
Explore many years of deep and transformative wisdom from Embodied and Ascended Masters.

Remember your Self. It is the fundamental call of every angel and Master to every human who is ready. From humble beginnings in a mountain teepee to worldwide gatherings, these core messages are delivered via free monthly webcasts. This vast library of life changing wisdom contains everything needed to understand your earthy journey AND your divine origins.

Intertwined in a beautiful spiral of stories, insights, and humor, these Shouds chronicle how the consciousness pioneers and spiritual pirates called Shaumbra allowed new levels of embodied consciousness and discovered new dimensions of creation.

It doesn’t matter where you dive into this extensive library. Whether you start at the beginning, middle or most recent, it will be the perfect place for you. That’s the way it works for a Master.

Freedom Series

October 2012 - August 2013

SERIES OVERVIEW – Everything in your life is about freedom and enlightenment, which affects all creation. Discovering something about yourself helps Spirit discover Itself. Like freedom, true creation is without conditions. Freedom means choosing your thoughts, beliefs, and consciousness, acknowledging the sovereignty of others, and releasing what no longer serves you, even leaving your body without fear. Energy responds to consciousness and is free to those who are free. Walk like a Master to be a Master. Gain inner freedom by declaring “No more. I Am that I Am” and choosing change. The past doesn’t define you and it can be changed. Forgiveness is about releasing separation. Breathe, trust, and embrace your true self. Let go of doubts and focus on your enlightenment. Assume everything is about enlightenment, and your body and life will align. Energy waits to be commanded; use it with allowing, grace, and ease. Only a Master can be in service. IMPORTANT NOTE: This information is probably not for you unless you take full responsibility for your life and creations.

Freedom Series

Freedom Series / 1

Call to Freedom

October 06, 2012

In the symbol for the new Series, the circle signifies completion, the spade symbolizes ascension, and the fleur-de-lis represents the integration of masculine, feminine, light, dark, human, and Spirit. Spirit gifted you with potential sovereignty and unique I Am-ness. All souled beings embarked on a journey of self-discovery until energy reached an impasse. The issue now is finding true freedom.

Freedom Series / 2

The Voice of Freedom

November 03, 2012

True freedom comes by letting go of the past, releasing yourself from the burden of guilt and shame, and embracing forgiveness. Tomorrow will likely be the same as today unless you choose other potentials. When you breathe, choose, and listen to that new quiet voice of freedom, all your energy dynamics change. Adamus discusses the four "S's" of forgiveness: separation, sin, selfishness, and stupidity.

Freedom Series / 3

End of an Era

December 01, 2012

Your perception of enlightenment is based on past Masters, who mostly did it through suffering. Now, at the end of an era, it’s time to redefine enlightenment, move beyond old standards to set new ones. Today’s Masters allow abundance, sovereignty in relationships, and health. Significant changes are happening globally at many levels. Breathe and let go of the old to discover profound truths about yourself.

Freedom Series / 4

Beyond Your Dream into Freedom

January 05, 2013

Adamus encourages you to let go of old dreams that have become polluted and diluted. Instead of holding on to those dreams of lifetimes that have become foggy or forgotten, release them and bring their energy back into your life. This frees up energy so you can start creating new. Don't compromise; remember simplicity, ease, and grace; and claim your sovereignty to create your own reality.

Freedom Series / 5

The Dream of the Soul

February 02, 2013

Freedom, enlightenment, and ascension are all an attitude. The soul created an aspect to experience human lifetimes, giving it freedom and free will. The brilliance is not sending all of itself at once but allowing the human to pave the way. Your body and mind are vessels for the soul, which waits patiently for readiness and clarity. By ‘crystallizing’ this identity, you allow the soul to realize its dream.

Freedom Series / 6

Illuminated Dreams

March 02, 2013

You came through the Order of the Arc to experience life in physical form and understand consciousness and energy. The psychic gravity of Earth made you forget your true Self and purpose. Knowingness guides you from being an Awakening Human to an Embodied Master through self-love, acceptance, stillness, and listening to your inner voice. The Illuminated Free World Fund is now available to support your true dreams.

Freedom Series / 7

It Comes to You

April 06, 2013

In awakening, you play hide and seek with yourself, creating illusions and clinging to old beliefs. Despite the resistance, awakening pushes you on, stripping away things that no longer serve you. Energies created by the passion to know your Self and the God within now fill 21 crystal caves. You have decided to open and bring in the reservoirs of cosmic energies stored in the crystals for your life and dreams.

Freedom Series / 8

Bringers of the New Energy

May 04, 2013

To be aware or not to be aware? You are in the Middle Lands, one eye open and one eye shut, walking among humans who have both eyes closed. Dive deep into yourself to realize you’re not who you thought you were; what you have known was simply a creation of the mind. In the simplest place of "I exist," you find yourself. As Bringers of New Energy, use passion to work with the abundant energies available.

Freedom Series / 9

How to Live

July 06, 2013

Adamus states that, as Bringers of the New Energy, you are freeing yourself and understanding the magnitude of the journey. You are rebalancing and releasing energies, and thereby affecting all of creation. Spiritual concepts are simple; for enlightenment, just assume it, no buts. Despite any doubts, take a deep breath, assume everything is about your enlightenment, and it becomes so.

Freedom Series / 10

Expectations of Enlightenment

August 03, 2013

Spirit and human start on the enlightenment path together but then diverge. The human seeks popularity, wealth, and glorification. The Soul doesn’t care, but the human tries to drag the I Am to its level, causing misery and drama. Finally, the human comes to allowing. Adamus invites you to reflect on what set you on this path lifetimes ago. Has the question, "Who am I?" been fulfilled?