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One day, out of the blue, my Master self declared that we would be writing a book. “What?!” I thought. I didn’t need to start writing a book. I was far too busy for that and besides, I wasn’t even a ‘writer.’ But I also realised my Master self was completely committed to this idea. And, as you know, when your Master self gets that certain gleam in their eye, reasoning with them is futile.

So, I sat my little human down one night and said, “Okay, let’s do it.” The first words to make it onto the computer screen were the title, The Age of Self. It was in Sedona, June 2015, when Adamus declared the ‘New Age’ had ended and the ‘Age of Self’ had begun. The times had changed, so much so the age had changed.

Then I began thinking, what has the transition into the Age of Self meant to me? The answer was, “Everything!” and from there on the words began to flow. It meant everything I had ever hoped for and dreamt of, including everything that I didn’t even realise was possible to hope for, or dream of, was now available. For the self truly contains everything, as all is within.

And what a fitting name for this current age because the next step in the evolution of humanity is through the evolution of self. Not that we need to ‘evolve’ for the sake of humanity, nor even for the sake of ourselves, but some of us just cannot seem to resist.

What does all this mean in terms of everyday human life? The Age of Self is simply letting our lives be about us, about our own selves, dreams and desires. But what do we actually do, once we have allowed the human to begin loving itself and move beyond the mind?

For me personally, the greatest frustrations have been around wondering how to apply, in my human life, what I feel so clearly to be true. How can one translate the non-physical energies, that are largely unrecognisable to the human, into energies we can use in this 3D reality? In other words, how can one create a ‘better’ or ‘more interesting’ human life? It is disheartening for the human that there is actually no point in doing so, which makes human life even more purposeless than what my dear human was barely coming to terms with.

So, the question still stands, what does one do in the Age of Self? Unfortunately, as most of the things the human likes to do have been ultimately for the sake of others – in order to give, share, show, impress, rescue, etc. – the question itself may be moot. For this truly is the Age of Self, a time when even bringing the essence of things back from other realms to share or express to anyone other than yourself is pointless, in a way. Everything happens within. All else is entertainment or distraction. It may be wonderful, funny and fantastic, but it is not needed, required, nor has any purpose at all. So apparently all we ‘do’ is putter around and ‘experience.’

However, my human keeps going back to the doing, again and again. I guess that the only difference between ‘doing’ and ‘experiencing’ is the consciousness with which the action unfolds. The action itself may be exactly the same. And of course, in the ‘and’ there is actually no need to attempt to stop ‘doing,’ for we are doing ‘and’ experiencing at the same time.

It blows the mind, all this lack of definition, nothingness, and infiniteness of the Self. Humanness is just figuring out it is on a playing field far larger than what we could have ever possibly conceived. The bewilderment of the human is not because the parameters unknown, but because there simply are no parameters at all.

When faced with such uncertainty, I have found the only thing one can do is to turn to oneself and sink into the ‘I exist.’ When Adamus asked us in the October 2016 Shoud, “Who are you closest to?” there was never the slightest doubt in my mind. I am my own best friend, my most preferred company, my own greatest love. And now, since I began writing my book, I am the one I turn to when things get really tough. I now seek my own voice for advice, and it is my own words that run through my head in times of uncertainty or difficulty. My own words now trigger epiphanies and entries in my journal, instead of the words of others. I found writing to be that place where the mental could meet the I exist, where the human and the Master could join together to create something. Writing is a way for the I exist to meld into the human life. And I have found that, in terms of comfort and clarity for the human, truly nothing compares to being with my own true self in the I exist.

My confidence and trust in the I exist came forth when my editor questioned my motivation for writing this book. She wanted to understand how and why I was ‘qualified’ to make many of the statements it contained. Did I have any degrees that made me an authority on the subject?

This is when my human became very aware of the value in writing this book, of letting my voice out and declaring I AM HERE. My reply to her question morphed into what is now the preface of the book, which is my own story of self-realisation.

Trusting the self is a whole new level of trust, effortlessly expanding the more one sinks into it, creating even deeper trust. Trusting the self can be very transformative, and by being with the self in the I exist, we also become aware of personal qualities that may have previously gone unnoticed. These intrinsic qualities should not be confused with ‘strengths,’ which are transient and identity related. The true qualities of the self are eternal. They consume no energy, have no agenda, nor do they require any effort to maintain. These qualities are the fundamental truths of our being.

We are magnificent. Our ability to love is breathtaking. Our inherent wisdom is incomparable, and our capacity for compassion is infinite. We are naturally capable of incredible creation, bounded only by the latest direction of our imagination. Our innate presence is so profoundly sincere and timeless that we are incapable of suppressing our radiance, nor does our true self have any wish to, because with the deep knowingness of all these qualities, true self-confidence is a reality rather than a fantasy.

This new Age of Self is the time to love you, know you, allow you to be all that you are and experience all the joy that can bring. It is an uncomplicated age, where the human is no longer incomplete, insufficient, or in need of improvement or enhancement. It is simply a return to what is fundamental in your existence – the self. It is about being all that you truly are, and realising how immeasurable that is.

In one’s life now, with one’s entire being present, there need not be any more ‘working on ourselves,’ any more agonising indecision or doubt, any more self-deception or victim games. This allows true freedom for conscious interactions, relationships and co-creations between humans. The evolution of the self allows humanity to genuinely be liberated from personal and collective limitations.

There is no need to be timid anymore, as you begin to acknowledge yourself. Accept your magnificence, stand tall, speak clearly and act freely, letting the love within express itself throughout every moment of every day. It is time to stop imagining we are limited and allow ourselves to be all that we are. With the I exist and the human as one, we can go forth, and joyfully fall ever deeper in love with ourselves and our experiences.

The Age of Self is here.

The Age of Self: The Self as the Final Frontier is available as a digital download here, or on Amazon, iBooks, Barnes and Noble, Smashwords, Scribd, Oyster, and other digital book retailers. Verla Ell Rey was first drawn to the Crimson Circle when Geoffrey Hoppe began channeling Adamus and is a regular Keahak participant. She can be reached at verlaellrey.com

1 comments on "Living in the Age of Self"

  • Thank you so much, i am from India, loveiy message on August 18, 2018 7:34 PM said:
    Lovely message,to connect with my higerself more deeply

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