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This is the amazing story of Jason Pan who in a few months allowed a deep transformation in his life. Jason is from Taiwan and I got to know him through our Keahak IV participation. He contacted me in the beginning of February this year. He was tired, overthinking everything and his life was a mess.

Jason Pan’s personal story as shared by Anne Soevang, certified Crimson Circle Teacher (with Jason’s permission).

Jason, who is 34 years old, had found the Crimson Circle Shouds right as Adamus took over from Tobias in 2009. He heard Tobias for the first time in the Kryon Summer Light Channel of 2008 and started looking into the other channels. Adamus up-front “no BS” style appealed to him.

Jason had been through some very chaotic years and in February he felt drained and ready to give up on life. “I felt attacked from both internal and mass consciousness negative thoughts. They were driving me mad and things were becoming so unbearable. My coworkers even noticed that each Monday morning I would come into the office emotionally exhausted from the mental battles and struggles with insecurity, lack of confidence, self-doubt, second guessing my decisions and lack of self-love. Part of this also had to do with the fact that I was in Keahak IV at the time, which heightened my issues and brought forth tremendous energy to them. I always wanted to take SES (Sexual Energies School) but living in Taiwan there weren’t any classes in the vicinity.” He knew that he had to take action.

That day in February, Jason and I chatted a lot, and then he said he would take a nap. An hour or so later I got a new message from him. “I couldn’t sleep, and I have signed up for the SES class in Australia in March” he wrote. We chatted a little more and ended our conversation. I told him I would love to hear about his experiences later.

Going to Australia

In March, back in Taiwan, Jason packed his bag and went to the airport. What he hadn’t calculated was the fact that all his issues came along.

“When I got to the airport counter to check in, the airline agent told me my flight had been cancelled and they sent out an email telling everyone the previous week. I checked my emails and spam folders and there was no email. I had to take the next flight, which was 12 hours later at 4:00 AM. Really upset and tired, I started to have doubts about SES. I went all the way back home for a few hours then took the journey back to the airport. When I got to the counter to check in this time the lady said Americans needed a visa to visit Australia. I never bothered to check! I didn’t think a Visa was required! I was so mad at myself for not checking, I had already paid for SES, booked the flight and my hotels, taken a few days off work and now I was going to lose it all. Once again I started to doubt the whole SES thing. It seemed like the cards were stacking up against me going for some reason. My flight was boarding in 30 minutes and I started to panic. The lady at the counter said I could try getting a visa on their website, so I quickly filled out all the visa info from my iPhone while at the ticket counter. It was approved right away! I breathed a huge sigh of relief for the first time and went on my way.”

The virus had been pushing all his buttons. Tired and feeling a wreck, Jason arrived in Sydney but the chaos and the confusion didn’t stop there.

“When I got to Sydney I asked a local for directions to my hotel and which subway stop to take. He gave me a very confident answer and it turned out to be the complete opposite direction of where I needed to go. I ended up in a suburb with no taxis and very few people. So tired, I waited another hour for the next train, wasting two hours to end up back at the airport station. When I finally got to my hotel the room was missing items such as international electrical adaptor (which was listed as being included), and it had an extra bed laid out I hadn’t ordered. Everything felt wrong about this trip!

“I asked for a bucket of ice for my soda and sure enough I became very ill with food poisoning from the ice. Throughout the whole night I went back and forth between hot sweats and super cold chills, had lots of vomiting and was stuck on the toilet for hours. I felt so weak I should have gone to the hospital.

“By the next morning I was exhausted from the entire ordeal. I just wanted to meet my Crimson Circle teachers, Jann Morgan and Leanne Woodbury, at the hotel and get the SES started. I was looking forward to that but for some reason Jann was not there. I waited fifteen minutes, then 30 minutes, then 45. Since I did not have an international calling card I went up to my hotel to email her. Leanne responded that Jann was already at my hotel. I started to worry and think this whole SES thing was a huge mistake. Nothing was flowing or working out properly. Eventually we got it sorted out. For some reason Jann thought I was staying at the Travel Lodge instead of the Marriot. This put us behind schedule over an hour and a half. At the time I thought it was all a lot of bad luck. During the car ride to class, I told Jann about my whole ordeal. I felt better when she said my experience was common and had to do with the SES virus which Tobias would address in the first video.”

The class started and Jason spent his first day at the Sexual Energies School barely conscious, sick in the stomach, no sleep, jetlagged and utterly exhausted.

SES Update

After completing SES and getting back to Taiwan, Jason’s life began to change. He began sleeping much better, and a lot of the energies that had been causing these issues went away. Then the online SES Update was announced and he signed up. During this workshop he allowed another huge release.

“I felt this huge, tight knot in my stomach, something that had always been there, start releasing over and over and over. My stomach started to pulse and contract, almost like the beat of my heart, and then my thigh started to pulse, contracting and releasing. With each pulsing release I felt my heart lighten up and years of worry lift out of my body.”

Today Jason’s life is transformed. He found that the old games of self-doubt and insecurity that had plagued every day of his whole life simply went away.

“The whole idea of trying to have self-confidence, which had plagued me since I was a teen, seemed trivial at that point. I didn’t overcome my insecurity or confidence issues; I simply outgrew that old game. It no longer mentally bothered me like it had with violent attacks the month before I decided to attend to SES. And with no more of these attacks, my quality of sleep became much better.”

A New Life

Jason noted other changes in his life:

• I have stopped saying “I want to go home”
• I have more energy
• I am no longer exhausted when I wake up in the morning and instead feel refreshed
• I am easier on myself and feel more comfortable in my body
• My stomach doesn’t tighten as much; that is probably 80% gone with maybe 15-20% left
• I have a neutral perspective on my daily interaction with coworkers, friends and life situations
• I get much better sleep
• I stopped taking short, shallow breaths; now I am able to breathe deeply
• Miraculously, the opinion of others doesn’t bother me anymore; it used to matter a lot
• I can finally allow more joy into my life

Jason’s profound changes also meant that his relationships have changed. Now he is in a new, healthy relationship with a likeminded girlfriend. He says, “Funny enough, prior to SES I had a series of very bad energy-stealing relationships and so often just preferred to be alone, but being alone was bad too. Right after SES I found a girl who does not do any of that, and for the first time I feel like I found someone I can be with in a very balanced way.”

It Is Our Story

Jason wrote to me again in late September, six months after our first contact, and thanked me for nudging him to take the steps he did. “I had high hopes for the class and it really did change me energetically. My energy is way more balanced now,” he wrote. Jason’s story could have been yours. Years ago, it was mine. I experienced the same challenges, the same dramas, insecurities, doubt, self-hate – the list was long. Just as Jason, I went through a huge transformation after taking the Sexual Energies School, and became a Crimson Circle teacher in 2008. I get many reports from my students stating how their lives also totally changed after attending SES or one of the other CC workshops.

Jason is one of the many Shaumbra living in parts of the world with no Crimson Circle teachers round the corner, and the online SES and Aspectology classes offer a great opportunity if you live in an area with no teachers. And of course you can always contact a Crimson Circle teacher and ask him/her to come to your area.

After his experiences, Jason has some advice for Shaumbra: “Take the classes when you first feel the urge. Don’t hold out like I did until my issues became unbearable.”

Is your life a mess? Take SES!

Anne Soevang is a Crimson Circle certified teacher and works as an energy & consciousness facilitator. 

Watch Tobias excerpts HERE

Watch Adamus excerpts HERE

For information on upcoming SES classes, please CLICK HERE

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