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SHAUMBRA MAGAZINE: How and when did you find Crimson Circle?

MICHELLE: It was interesting, we met because of Kryon. A friend had been trying to get me to read the white Kryon Book 1, but I just blew it off. Then one day we were in a spiritual bookstore and that book literally fell off the shelf in front of me! My friend said, “I think that’s something that wants you to read it,” so I did.

In 1992 one of the first Kryon forums was on AOL, and I joined after reading the book. Then I met Geoff, Steve Rother and many others online. I started going to some of the Kryon events where I met Geoff and Linda in person, and the rest is history. They were hosting the Kryon events and I worked for them and Kryon for several years as a volunteer. At some point Geoff & Linda moved to Colorado and that’s when we really got together.

Then, when Geoff started channeling Tobias privately and later started Crimson Circle, I was right there 100%. I went to one of their first workshops in England in September 2001, and soon after started doing product fulfillment when they started doing recordings. Someone else would make the tapes (and later CDs) and I would ship them through my little company called “Shaumbra Gifts.” That’s how it worked for a while.

During this whole time, I worked at US West/Qwest (now Century Link) as manager of a technical group. Ironically, by that time in 2002 corporate America was really getting on my nerves. They were getting bought out and I convinced my boss to let me take one of the buyout packages, and after that, Geoff hired me as a full-time employee.

The official Crimson Circle company was started in 2006. We opened the office at Lake Tahoe for a couple of years, brought in more staff members and everything really got going. It was a pretty exciting time.

SM: What skills did you bring to the job and what skills have you gained on the job?

MICHELLE: At US West I was a technical project manager for application support, with a lot of managers working for me. We were starting to learn about the Internet, which was just coming into being with brand new websites and forums and such things, and there were a couple of website people who worked for me. It’s so interesting, because the people that I managed were actually doing the work that I have learned since I began working for Crimson Circle! I started learning about websites and all the technical things that my team had been doing, which was quite an experience, because I had to basically learn it all from scratch. In fact, one of the greatest things about this job is learning new technologies and new software. I’ve always been a person who really enjoys learning and applying new technology.

It’s been a lot of on-the-job training. If an issue comes up or something’s not working, we have to go find whatever’s going to replace it. Things are constantly changing in this job, and we all have to work with that. Geoff is a visionary, always wanting new technology, new websites, new functionality, and he’s very good at making sure we stay very up to date on everything. We all work to bring it together, and it’s pretty phenomenal, actually. Sometimes the projects are huge. In fact, [a current project] is huger than anything we’ve ever done, and part of me says there’s no way we can do this magic. But it’s something we’ll strive for, to get everything working the way we want it to and be able to meet the crowds that we know are coming.

It’s really a wonderful thing to be able to do so much, and truly we wear so many different hats in the Crimson Circle staff. It’s unbelievable how much we all accomplish with such a small team and I’m really proud of our staff. I think we’re pretty awesome.

SM: In general terms, what do you do?

MICHELLE: That’s hard to put into words because we kind of do everything! I manage the e-commerce store and anything else related to our Internet services, which is basically everything, since our whole platform is online. Problem resolution is also big part of my job. People are constantly coming to me with technical issues, so I delve into them and figure them out. That troubleshooting is actually a very fun part of my job. I also take care of online security and do project management for the new systems we’re always bringing in. I don’t get into the actual coding part of the job, but at a higher level I manage all the developers, consultants and technicians that CAN get the work done.

There’s a lot of problem solving and I’m always, always learning. I like working with the consultants because the good ones will show me what they’re doing and help me learn. I do the same with the staff members and working together we can generally figure out anything. That’s what so cool about it – we really have a lot of creativity and resourcefulness on the team.

SM: What would you say is the worst or most challenging part of your job?

MICHELLE: There’s not really a worst part of my job. Sometimes when we get into a big project, I get a little overwhelmed, but that’s when I have to stop and breathe and just remind myself, “One day at a time.” I haven’t been in that space for a while now, but it might be coming with this new big project. Maybe the most frustrating is having to depend on other software folks. We move very fast in Crimson Circle, and sometimes it’s hard to wait for people to get back to you, because you want everybody to work as fast as you’re working.

SM: What do you like most about your job?

MICHELLE: I love learning new technologies and working to constantly make things better for Shaumbra. A wonderful thing about working for Crimson Circle is that you meet so many people from all over the world and there are instant connections. I’ve had the opportunity to have some of those folks stay with me and we’ve become very good friends. At an event everybody is hugging everybody and it’s like you’ve known them forever. I think that’s a pretty cool part of the job, that association with other people.

And I have to say that the best thing, besides working for Shaumbra, is working with a conscious staff and such awesome mentors as Geoff and Linda. Everybody works so well together, and we accomplish SO much!

SM: Anything you’d like Shaumbra to know?

MICHELLE: I thoroughly enjoy Shaumbra. It’s been interesting, because I look back at when I was in corporate America and I realize how unconscious I was. I was a good person, but I really feel the difference now, from being part of the Crimson Circle and how much I’ve grown personally. My consciousness IS changing and that’s a tribute to all of Shaumbra. We’re in this together and being a mentor or a Standard for others is beautiful. Each one of us wants to live the life we want to see, and that’s my goal – to be the change you want to see in the world.

4 comments on "Meet the Staff Michelle MacHale"

  • Ieda T. Alves on March 3, 2022 1:08 PM said:
    Olá querida Michelle MacHale Agradeço por seu belo trabalho junto a esse maravilhoso grupo Crimson Circle. Grande abraço!
  • Edith Proctor on September 16, 2019 9:38 PM said:
    Miss you very much Dear Michelle Love Edith
  • April Stearns on September 16, 2019 6:50 PM said:
    Thank you for ALL you do, dear Michelle, and I know it's a LOT. Your background in the corp world seems to have PERFECTLY prepared you for the technical side of the job you have now. Miss you at the shouds.
  • Adori Gonzalez Izarra on September 10, 2019 12:29 PM said:
    Realmente es magnífico conocer al personal tan diréctamente, su increible entrega , amor, trabajo y tanta especialidad. Eres estupenda Michelle en tu rama tecnológica y eso se nota tanto en las cosas hermosas y cuanto nos facilitais a los shaumbras- Se nota tanto el Amor que poneis, y yo os agradezco infinitamente. Un honor ir juntos en este camino. Gracias

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