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It is already a big year for new Crimson Circle content from Adamus, and this is only the end of January. This month we produced several new Cloud Classes at the Crimson Circle Connection Center, the beautiful studio and club that Shaumbra helped to create. It is a safe space that allows us to reach out anywhere in the world and connect with you. When I look into the camera, I literally see you!

I don’t know how Geoffrey and the staff keep up with all of it, including the preparation, presentation, integration and finally “rebooting” for the next event. January started with a big Shoud, followed by “ProGnost 2017.” Two days later it was on to filming the “Wound of Adam,” which will be released on February 14. Next, we filmed “The Master’s Life 4” to complete the January run.

There is always something new and a different perspective than what we are used to, and each time it is a perfect compliment to our life. Even “ProGnost” was not a typical ProGnost. It offered an update and an incredible experience to support our earthly journey.

Adamus has really stepped up his game. He is telling us it is a time for us to “shift gears” to literally “take a leap into a new level.” He encourages us to realize and allow that we have gone beyond awakening, into realization and mastery. I am most touched by his reminder that he is with us every step of the way. It appears that this commitment is related to the fact that few humans have achieved their enlightenment without leaving the physical realm. We can stay. With each message you can hear and feel Adamus inviting us to step back from all the craziness of life and to allow for ourselves, allow for our enlightenment and “be here.”

We start travelling to workshops again in February, beginning with an event on the Big Island of Hawaii, and later to Norway, Denmark and Munich. We are always so excited to see that all the events seem to sell out. We all know Adamus’ proclamation, that we don’t NEED workshops. No, we don’t need workshops, but we love workshops. When Geoffrey and I are out there with you doing workshops, we love it. We see you all savoring that gathering of other Shaumbra also committed to this journey. The interactions, celebrating, storytelling, playing are what we all appreciate. As noted on the workshop surveys, getting together with other Shaumbra is one of the most valuable attributes to attending a live event. It always amazes us that it is typical for attendees at live events to be from 20 or more countries.

When we present classes online, we are able to reach Shaumbra anywhere in the world, from all continents, often in places that are not feasible for us to travel to. No matter where you are, when you connect to the online presentation, in your safe space, the energy is there to support you. I could not have imagined the technology that allows us to connect, to share consciousness and energy. You are changing the world. Again, Adamus reminds us that even with the online experience, he is right there with us, as well as the energies of Tobias, Kuthumi, and the Crimson Council. The potentials are unlimited.

Do we need workshops? Absolutely not, but they do seem to be a wonderful gathering and celebration for us all. We all appreciate being together as we walk through these incredible personal transformations. No, we don’t need workshops, but the journey to realization is not an easy journey for the human. The material that Adamus shares is clearly there to ease the journey. The soul gets it. Our Master self gets it, but our human self sometimes struggles to cope with it all.

We have never tried to “recruit” Shaumbra. People just discover the Crimson Circle. They show up. We hear your amazing stories about how you found the Crimson Circle and how it supported what you went through and what you are going through. In all these years, the only prerequisite we have ever put into place has been the Sexual Energy School (SES). As you know, when we have done certain live workshops and live intensive events, attendees could often see when someone had not taken SES. Often times it would be illustrated by their challenges to manage their energy. Attendees lamented that they felt the problems with individuals’ energy management limited how far the group could expand and transform. So finally we did make SES a prerequisite for some of our in-person live events. Does it make a difference? Yes. We all see it. Energy management is probably one of the most useful tools for all of us, whether in a workshop or navigating life.

Ultimately, the workshops and events allow us to come together and celebrate this journey. The experiences along the way assist us in our expansion and realization. The material provides transformation that brings more ease and grace to this journey, to life. We have realized that together on this journey, Tobias, Kuthumi, Adamus Saint-Germain and the Crimson Council, as well as other ascended Masters, have supported us with material that is a documentary of our journey to enlightenment on Earth.

We have come to realize that this vast collection of material could be of assistance to those that come after us. With that in mind, we have begun to go through the material to create an archive, a library. There is a plethora of video recordings, audio recordings and transcripts. We are working to create this library so that it is well organized and cataloged and can exist as a long term legacy that represents the work. There are many, many parts and pieces. This is a big project, especially when you add all the many translations as well. Most of the translations were done by volunteers who simply love the material. Crimson Circle Advanced Studies Teachers have translated and subtitled their teacher resource kits into many languages. We are excited about their commitment to contribute to this legacy project.

The Crimson Circle staff, as well as Geoffrey and I, are truly excited about the year ahead of us. It looks like we’ll travel a little less than in past years, but we’ll still have plenty of opportunities to connect with many of you in person. We’re going to do more online productions from the studio this year, which provides the opportunity to connect with so many more Shaumbra around the world via the Internet. And even when we’re not traveling or doing an online event, we always feel the deep and loving bond we, as Shaumbra, all share with each other. This is an exceptional lifetime – Tobias called it THE LIFETIME – filled with discoveries, challenges, and revelations. We are honored to share it with you, and we are grateful that Adamus is with us “every step of the way.”

4 comments on "Every Step of the Way"

  • Claire on February 24, 2017 1:57 AM said:
    How lovely to hear from lovely Linda! Thank you for explaining the Sexual Energy thing. I completely understand now having been to workshops and classes where others are completely unprepared. I had been disappointed with the decision but now I see it very clearly. I love your part in the Shoud especially your sense of humour! X
  • Tania Vasconcellos on February 4, 2017 3:04 AM said:
    Dear Linda, I Am happy to read your article in the magazine. Thank you,Hugs Tânia
  • Gillian Lennard on February 3, 2017 3:59 PM said:
    Thank you for taking the time to share it brings this sometimes surreal experience into focus.
  • Arvid Tveit on February 3, 2017 2:30 PM said:
    Every step of the way. I been with shaumbra since 2002, followed Tobias and master A, participated in Keahak since the beginning. (not the history matters) I had the pleasure of meeting Linda and Geoffrey in Norway, Netherlands, Sedona, Italy and Romania and of course every monthly shoud. I want to thank you with all of my "I AM", we did it! this is the year of enlightenment! And thank you very much to the staff!

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