
Explore many years of deep and transformative wisdom from Embodied and Ascended Masters.

Remember your Self. It is the fundamental call of every angel and Master to every human who is ready. From humble beginnings in a mountain teepee to worldwide gatherings, these core messages are delivered via free monthly webcasts. This vast library of life changing wisdom contains everything needed to understand your earthy journey AND your divine origins.

Intertwined in a beautiful spiral of stories, insights, and humor, these Shouds chronicle how the consciousness pioneers and spiritual pirates called Shaumbra allowed new levels of embodied consciousness and discovered new dimensions of creation.

It doesn’t matter where you dive into this extensive library. Whether you start at the beginning, middle or most recent, it will be the perfect place for you. That’s the way it works for a Master.

Art of Benching Series

October 2021 - August 2022

SERIES OVERVIEW – The Art of Benching means shining your light without agenda. The park bench is a metaphor for simplicity and presence. Observe the changes that follow. Allowing is crucial; let go of old issues to return to the zero point, the core of your consciousness, embodying wisdom free from past clutter. Adamamatics explores dimensions and realities, encouraging tapping into inner wisdom and illuminating oneself from within. The story of Giuseppe, the sculptor, illustrates the release of rigid identities for a more fluid existence. Trust your intuition without overthinking. COVID-19 has reshaped society, but embodied Masters possess natural protection. Disregard political agendas; just shine your light and inspire consciousness, transcending duality. Embrace your grandness and use sensuality to perceive energies. The FM Link reminds you that your divine connection is always accessible. Let your light shine, transforming suffering into joy, recognizing that light and darkness are not opposing forces. IMPORTANT NOTE: This information is probably not for you unless you take full responsibility for your life and creations.

Art of Benching Series

Art of Benching Series / 1

The Zero Point is Your Divine Creative Center

October 02, 2021

Adamus explains that the "zero point" or "zero room" is about tapping into the core of your consciousness. In benching, you light yourself up from the inside out, and then extend it to past lives and other realities. Imagine your mind and body as a house with many rooms. The key is to unlock the 'room of divinity,' allowing problems to dissolve naturally and the true self to shine forth without agenda.

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Fading Sculptures and Dissolving Identities

November 06, 2021

Identity dissolution means letting go of tightly defined perceptions of yourself to embrace a more fluid identity. The story of Giuseppe, a sculptor who becomes trapped within his own creation, illustrates this concept. As you let go of identity, it's natural to feel fear and resistance. Consciousness doesn't need to be confined by words; it is far beyond the limitations of structured thought.

Art of Benching Series / 3

Reclaim Your Innocence

December 11, 2021

Love, often misunderstood, is ultimately about the love of self. Instead of counseling a "wounded inner child," reconnect to the purity of the Christ child within. Modern conveniences support Shaumbra to stay on Earth, a shift from past Masters who left immediately after Realization. Trusting your knowingness, without overanalyzing, is crucial, and a natural protection supports you in every moment.

Art of Benching Series / 4

The Natural Protection of Mastery

January 08, 2022

Even in hectic times, there is a natural protection that comes from staying with your mastery and shining our light. With the ‘AND’ you can integrate metaphysical insights with everyday experiences. The Shaumbra FM Radio aims to enhance the connection with your divine essence despite the increasing global noise, which can help you hear the inner divine voice more clearly. Dear Master, dare to embrace your grandness.

Art of Benching Series / 5

Stand in Your Light

February 05, 2022

Tobias joins Adamus for ‘remedial benching’ and a reminder that It is not yours. Stand behind the short wall and don’t try to change or fix anything. Benching is about shining your light, bring in compassion, and accepting life as it unfolds without trying to influence outcomes. Humans don’t need counseling; they need to know that their answers are within. Sensuality, particularly the sense of smell, is a great way to perceive energies, entities, emotions, and even potentials.

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Humanity Says “No More” to Power

March 05, 2022

Adamus refers to a power vortex over Eastern Europe that is trying to grow and take ever more power. Humanity is rejecting power structures, leading to desperation among those in power. There's potential for change through shining your light with no agenda. The light perceived in near-death experiences is the light of Self. It’s time to shine it upon yourself first. The game of creating and sustaining the human identity is over.

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Benching in the Now

April 02, 2022

Adamus of St. Germain emphasizes that there’s nothing outside the Now moment of reality. Energy is communication and everything communicates in the Now. Feel into the communication from your soul – it’s the greatest truth and the greatest freedom you’ll ever have. The light of consciousness is instant, let it shine in this Now moment when the world needs it the most.

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DreamWalk into Darkness

May 07, 2022

Adamus of St. Germain guides a profound DreamWalk into Darkness. With no distractions and in full presence, Shaumbra focus on shining their own light, first into the dark corners of themselves and then out to the world. Light brings consciousness to areas that have been closed off; areas so full of pain that they simply haven’t seen the great potentials that are available, whether for individuals or for the planet.

Art of Benching Series / 9

Darkness, Light, and the Origins of Evil

June 04, 2022

Underscoring the importance of embracing both light and darkness, Adamus states that it's crucial to understand that they are not opposing forces and darkness is not synonymous with evil. Darkness is the unexplored potentials where consciousness has not yet reached. He encourages you to release fear and welcome trust in yourself. The collective light of Shaumbra has contributed immensely to the evolution of consciousness on planet Earth.

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Overhead Consciousness

July 02, 2022

With 'Overhead Consciousness' you can rise above focusing on small issues and understand the larger energy dynamics at play in your life and in the world. Together with Shaumbra, Adamus formulates the Rights of Embodied Masters, which include abundance, joy, health, creativity, freedom, and more. Ask your Soul about the magnitude of the work that you’re doing here; it's truly spectacular. Your light is turning suffering into joy.

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The Rights of a Master

August 06, 2022

Marking the end of the Benching Series and his birthday, Adamus discusses the deep transformations experienced by Shaumbra over the past 23 years. He launches “The Rights of Master” and emphasizes that you can choose to leave or stay on Earth, but if you stay, you must claim your rights and let energy serve you. When you shine your light, things get shaken up, so it is time fully embrace your Mastery.