La Serie della Nuova Terra (Agosto 1999 - Luglio 2000)

La Serie della Nuova Terra, presentata agli incontri mensili del Crimson Circle, comprende i primi messaggi di Tobias. La prima lezione iniziò ad agosto 1999 e continuò fino a luglio 2000. Da questa pagina è possibile accedere alla versione testo di ogni canalizzazione e alla sessione D&R (non abbiamo i file audio di questa Serie). Le canalizzazioni della Serie della Nuova Terra sono in ordine cronologico. Solo le lezioni 9, 10, 11 e 13 includono le Domande e Risposte.

1 - Le Guide se ne Stanno Andando - 21 Agosto, 1999

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2 - Il Ritorno all'Unità - 15 Settembre, 1999

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3 - Il Risveglio del Vostro Sè- 30 Ottobre, 1999

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3 - Il Risveglio del Vostro Sè- 30 Ottobre, 1999

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4 - Le Due Terre - 11 Dicembre, 1999

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4 - Le Due Terre - 11 Dicembre, 1999

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5 - The Millennium Channel - Part I - December 31, 1999

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The Guides, The Measurement and the New Energy

5 - The Millennium Channel - Part I - December 31, 1999

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The Guides, The Measurement and the New Energy

6 - The Millennium Channel - Part II - January 1, 2000

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The Emergence of the True Self

6 - The Millennium Channel - Part II - January 1, 2000

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The Emergence of the True Self

7 - The Millennium Channels - Part III - January 2, 2000

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New Tools for the Lightworker's Spiritual Toolbox

7 - The Millennium Channels - Part III - January 2, 2000

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New Tools for the Lightworker's Spiritual Toolbox

8 - “Il Bambino Smarrito di Cristo” - 15 gennaio 2000

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8 - “Il Bambino Smarrito di Cristo” - 15 gennaio 2000

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9 - Allowing the New Spiritual Energy into Your Life

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Question and Answer

9 - Allowing the New Spiritual Energy into Your Life

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Question and Answer

10 - Do NO-Thing - March 4, 2000

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Question and Answer

10 - Do NO-Thing - March 4, 2000

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Question and Answer

11 - The New Camelot - April 8, 2000

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Question and Answer

11 - The New Camelot - April 8, 2000

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Question and Answer

12 - A Time for Releasing - May 5, 2000

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12 - A Time for Releasing - May 5, 2000

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13 - In Your New House - June 4, 2000

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Questions and Answers

13 - In Your New House - June 4, 2000

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Questions and Answers

14 - Four Truths of Spirit - July 13, 2000

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Mid-Summer Light Conference, Santa Fe, New Mexico

14 - Four Truths of Spirit - July 13, 2000

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Mid-Summer Light Conference, Santa Fe, New Mexico
