUE: No. Oh god, no.


SUE: No. I feel that I know myself on levels that most people would never fathom.

ADAMUS: Right. I mean, you delved into it, deeply into it.

SUE: Into it.

ADAMUS: And it hurts – I mean, it really hurts – at times.

SUE: It hurts.

ADAMUS: It’s really, really tough. If you could just let go of one thing in all your experiences, one thing that you really wish hadn’t been there.

SUE: Losing my family.

ADAMUS: Losing your family.

SUE: Yeah.

ADAMUS: What, did they turn on you? Or did they literally depart the planet?

SUE: No. No, they turned.

ADAMUS: Yeah, yeah.

SUE: Shunned.

ADAMUS: Right.

SUE: Right.

ADAMUS: Was that needed?

SUE: Yes.

ADAMUS: Yeah, kind of. That’s a tough one.

SUE: Yeah.

ADAMUS: Yeah. What else? If you could say to the news ones – you know, they’re all jazzed up and they’re looking and saying, “Oh, you guys, you took so long, and you went through all this hardship, I’m not going to go through that” – what is the one thing that you would tell them, “Okay, if you’re going to do anything, just drop such and such”?

SUE: That you don’t know how to love yourself.


SUE: Because you do know how to love yourself.

ADAMUS: Right.

SUE: It’s trusting.


SUE: Right.

ADAMUS: Thank you.

SUE: You’re welcome.

ADAMUS: And thank you for honoring your own journey. You know, sometimes it’s so easy to say, “You know, I’m just going to go back on the path. I’m not going to do any of this anymore.” But what you’ve accumulated along the way is tremendous depth. Tremendous.

Okay. Keep going.

LINDA: (whispers) Okay.

ADAMUS: So how would you tell the new ones about Crimson Circle?

VINCE: That’d be – because my experience is mine – but “Just be open.”

ADAMUS: “Be open.” Okay. Yeah.

VINCE: “Choose wisely.”

ADAMUS: Right.

VINCE: “And see where it goes.”

ADAMUS: Yeah. What would you tell them about Crimson Circle as a group, though? How would you describe this group?

VINCE: “Some of the most interesting people that you want to be with.”

ADAMUS: Good. Okay. What advice would you give them before they came to an event like this, before they jumped in? What kind of like words of wisdom?

VINCE: (chuckles) “Just experience it.”

ADAMUS: (chuckles) Okay.

VINCE: “Try not to judge it” (he chuckles).

ADAMUS: “Try not to judge it.” Okay. Good. Thank you. Couple more. What would you tell them about Crimson Circle? You know, they’ve probably been with a few other groups in the past, maybe a yoga group or some type of maybe a channeling group. What would you tell them? Because Crimson Circle is not necessarily typical. What would you tell them?

MARY: Well, it is not typical, but it gives you, yeah, the camaraderie. You can identify with people that kind of are going through what you’re going through, which it seems like a typical person in mass consciousness is harder to relate to.

ADAMUS: Right.

MARY: And Crimson Circle gives us the ability to, well, first of all, realize our own sovereignty (pronounced “sov-renity”).

ADAMUS: Right.

MARY: I don’t say that word right. Sorry.

ADAMUS: Sovereignty. That’s good. We knew.

MARY: Yeah, yeah (she chuckles).

ADAMUS: I thought you said “sobriety” (some chuckles), and it’s like not in this …

MARY: That’s what it teaches you not! You’re like, “It’s not AA!”

ADAMUS: Right, right! (they laugh)

MARY: But the tools to, well, for me, to be in the And. Like, we have this human experience, and how do we experience the other realms and be able to be in the world but not of it.

ADAMUS: Right. Okay.

MARY: Is the greatest tool for me.

ADAMUS: Okay. And what was the one thing – I asked Susan before – if you could tell them one thing just to drop it, you know, right away before they go any further on their path – “Just drop it” – what would that be?

MARY: It’s not easy. It comes up against all your demons, all your dragons, who’s really, just really your soul.

ADAMUS: What would you tell them to drop, though?

MARY: Oh, something you would drop.


MARY: I’m sorry. I misunderstood that.


MARY: Drop …

ADAMUS: Say, “You know, the most useless thing on your journey is …?”

MARY: I don’t know, “Caring what anybody else says!” (she laughs)

ADAMUS: Well, that’s true too. Yeah. I think Jeff wants to answer that.

MARY: Well, “Drop your smallness. Drop your ‘I’m not good enough.’”


MARY: “Drop your …”

ADAMUS: You’re skirting on it, what I have in mind, but you’re almost there. Pass it to Jeff, if you would.

JEFF: When I was, you know, kind of becoming a metaphysical junkie and I came across a lot of YouTubes and came across, you know, a lot of your interviews, the thing that I really embraced was the way you poke fun at makyo.

ADAMUS: Ah, yeah.

JEFF: And that’s the thing that – because I was like, “Oh, I’ve got to learn how to meditate. I’ve got to get my crystals going.” All of a sudden …

ADAMUS: Oh, my god!

JEFF: Yeah. Ultimately, I’ve got to be responsible for my …

ADAMUS: You did that? Did anybody else do that?

JEFF: I didn’t actually do it.

ADAMUS: Oh, oh, you didn’t. Oh, okay.

JEFF: I’m true Shaumbra. I thought about it but I never did it (Adamus chuckles).

ADAMUS: So, what’s the one thing to drop? You’re going to tell somebody, especially somebody coming into Crimson Circle, “You’ve got to drop this one thing.”

JEFF: Well, I was going to say “Drop makyo,” but …

ADAMUS: Yeah, that’s good.

JEFF: Yeah.

ADAMUS: Yeah, yeah. Okay.

JEFF: But I can think of …

ADAMUS: You know, and I’m very, very impressed with Shaumbra, particularly when we do our live workshops. I used to have to take a few drinks before I … (some laughter) … before I conducted a workshop, because there was so much makyo. And it was just so thick and overly syrupy and so unfocused and just crap.

Now, with all Shaumbra all around the world, very, very little. Very little. First of all, I think, you know, you hide from me if you had any. But secondly, I think you’ve let it go. I mean, this is a real journey. And the makyo, the distractions. The distractions like alchemy. That whole thing about alchemy was just a huge distraction to get a lot of people out of the way for the real work we were doing. The whole distraction with – and I’m not going to go on a rant here, Cauldre’s trying to stop me; I’m not going to go on a rant – but the whole distraction with aliens and UFOs and conspiracies. Conspiracies. What is it that humans love – or what is it even that Shaumbra loves so much – about conspiracies? Anybody? Give it a shot. What’s this conspiracy stuff all about? Yes.

DENISE: The drama.

ADAMUS: A lot of drama. Yeah. Yeah. Do you get into the conspiracies? Did you get into them?

DENISE: Maybe in previous lifetimes.

ADAMUS: Not this lifetime?

DENISE: I hear it and then I think I get into it, and then it’s like, “No, I don’t think so.”

ADAMUS: Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Good. Anybody else? Why do people get into the conspiracies? It’s a lot of makyo, and you hear it all the time. And then they have that smug conspiratorial attitude, “Well, you just don’t know. You don’t know the people I know.”

VINCE: The expert from out of town.

ADAMUS: Right. Yeah.

VINCE: And also, the escaping of responsibility.

ADAMUS: Right. Blaming it on something else. Putting it off somewhere else.

VINCE: That somebody’s going to come in and rescue you.

ADAMUS: Yeah, it’s a lot of drama, you know? And you really get people going. It’s a lot of fear and a lot of drama, and a huge amount of makyo, distraction. You still see it once in a while with Shaumbra, not so often, but the conspiracies. And it’s the Cable, Cabal, whatever they call it these days. It’s the five rich families in the world. And, you know, so what? Even if it was. I’d say the biggest conspiracy is the church, but it’s right in front of you. You know, you drive down the street, you see six of them. You know, how much of a conspiracy is that? Or you could say conspiracy is the taxes (Adamus sighs). But even if there were, even if there were these alien conspiracies and they were flying these hovercraft all over, they were flying – what do you call them – your drones all over, so what?! It’s not your conspiracy. It’s not your problem. Let all of the muggles, all the feeders rush over to that and talk about “Are they aliens?” or “Is it a foreign government?” Or is it just a couple of 13-year-old kids that are having a whack job fun time scaring everybody, you know? (some chuckles) Which is probably more likely.

But I’m glad you brought up the whole makyo thing, because it’s a huge distraction, and everybody does it. Everybody. You’ve all done it in the past. The new ones coming in are going to do it to an extent. But then you get over it, and you get back on your journey. You get back on The Way and you realize that it was just a distraction. There’s no answers there whatsoever.

Okay, a couple more. What would you tell the new ones about Crimson Circle? How would you tell them about this organization?

MARIETTA: I would ask them if they are taking care of themselves.

ADAMUS: Right.

MARIETTA: And “Stop taking care of everyone else and taking care of the world. It’s time to take care of yourself.”

ADAMUS: Very true statement. But what would you tell them about Crimson Circle, that we take care of you?

MARIETTA: No! (they laugh) Hell, no!

ADAMUS: Hell, no! (Adamus chuckles) What would you tell them? It’s a bunch of – I don’t know – crazy people? It’s a bunch of – what would you tell them about this group?

MARIETTA: “Do you want to step outside of what you’re living in? Do you want to go beyond?”

ADAMUS: And what if they tell you “Yes,” are you going to believe them?

MARIETTA: No (they chuckle).

ADAMUS: They’ll say, “Yes.” But what if they say they want just a little nicer life, for the most part? And I don’t mean to be condescending, but that’s the way it is.


ADAMUS: Yeah. What else would you tell them about Shaumbra? What would you say about this group called Shaumbra?

MARIETTA: (pauses) Unique.

ADAMUS: Unique.

MARIETTA: Yes! (she laughs)

ADAMUS: Words like “interesting,” “unique.” Yeah. Yeah (she continues chuckling). But I mean, you know, would you tell them they’re compulsive? They’re dedicated? They’re committed?

MARIETTA: Committed.

ADAMUS: They should be committed?

MARIETTA: They’re committed to themselves.

ADAMUS: They’re committed to themselves.



MARIETTA: A commitment to oneself.


MARIETTA: If they want to.

ADAMUS: All right. Good. And next. Thank you. What warning would you give them? Tad? (Adamus chuckles) What warning would you give them before …

TAD: Well, I wanted to say in the beginning …

ADAMUS: You look lovely today, by the way. So festive.

TAD: Oh, thank you.


TAD: Thank you.

ADAMUS: Much better than the boxing glove look.

TAD: Yes!

ADAMUS: Yeah, yes.

TAD: I threw those away last December.

ADAMUS: I know. I remember.

TAD: In the big thing.


TAD: In the Kuthumi thing.


TAD: Anyway … (Adamus chuckles)

ADAMUS: I’m going to tell him what you said.

TAD: Why am I here? I always wanted to know, it’s like – this is trite – but what is the meaning of life? What am I doing here?

ADAMUS: Mm hmm.

TAD: And I found Crimson Circle by accident way back in the Tobias days, and I just – every, I’ll say, step of the way, every Shoud, every Keahak, every everything, it gave me more, “Oh, yeah! That’s what I’m doing here. Oh!” And then the Realization, and then Heaven’s Cross, and then Yeshua. That was my – you know? Why …? It really gives – I’ll say – life, my life, your life meaning and relevance and importance. And it just …

ADAMUS: But it hasn’t always been easy.

TAD: Oh, hell, no!


TAD: No, no, no.

ADAMUS: Not at all.

TAD: No.


TAD: No. But that’s okay. I mean, you know, you run into …

ADAMUS: Is it?

TAD: … some walls and …

ADAMUS: Is it?

TAD: Well, I always thought, you know, you run in, you fall down, you cry a little bit, and you go, “Okay, well, eh, I’m just going to keep going.”

ADAMUS: Right.

TAD: And every, like I said, every word out of your mouth, Adamus, and all of our friends, our colleagues and comrades, we’re genuine. We’re really the genuine article, and we’re just – we … yeah, it’s not easy, but it’s fun.


TAD: Yeah.

ADAMUS: Well, yeah, kind of fun.

TAD: Kind of. I don’t know.

ADAMUS: But you channeled, or you had the right word that I would have used. If somebody is new to Crimson Circle, what do you tell them? I mean, there are so many different ways to tell a story. You could tell them it’s a bunch of crazies that met in the time of Yeshua – or think they met at the time of Yeshua – and they’ve been on this journey, and they’ve come back together at the time of Tobias. And now they not only have had their Realization, but they’re staying on the planet to, well, bring light at this very important time. Yeah.

TAD: That’s exactly what I was going to say. Thank you. Perfect!

ADAMUS: No, no! (Adamus chuckles) I’m just – we’re channeling each other (Tad chuckles). But the word you used, the word I would use to somebody that’s new and wondering, “Well, what’s this group about? What’s the real dynamic?” I’d use the word “genuine.”

TAD: Yeah!

ADAMUS: Like what you used. Really genuine, and it ties back into what you said about makyo. There’s not a lot of makyo. It’s so genuine. For, I would say, the vast, vast, vast majority of Shaumbra, it’s the most important thing in their life; not Crimson Circle but their journey, their Realization, their bringing it all together in this lifetime. Nothing’s more important. That’s kind of tough telling your mate or partner, unless they really understand, that that’s the most important thing to you.

TAD: Exactly.

ADAMUS: And being genuine, being true to your own journey. But could you tell that to your partner? (Adamus chuckles, some laughter)

TAD: Well … Gary?

ADAMUS: Or could you tell him, yeah, that that’s the most important thing to you?

TAD: Yes.


TAD: Yes.

ADAMUS: And he would probably applaud you for that (Gary applauds). Good. Thank you (some chuckles). Right on cue (Adamus chuckles). Well, you know, when you look at it, there’s a lot of times in a relationship, they’re like, “What, I’m not ” – you’re partner’s like – “I’m not the most important thing?” It’s like, no, actually not, because then you’re in a trap. Then they’re dependent on you, you on them. Then you’re really no longer on your journey anymore. The journey is the most important thing, and it’s not selfish. Not at all. So, good. The word I would have used, “genuine.”

TAD: Thank you.

ADAMUS: Genuine.

In answer to my own question, what is the one thing that you’d recommend to the new ones? And quite a few coming in now. I feel that a lot have joined with Crimson Circle in the active part, but a lot of them still in the peripheral, kind of watching a little here and watching a little there. They’re still not quite sure. They are wondering, “What’s this group about?” and “How much are the membership fees? What is the tithing? What are the …?” They’re literally – and perhaps Jorge you could try to find this out – but I sense people going in and “What are the rules?” They’re looking for the list of rules that you have to abide by. On the Internet, they’re trying to find “What are Crimson Circle’s rules?” Maybe you could do a search on it, a lot of other people are, “What is this group about? There’s something I like about it. Something that really scare me. What is this group about?”

The thing I would recommend to anybody, including you today, as they get on their journey, which you know what that’s like. It’s long. It’s challenging. It’s difficult. One thing above all that you really should drop – or they should drop, but they’re not going to, until it really hurts – is doubt. Is the doubt.


Drop the Doubt

Could you imagine for a moment your own journey without the doubt factor? Where you’re following your true intuition. The mind and the brain don’t generate the doubt, which they’ve been trained to do. You don’t allow it, even if it comes in, which you’re afraid to do. And so now can you imagine just all that doubt? It doesn’t mean that you’re not being discerning. There’s a huge difference between that doubt and discerning. Doubt is that – you know what it feels like. There’s an energy to doubt, right? I mean, that you can feel. You can feel it in your body. It’s really ugly. Discerning is not like that. Discerning is a little bit more mental, thoughtful. But doubt – ughhh! – gets you right there (stomach area), and it’s a terrible thing to drag along the journey. It’s been probably your worst enemy along the way, doubting yourself. And, you know, we have very smart Shaumbra all around the world, and they still doubt themselves.

The doubt is kind of like – it compresses you; it makes you really small – it’s kind of a sickly, ghastly feeling. It’s just not good. Why do you let it keep coming back? What would you tell the news ones if they say, “Well, yeah, I doubt myself. I doubt whether I’m doing the right thing or not.” Why do you keep inviting it back? Anybody? Linda on the microphone. Why do you let doubt in? And don’t tell me that you can’t do anything about it. It’s a game, for whatever purpose. Why do you let it in?

ALAYA: For me, it’s – is this on?


ALAYA: For me, it’s actually strengthened my faith.

ADAMUS: It strengthened your faith. So, you’ve used doubt.

ALAYA: I’ve had people come to me, “Are you in a cult? Are you this, that?” And it’s like I sit there and search and go – and it got me really down. Like you say, that icky feeling inside.


ALAYA: And then as I continued to feel into it, it was like, “Whoa! That is really, really heavy.” I don’t feel like that when I’m feeling myself.


ALAYA: When I’m feeling light, when I feel my light. And it actually has – for me, just recently that happened – and it has strengthened my faith in myself, my trust in myself and my knowingness. So that’s what it’s done for me.

ADAMUS: So, it served a purpose?

ALAYA: It served a purpose.

ADAMUS: Could you do without it?

ALAYA: Absolutely, I could do without it. I could fly a lot higher that way without it.

ADAMUS: Right. Right.

ALAYA: You know, but in this particular case, what it was almost like – it was like the last piece of the thorn that was in my side or my heart.

ADAMUS: Right.

ALAYA: That just kind of went, “Oh! No, I don’t doubt anymore.”


ALAYA: But it really hit hard.

ADAMUS: You really can’t afford to doubt anymore.

ALAYA: No. Mnh-mnh, no.

ADAMUS: But yet, it’s there. It’s like this constant demon that’s there.

ALAYA: It was.

ADAMUS: And it’ll tear you apart.

ALAYA: Yeah. It was a really tough few days.

ADAMUS: So how do you let go of doubt?

ALAYA: Did a lot of breathing, some crying.

ADAMUS: Crying. Okay.

ALAYA: Wrote about it.


ALAYA: Went and hugged a few trees (Adamus chuckles). I was up in the mountains at this time.

ADAMUS: Did you kiss any crystals while you were at it? (laughter) Any …

ALAYA: I think I did bring a crystal with me (she chuckles).

ADAMUS: Any incense or anything like that? “Oh, doubt, be gone with the incense.”

ALAYA: I like crystals. Okay, they’re very beautiful, especially the diamond ones.

ADAMUS: Yeah. Right (Adamus chuckles).

ALAYA: But yeah. No, it served a purpose during that period of time. It strengthened my faith in myself.


ALAYA: Surprisingly.

ADAMUS: Would you recommend it to others?

ALAYA: Only if they choose to, you know. It was like my dragon just came along and bit me on the butt big time.


ALAYA: Really big time.

ADAMUS: That’s what dragons are for.

ALAYA: Well, my dragon’s a good dragon.

ADAMUS: A lot of butt biting, yeah (Adamus chuckles).

ALAYA: And then we pat it and love it and say, “Okay,” you know? Okay, I got over it.

ADAMUS: Good. Great. A couple more about doubt now. How did it serve you?

SOHAIL (man): So, for me, I feel like doubt is – it’s like a reminder of these unintegrated aspects that come up. It’s like, “Oh, okay, so I’ve still got work to do there.”


SOHAIL: It’s like, “I thought I was done with that.” But, oh, heh! There it’s like rearing its ugly head again.

ADAMUS: Right.

SOHAIL: Because like I feel like for me it’s been something that’s stifling. Like you said, it’s like in the body, you know? So, it’s like you want to take a step forward, but then there’s that doubt. It’s like, “Well, what is that?” It’s like in here (points to head), it’s like, “Okay, I’m certain. I’m certain.” But there’s something in the body that’s like, “Ughhh!” It’s like this resistance.


SOHAIL: And so, it’s like a reminder for me. It’s like, “Oh, okay. I’ve still got work to do there. I’ve still got to, you know, heal that. I’ve still got to look at that. I’ve just got to integrate it.”

ADAMUS: I have to say, if you’re using that approach – “Oh, I still have more work to do” – because the doubt is there and aspects are there and everything else, then you’re going to have more work to do, right?

SOHAIL: (slightly pauses) And I don’t want that.

ADAMUS: Unless you want more work to do.

SOHAIL: I don’t. Yeah, I don’t. No.

ADAMUS: Yeah. And I understand what you’re saying is you’re not going to let doubt get the best of you, but you’re going to say, “Well, it’s just telling me I have more work to do.” Isn’t that kind of a game?

SOHAIL: Mm. Yeah. I think that’s a good point. Yeah.

ADAMUS: Yeah, yeah. That was good … (they chuckle) Yeah. Doubt is one of the toughest demons. And intuitively – whatever you want to call it, on a clear basis – every one of you knows what you want to do and where you want to go. That’s a foregone conclusion. But that doubt comes in, and it’s the doubt of society, your family, the voices you hear in your head, your aspects, all the bad things you’ve ever done. And the doubt is the fear of “What’s going to happen, if I do this?” And it’s easier to lay low. It’s easier to sit on the fence, rather than to do something. That’s where the doubt comes in and it’s crippling. It really is. It’s crippling literally on your body. It’s really tough on your body in terms of stuck energy and eventual physical problems. But yet, Shaumbra still is struggling with this problem, with the doubt. Yeah. And instead of saying, “Oh, the doubt is there, so I’ve got more to work on,” it’s more like what we talked about last month, “Nevermore.”


ADAMUS: And there’s other ways to say it, but – ahem – doubt, you know (he gestures), pfft!

SOHAIL: Be gone.

ADAMUS: Yeah. Yeah. And you can say it as rough as you want to say it. But it’s a strange choice, it’s an odd bedfellow that everybody falls into. You have these doubts. And imagine if you would release all doubt. Imagine what that would be like. You release all doubt about anything about yourself. And it feels good for a moment, and then you’re like, “Oh, shit! What if I do bad things? What if I do stupid things? What if suddenly, I’m …” The doubt is kind of a governor or a limiter on yourself. It holds you back, so you don’t do stupid things or say stupid things. But ultimately the doubt is what’s stupid. I mean, I’ve said this over and over, but you’re not going to do stupid things at this point. You’re not. You’re way too far along. You’re not going to do unconscious things, unless you’re doubting yourself. Good. Thank you.

My point, my point on this – thank you, dear Linda, we’re done for a little bit. My point on all this is to talk about these things like doubt, because you’ve all experienced it. You all know what it’s like. I would say it’s gone beyond its useful purpose in your life. It really has. And the useful purpose is maybe you used it to kind of fit in with others. You know, “Maybe I shouldn’t do something, because then I’m going to be really odd.” You’re too far along. You’re too odd (some chuckles), so it’s too late for that.

The doubt is a very, very old energy dynamic, and where things are going right now, there’s no place for it. There’s really not. What’s up ahead of us, particularly in this next year, there’s no place for it. It’s going to really hurt if you let that doubt dictate your life. I would say one of the biggest, boldest moves a human can make is to go beyond their own doubt. To recognize it and then say basically, “Nevermore,” because now all the limits, all the inhibitors, all the things that you would think kind of hold you in and keep you kind of sane and functional, suddenly they’re gone. There’s no barriers anymore. There’s no fences or walls or anything else. It’s wide open.

But on the other hand, you have to. Where we’re going with all this work, with the new ones – by the way, which I thank you for being here – there’s no place for the doubt. It’s kind of like, well, it’s like having the brake on while you’re trying to accelerate fast, and you’re going to burn out your brakes. It’s like going out on a marathon run and putting an extra 50 pounds of weight on your back. There’s just no place for it.

Everything is moving too fast right now. Way too fast. The changes that you’ve seen this year, for instance, or let’s say last couple of years, are going to be nothing compared to what comes in the next few years, particularly next year, 2025. I’m going to talk more about it in ProGnost, but I want to end this year with Shaumbra by saying, “You’ve got to get rid of it.” I’m not politely asking. It’s not a suggestion. I’m not putting it out as a soft message. You have got to get rid of it in order to really be able to understand, to cope with what comes next.

There’s a tremendous amount of light now on the planet, and it’s come in since Heaven’s Cross. There’s a tremendous amount of light, you could say, all around you. And you wonder sometimes, “Well, where is it? Where is it?” I’d say stop doubting it and just allow it, and then it’ll become very, very evident.

But as fast as things are going, the doubt is like riding along on a motorcycle, on a beautiful open road somewhere, nobody around, you’re going as fast as you want to go, but then putting your legs down, putting your feet down on the ground to hold you back. Why? You say, “Well, I’m afraid of going too fast.” I know, but you are going fast (Adamus chuckles). I mean, why drag your feet? Why let that doubt get in the way? It’s an awful, awful feeling, and one of my bigger concerns is that it affects the physical body. It comes from the mind, but it really affects the body. It affects your energy level. It affects the natural flow of energies in the body. It creates stuck energy.

Feel into the word “doubt” itself. Feel into the word. Whatever language you happen to use, use that word.


Doubt; stuck energy. Slow or held back energy. And it simply has no place where we’re going to be going this next year. So, we’re going to be somewhat taking it to a merabh for just a minute, but as much light is on the planet – and what is light? Imagination. As much light is here and available now, you could say it’s begging to be used. It’s wanting to be used. It’s here, it’s available. It’s like a full tank of gas, and it wants to now get out there, do something with and through you.


Use the Light Now

I’ll get into the metaphysics a little bit here. So, you’ve got a tremendous amount of light that’s been coming in. Shaumbra gets very excited and they’re like, “Oh, yeah! We’re going to bring in all this light.” But then I’m like, “Would you please use it? Would you please use it?”

“Well, what if I blow something up? Or what if I do the wrong thing?” It’s like, “Oi! Just use it.” Today in Keahak, earlier today, I talked about not only allowing, which is critical – allowing is opening up – but then receiving. Receiving, anchoring it, bringing it in, doing something with it. But I feel a tremendous amount of resistance, of doubt from Shaumbra – doubting maybe even the nature of light, doubting if you can do anything with it, if it has an effect.

There’s kind of a strange phenomenon. You want somebody else to do it for you. You want me maybe to say, “Okay, here’s how you use the light.” No, you have to. You’ve got to be the one receiving it now in your life. The one thing that’s going to hold you back is doubting it. Doubting whether you’re really working with light. Doubting what you can do with it. Doubting yourself. Are you capable of handling it?

So often you think of light in terms of power – power – and it’s not. So, in a way, you’re afraid of the light because it’s like, “Whoa! This is a lot of power coming in.” It’s not power. You don’t have to be afraid of it. It’s a lot of things – it’s clarity, it’s imagination, it’s tremendous potentials – but it’s not a power. It’s not a force at all. I think some of you have kind of gone askew with that. You’re looking “Where’s the light?” and you’re looking for a force. It’s not. We’ll go in and experience it in just a little bit, but it’s there. It’s there for you to receive without doubting.

Doubting is that thing the brain, the mind does where you start asking all these questions, “What if?” and “Why not?” and “Am I worthy? Am I making this up? Am I going crazy?” You know, the typical questions. And going beyond that is saying, “No more. I’m going to play with this. I’m going to be that light. I’m going to incorporate it and do something with it.”

But one of the important things that I’m really going to be stressing now, first of all, you’ve got to let go of the doubt. And that’s all you do. Don’t struggle with it. Don’t fight it. “Doubt – (snap!) – be gone.” That’s it. “I’m done with it.” Be clear with yourself, “I’m done with doubt.” But don’t then start doubting what you just said about doubt (some laughter). Don’t start this whole back and forth. You’re done! Nevermore! That’s why last month I wanted to bring in the Raven and the “nevermore” or “no more.” Done with doubt.

You’re going to feel the doubt coming up almost as a test to what we’re talking about here today, almost as a test. And you have to be – I insist that you’re – bold enough and that you come to your genuine self, and you say, “No more.” Doubt paints everything gray, and doubt takes away the energy. Doubt takes away the creativity. No more. You will be challenged with it, and I’m going to insist that you say, “No more” or “Nevermore.” That’s it. It’s going to roll far too fast this coming year, particularly in the work that we’re doing.

There’s a tremendous amount of light on the planet. It is fueled by your energy. Energy being communications, not a force. You’ve got this tremendous amount of imagination and light coming into the planet. That light, which you can look at from many different standpoints; from a scientific or a physics standpoint, light is a waveform and a particle. How is that? How is that even possible? Well, it’s the nature of light and imagination. It doesn’t have to be one thing or the other. It will change from being – this is on the physical level – it will change from being a particle to a light wave based on what? Consciousness. On what they call the observer, but what I call the being – you. It will change like that (snap!). It will go from a stream of particles, photons, and suddenly it will become a waveform. That’s the amazing thing about light. There’s really no other substance like that anywhere. And it’s only occurring when light comes into this realm, into the 3D. In the nonphysical dimensions, light is different. But once it gets to this realm, it has a dualistic, nonduality element to it. It’s a contradiction in many ways.

The important thing is that the light right now that’s here will serve you as a waveform or as a particle; that very light is also the thing that can transform the reality – I’ve got to get this through Cauldre – it can transform reality far, far, far faster than evolution itself. Evolution is very slow, very, very slow. Light can change it – (snap!) – like that, beyond the dynamics of evolution. Light can change something – things, anything physical, emotional, anything – light can change that, so even if there is a science about something, a science about action, reaction, science about gravity, for instance. Science says that gravity pulls everything in. Not true at all. When light comes in, light can instantly change it, without a lot of thinking, without science, without hocus pocus, without any other energy input. In other words, you don’t need transformers and high voltage electricity to do some sort of alchemy. Light is the alchemy. All the rest of that with incantations and fires and sulfur and all the rest of that was a joke.

Light is the alchemy, and it can change anything, be it thought, be it matter, be it a void, emptiness, true emptiness. Light can change that.

Light is not something that you can necessarily direct from your mind, your human mind. Light is directed, light is commanded from your imagination, because it is imagination.

So, with all that said, you’ve got to get over the doubts. Otherwise, it’s going to really hurt, particularly this next year. You’ve got to get over the doubt. What I’m asking, imploring, begging and screaming at you to do, starting January 1st – you don’t have to do it right now – is radical imagination.


Radical Imagination

As humans, as Shaumbra, on a scale of one to ten with imagination, sometimes you’re way up there. Sometimes you’ll hit a really good five-and-a-half (some chuckles). Most of the time, two or three. And it’s the doubt. It’s the doubt and other things, but it’s primarily the doubt that keeps you from radical imagination. Remember, imagination is light. Light is imagination.

But when it comes to really imagining and imagination that ultimately goes beyond the mind, as I’ve been talking a lot lately about the metaphysics of the mind (here), because it’s important to understand how the brain works, how the mind works, and how to go beyond; with this radical – and I carefully chose the word – radical imagination is going to serve you. But holding back, little thinking – you know, sometimes you think you’re imagining big, it’s not. I’m sorry to say, it’s not. There are … (Adamus chuckles) I’m having a lot of static here with my channeler (a few chuckles). You know, wouldn’t it be nice – he gets paid to do a job – that he just does it, instead of complaining about it? (a few more chuckles)

You have not even begun to imagine, is what I’m trying to say. You’ve not. You think about things a lot. You overly think about things, and you worry about things, and you doubt things. But I’m talking about radical imagination. Going where you’ve never gone before. I’m not talking about some LSD trip or anything like that. I’m talking about imagining huge. Huge.

When you do – I want you to feel into it for a moment. You can imagine huge. Not the word “huge,” but you can imagine way out there, and not your damn problems. That’s where a lot of you go wrong, and that’s why I can say on a good day, you’re hitting about a five and a half on the imagination level. You drag your problems into it. You imagine yourself going beyond your problems, and you imagine that all your problems are solved. You’re dragging your problems into your imagination, and therefore, you’re super limiting it. All you’re wanting is your problems to be solved. I’ll tell you how to solve your problems – for 100 dollars (some chuckles). Go for it, Tad (she’s looking in her wallet). I think you owe me anyway (a few more chuckles).

It’s very easy. And I’m getting – Cauldre’s not liking all this (a few chuckles).

TAD: It’s empty.

ADAMUS: I take Master Card! (laughter) Visa (Adamus says it derisively and chuckles; laughter and some applause).

TAD: Touché.

ADAMUS: Gotcha! Geez! No imagination.

I’m getting, what, clear, I guess you would call it. I’m getting clear. Drop your problems! I mean, really. Really. We’ve talked about it before, and you still don’t believe it. They’re there because you like them, because you’re getting something from them. Drop them. You’re going to have a really tough time if you carry them forward. There’s no need for them. There’s no need for all the poor wounded self. I know I’m not being compassionate at all (Adamus chuckles). You’re still liking them. Just get over them. I mean, be bold and imagine big.

But one of the reasons your imagination is limited is because you bring your problems into it. “Okay, I’m going to imagine myself in this beautiful setting and everything’s fine, and I don’t have money problems or partner problems, and I don’t have my biological family, and I don’t have that awful job, and I don’t have that shitty apartment.” What does that energy feel like? You’re dragging all that crap into it, and your imagination is going to be very, very limited.

In true imagining, you’re not thinking. You’re not doing a thought process. You’re not trying to visualize things. True imagination – and we will be going more into this, I’m not just going to leave you hanging – but true imagination is, for lack of better words, it’s nothing. Some of you experienced a little bit of that at the last gathering we did in Kona. It’s nothing, because the moment you start interjecting your thoughts and your mind into it and just trying to visualize in your brain and your mind’s eye, you’re not really imagining. Not much anyway. You’re kind of thinking a lot and daydreaming, but that’s not imagining.

In order to imagine, you go beyond all that into nothingness, and that’s radical imagination. Radical imagination is not just imagining the perfect kumbaya world, or you as a hovering human or astral projection, tele-transporting. Those are silly. Really silly and immature. True imagination is going into nothing and then experiencing the next, what happens. And you haven’t been so good at that.

You’re imagining how to get out of the shithole life that you might have created for yourself (Adamus chuckles). Oh, Cauldre hates me today (some laughter). But I have to be bold and blunt. I really do, because here’s what I’m seeing. I’m seeing all this light has come into this planet, and it’s kind of like just hanging out, waiting to be used in a practical way. We’ve got the, what you call, the frequency, the vibration of the planet is like higher than ever before. We have a lot of stuff happening because of that. It’s like we’ve energized everything on the planet – the good and the bad. It’s all being energized right now.

Everything is happening at breakneck speed – I’ll talk about that in ProGnost – not because of AI, but AI is facilitating it. We have everything happening very, very fast, and there’s no room anymore for the doubt, for the dragging old stuff, for the pity parties, for “Oh, poor me. I have such a terrible life.” You’ve got two weeks to ask yourself why did you create that terrible life then? And what do you want to do to change it? What are you going to do to drop the games? We’ve got so much to do, and it could be so incredibly beautiful and easy. But not if you’re dragging the old stuff.

So, radical imagination, and it starts with nothing. But then you start applying it into your everyday life after you’ve experienced this, and you start thinking different, and therefore, on a human level, even imagining different. You’re not imagining, for instance, a better job. It’s not about that. You’re imagining your own joy. Maybe you’re imagining now the relationship with your light body, but you’re not imagining just the rudimentary human things.


Merabh for Radical Imagination

So, let’s do a little bit of radical imagination right now, with some music.

(music begins)

And we’re going to be coming back and revisiting it, so it’s not just a one-off deal here.

You already know that there’s so much more out there. “Out there” – actually, that’s not even a true statement. It’s right here. There’s so much more. You know that.

I think you intuitively know that what you call the past and the future are right here. It’s just a matter of perspective. You’re looking at what you call the Now, but also the past and the future are right here.

Take a good deep breath. The next step is this radical imagination.

When that happens, what you are doing is summoning up, commanding your energy and your light. But not based on doubt or fear, not based on issues in your life. You’re summoning it up as a true Master.

You’re not summoning it up just for a little bit of material gain, certainly not power.

You’re summoning it up for the transformation that it can create, for the experience of it, and to finally, once and for all, to connect all the dots, all the parts and pieces of your entire journey of coming to this planet and ultimately being the true Master of light, of imagination. Being that Magi …


… on a very, very personal basis. Not to inflict on others. Not to do parlor games or have your own TV show, The Mighty Magician, anything like that. But for yourself, to finally experience.

And as I pointed out in Keahak earlier today, what this means – the transformative nature of light – what this means ultimately will be the bringing together of energy and consciousness.

There has to be that understanding of light, how you command it. How you work with it. It is your light, by the way. Remember that always. It’s yours. And yes, you can command it.

I suggest commanding it. Taking responsibility, taking charge. Not just thinking it’s somebody else’s or somebody else is going to do it for you.

But back to radical imagination.

There are true metaphysics in this, and it has to do with the very nature of light and its ability to transform a reality that would defy the laws of human nature that you know right now.

The laws of human nature work in a certain way. For instance, gravity, “It’s just like this.” Light can transform anything.

When Jami (here) talks about the year 2033, 2034, right around the corner, he’s talking about this massive transformation on the planet. It’s almost unimaginable because, you say, that cannot possibly happen in, what, eight, nine years? Seven years? Cannot possibly, because things move too slow. There’s a progression. There’s a natural unfolding. There are systems in place that could not respond that quickly.

However, when you understand the true nature of imagination and light, oh, yes, it can. Anything can happen. There’s a definite metaphysics in it. If light can change from particle to waveform in an instant based on the consciousness of the being, of the observer, light can do anything.

Jami talked about going through something he called the photon belt, the light belt, it’s not necessarily a physical thing. It’s not hanging out there out in your outer space in the universe. It’s a shift that occurs.

Jami talked about the shift that would occur and half the planet waking up one morning and it’s a different place, but they’re not shocked. There wasn’t trauma. There wasn’t some catastrophic event that had to take place. The light shifted it. And it shifted it so well that it didn’t create a lot of questions, “What the hell happened?” It’s just like, “Oh, okay. This is where we’re at now.”

It’s the same for those who happen to wake up that morning and they’re still on the old Earth. They’re still in a place filled with war and inequities. The light shifted it for them too.

Let’s take a deep breath into radical imagination, where you let go of everything.


And we go into nothing.


Ah, caught you. The mind doesn’t like this. The mind is like – it’s its cue, you know, to start playing, to start talking – “Oh! Nothing. What is nothing? Where is nothing? Can there be nothing? Can I possibly have nothing in my brain?” That’s where you take a deep breath and go into the And. Let the mind do its thing, chatting away, and we go into the And.

Nothing. And in that nothing, in that no thing – we’ve been talking about this for years – in that no thing is that next thing.

See, nothing simply means the brain can’t comprehend it anymore. It’s out of its league, and that’s fine. Let’s go into the And and into the no thing.


And you see, it’s kind of a joke, because there is no thing such as no thing (a few soft chuckles).

First of all, from a metaphysical standpoint, consciousness is always present. But consciousness is a no thing. I mean, it doesn’t have a size or a shape, or a name, or an intensity level. It is simply awareness. It doesn’t have a color. It doesn’t reside somewhere off in the galaxies. But yet, in this no thing of consciousness, it’s everything.

This is where you go to imagine. Leaving behind your everyday problems, leaving behind your self-imposed limitations. Underline that please, Gail. Self-imposed limitations. You leave that all behind. You’re not going there to repair damages. No. We go into the no thing for no thing at all.

And, yes, there’s part of you that – it’s the And part – might be doubting, might be falling asleep, coughing, whatever it’s doing, distractions, but we go into the And. We go into the no thing.

Take a deep breath.

And how do you get there? You just allow it. That’s it. “I’m there. I’m in no thing.” You’re going to hear chatter in your brain, but that’s the And. So, push that off to the side for a moment. No thing.


And in this no thing is that radical imagination.

Let yourself enter into it. It’s consciousness and it’s potentials.


Some would say you’re entering into your soul.

But it doesn’t have all the human directives and words and rules. You don’t have to pay dues. You don’t have to sign an oath. Nothing like that. It’s no thing. You just enter into it. That’s it.

You get to the point where you don’t need to think through and struggle to get there. You are just in no thing.


But yet, there’s still awareness. In this no thing is still the “I Exist.”


And in this no thing are the deepest levels of imagination.

Now, the human part would be tempted to say, “Oh, good. What can I imagine out here? All these colors. Unimaginable wealth. Imagine myself as this eternal beautiful being.” But no, we’re not going to do that. That’s child’s play.

Here in the no thing of true imagination, you’re not using your mind or your brain to try to visualize. You leave that all behind. And what you do now is just take a deep breath.

And let it come to you.


There’s no force or effort. No having to conjure up thoughts or images in your mind. Radical imagination is entering into no thing.

And in this space of no thing, you realize it’s everything. Maybe not easily defined by the human mind, and that’s fine. We’ve gone – we are going – beyond that.

In this space of no thing, feel for a moment, it’s everything.


And here, again, the human mind might be trying to interject thoughts, concepts, images. That’s fine. Put it over in the other side of And and allow yourself to be in this no thing that is all things, beyond what the human mind could have ever imagined.

Even beyond words like “joy” or “beauty.” Beyond “happy,” “content,” any of those words. Out here in this no thing is so far beyond that it’s so radical. It’s almost indescribable, and that’s fine, because here it’s just about sensing.

So, take a deep breath.


You’ve been here before. This is not new. You’ve been here in this no thing many times. But you haven’t done it consciously in your human waking state.

This no thing is like home.


There’s no action here. In other words, there’s not a lot of swirling colors and lights. But your mind may comprehend it that way. That’s fine. But in this space is consciousness and potentials.


In this space of no thing, this is radical imagination. Radical because you’re not trying to force thoughts or ideas or visuals. You’re just here in awareness, in the space.


There’s nothing to fear here. There’s nothing here that can hurt you or harm you in any way.

It’s the space of true imagination. It’s the space of all the potentials that could ever be, that haven’t been acted out yet, therefore, they’re not defined. They’re not in books or movies or anything like that out here. It’s all raw potential.

Take a deep breath in no thing.


It’s radical imagination. To go here without agenda, without even trying for healing or trying to visualize a better human life. In radical imagination, you don’t need to do those things.

That’s why I say you haven’t been very good at imagining, because you put attachments on it. Emotional attachments. You put attachments of what your human desires. But here in this no thing, there’s no attachments.


There’s no healing that’s done here.


It’s simply a place of no thing, yet All That Is.


It’s radical because few would ever expect to go to a place like this in the imagination. It’s radical because you’re not dragging fears and doubts, agendas, desired outcomes, any of that here. It’s so radical. No agenda. No desired outcome.

No desired outcome. Hm.

You’re not going here for answers. You’re not going here for solutions.

You’re going here because this is, well, your light. The light that will eventually make its way back to you as a human on this planet, and a light that then you will learn to utilize like your own light saber. Not to chop other people apart, but to affect what you truly desire.

What we’re doing here right now is connecting those dots from the levels of no thing to the levels of your human on this planet.


And while you’re here in no thing and also sitting as a human, take a deep breath. And remember, again, you’re in the no thing, in the radical imagination where you’re not limiting yourself to what would be a desired outcome. You’re wide open.

You’re in this realm and you’re here as a human, and now on both levels, simultaneously, take a deep breath and let it come to you. Both levels – human and in the no thing, the radical imagination – let it come to you.

You say, “Well, let what come to me?” Ah! That’s it. You don’t have to define it. That’s it. Let it come to you.

You say, “Well, what? What? I mean, energy, people, intelligence?” No. Shh! Let it come to you.


You don’t have to worry about what it is. It’s absolutely appropriate, congruent, tailored to you.

This is radical imagination and practical Realization.

Take a deep breath on both levels – in this state of no thing, your imagination, your light – and now in the state of being the human sitting here watching this, participating in it. Let it come to you. Receive it.


With such a radical imagination, you don’t have to define it. Let it come to you.

(longer pause)

This is the metaphysics of light, how it works.

Starting in the great, great imagination that I refer to as the no thing, because it would be incomprehensible to the human mind. So, it becomes a no thing, but yet it’s there. And then bridging it as your human here.


Let it come to you.


And here’s where that element of trust enters in or, on the negative side, the element of doubt. You say, “Well, what’s coming in? What am I calling forth?” Shh!

Doubt not what you bring, what you call, what you receive.


The human could have never really imagined. The human would have limited it.

The human would have stayed within – I talk a lot about the story of the Land of Blue (here) – the human would have stayed in blue. But what comes can be so much more.

Radical imagination really is no mental exertion whatsoever. Not trying to conjure up images in your brain. It is going into these levels of imagination and light that are currently incomprehensible, and simply letting it come to you. That’s radical imagination.

What happens now is that light, which is imagination, that light, it doesn’t have the limits on it now when it enters into this realm. It will still react as a particle or a waveform depending on what’s needed at the moment. But there’s another component to the light now.

There’s a waveform element. There’s the particle element. And now what I would call the creator element. It’s neither particle nor waveform. It is the dynamic of light connected with your energy now that allows true creation. Unimaginable before, because the imagination was limited to, well, the mind. It was limited to your story.

So, if we apply this whole concept now of the radical imagination to you, your story, to the light that is bringing forth your story on this planet, and we apply all these physics now with the imagination, the radical imagination, I want you to feel your story for a moment.

In the limited spectrum of light that you’ve been using to create and to justify your story; in the days when you’ve thought, “Well, I can affect my story, to a degree, a little bit here, a little bit there; I can make some progress, changing a little here and there,” suddenly, now that light allows the total change of the story, in a way the human mind could have never imagined. You could say a transformation beyond anything you could have thought of; a transformation that ties back to the greatest of your imagination, the greatest of your light.

Let it come to you, without fear. How could you have fear of something that’s your own – your own energy, your own light?


Let it come to you. No limits.


This next year is going to be a great one for the planet. It’s going to be a challenging one on so many different levels, challenging for people. And you’re going to see kind of a great paradox in things, a great almost duality like it’s never been before – those who are managing it, working with it; those who are being crushed by it.

You’re going to be operating on a whole different level, not on either one of those old levels. You’re not going to be following the human pathway. You’re not going to be following the part that’s crushing. It’s going to be a year of elevation. You can’t bring along the crap. You can’t, and we’ll come back to this throughout the sessions, the year.

Radical imagination, like you’ve never imagined before, that changes, well, it changes the way you utilize light and energy on this planet.

Let’s take a good deep breath together. Let it come – let it come to you now, both you in the no thing, in the great, great imagination, and you as a human. Let it come to you simultaneously.


And as it does, feel – there’s an innate balance in it – feel that balance.

You know, when a human tries to push their imagination by themselves through the mind, it becomes imbalanced in a lot of cases. It’s been the case of a lot of great artists, creative beings. But when you’re approaching it now here from the no thing, the great imagination of the I Am, and simultaneously as a human, the balance, the integrity, the authenticity stay. You don’t have to worry about going out of your mind.

Let’s take a good deep breath together.


Good deep breath together.

We’ll come back and discuss this more, so you start to feel very, very comfortable with it.

(music stops)

But just feel that within yourself right now – radical imagination.


Not just more of the same. Not just trying to visualize things in a different level. You’re going to hit a ceiling if you try to do that, going through your brain. But what it is is letting yourself go to that no thing, and you find out it’s not no thing. It’s everything.

Let’s take a good deep breath, as we bring this year to a close.

Just real quickly, good year? Bad year? Rough year? Anybody? Jerry?

JERRY: Good year.

ADAMUS: Good year. Anybody? Good year? Anybody really shitty, crappy year? (someone says “Challenging”) Challenging. Okay. Fun? (someone says “Yes”) Yeah. Yeah (someone says “A lot of changes”). A lot of changes. Okay.

Let’s breathe that in, as we go into our new year. Make sure to take care of yourself as we bring this year to a close. Take care of yourself. Do a lot of breathing. Stay away from annoying people (some chuckles). All right, be alone all the time, if you have to (Adamus chuckles).

With that, let’s take a deep breath and feel into, using this radical imagination, feel into it when I say, “All is well in all of creation.” Thank you.

Blessings and happy holidays.